call TerminalEscapeCode(0x20, 0, a:row, a:col, 'M')
+func MouseMiddleClick(row, col)
+ call TerminalEscapeCode(0x21, 1, a:row, a:col, 'M')
func MouseLeftRelease(row, col)
call TerminalEscapeCode(0x23, 3, a:row, a:col, 'm')
+func MouseMiddleRelease(row, col)
+ call TerminalEscapeCode(0x23, 3, a:row, a:col, 'm')
func MouseLeftDrag(row, col)
call TerminalEscapeCode(0x43, 0x20, a:row, a:col, 'M')
call TerminalEscapeCode(0x41, 0x41, a:row, a:col, 'M')
-func Test_xterm_mouse_click()
+func Test_xterm_mouse_left_click()
let save_mouse = &mouse
let save_term = &term
+func Test_xterm_mouse_middle_click()
+ new
+ let save_mouse = &mouse
+ let save_term = &term
+ let save_ttymouse = &ttymouse
+ let save_quotestar = @*
+ let @* = 'abc'
+ set mouse=a term=xterm
+ for ttymouse_val in ['xterm2', 'sgr']
+ let msg = 'ttymouse=' .. ttymouse_val
+ exe 'set ttymouse=' . ttymouse_val
+ call setline(1, ['123456789', '123456789'])
+ " Middle-click in the middle of the line pastes text where clicked.
+ let row = 1
+ let col = 6
+ call MouseMiddleClick(row, col)
+ call MouseMiddleRelease(row, col)
+ call assert_equal(['12345abc6789', '123456789'], getline(1, '$'), msg)
+ " Middle-click beyond end of the line pastes text at the end of the line.
+ let col = 20
+ call MouseMiddleClick(row, col)
+ call MouseMiddleRelease(row, col)
+ call assert_equal(['12345abc6789abc', '123456789'], getline(1, '$'), msg)
+ " Middle-click beyond the last line pastes in the last line.
+ let row = 5
+ let col = 3
+ call MouseMiddleClick(row, col)
+ call MouseMiddleRelease(row, col)
+ call assert_equal(['12345abc6789abc', '12abc3456789'], getline(1, '$'), msg)
+ endfor
+ let &mouse = save_mouse
+ let &term = save_term
+ let &ttymouse = save_ttymouse
+ let @* = save_quotestar
+ bwipe!
func Test_xterm_mouse_wheel()
let save_mouse = &mouse