# unicode raises ValueError, str raises OverflowError
self.checkraises((ValueError, OverflowError), '%c', '__mod__', ordinal)
+ longvalue = sys.maxint + 10L
+ slongvalue = str(longvalue)
+ if slongvalue[-1] in ("L","l"): slongvalue = slongvalue[:-1]
self.checkequal(' 42', '%3ld', '__mod__', 42)
+ self.checkequal('42', '%d', '__mod__', 42L)
+ self.checkequal('42', '%d', '__mod__', 42.0)
+ self.checkequal(slongvalue, '%d', '__mod__', longvalue)
+ self.checkcall('%d', '__mod__', float(longvalue))
self.checkequal('0042.00', '%07.2f', '__mod__', 42)
self.checkequal('0042.00', '%07.2F', '__mod__', 42)
self.checkraises(TypeError, '%c', '__mod__', (None,))
self.checkraises(ValueError, '%(foo', '__mod__', {})
self.checkraises(TypeError, '%(foo)s %(bar)s', '__mod__', ('foo', 42))
+ self.checkraises(TypeError, '%d', '__mod__', "42") # not numeric
+ self.checkraises(TypeError, '%d', '__mod__', (42+0j)) # no int/long conversion provided
# argument names with properly nested brackets are supported
self.checkequal('bar', '%((foo))s', '__mod__', {'(foo)': 'bar'})
overflowok = 1
overflowrequired = 0
-def testformat(formatstr, args, output=None):
+def testformat(formatstr, args, output=None, limit=None):
if verbose:
if output:
print "%s %% %s =? %s ..." %\
print 'no'
print "overflow expected on %s %% %s" % \
(repr(formatstr), repr(args))
- elif output and result != output:
+ elif output and limit is None and result != output:
+ if verbose:
+ print 'no'
+ print "%s %% %s == %s != %s" % \
+ (repr(formatstr), repr(args), repr(result), repr(output))
+ # when 'limit' is specified, it determines how many characters
+ # must match exactly; lengths must always match.
+ # ex: limit=5, '12345678' matches '12345___'
+ # (mainly for floating point format tests for which an exact match
+ # can't be guaranteed due to rounding and representation errors)
+ elif output and limit is not None and (
+ len(result)!=len(output) or result[:limit]!=output[:limit]):
if verbose:
print 'no'
print "%s %% %s == %s != %s" % \
testboth("%.30d", big, "123456789012345678901234567890")
testboth("%.31d", big, "0123456789012345678901234567890")
testboth("%32.31d", big, " 0123456789012345678901234567890")
+testboth("%d", float(big), "123456________________________", 6)
big = 0x1234567890abcdef12345L # 21 hex digits
testboth("%x", big, "1234567890abcdef12345")
testboth("%#+027.23X", big, "+0X0001234567890ABCDEF12345")
# same, except no 0 flag
testboth("%#+27.23X", big, " +0X001234567890ABCDEF12345")
+testboth("%x", float(big), "123456_______________", 6)
big = 012345670123456701234567012345670L # 32 octal digits
testboth("%o", big, "12345670123456701234567012345670")
testboth("%034.33o", big, "0012345670123456701234567012345670")
# base marker shouldn't change that
testboth("%0#34.33o", big, "0012345670123456701234567012345670")
+testboth("%o", float(big), "123456__________________________", 6)
# Some small ints, in both Python int and long flavors).
testboth("%d", 42, "42")
testboth("%d", -42, "-42")
testboth("%d", 42L, "42")
testboth("%d", -42L, "-42")
+testboth("%d", 42.0, "42")
testboth("%#x", 1, "0x1")
testboth("%#x", 1L, "0x1")
testboth("%#X", 1, "0X1")
testboth("%#X", 1L, "0X1")
+testboth("%#x", 1.0, "0x1")
testboth("%#o", 1, "01")
testboth("%#o", 1L, "01")
testboth("%#o", 0, "0")
testboth("%x", -0x42, "-42")
testboth("%x", 0x42L, "42")
testboth("%x", -0x42L, "-42")
+testboth("%x", float(0x42), "42")
testboth("%o", 042, "42")
testboth("%o", -042, "-42")
testboth("%o", 042L, "42")
testboth("%o", -042L, "-42")
+testboth("%o", float(042), "42")
# Test exception for unknown format characters
if verbose:
test_exc(unicode('abc %\u3000','raw-unicode-escape'), 1, ValueError,
"unsupported format character '?' (0x3000) at index 5")
-test_exc('%d', '1', TypeError, "int argument required, not str")
+test_exc('%d', '1', TypeError, "%d format: a number is required, not str")
test_exc('%g', '1', TypeError, "float argument required, not str")
test_exc('no format', '1', TypeError,
"not all arguments converted during string formatting")
int prec = -1;
Py_UNICODE c = '\0';
Py_UNICODE fill;
+ int isnumok;
PyObject *v = NULL;
PyObject *temp = NULL;
Py_UNICODE *pbuf;
case 'X':
if (c == 'i')
c = 'd';
- if (PyLong_Check(v)) {
- temp = formatlong(v, flags, prec, c);
- if (!temp)
- goto onError;
- pbuf = PyUnicode_AS_UNICODE(temp);
- len = PyUnicode_GET_SIZE(temp);
- sign = 1;
+ isnumok = 0;
+ if (PyNumber_Check(v)) {
+ PyObject *iobj=NULL;
+ if (PyInt_Check(v) || (PyLong_Check(v))) {
+ iobj = v;
+ Py_INCREF(iobj);
+ }
+ else {
+ iobj = PyNumber_Int(v);
+ if (iobj==NULL) iobj = PyNumber_Long(v);
+ }
+ if (iobj!=NULL) {
+ if (PyInt_Check(iobj)) {
+ isnumok = 1;
+ pbuf = formatbuf;
+ len = formatint(pbuf, sizeof(formatbuf)/sizeof(Py_UNICODE),
+ flags, prec, c, iobj);
+ Py_DECREF(iobj);
+ if (len < 0)
+ goto onError;
+ sign = 1;
+ }
+ else if (PyLong_Check(iobj)) {
+ isnumok = 1;
+ temp = formatlong(iobj, flags, prec, c);
+ Py_DECREF(iobj);
+ if (!temp)
+ goto onError;
+ pbuf = PyUnicode_AS_UNICODE(temp);
+ len = PyUnicode_GET_SIZE(temp);
+ sign = 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ Py_DECREF(iobj);
+ }
+ }
- else {
- pbuf = formatbuf;
- len = formatint(pbuf, sizeof(formatbuf)/sizeof(Py_UNICODE),
- flags, prec, c, v);
- if (len < 0)
+ if (!isnumok) {
+ PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError,
+ "%%%c format: a number is required, "
+ "not %.200s", c, Py_TYPE(v)->tp_name);
goto onError;
- sign = 1;
if (flags & F_ZERO)
fill = '0';