} else {
$(document).bind('keydown', function(e) { tr.keyDown(e); });
$(document).bind('keyup', function(e) { tr.keyUp(e); });
- $('#torrent_container').click(function() { tr.deselectAll(true); });
+ $('#torrent_container').click(function() { tr.deselectAll(); });
$('#inspector_link').click(function(e) { tr.toggleInspector(); });
// include transmenu js to save some bandwidth; if we
// start using prefs on iPhone we need to weed
// transmenu refs out of that too.
+ if (!iPhone)
+ {
+ $('#sort_by_' + this[Prefs._SortMethod]).selectMenuItem();
- if (!iPhone) $('#sort_by_' + this[Prefs._SortMethod]).selectMenuItem();
- if (!iPhone && (this[Prefs._SortDirection] == Prefs._SortDescending))
- $('#reverse_sort_order').selectMenuItem();
+ if (this[Prefs._SortDirection] === Prefs._SortDescending)
+ $('#reverse_sort_order').selectMenuItem();
- if (!iPhone && this[Prefs._ShowInspector])
- this.setInspectorVisible(true);
+ if (this[Prefs._ShowInspector])
+ this.setInspectorVisible(true);
+ }
var torrents = [];
for (var key in this._torrents)
- torrents.push(this._torrents[key]);
- return torrents;
- },
- getVisibleTorrents: function()
- {
- var torrents = [];
- for (var i=0, row; row=this._rows[i]; ++i)
- torrents.push(row.getTorrent());
+ torrents.push(this._torrents[key]);
return torrents;
seedRatioLimit: function() {
if (this._prefs && this._prefs['seedRatioLimited'])
return this._prefs['seedRatioLimit'];
- else
- return -1;
+ return -1;
setPref: function(key, val)
getSelectedRows: function() {
- var s = [];
- for (var i=0, row; row=this._rows[i]; ++i)
- if (row.isSelected())
- s.push(row);
- return s;
+ return $.grep(this._rows, function(r) {return r.isSelected();});
getSelectedTorrents: function() {
- var s = this.getSelectedRows();
- for (var i=0, row; row=s[i]; ++i)
- s[i] = s[i].getTorrent();
- return s;
+ return $.map(this.getSelectedRows(),function(r) {return r.getTorrent();});
getSelectedTorrentIds: function() {
- var s = [];
- for (var i=0, row; row=this._rows[i]; ++i)
- if (row.isSelected())
- s.push(row.getTorrentId());
- return s;
+ return $.map(this.getSelectedRows(),function(r) {return r.getTorrentId();});
setSelectedRow: function(row) {
- var rows = this.getSelectedRows();
- for (var i=0, r; r=rows[i]; ++i)
- this.deselectRow(r);
+ $.each(this.getSelectedRows(),function(i,r) {r.setSelected(false);});
selectAll: function() {
- for (var i=0, row; row=this._rows[i]; ++i)
- this.selectRow(row);
+ $.each(this._rows, function(i,r) {r.setSelected(true);});
deselectAll: function() {
- for (var i=0, row; row=this._rows[i]; ++i)
- this.deselectRow(row);
+ $.each(this._rows, function(i,r) {r.setSelected(false);});
delete this._last_torrent_clicked;
i = (i || rows.length) - 1;
var r = rows[i];
- if (this._shift_index >= 0)
+ var anchor = this._shift_index;
+ if (anchor >= 0)
// user is extending the selection with the shift + arrow keys...
- if ( ((this._shift_index <= last) && (last < i))
- || ((this._shift_index >= last) && (last > i)))
+ if ( ((anchor <= last) && (last < i))
+ || ((anchor >= last) && (last > i)))
- else if (((this._shift_index >= last) && (i > last))
- || ((this._shift_index <= last) && (last > i)))
+ else if (((anchor >= last) && (i > last))
+ || ((anchor <= last) && (last > i)))
- filesSelectAllClicked: function() {
- var t = this._file_torrent;
- if (t)
- this.toggleFilesWantedDisplay(t, true);
- },
- filesDeselectAllClicked: function() {
- var t = this._file_torrent;
- if (t)
- this.toggleFilesWantedDisplay(t, false);
- },
- toggleFilesWantedDisplay: function(torrent, wanted) {
- var rows = [ ];
- for (var i=0, row; row=this._file_rows[i]; ++i)
- if (row.isEditable() && (torrent.getFile(i).wanted !== wanted))
- rows.push(row);
- if (rows.length > 0) {
- var command = wanted ? 'files-wanted' : 'files-unwanted';
- this.changeFileCommand(command, rows);
- }
- },
* 'Clutch Preferences' was clicked (iPhone only)
updateStats: function(stats)
- // can't think of a reason to remember this
- //this._stats = stats;
var fmt = Transmission.fmt;
- var session = stats["current-stats"];
- var total = stats["cumulative-stats"];
- setInnerHTML($('#stats_session_uploaded')[0], fmt.size(session["uploadedBytes"]));
- setInnerHTML($('#stats_session_downloaded')[0], fmt.size(session["downloadedBytes"]));
- setInnerHTML($('#stats_session_ratio')[0], fmt.ratioString(Math.ratio(session["uploadedBytes"],session["downloadedBytes"])));
- setInnerHTML($('#stats_session_duration')[0], fmt.timeInterval(session["secondsActive"]));
- setInnerHTML($('#stats_total_count')[0], total["sessionCount"] + " times");
- setInnerHTML($('#stats_total_uploaded')[0], fmt.size(total["uploadedBytes"]));
- setInnerHTML($('#stats_total_downloaded')[0], fmt.size(total["downloadedBytes"]));
- setInnerHTML($('#stats_total_ratio')[0], fmt.ratioString(Math.ratio(total["uploadedBytes"],total["downloadedBytes"])));
- setInnerHTML($('#stats_total_duration')[0], fmt.timeInterval(total["secondsActive"]));
+ var s = stats["current-stats"];
+ $('#stats_session_uploaded').html(fmt.size(s.uploadedBytes));
+ $('#stats_session_downloaded').html(fmt.size(s.downloadedBytes));
+ $('#stats_session_ratio').html(fmt.ratioString(Math.ratio(s.uploadedBytes,s.downloadedBytes)));
+ $('#stats_session_duration').html(fmt.timeInterval(s.secondsActive));
+ var t = stats["cumulative-stats"];
+ $('#stats_total_count').html(t.sessionCount + " times");
+ $('#stats_total_uploaded').html(fmt.size(t.uploadedBytes));
+ $('#stats_total_downloaded').html(fmt.size(t.downloadedBytes));
+ $('#stats_total_ratio').html(fmt.ratioString(Math.ratio(t.uploadedBytes,t.downloadedBytes)));
+ $('#stats_total_duration').html(fmt.timeInterval(t.secondsActive));
setSearch: function(search) {
+ filesSelectAllClicked: function() {
+ var t = this._file_torrent;
+ if (t)
+ this.toggleFilesWantedDisplay(t, true);
+ },
+ filesDeselectAllClicked: function() {
+ var t = this._file_torrent;
+ if (t)
+ this.toggleFilesWantedDisplay(t, false);
+ },
+ toggleFilesWantedDisplay: function(torrent, wanted) {
+ var rows = [ ];
+ for (var i=0, row; row=this._file_rows[i]; ++i)
+ if (row.isEditable() && (torrent.getFile(i).wanted !== wanted))
+ rows.push(row);
+ if (rows.length > 0) {
+ var command = wanted ? 'files-wanted' : 'files-unwanted';
+ this.changeFileCommand(command, rows);
+ }
+ },
inspectorTabClicked: function(ev, tab)
if (iPhone) ev.stopPropagation();
var total_verified = 0;
var na = 'N/A';
var tab = this._inspector._info_tab;
+ var fmt = Transmission.fmt;
$("#torrent_inspector_size, .inspector_row div").css('color', '#222');
download_dir = text;
hash = t.getHashString();
- pieces = [ t.getPieceCount(), 'pieces @', Transmission.fmt.mem(t.getPieceSize()) ].join(' ');
- date_created = Transmission.fmt.timestamp(t.getDateCreated());
+ pieces = [ t.getPieceCount(), 'pieces @', fmt.mem(t.getPieceSize()) ].join(' ');
+ date_created = fmt.timestamp(t.getDateCreated());
for (var i=0, t; t=torrents[i]; ++i) {
var private_string = '';
- var fmt = Transmission.fmt;
if (have_private && have_public) private_string = 'Mixed';
else if (have_private) private_string = 'Private Torrent';
else if (have_public) private_string = 'Public Torrent';
text = 'Show <span class="filter-selection">' + state_string + '</span> at <span class="filter-selection">' + tracker_string + '</span>';
- var torrent_count = this.getAllTorrents().length;
- var visible_count = this.getVisibleTorrents().length;
+ var torrent_count = Object.keys(this._torrents).length;
+ var visible_count = this._rows.length;
if (torrent_count === visible_count)
text += ' — ' + torrent_count + ' Transfers';