call assert_equal(1, setcmdpos(3))
+func Test_cmdline_overstrike()
+ let encodings = has('multi_byte') ? [ 'latin1', 'utf8' ] : [ 'latin1' ]
+ let encoding_save = &encoding
+ for e in encodings
+ exe 'set encoding=' . e
+ " Test overstrike in the middle of the command line.
+ call feedkeys(":\"01234\<home>\<right>\<right>ab\<right>\<insert>cd\<enter>", 'xt')
+ call assert_equal('"0ab1cd4', @:)
+ " Test overstrike going beyond end of command line.
+ call feedkeys(":\"01234\<home>\<right>\<right>ab\<right>\<insert>cdefgh\<enter>", 'xt')
+ call assert_equal('"0ab1cdefgh', @:)
+ " Test toggling insert/overstrike a few times.
+ call feedkeys(":\"01234\<home>\<right>ab\<right>\<insert>cd\<right>\<insert>ef\<enter>", 'xt')
+ call assert_equal('"ab0cd3ef4', @:)
+ endfor
+ if has('multi_byte')
+ " Test overstrike with multi-byte characters.
+ call feedkeys(":\"テキストエディタ\<home>\<right>\<right>ab\<right>\<insert>cd\<enter>", 'xt')
+ call assert_equal('"テabキcdエディタ', @:)
+ endif
+ let &encoding = encoding_save
set cpo&