let prev_id = win_getid()
wincmd j
- let wh = winheight('.')
+ let wh = winheight(0)
let dummy_buf = bufnr('dummy_buf1', v:true)
call setbufvar(dummy_buf, '&buftype', 'nofile')
execute 'belowright vertical split #' . dummy_buf
- call assert_equal(wh, winheight('.'))
+ call assert_equal(wh, winheight(0))
let dum1_id = win_getid()
wincmd h
- let wh = winheight('.')
+ let wh = winheight(0)
let dummy_buf = bufnr('dummy_buf2', v:true)
eval 'nofile'->setbufvar(dummy_buf, '&buftype')
execute 'belowright vertical split #' . dummy_buf
- call assert_equal(wh, winheight('.'))
+ call assert_equal(wh, winheight(0))
call win_gotoid(prev_id)
" Open the window
Xopen 5
call assert_true(winnr('$') == 2 && getline('.') ==# '|| non-error 1'
- \ && winheight('.') == 5)
+ \ && winheight(0) == 5)
" Opening the window again, should move the cursor to that window
wincmd t
Xopen 7
call assert_true(winnr('$') == 2 && winnr() == 2 &&
- \ winheight('.') == 7 &&
+ \ winheight(0) == 7 &&
\ getline('.') ==# '|| non-error 1')
" :cnext in quickfix window should move to the next entry