-spec init() -> ok | {error, any()}.
init() ->
- Node = ejabberd_odbc:escape(erlang:atom_to_binary(node(), utf8)),
+ Node = ejabberd_odbc:escape(jlib:atom_to_binary(node())),
fun(Host, ok) ->
case ejabberd_odbc:sql_query(
PrioS = enc_priority(Priority),
TS = now_to_timestamp(Now),
PidS = list_to_binary(erlang:pid_to_list(Pid)),
- Node = ejabberd_odbc:escape(erlang:atom_to_binary(node(Pid), utf8)),
+ Node = ejabberd_odbc:escape(jlib:atom_to_binary(node(Pid))),
case odbc_queries:update(
%%% Internal functions
now_to_timestamp({MSec, Sec, USec}) ->
- erlang:integer_to_binary((MSec * 1000000 + Sec) * 1000000 + USec).
+ jlib:integer_to_binary((MSec * 1000000 + Sec) * 1000000 + USec).
timestamp_to_now(TS) ->
- I = erlang:binary_to_integer(TS),
+ I = jlib:binary_to_integer(TS),
Head = I div 1000000,
USec = I rem 1000000,
MSec = Head div 1000000,
{MSec, Sec, USec}.
dec_priority(Prio) ->
- case catch erlang:binary_to_integer(Prio) of
+ case catch jlib:binary_to_integer(Prio) of
{'EXIT', _} ->
Int ->
enc_priority(undefined) ->
enc_priority(Int) when is_integer(Int) ->
- erlang:integer_to_binary(Int).
+ jlib:integer_to_binary(Int).
row_to_session(LServer, [USec, PidS, User, Resource, PrioS, InfoS]) ->
Now = timestamp_to_now(USec),