uTorrent peer exchange messages use the key "ut_pex" in the m
dictionary. If the uTorrent peer has pex disabled, this key
will not be present. Exchanges messages should be sent approximately
-once every minute. The payload of a peer exchange message is a
+once every minute when peers have been added or dropped.
+If peers have not been added or dropped, uTorrent does not send
+the periodic PEX message. If uTorrent 1.8.1 recieves an "empty"
+pex message from Transmission 1.40, it appears to interpret this
+as an invalid message and disconnect from Transmission.
+The payload of a peer exchange message is a
bencoded dictionary with the following keys:
string, one byte of flags for each peer in the above added string.
according to libtorrent's ut_pex.c:
0x01 - peer supports encryption
- 0x02 - peer is a seed
+ 0x02 - peer is a seed or a partial seed
same format as added, contains peers dropped since last peer exchange