To test this demo, use any BLE GATT server app that advertises support for the Alert Notification service (0x1811) and includes it in the GATT database.
+A Python based utility `` is also provided (which will run as a BLE GATT server) and can be used to test this example.
+Note :
+* Make sure to run `python -m pip install --user -r $IDF_PATH/requirements.txt -r $IDF_PATH/tools/ble/requirements.txt` to install the dependency packages needed.
+* Currently this Python utility is only supported on Linux (BLE communication is via BLuez + DBus).
## How to use example
## Example Output
-There is this console output on successful connection:
+This is the console output on successful connection:
I (202) BTDM_INIT: BT controller compile version [0b60040]
I (202) system_api: Base MAC address is not set, read default base MAC address from BLK0 of EFUSE
Subscribe complete; status=0 conn_handle=0 attr_handle=43
-There is this console output on failure (or peripheral does not support New Alert Service category):
+This is the console output on failure (or peripheral does not support New Alert Service category):
I (180) BTDM_INIT: BT controller compile version [8e87ec7]
I (180) system_api: Base MAC address is not set, read default base MAC address from BLK0 of EFUSE
GAP procedure initiated: terminate connection; conn_handle=0 hci_reason=19
disconnect; reason=534
+## Running Python Utility
+## Python Utility Output
+This is this output seen on the python side on successful connection:
+discovering adapter...
+bluetooth adapter discovered
+powering on adapter...
+bluetooth adapter powered on
+Advertising started
+GATT Data created
+GATT Application registered
+Advertising data created
+Advertisement registered
+Read Request received
+ SupportedNewAlertCategoryCharacteristic
+ Value: [dbus.Byte(2)]
+Write Request received
+ AlertNotificationControlPointCharacteristic
+ Current value: [dbus.Byte(0)]
+ New value: [dbus.Byte(99), dbus.Byte(100)]
+Notify Started
+New value on write: [dbus.Byte(1), dbus.Byte(0)]
+ Value on read: [dbus.Byte(1), dbus.Byte(0)]
+Notify Stopped
+exiting from test...
+GATT Data removed
+GATT Application unregistered
+Advertising data removed
+Advertisement unregistered
+Stop Advertising status: True
+disconnecting device...
+device disconnected
+powering off adapter...
+bluetooth adapter powered off
+Service discovery passed
+ Service Discovery Status: 0
+Read passed
+ SupportedNewAlertCategoryCharacteristic
+ Read Status: 0
+Write passed
+ AlertNotificationControlPointCharacteristic
+ Write Status: 0
+Subscribe passed
+ ClientCharacteristicConfigurationDescriptor
+ Subscribe Status: 0
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2019 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from __future__ import print_function
+import os
+import sys
+import re
+import uuid
+import subprocess
+ # This environment variable is expected on the host machine
+ test_fw_path = os.getenv("TEST_FW_PATH")
+ if test_fw_path and test_fw_path not in sys.path:
+ sys.path.insert(0, test_fw_path)
+ import IDF
+except ImportError as e:
+ print(e)
+ print("\nCheck your IDF_PATH\nOR")
+ print("Try `export TEST_FW_PATH=$IDF_PATH/tools/tiny-test-fw` for resolving the issue\nOR")
+ print("Try `pip install -r $IDF_PATH/tools/tiny-test-fw/requirements.txt` for resolving the issue")
+ import IDF
+ import lib_ble_client
+except ImportError:
+ lib_ble_client_path = os.getenv("IDF_PATH") + "/tools/ble"
+ if lib_ble_client_path and lib_ble_client_path not in sys.path:
+ sys.path.insert(0, lib_ble_client_path)
+ import lib_ble_client
+import Utility
+# When running on local machine execute the following before running this script
+# > make app bootloader
+# > make print_flash_cmd | tail -n 1 > build/download.config
+# > export TEST_FW_PATH=~/esp/esp-idf/tools/tiny-test-fw
+def test_example_app_ble_central(env, extra_data):
+ """
+ Steps:
+ 1. Discover Bluetooth Adapter and Power On
+ """
+ interface = 'hci0'
+ adv_host_name = "BleCentTestApp"
+ adv_iface_index = 0
+ adv_type = 'peripheral'
+ adv_uuid = '1811'
+ # Acquire DUT
+ dut = env.get_dut("blecent", "examples/bluetooth/nimble/blecent")
+ # Get binary file
+ binary_file = os.path.join(, "blecent.bin")
+ bin_size = os.path.getsize(binary_file)
+ IDF.log_performance("blecent_bin_size", "{}KB".format(bin_size // 1024))
+ # Upload binary and start testing
+ Utility.console_log("Starting blecent example test app")
+ dut.start_app()
+ subprocess.check_output(['rm','-rf','/var/lib/bluetooth/*'])
+ device_addr = ':'.join(re.findall('..', '%012x' % uuid.getnode()))
+ # Get BLE client module
+ ble_client_obj = lib_ble_client.BLE_Bluez_Client(interface)
+ if not ble_client_obj:
+ raise RuntimeError("Get DBus-Bluez object failed !!")
+ # Discover Bluetooth Adapter and power on
+ is_adapter_set = ble_client_obj.set_adapter()
+ if not is_adapter_set:
+ raise RuntimeError("Adapter Power On failed !!")
+ # Write device address to dut
+ dut.expect("BLE Host Task Started", timeout=60)
+ dut.write(device_addr + "\n")
+ '''
+ Blecent application run:
+ Create GATT data
+ Register GATT Application
+ Create Advertising data
+ Register advertisement
+ Start advertising
+ '''
+ ble_client_obj.start_advertising(adv_host_name, adv_iface_index, adv_type, adv_uuid)
+ # Call disconnect to perform cleanup operations before exiting application
+ ble_client_obj.disconnect()
+ # Check dut responses
+ dut.expect("Connection established", timeout=30)
+ dut.expect("Service discovery complete; status=0", timeout=30)
+ print("Service discovery passed\n\tService Discovery Status: 0")
+ dut.expect("GATT procedure initiated: read;", timeout=30)
+ dut.expect("Read complete; status=0", timeout=30)
+ print("Read passed\n\tSupportedNewAlertCategoryCharacteristic\n\tRead Status: 0")
+ dut.expect("GATT procedure initiated: write;", timeout=30)
+ dut.expect("Write complete; status=0", timeout=30)
+ print("Write passed\n\tAlertNotificationControlPointCharacteristic\n\tWrite Status: 0")
+ dut.expect("GATT procedure initiated: write;", timeout=30)
+ dut.expect("Subscribe complete; status=0", timeout=30)
+ print("Subscribe passed\n\tClientCharacteristicConfigurationDescriptor\n\tSubscribe Status: 0")
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ test_example_app_ble_central()
To test this demo, any BLE scanner app can be used.
+A Python based utility `` is also provided (which will run as a BLE GATT Client) and can be used to test this example.
+Note :
+* Make sure to run `python -m pip install --user -r $IDF_PATH/requirements.txt -r $IDF_PATH/tools/ble/requirements.txt` to install the dependency packages needed.
+* Currently this Python utility is only supported on Linux (BLE communication is via BLuez + DBus).
## How to use example
+## Running Python Utility
+## Python Utility Output
+This is this output seen on the python side on successful connection:
+discovering adapter...
+bluetooth adapter discovered
+powering on adapter...
+bluetooth adapter powered on
+Started Discovery
+Connecting to device...
+Connected to device
+[dbus.String(u'00001801-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb', variant_level=1), dbus.String(u'0000180d-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb', variant_level=1), dbus.String(u'0000180a-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb', variant_level=1)]
+Subscribe to notifications: On
+dbus.Array([dbus.Byte(6), dbus.Byte(90)], signature=dbus.Signature('y'), variant_level=1)
+dbus.Array([dbus.Byte(6), dbus.Byte(91)], signature=dbus.Signature('y'), variant_level=1)
+dbus.Array([dbus.Byte(6), dbus.Byte(92)], signature=dbus.Signature('y'), variant_level=1)
+dbus.Array([dbus.Byte(6), dbus.Byte(93)], signature=dbus.Signature('y'), variant_level=1)
+dbus.Array([dbus.Byte(6), dbus.Byte(94)], signature=dbus.Signature('y'), variant_level=1)
+dbus.Array([dbus.Byte(6), dbus.Byte(95)], signature=dbus.Signature('y'), variant_level=1)
+dbus.Array([dbus.Byte(6), dbus.Byte(96)], signature=dbus.Signature('y'), variant_level=1)
+dbus.Array([dbus.Byte(6), dbus.Byte(97)], signature=dbus.Signature('y'), variant_level=1)
+dbus.Array([dbus.Byte(6), dbus.Byte(98)], signature=dbus.Signature('y'), variant_level=1)
+dbus.Array([dbus.Byte(6), dbus.Byte(99)], signature=dbus.Signature('y'), variant_level=1)
+Subscribe to notifications: Off
+Success: blehr example test passed
+exiting from test...
+disconnecting device...
+device disconnected
+powering off adapter...
+bluetooth adapter powered off
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2019 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from __future__ import print_function
+import os
+import sys
+import re
+from threading import Thread
+import subprocess
+ # This environment variable is expected on the host machine
+ test_fw_path = os.getenv("TEST_FW_PATH")
+ if test_fw_path and test_fw_path not in sys.path:
+ sys.path.insert(0, test_fw_path)
+ import IDF
+except ImportError as e:
+ print(e)
+ print("\nCheck your IDF_PATH\nOR")
+ print("Try `export TEST_FW_PATH=$IDF_PATH/tools/tiny-test-fw` for resolving the issue\nOR")
+ print("Try `pip install -r $IDF_PATH/tools/tiny-test-fw/requirements.txt` for resolving the issue\n")
+ import IDF
+ import lib_ble_client
+except ImportError:
+ lib_ble_client_path = os.getenv("IDF_PATH") + "/tools/ble"
+ if lib_ble_client_path and lib_ble_client_path not in sys.path:
+ sys.path.insert(0, lib_ble_client_path)
+ import lib_ble_client
+import Utility
+# When running on local machine execute the following before running this script
+# > make app bootloader
+# > make print_flash_cmd | tail -n 1 > build/download.config
+# > export TEST_FW_PATH=~/esp/esp-idf/tools/tiny-test-fw
+def blehr_client_task(dut_addr, dut):
+ interface = 'hci0'
+ ble_devname = 'blehr_sensor_1.0'
+ hr_srv_uuid = '180d'
+ hr_char_uuid = '2a37'
+ # Get BLE client module
+ ble_client_obj = lib_ble_client.BLE_Bluez_Client(interface, devname=ble_devname, devaddr=dut_addr)
+ if not ble_client_obj:
+ raise RuntimeError("Failed to get DBus-Bluez object")
+ # Discover Bluetooth Adapter and power on
+ is_adapter_set = ble_client_obj.set_adapter()
+ if not is_adapter_set:
+ raise RuntimeError("Adapter Power On failed !!")
+ # Connect BLE Device
+ is_connected = ble_client_obj.connect()
+ if not is_connected:
+ Utility.console_log("Connection to device ", ble_devname, "failed !!")
+ # Call disconnect to perform cleanup operations before exiting application
+ ble_client_obj.disconnect()
+ return
+ # Read Services
+ services_ret = ble_client_obj.get_services()
+ if services_ret:
+ print("\nServices\n")
+ print(services_ret)
+ else:
+ print("Failure: Read Services failed")
+ ble_client_obj.disconnect()
+ return
+ '''
+ Blehr application run:
+ Start Notifications
+ Retrieve updated value
+ Stop Notifications
+ '''
+ blehr_ret = ble_client_obj.hr_update_simulation(hr_srv_uuid, hr_char_uuid)
+ if blehr_ret:
+ print("Success: blehr example test passed")
+ else:
+ print("Failure: blehr example test failed")
+ # Call disconnect to perform cleanup operations before exiting application
+ ble_client_obj.disconnect()
+def test_example_app_ble_hr(env, extra_data):
+ """
+ Steps:
+ 1. Discover Bluetooth Adapter and Power On
+ 2. Connect BLE Device
+ 3. Start Notifications
+ 4. Updated value is retrieved
+ 5. Stop Notifications
+ """
+ try:
+ # Acquire DUT
+ dut = env.get_dut("blehr", "examples/bluetooth/nimble/blehr")
+ # Get binary file
+ binary_file = os.path.join(, "blehr.bin")
+ bin_size = os.path.getsize(binary_file)
+ IDF.log_performance("blehr_bin_size", "{}KB".format(bin_size // 1024))
+ IDF.check_performance("blehr_bin_size", bin_size // 1024)
+ # Upload binary and start testing
+ Utility.console_log("Starting blehr simple example test app")
+ dut.start_app()
+ subprocess.check_output(['rm','-rf','/var/lib/bluetooth/*'])
+ # Get device address from dut
+ dut_addr = dut.expect(re.compile(r"Device Address: ([a-fA-F0-9:]+)"), timeout=30)[0]
+ # Starting a py-client in a separate thread
+ thread1 = Thread(target=blehr_client_task, args=(dut_addr,dut,))
+ thread1.start()
+ thread1.join()
+ # Check dut responses
+ dut.expect("subscribe event; cur_notify=1", timeout=30)
+ dut.expect("GATT procedure initiated: notify;", timeout=30)
+ dut.expect("subscribe event; cur_notify=0", timeout=30)
+ dut.expect("disconnect;", timeout=30)
+ except Exception as e:
+ sys.exit(e)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ test_example_app_ble_hr()
To test this demo, any BLE scanner app can be used.
+A Python based utility `` is also provided (which will run as a BLE GATT Client) and can be used to test this example.
+Note :
+* Make sure to run `python -m pip install --user -r $IDF_PATH/requirements.txt -r $IDF_PATH/tools/ble/requirements.txt` to install the dependency packages needed.
+* Currently this Python utility is only supported on Linux (BLE communication is via BLuez + DBus).
## How to use example
+## Running Python Utility
+## Python Utility Output
+This is this output seen on the python side on successful connection:
+discovering adapter...
+bluetooth adapter discovered
+powering on adapter...
+bluetooth adapter powered on
+Started Discovery
+Connecting to device...
+Connected to device
+[dbus.String(u'00001801-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb', variant_level=1), dbus.String(u'59462f12-9543-9999-12c8-58b459a2712d', variant_level=1)]
+Characteristics retrieved
+ Characteristic: /org/bluez/hci0/dev_xx_xx_xx_xx_xx_xx/service000a/char000b
+ Characteristic UUID: 5c3a659e-897e-45e1-b016-007107c96df6
+ Value: dbus.Array([dbus.Byte(45), dbus.Byte(244), dbus.Byte(81), dbus.Byte(88)], signature=dbus.Signature('y'))
+ Properties: : dbus.Array([dbus.String(u'read')], signature=dbus.Signature('s'), variant_level=1)
+ Characteristic: /org/bluez/hci0/dev_xx_xx_xx_xx_xx_xx/service000a/char000d
+ Characteristic UUID: 5c3a659e-897e-45e1-b016-007107c96df7
+ Value: dbus.Array([dbus.Byte(0)], signature=dbus.Signature('y'))
+ Properties: : dbus.Array([dbus.String(u'read'), dbus.String(u'write')], signature=dbus.Signature('s'), variant_level=1)
+ Characteristic: /org/bluez/hci0/dev_xx_xx_xx_xx_xx_xx/service0006/char0007
+ Characteristic UUID: 00002a05-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
+ Value: None
+ Properties: : dbus.Array([dbus.String(u'indicate')], signature=dbus.Signature('s'), variant_level=1)
+Characteristics after write operation
+ Characteristic: /org/bluez/hci0/dev_xx_xx_xx_xx_xx_xx/service000a/char000b
+ Characteristic UUID: 5c3a659e-897e-45e1-b016-007107c96df6
+ Value: dbus.Array([dbus.Byte(45), dbus.Byte(244), dbus.Byte(81), dbus.Byte(88)], signature=dbus.Signature('y'))
+ Properties: : dbus.Array([dbus.String(u'read')], signature=dbus.Signature('s'), variant_level=1)
+ Characteristic: /org/bluez/hci0/dev_xx_xx_xx_xx_xx_xx/service000a/char000d
+ Characteristic UUID: 5c3a659e-897e-45e1-b016-007107c96df7
+ Value: dbus.Array([dbus.Byte(65)], signature=dbus.Signature('y'))
+ Properties: : dbus.Array([dbus.String(u'read'), dbus.String(u'write')], signature=dbus.Signature('s'), variant_level=1)
+ Characteristic: /org/bluez/hci0/dev_xx_xx_xx_xx_xx_xx/service0006/char0007
+ Characteristic UUID: 00002a05-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
+ Value: None
+ Properties: : dbus.Array([dbus.String(u'indicate')], signature=dbus.Signature('s'), variant_level=1)
+exiting from test...
+disconnecting device...
+device disconnected
+powering off adapter...
+bluetooth adapter powered off
+## Note
+* NVS support is not yet integrated to bonding. So, for now, bonding is not persistent across reboot.
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2019 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from __future__ import print_function
+import os
+import sys
+import re
+from threading import Thread
+import subprocess
+ # This environment variable is expected on the host machine
+ test_fw_path = os.getenv("TEST_FW_PATH")
+ if test_fw_path and test_fw_path not in sys.path:
+ sys.path.insert(0, test_fw_path)
+ import IDF
+except ImportError as e:
+ print(e)
+ print("Try `export TEST_FW_PATH=$IDF_PATH/tools/tiny-test-fw` for resolving the issue")
+ print("Try `pip install -r $IDF_PATH/tools/tiny-test-fw/requirements.txt` for resolving the issue")
+ import IDF
+ import lib_ble_client
+except ImportError:
+ lib_ble_client_path = os.getenv("IDF_PATH") + "/tools/ble"
+ if lib_ble_client_path and lib_ble_client_path not in sys.path:
+ sys.path.insert(0, lib_ble_client_path)
+ import lib_ble_client
+import Utility
+# When running on local machine execute the following before running this script
+# > make app bootloader
+# > make print_flash_cmd | tail -n 1 > build/download.config
+# > export TEST_FW_PATH=~/esp/esp-idf/tools/tiny-test-fw
+def bleprph_client_task(dut_addr, dut):
+ interface = 'hci0'
+ ble_devname = 'nimble-bleprph'
+ srv_uuid = '2f12'
+ # Get BLE client module
+ ble_client_obj = lib_ble_client.BLE_Bluez_Client(interface, devname=ble_devname, devaddr=dut_addr)
+ if not ble_client_obj:
+ raise RuntimeError("Failed to get DBus-Bluez object")
+ # Discover Bluetooth Adapter and power on
+ is_adapter_set = ble_client_obj.set_adapter()
+ if not is_adapter_set:
+ raise RuntimeError("Adapter Power On failed !!")
+ # Connect BLE Device
+ is_connected = ble_client_obj.connect()
+ if not is_connected:
+ Utility.console_log("Connection to device ", ble_devname, "failed !!")
+ # Call disconnect to perform cleanup operations before exiting application
+ ble_client_obj.disconnect()
+ return
+ # Check dut responses
+ dut.expect("GAP procedure initiated: advertise;", timeout=30)
+ # Read Services
+ services_ret = ble_client_obj.get_services(srv_uuid)
+ if services_ret:
+ print("\nServices\n")
+ print(services_ret)
+ else:
+ print("Failure: Read Services failed")
+ ble_client_obj.disconnect()
+ return
+ # Read Characteristics
+ chars_ret = {}
+ chars_ret = ble_client_obj.read_chars()
+ if chars_ret:
+ Utility.console_log("\nCharacteristics retrieved")
+ for path, props in chars_ret.items():
+ print("\n\tCharacteristic: ", path)
+ print("\tCharacteristic UUID: ", props[2])
+ print("\tValue: ", props[0])
+ print("\tProperties: : ", props[1])
+ else:
+ print("Failure: Read Characteristics failed")
+ ble_client_obj.disconnect()
+ return
+ '''
+ Write Characteristics
+ - write 'A' to characteristic with write permission
+ '''
+ chars_ret_on_write = {}
+ chars_ret_on_write = ble_client_obj.write_chars('A')
+ if chars_ret_on_write:
+ Utility.console_log("\nCharacteristics after write operation")
+ for path, props in chars_ret_on_write.items():
+ print("\n\tCharacteristic:", path)
+ print("\tCharacteristic UUID: ", props[2])
+ print("\tValue:", props[0])
+ print("\tProperties: : ", props[1])
+ else:
+ print("Failure: Write Characteristics failed")
+ ble_client_obj.disconnect()
+ return
+ # Call disconnect to perform cleanup operations before exiting application
+ ble_client_obj.disconnect()
+def test_example_app_ble_peripheral(env, extra_data):
+ """
+ Steps:
+ 1. Discover Bluetooth Adapter and Power On
+ 2. Connect BLE Device
+ 3. Read Services
+ 4. Read Characteristics
+ 5. Write Characteristics
+ """
+ try:
+ # Acquire DUT
+ dut = env.get_dut("bleprph", "examples/bluetooth/nimble/bleprph")
+ # Get binary file
+ binary_file = os.path.join(, "bleprph.bin")
+ bin_size = os.path.getsize(binary_file)
+ IDF.log_performance("bleprph_bin_size", "{}KB".format(bin_size // 1024))
+ IDF.check_performance("bleprph_bin_size", bin_size // 1024)
+ # Upload binary and start testing
+ Utility.console_log("Starting bleprph simple example test app")
+ dut.start_app()
+ subprocess.check_output(['rm','-rf','/var/lib/bluetooth/*'])
+ # Get device address from dut
+ dut_addr = dut.expect(re.compile(r"Device Address: ([a-fA-F0-9:]+)"), timeout=30)[0]
+ # Starting a py-client in a separate thread
+ thread1 = Thread(target=bleprph_client_task, args=(dut_addr,dut,))
+ thread1.start()
+ thread1.join()
+ # Check dut responses
+ dut.expect("connection established; status=0", timeout=30)
+ dut.expect("disconnect;", timeout=30)
+ except Exception as e:
+ sys.exit(e)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ test_example_app_ble_peripheral()
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2019 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# DBus-Bluez BLE library
+from __future__ import print_function
+import sys
+import time
+ from future.moves.itertools import zip_longest
+ import dbus
+ import dbus.mainloop.glib
+ from gi.repository import GLib
+except ImportError as e:
+ if 'linux' not in sys.platform:
+ sys.exit("Error: Only supported on Linux platform")
+ print(e)
+ print("Install packages `libgirepository1.0-dev gir1.2-gtk-3.0 libcairo2-dev libdbus-1-dev libdbus-glib-1-dev` for resolving the issue")
+ print("Run `pip install -r $IDF_PATH/tools/ble/requirements.txt` for resolving the issue")
+ raise
+import lib_gatt
+import lib_gap
+srv_added_old_cnt = 0
+srv_added_new_cnt = 0
+blecent_retry_check_cnt = 0
+verify_service_cnt = 0
+verify_readchars_cnt = 0
+blecent_adv_uuid = '1811'
+iface_added = False
+gatt_app_obj_check = False
+gatt_app_reg_check = False
+adv_data_check = False
+adv_reg_check = False
+read_req_check = False
+write_req_check = False
+subscribe_req_check = False
+ble_hr_chrc = False
+ADV_STOP = False
+BLUEZ_SERVICE_NAME = 'org.bluez'
+DBUS_OM_IFACE = 'org.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManager'
+DBUS_PROP_IFACE = 'org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties'
+ADAPTER_IFACE = 'org.bluez.Adapter1'
+DEVICE_IFACE = 'org.bluez.Device1'
+GATT_MANAGER_IFACE = 'org.bluez.GattManager1'
+LE_ADVERTISING_MANAGER_IFACE = 'org.bluez.LEAdvertisingManager1'
+GATT_SERVICE_IFACE = 'org.bluez.GattService1'
+GATT_CHRC_IFACE = 'org.bluez.GattCharacteristic1'
+# Set up the main loop.
+# Set up the event main loop.
+event_loop = GLib.MainLoop()
+def set_props_status(props):
+ """
+ Set Adapter status if it is powered on or off
+ """
+ is_service_uuid = False
+ # Signal caught for change in Adapter Powered property
+ if 'Powered' in props:
+ if props['Powered'] == 1:
+ else:
+ ADAPTER_ON = False
+ event_loop.quit()
+ elif 'ServicesResolved' in props:
+ if props['ServicesResolved'] == 1:
+ else:
+ elif 'UUIDs' in props:
+ # Signal caught for add/remove GATT data having service uuid
+ for uuid in props['UUIDs']:
+ if blecent_adv_uuid in uuid:
+ is_service_uuid = True
+ if not is_service_uuid:
+ # Signal caught for removing GATT data having service uuid
+ # and for unregistering GATT application
+ lib_gatt.GATT_APP_OBJ = False
+ elif 'ActiveInstances' in props:
+ # Signal caught for Advertising - add/remove Instances property
+ if props['ActiveInstances'] == 1:
+ elif props['ActiveInstances'] == 0:
+ lib_gap.ADV_OBJ = False
+ elif 'Connected' in props:
+ # Signal caught for device connect/disconnect
+ if props['Connected'] is True:
+ event_loop.quit()
+ else:
+ elif 'Value' in props:
+ # Signal caught for change in chars value
+ if ble_hr_chrc:
+ print(props['Value'])
+ if CHRC_VALUE_CNT == 10:
+ event_loop.quit()
+def props_change_handler(iface, changed_props, invalidated):
+ """
+ PropertiesChanged Signal handler.
+ Catch and print information about PropertiesChanged signal.
+ """
+ if iface == ADAPTER_IFACE:
+ set_props_status(changed_props)
+ set_props_status(changed_props)
+ if iface == DEVICE_IFACE:
+ set_props_status(changed_props)
+ if iface == GATT_CHRC_IFACE:
+ set_props_status(changed_props)
+class BLE_Bluez_Client:
+ def __init__(self, iface, devname=None, devaddr=None):
+ self.bus = None
+ self.device = None
+ self.devname = devname
+ self.devaddr = devaddr
+ self.iface = iface
+ self.ble_objs = None
+ self.props_iface_obj = None
+ self.adapter_path = []
+ self.adapter = None
+ = []
+ self.srv_uuid = []
+ self.chars = {}
+ self.char_uuid = []
+ try:
+ self.bus = dbus.SystemBus()
+ om_iface_obj = dbus.Interface(self.bus.get_object(BLUEZ_SERVICE_NAME, "/"), DBUS_OM_IFACE)
+ self.ble_objs = om_iface_obj.GetManagedObjects()
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(e)
+ def __del__(self):
+ try:
+ print("Test Exit")
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(e)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ def set_adapter(self):
+ '''
+ Discover Bluetooth Adapter
+ Power On Bluetooth Adapter
+ '''
+ try:
+ print("discovering adapter...")
+ for path, interfaces in self.ble_objs.items():
+ adapter = interfaces.get(ADAPTER_IFACE)
+ if adapter is not None:
+ if path.endswith(self.iface):
+ self.adapter = dbus.Interface(self.bus.get_object(BLUEZ_SERVICE_NAME, path), ADAPTER_IFACE)
+ # Create Properties Interface object only after adapter is found
+ self.props_iface_obj = dbus.Interface(self.bus.get_object(BLUEZ_SERVICE_NAME, path), DBUS_PROP_IFACE)
+ self.adapter_path = [path, interfaces]
+ # Check adapter status - power on/off
+ set_props_status(interfaces[ADAPTER_IFACE])
+ break
+ if self.adapter is None:
+ raise RuntimeError("\nError: bluetooth adapter not found")
+ if self.props_iface_obj is None:
+ raise RuntimeError("\nError: properties interface not found")
+ print("bluetooth adapter discovered")
+ self.props_iface_obj.connect_to_signal('PropertiesChanged', props_change_handler)
+ # Check if adapter is already powered on
+ print("bluetooth adapter is already on")
+ return True
+ # Power On Adapter
+ print("powering on adapter...")
+ self.props_iface_obj.Set(ADAPTER_IFACE, "Powered", dbus.Boolean(1))
+ print("bluetooth adapter powered on")
+ return True
+ else:
+ print("Failure: bluetooth adapter not powered on")
+ return False
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(e)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ def connect(self):
+ '''
+ Connect to the device discovered
+ Retry 10 times to discover and connect to device
+ '''
+ device_found = False
+ try:
+ self.adapter.StartDiscovery()
+ print("\nStarted Discovery")
+ for retry_cnt in range(10,0,-1):
+ try:
+ if self.device is None:
+ print("\nConnecting to device...")
+ # Wait for device to be discovered
+ time.sleep(5)
+ device_found = self.get_device()
+ if device_found:
+ self.device.Connect(dbus_interface=DEVICE_IFACE)
+ event_loop.quit()
+ print("\nConnected to device")
+ return True
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(e)
+ print("\nRetries left", retry_cnt - 1)
+ continue
+ # Device not found
+ return False
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(e)
+ self.device = None
+ return False
+ def get_device(self):
+ '''
+ Discover device based on device name
+ and device address and connect
+ '''
+ dev_path = None
+ om_iface_obj = dbus.Interface(self.bus.get_object(BLUEZ_SERVICE_NAME, "/"), DBUS_OM_IFACE)
+ self.ble_objs = om_iface_obj.GetManagedObjects()
+ for path, interfaces in self.ble_objs.items():
+ if DEVICE_IFACE not in interfaces.keys():
+ continue
+ device_addr_iface = (path.replace('_', ':')).lower()
+ dev_addr = self.devaddr.lower()
+ if dev_addr in device_addr_iface and \
+ interfaces[DEVICE_IFACE].get("Name") == self.devname:
+ dev_path = path
+ break
+ if dev_path is None:
+ print("\nBLE device not found")
+ return False
+ device_props_iface_obj = dbus.Interface(self.bus.get_object(BLUEZ_SERVICE_NAME, dev_path), DBUS_PROP_IFACE)
+ device_props_iface_obj.connect_to_signal('PropertiesChanged', props_change_handler)
+ self.device = self.bus.get_object(BLUEZ_SERVICE_NAME, dev_path)
+ return True
+ def srvc_iface_added_handler(self, path, interfaces):
+ '''
+ Add services found as lib_ble_client obj
+ '''
+ if self.device and path.startswith(self.device.object_path):
+ if GATT_SERVICE_IFACE in interfaces.keys():
+ service = self.bus.get_object(BLUEZ_SERVICE_NAME, path)
+ uuid = service.Get(GATT_SERVICE_IFACE, 'UUID', dbus_interface=DBUS_PROP_IFACE)
+ if uuid not in self.srv_uuid:
+ self.srv_uuid.append(uuid)
+ if path not in
+ def verify_get_services(self):
+ global SERVICE_SCAN_FAIL, verify_service_cnt
+ verify_service_cnt += 1
+ if iface_added and and SERVICES_RESOLVED:
+ event_loop.quit()
+ if verify_service_cnt == 10:
+ event_loop.quit()
+ def verify_service_uuid_found(self):
+ '''
+ Verify service uuid found
+ '''
+ srv_uuid_found = [uuid for uuid in self.srv_uuid if service_uuid in uuid]
+ if srv_uuid_found:
+ def get_services(self, srv_uuid=None):
+ '''
+ Retrieve Services found in the device connected
+ '''
+ global service_uuid, iface_added, SERVICE_UUID_FOUND
+ service_uuid = srv_uuid
+ iface_added = False
+ try:
+ om_iface_obj = dbus.Interface(self.bus.get_object(BLUEZ_SERVICE_NAME, "/"), DBUS_OM_IFACE)
+ self.ble_objs = om_iface_obj.GetManagedObjects()
+ for path, interfaces in self.ble_objs.items():
+ self.srvc_iface_added_handler(path, interfaces)
+ # If services not found, then they may not have been added yet on dbus
+ if not
+ iface_added = True
+ GLib.timeout_add_seconds(2, self.verify_get_services)
+ om_iface_obj.connect_to_signal('InterfacesAdded', self.srvc_iface_added_handler)
+ if service_uuid:
+ self.verify_service_uuid_found()
+ raise Exception("Service with uuid: %s not found !!!" % service_uuid)
+ return self.srv_uuid
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Error: ", e)
+ return False
+ def chrc_iface_added_handler(self, path, interfaces):
+ '''
+ Add services found as lib_ble_client obj
+ '''
+ global chrc, chrc_discovered
+ chrc_val = None
+ if self.device and path.startswith(self.device.object_path):
+ if GATT_CHRC_IFACE in interfaces.keys():
+ chrc = self.bus.get_object(BLUEZ_SERVICE_NAME, path)
+ chrc_props = chrc.GetAll(GATT_CHRC_IFACE,
+ dbus_interface=DBUS_PROP_IFACE)
+ chrc_flags = chrc_props['Flags']
+ if 'read' in chrc_flags:
+ chrc_val = chrc.ReadValue({}, dbus_interface=GATT_CHRC_IFACE)
+ uuid = chrc_props['UUID']
+ self.chars[path] = chrc_val, chrc_flags, uuid
+ def verify_get_chars(self):
+ global verify_readchars_cnt
+ verify_readchars_cnt += 1
+ if iface_added and self.chars:
+ event_loop.quit()
+ if verify_readchars_cnt == 10:
+ event_loop.quit()
+ def read_chars(self):
+ '''
+ Read characteristics found in the device connected
+ '''
+ global iface_added, chrc_discovered
+ chrc_discovered = False
+ iface_added = False
+ try:
+ om_iface_obj = dbus.Interface(self.bus.get_object(BLUEZ_SERVICE_NAME, "/"), DBUS_OM_IFACE)
+ self.ble_objs = om_iface_obj.GetManagedObjects()
+ for path, interfaces in self.ble_objs.items():
+ self.chrc_iface_added_handler(path, interfaces)
+ # If chars not found, then they have not been added yet to interface
+ if not self.chars:
+ iface_added = True
+ GLib.timeout_add_seconds(2, self.verify_get_chars)
+ om_iface_obj.connect_to_signal('InterfacesAdded', self.chars_iface_added_handler)
+ return self.chars
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Error: ", e)
+ return False
+ def write_chars(self, write_val):
+ '''
+ Write characteristics to the device connected
+ '''
+ chrc = None
+ chrc_val = None
+ char_write_props = False
+ try:
+ for path, props in self.chars.items():
+ if 'write' in props[1]: # check permission
+ char_write_props = True
+ chrc = self.bus.get_object(BLUEZ_SERVICE_NAME, path)
+ chrc.WriteValue(write_val,{},dbus_interface=GATT_CHRC_IFACE)
+ if 'read' in props[1]:
+ chrc_val = chrc.ReadValue({}, dbus_interface=GATT_CHRC_IFACE)
+ else:
+ print("Warning: Cannot read value. Characteristic does not have read permission.")
+ if not (ord(write_val) == int(chrc_val[0])):
+ print("\nWrite Failed")
+ return False
+ self.chars[path] = chrc_val, props[1], props[2] # update value
+ if not char_write_props:
+ print("Failure: Cannot perform write operation. Characteristic does not have write permission.")
+ return False
+ return self.chars
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(e)
+ return False
+ def hr_update_simulation(self, hr_srv_uuid, hr_char_uuid):
+ '''
+ Start Notifications
+ Retrieve updated value
+ Stop Notifications
+ '''
+ global ble_hr_chrc
+ srv_path = None
+ chrc = None
+ uuid = None
+ chrc_path = None
+ chars_ret = None
+ ble_hr_chrc = True
+ try:
+ # Get HR Measurement characteristic
+ services = list(zip_longest(self.srv_uuid,
+ for uuid, path in services:
+ if hr_srv_uuid in uuid:
+ srv_path = path
+ break
+ if srv_path is None:
+ print("Failure: HR UUID:", hr_srv_uuid, "not found")
+ return False
+ chars_ret = self.read_chars()
+ for path, props in chars_ret.items():
+ if path.startswith(srv_path):
+ chrc = self.bus.get_object(BLUEZ_SERVICE_NAME, path)
+ chrc_path = path
+ if hr_char_uuid in props[2]: # uuid
+ break
+ if chrc is None:
+ print("Failure: Characteristics for service: ", srv_path, "not found")
+ return False
+ # Subscribe to notifications
+ print("\nSubscribe to notifications: On")
+ chrc.StartNotify(dbus_interface=GATT_CHRC_IFACE)
+ chrc_props_iface_obj = dbus.Interface(self.bus.get_object(BLUEZ_SERVICE_NAME, chrc_path), DBUS_PROP_IFACE)
+ chrc_props_iface_obj.connect_to_signal('PropertiesChanged', props_change_handler)
+ chrc.StopNotify(dbus_interface=GATT_CHRC_IFACE)
+ time.sleep(2)
+ print("\nSubscribe to notifications: Off")
+ ble_hr_chrc = False
+ return True
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(e)
+ return False
+ def create_gatt_app(self):
+ '''
+ Create GATT data
+ Register GATT Application
+ '''
+ global gatt_app_obj, gatt_manager_iface_obj
+ gatt_app_obj = None
+ gatt_manager_iface_obj = None
+ try:
+ gatt_app_obj = lib_gatt.Application(self.bus, self.adapter_path[0])
+ gatt_manager_iface_obj = dbus.Interface(self.bus.get_object(BLUEZ_SERVICE_NAME,self.adapter_path[0]), GATT_MANAGER_IFACE)
+ gatt_manager_iface_obj.RegisterApplication(gatt_app_obj, {},
+ reply_handler=self.gatt_app_handler,
+ error_handler=self.gatt_app_error_handler)
+ return True
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(e)
+ return False
+ def gatt_app_handler(self):
+ '''
+ GATT Application Register success handler
+ '''
+ def gatt_app_error_handler(self, error):
+ '''
+ GATT Application Register error handler
+ '''
+ def start_advertising(self, adv_host_name, adv_iface_index, adv_type, adv_uuid):
+ '''
+ Create Advertising data
+ Register Advertisement
+ Start Advertising
+ '''
+ global le_adv_obj, le_adv_manager_iface_obj
+ le_adv_obj = None
+ le_adv_manager_iface_obj = None
+ le_adv_iface_path = None
+ try:
+ print("Advertising started")
+ gatt_app_ret = self.create_gatt_app()
+ if not gatt_app_ret:
+ return False
+ for path,interface in self.ble_objs.items():
+ le_adv_iface_path = path
+ if le_adv_iface_path is None:
+ print('\n Cannot start advertising. LEAdvertisingManager1 Interface not found')
+ return False
+ le_adv_obj = lib_gap.Advertisement(self.bus, adv_iface_index, adv_type, adv_uuid, adv_host_name)
+ le_adv_manager_iface_obj = dbus.Interface(self.bus.get_object(BLUEZ_SERVICE_NAME, le_adv_iface_path), LE_ADVERTISING_MANAGER_IFACE)
+ le_adv_manager_iface_obj.RegisterAdvertisement(le_adv_obj.get_path(), {},
+ reply_handler=self.adv_handler,
+ error_handler=self.adv_error_handler)
+ GLib.timeout_add_seconds(2, self.verify_blecent)
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("in Exception")
+ print(e)
+ return False
+ def adv_handler(self):
+ '''
+ Advertisement Register success handler
+ '''
+ def adv_error_handler(self, error):
+ '''
+ Advertisement Register error handler
+ '''
+ def verify_blecent(self):
+ """
+ Verify blecent test commands are successful
+ """
+ global blecent_retry_check_cnt, gatt_app_obj_check, gatt_app_reg_check,\
+ adv_data_check, adv_reg_check, read_req_check, write_req_check,\
+ subscribe_req_check, TEST_CHECKS_PASS
+ # Get device when connected
+ if not self.device:
+ om_iface_obj = dbus.Interface(self.bus.get_object(BLUEZ_SERVICE_NAME, "/"), DBUS_OM_IFACE)
+ self.ble_objs = om_iface_obj.GetManagedObjects()
+ for path, interfaces in self.ble_objs.items():
+ if DEVICE_IFACE not in interfaces.keys():
+ continue
+ device_props_iface_obj = dbus.Interface(self.bus.get_object(BLUEZ_SERVICE_NAME, path), DBUS_PROP_IFACE)
+ device_props_iface_obj.connect_to_signal('PropertiesChanged', props_change_handler)
+ self.device = self.bus.get_object(BLUEZ_SERVICE_NAME, path)
+ # Check for failures after 10 retries
+ if blecent_retry_check_cnt == 10:
+ # check for failures
+ if not gatt_app_obj_check:
+ print("Failure: GATT Data could not be created")
+ if not gatt_app_reg_check:
+ print("Failure: GATT Application could not be registered")
+ if not adv_data_check:
+ print("Failure: Advertising data could not be created")
+ if not adv_reg_check:
+ print("Failure: Advertisement could not be registered")
+ if not read_req_check:
+ print("Failure: Read Request not received")
+ if not write_req_check:
+ print("Failure: Write Request not received")
+ if not subscribe_req_check:
+ print("Failure: Subscribe Request not received")
+ # Blecent Test failed
+ if subscribe_req_check:
+ lib_gatt.alert_status_char_obj.StopNotify()
+ event_loop.quit()
+ return False # polling for checks will stop
+ # Check for success
+ if not gatt_app_obj_check and lib_gatt.GATT_APP_OBJ:
+ print("GATT Data created")
+ gatt_app_obj_check = True
+ if not gatt_app_reg_check and GATT_APP_REGISTERED:
+ print("GATT Application registered")
+ gatt_app_reg_check = True
+ if not adv_data_check and lib_gap.ADV_OBJ:
+ print("Advertising data created")
+ adv_data_check = True
+ if not adv_reg_check and ADV_REGISTERED and ADV_ACTIVE_INSTANCE:
+ print("Advertisement registered")
+ adv_reg_check = True
+ if not read_req_check and lib_gatt.CHAR_READ:
+ read_req_check = True
+ if not write_req_check and lib_gatt.CHAR_WRITE:
+ write_req_check = True
+ if not subscribe_req_check and lib_gatt.CHAR_SUBSCRIBE:
+ subscribe_req_check = True
+ # Increment retry count
+ blecent_retry_check_cnt += 1
+ if read_req_check and write_req_check and subscribe_req_check:
+ # all checks passed
+ # Blecent Test passed
+ lib_gatt.alert_status_char_obj.StopNotify()
+ event_loop.quit()
+ return False # polling for checks will stop
+ # Default return True - polling for checks will continue
+ return True
+ def verify_blecent_disconnect(self):
+ """
+ Verify cleanup is successful
+ """
+ global blecent_retry_check_cnt, gatt_app_obj_check, gatt_app_reg_check,\
+ adv_data_check, adv_reg_check, ADV_STOP
+ if blecent_retry_check_cnt == 0:
+ gatt_app_obj_check = False
+ gatt_app_reg_check = False
+ adv_data_check = False
+ adv_reg_check = False
+ # Check for failures after 10 retries
+ if blecent_retry_check_cnt == 10:
+ # check for failures
+ if not gatt_app_obj_check:
+ print("Warning: GATT Data could not be removed")
+ if not gatt_app_reg_check:
+ print("Warning: GATT Application could not be unregistered")
+ if not adv_data_check:
+ print("Warning: Advertising data could not be removed")
+ if not adv_reg_check:
+ print("Warning: Advertisement could not be unregistered")
+ # Blecent Test failed
+ ADV_STOP = False
+ event_loop.quit()
+ return False # polling for checks will stop
+ # Check for success
+ if not gatt_app_obj_check and not lib_gatt.GATT_APP_OBJ:
+ print("GATT Data removed")
+ gatt_app_obj_check = True
+ if not gatt_app_reg_check and not GATT_APP_REGISTERED:
+ print("GATT Application unregistered")
+ gatt_app_reg_check = True
+ if not adv_data_check and not adv_reg_check and not (ADV_REGISTERED or ADV_ACTIVE_INSTANCE or lib_gap.ADV_OBJ):
+ print("Advertising data removed")
+ print("Advertisement unregistered")
+ adv_data_check = True
+ adv_reg_check = True
+ # Increment retry count
+ blecent_retry_check_cnt += 1
+ if adv_reg_check:
+ # all checks passed
+ ADV_STOP = True
+ event_loop.quit()
+ return False # polling for checks will stop
+ # Default return True - polling for checks will continue
+ return True
+ def disconnect(self):
+ '''
+ Before application exits:
+ Advertisement is unregistered
+ Advertisement object created is removed from dbus
+ GATT Application is unregistered
+ GATT Application object created is removed from dbus
+ Disconnect device if connected
+ Adapter is powered off
+ '''
+ try:
+ global blecent_retry_check_cnt, DISCOVERY_START
+ blecent_retry_check_cnt = 0
+ print("\nexiting from test...")
+ # Unregister Advertisement
+ le_adv_manager_iface_obj.UnregisterAdvertisement(le_adv_obj.get_path())
+ # Remove Advertising data
+ dbus.service.Object.remove_from_connection(le_adv_obj)
+ # Unregister GATT Application
+ gatt_manager_iface_obj.UnregisterApplication(gatt_app_obj.get_path())
+ # Remove GATT data
+ dbus.service.Object.remove_from_connection(gatt_app_obj)
+ GLib.timeout_add_seconds(2, self.verify_blecent_disconnect)
+ if ADV_STOP:
+ print("Stop Advertising status: ", ADV_STOP)
+ else:
+ print("Warning: Stop Advertising status: ", ADV_STOP)
+ # Disconnect device
+ if self.device:
+ print("disconnecting device...")
+ self.device.Disconnect(dbus_interface=DEVICE_IFACE)
+ if self.adapter:
+ self.adapter.RemoveDevice(self.device)
+ self.device = None
+ self.adapter.StopDiscovery()
+ # Power off Adapter
+ self.props_iface_obj.Set(ADAPTER_IFACE, "Powered", dbus.Boolean(0))
+ print("device disconnected")
+ else:
+ print("Warning: device could not be disconnected")
+ print("powering off adapter...")
+ if not ADAPTER_ON:
+ print("bluetooth adapter powered off")
+ else:
+ print("\nWarning: Bluetooth adapter not powered off")
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(e)
+ return False
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2019 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Register Advertisement
+from __future__ import print_function
+import sys
+ import dbus
+ import dbus.service
+except ImportError as e:
+ if 'linux' not in sys.platform:
+ sys.exit("Error: Only supported on Linux platform")
+ print(e)
+ print("Install packages `libgirepository1.0-dev gir1.2-gtk-3.0 libcairo2-dev libdbus-1-dev libdbus-glib-1-dev` for resolving the issue")
+ print("Run `pip install -r $IDF_PATH/tools/ble/requirements.txt` for resolving the issue")
+ raise
+ADV_OBJ = False
+DBUS_PROP_IFACE = 'org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties'
+LE_ADVERTISEMENT_IFACE = 'org.bluez.LEAdvertisement1'
+class InvalidArgsException(dbus.exceptions.DBusException):
+ _dbus_error_name = 'org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.InvalidArgs'
+class Advertisement(dbus.service.Object):
+ PATH_BASE = '/org/bluez/hci0/advertisement'
+ def __init__(self, bus, index, advertising_type, uuid, name):
+ self.path = self.PATH_BASE + str(index)
+ self.bus = bus
+ self.ad_type = advertising_type
+ self.service_uuids = [uuid]
+ self.local_name = dbus.String(name)
+ dbus.service.Object.__init__(self, bus, self.path)
+ def __del__(self):
+ pass
+ def get_properties(self):
+ properties = dict()
+ properties['Type'] = self.ad_type
+ if self.service_uuids is not None:
+ properties['ServiceUUIDs'] = dbus.Array(self.service_uuids,
+ signature='s')
+ if self.local_name is not None:
+ properties['LocalName'] = dbus.String(self.local_name)
+ return {LE_ADVERTISEMENT_IFACE: properties}
+ def get_path(self):
+ return dbus.ObjectPath(self.path)
+ @dbus.service.method(DBUS_PROP_IFACE,
+ in_signature='s',
+ out_signature='a{sv}')
+ def GetAll(self, interface):
+ global ADV_OBJ
+ if interface != LE_ADVERTISEMENT_IFACE:
+ raise InvalidArgsException()
+ ADV_OBJ = True
+ return self.get_properties()[LE_ADVERTISEMENT_IFACE]
+ @dbus.service.method(LE_ADVERTISEMENT_IFACE,
+ in_signature='',
+ out_signature='')
+ def Release(self):
+ pass
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2019 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Creating GATT Application which then becomes available to remote devices.
+from __future__ import print_function
+import sys
+ import dbus
+ import dbus.service
+except ImportError as e:
+ if 'linux' not in sys.platform:
+ sys.exit("Error: Only supported on Linux platform")
+ print(e)
+ print("Install packages `libgirepository1.0-dev gir1.2-gtk-3.0 libcairo2-dev libdbus-1-dev libdbus-glib-1-dev` for resolving the issue")
+ print("Run `pip install -r $IDF_PATH/tools/ble/requirements.txt` for resolving the issue")
+ raise
+alert_status_char_obj = None
+CHAR_READ = False
+DBUS_OM_IFACE = 'org.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManager'
+DBUS_PROP_IFACE = 'org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties'
+GATT_MANAGER_IFACE = 'org.bluez.GattManager1'
+GATT_SERVICE_IFACE = 'org.bluez.GattService1'
+GATT_CHRC_IFACE = 'org.bluez.GattCharacteristic1'
+GATT_DESC_IFACE = 'org.bluez.GattDescriptor1'
+class InvalidArgsException(dbus.exceptions.DBusException):
+ _dbus_error_name = 'org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.InvalidArgs'
+class NotSupportedException(dbus.exceptions.DBusException):
+ _dbus_error_name = 'org.bluez.Error.NotSupported'
+class Application(dbus.service.Object):
+ """
+ org.bluez.GattApplication1 interface implementation
+ """
+ def __init__(self, bus, path):
+ self.path = path
+ = []
+ srv_obj = AlertNotificationService(bus, '0001')
+ self.add_service(srv_obj)
+ dbus.service.Object.__init__(self, bus, self.path)
+ def __del__(self):
+ pass
+ def get_path(self):
+ return dbus.ObjectPath(self.path)
+ def add_service(self, service):
+ @dbus.service.method(DBUS_OM_IFACE, out_signature='a{oa{sa{sv}}}')
+ def GetManagedObjects(self):
+ global GATT_APP_OBJ
+ response = {}
+ for service in
+ response[service.get_path()] = service.get_properties()
+ chrcs = service.get_characteristics()
+ for chrc in chrcs:
+ response[chrc.get_path()] = chrc.get_properties()
+ descs = chrc.get_descriptors()
+ for desc in descs:
+ response[desc.get_path()] = desc.get_properties()
+ return response
+ def Release(self):
+ pass
+class Service(dbus.service.Object):
+ """
+ org.bluez.GattService1 interface implementation
+ """
+ PATH_BASE = '/org/bluez/hci0/service'
+ def __init__(self, bus, index, uuid, primary=False):
+ self.path = self.PATH_BASE + str(index)
+ self.bus = bus
+ self.uuid = uuid
+ self.primary = primary
+ self.characteristics = []
+ dbus.service.Object.__init__(self, bus, self.path)
+ def get_properties(self):
+ return {
+ 'UUID': self.uuid,
+ 'Primary': self.primary,
+ 'Characteristics': dbus.Array(
+ self.get_characteristic_paths(),
+ signature='o')
+ }
+ }
+ def get_path(self):
+ return dbus.ObjectPath(self.path)
+ def add_characteristic(self, characteristic):
+ self.characteristics.append(characteristic)
+ def get_characteristic_paths(self):
+ result = []
+ for chrc in self.characteristics:
+ result.append(chrc.get_path())
+ return result
+ def get_characteristics(self):
+ return self.characteristics
+ @dbus.service.method(DBUS_PROP_IFACE,
+ in_signature='s',
+ out_signature='a{sv}')
+ def GetAll(self, interface):
+ if interface != GATT_SERVICE_IFACE:
+ raise InvalidArgsException()
+ return self.get_properties()[GATT_SERVICE_IFACE]
+class Characteristic(dbus.service.Object):
+ """
+ org.bluez.GattCharacteristic1 interface implementation
+ """
+ def __init__(self, bus, index, uuid, flags, service):
+ self.path = service.path + '/char' + str(index)
+ self.bus = bus
+ self.uuid = uuid
+ self.service = service
+ self.flags = flags
+ self.value = [0]
+ self.descriptors = []
+ dbus.service.Object.__init__(self, bus, self.path)
+ def get_properties(self):
+ return {
+ 'Service': self.service.get_path(),
+ 'UUID': self.uuid,
+ 'Flags': self.flags,
+ 'Value': self.value,
+ 'Descriptors': dbus.Array(self.get_descriptor_paths(), signature='o')
+ }
+ }
+ def get_path(self):
+ return dbus.ObjectPath(self.path)
+ def add_descriptor(self, descriptor):
+ self.descriptors.append(descriptor)
+ def get_descriptor_paths(self):
+ result = []
+ for desc in self.descriptors:
+ result.append(desc.get_path())
+ return result
+ def get_descriptors(self):
+ return self.descriptors
+ @dbus.service.method(DBUS_PROP_IFACE, in_signature='s', out_signature='a{sv}')
+ def GetAll(self, interface):
+ if interface != GATT_CHRC_IFACE:
+ raise InvalidArgsException()
+ return self.get_properties()[GATT_CHRC_IFACE]
+ @dbus.service.method(GATT_CHRC_IFACE, in_signature='a{sv}', out_signature='ay')
+ def ReadValue(self, options):
+ print('\nDefault ReadValue called, returning error')
+ raise NotSupportedException()
+ @dbus.service.method(GATT_CHRC_IFACE, in_signature='aya{sv}')
+ def WriteValue(self, value, options):
+ print('\nDefault WriteValue called, returning error')
+ raise NotSupportedException()
+ @dbus.service.method(GATT_CHRC_IFACE)
+ def StartNotify(self):
+ print('Default StartNotify called, returning error')
+ raise NotSupportedException()
+ @dbus.service.method(GATT_CHRC_IFACE)
+ def StopNotify(self):
+ print('Default StopNotify called, returning error')
+ raise NotSupportedException()
+ @dbus.service.signal(DBUS_PROP_IFACE,
+ signature='sa{sv}as')
+ def PropertiesChanged(self, interface, changed, invalidated):
+ print("\nProperties Changed")
+class Descriptor(dbus.service.Object):
+ """
+ org.bluez.GattDescriptor1 interface implementation
+ """
+ def __init__(self, bus, index, uuid, flags, characteristic):
+ self.path = characteristic.path + '/desc' + str(index)
+ self.bus = bus
+ self.uuid = uuid
+ self.flags = flags
+ self.chrc = characteristic
+ dbus.service.Object.__init__(self, bus, self.path)
+ def get_properties(self):
+ return {
+ 'Characteristic': self.chrc.get_path(),
+ 'UUID': self.uuid,
+ 'Flags': self.flags,
+ }
+ }
+ def get_path(self):
+ return dbus.ObjectPath(self.path)
+ @dbus.service.method(DBUS_PROP_IFACE,
+ in_signature='s',
+ out_signature='a{sv}')
+ def GetAll(self, interface):
+ if interface != GATT_DESC_IFACE:
+ raise InvalidArgsException()
+ return self.get_properties()[GATT_DESC_IFACE]
+ @dbus.service.method(GATT_DESC_IFACE, in_signature='a{sv}', out_signature='ay')
+ def ReadValue(self, options):
+ print('Default ReadValue called, returning error')
+ raise NotSupportedException()
+ @dbus.service.method(GATT_DESC_IFACE, in_signature='aya{sv}')
+ def WriteValue(self, value, options):
+ print('Default WriteValue called, returning error')
+ raise NotSupportedException()
+class AlertNotificationService(Service):
+ TEST_SVC_UUID = '00001811-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb'
+ def __init__(self, bus, index):
+ global alert_status_char_obj
+ Service.__init__(self, bus, index, self.TEST_SVC_UUID, primary=True)
+ self.add_characteristic(SupportedNewAlertCategoryCharacteristic(bus, '0001', self))
+ self.add_characteristic(AlertNotificationControlPointCharacteristic(bus, '0002', self))
+ alert_status_char_obj = UnreadAlertStatusCharacteristic(bus, '0003', self)
+ self.add_characteristic(alert_status_char_obj)
+class SupportedNewAlertCategoryCharacteristic(Characteristic):
+ SUPPORT_NEW_ALERT_UUID = '00002A47-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb'
+ def __init__(self, bus, index, service):
+ Characteristic.__init__(
+ self, bus, index,
+ ['read'],
+ service)
+ self.value = [dbus.Byte(2)]
+ def ReadValue(self, options):
+ global CHAR_READ
+ CHAR_READ = True
+ val_list = []
+ for val in self.value:
+ val_list.append(dbus.Byte(val))
+ print("Read Request received\n", "\tSupportedNewAlertCategoryCharacteristic")
+ print("\tValue:", "\t", val_list)
+ return val_list
+class AlertNotificationControlPointCharacteristic(Characteristic):
+ ALERT_NOTIF_UUID = '00002A44-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb'
+ def __init__(self, bus, index, service):
+ Characteristic.__init__(
+ self, bus, index,
+ ['read','write'],
+ service)
+ self.value = [dbus.Byte(0)]
+ def ReadValue(self, options):
+ val_list = []
+ for val in self.value:
+ val_list.append(dbus.Byte(val))
+ print("Read Request received\n", "\tAlertNotificationControlPointCharacteristic")
+ print("\tValue:", "\t", val_list)
+ return val_list
+ def WriteValue(self, value, options):
+ global CHAR_WRITE
+ print("Write Request received\n", "\tAlertNotificationControlPointCharacteristic")
+ print("\tCurrent value:", "\t", self.value)
+ val_list = []
+ for val in value:
+ val_list.append(val)
+ self.value = val_list
+ # Check if new value is written
+ print("\tNew value:", "\t", self.value)
+ if not self.value == value:
+ print("Failed: Write Request\n\tNew value not written\tCurrent value:", self.value)
+class UnreadAlertStatusCharacteristic(Characteristic):
+ UNREAD_ALERT_STATUS_UUID = '00002A45-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb'
+ def __init__(self, bus, index, service):
+ Characteristic.__init__(
+ self, bus, index,
+ ['read', 'write', 'notify'],
+ service)
+ self.value = [dbus.Byte(0)]
+ self.cccd_obj = ClientCharacteristicConfigurationDescriptor(bus, '0001', self)
+ self.add_descriptor(self.cccd_obj)
+ self.notifying = False
+ def StartNotify(self):
+ if self.notifying:
+ print('\nAlready notifying, nothing to do')
+ return
+ self.notifying = True
+ print("\nNotify Started")
+ self.cccd_obj.WriteValue([dbus.Byte(1), dbus.Byte(0)])
+ self.cccd_obj.ReadValue()
+ def StopNotify(self):
+ if not self.notifying:
+ print('\nNot notifying, nothing to do')
+ return
+ self.notifying = False
+ print("\nNotify Stopped")
+ def ReadValue(self, options):
+ print("Read Request received\n", "\tUnreadAlertStatusCharacteristic")
+ val_list = []
+ for val in self.value:
+ val_list.append(dbus.Byte(val))
+ print("\tValue:", "\t", val_list)
+ return val_list
+ def WriteValue(self, value, options):
+ print("Write Request received\n", "\tUnreadAlertStatusCharacteristic")
+ val_list = []
+ for val in value:
+ val_list.append(val)
+ self.value = val_list
+ # Check if new value is written
+ print("\tNew value:", "\t", self.value)
+ if not self.value == value:
+ print("Failed: Write Request\n\tNew value not written\tCurrent value:", self.value)
+class ClientCharacteristicConfigurationDescriptor(Descriptor):
+ CCCD_UUID = '00002902-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb'
+ def __init__(self, bus, index, characteristic):
+ self.value = [dbus.Byte(0)]
+ Descriptor.__init__(
+ self, bus, index,
+ self.CCCD_UUID,
+ ['read', 'write'],
+ characteristic)
+ def ReadValue(self):
+ print("\tValue on read:", "\t", self.value)
+ return self.value
+ def WriteValue(self, value):
+ val_list = []
+ for val in value:
+ val_list.append(val)
+ self.value = val_list
+ # Check if new value is written
+ print("New value on write:", "\t", self.value)
+ if not self.value == value:
+ print("Failed: Write Request\n\tNew value not written\tCurrent value:", self.value)
--- /dev/null