import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.ParsePosition;
import java.util.Date;
+import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
public final static int FIELD_COUNT = 34; // must == DateFormatSymbols.patternChars.length()
+ /**
+ * boolean attributes
+ * <br/>
+ * PARSE_ALLOW_WHITESPACE - indicates whitespace tolerance. Also included is trailing dot tolerance.
+ * <br/>
+ * PARSE_ALLOW_NUMERIC - indicates tolerance of numeric data when String data may be assumed. eg: YEAR_NAME_FIELD
+ *
+ * @internal ICU 5.2 technology preview
+ */
+ public enum BooleanAttribute {
+ /** indicates whitespace tolerance. Also included is trailing dot tolerance. */
+ /** indicates tolerance of numeric data when String data may be assumed. eg: YEAR_NAME_FIELD */
+ };
+ /**
+ * boolean attributes for this instance. Inclusion in this is indicates a true condition.
+ */
+ private EnumSet<BooleanAttribute> booleanAttributes = EnumSet.allOf(BooleanAttribute.class);
// Proclaim serial compatibility with 1.1 FCS
private static final long serialVersionUID = 7218322306649953788L;
* lenient parsing, the parser may use heuristics to interpret inputs that
* do not precisely match this object's format. With strict parsing,
* inputs must match this object's format.
+ * <br/><br/>
+ * <b>Note:</b> This method is specific to the encapsulated Calendar object. DateFormat
+ * leniency aspects are controlled by setBooleanAttribute.
* @param lenient when true, parsing is lenient
* @see
+ * @see #setBooleanAttribute(BooleanAttribute, boolean)
* @stable ICU 2.0
public void setLenient(boolean lenient)
- * Returns whether date/time parsing is lenient.
+ * Returns whether date/time parsing in the encapsulated Calendar object is lenient.
* @stable ICU 2.0
public boolean isLenient()
return calendar.isLenient();
+ /**
+ * set a boolean attribute for this instance. Aspects of DateFormat leniency are controlled by
+ * boolean attributes.
+ *
+ * @see BooleanAttribute
+ * @internal ICU 5.2 technology preview
+ */
+ public DateFormat setBooleanAttribute(BooleanAttribute key, boolean value)
+ {
+ if(booleanAttributes.contains(key) && value == false)
+ booleanAttributes.remove(key);
+ if(value == true && !booleanAttributes.contains(key))
+ booleanAttributes.add(key);
+ return this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * get the current value for the specified BooleanAttribute for this instance
+ *
+ * if attribute is missing false is returned.
+ *
+ * @see BooleanAttribute
+ * @internal ICU 5.2 technology preview
+ */
+ public boolean getBooleanAttribute(BooleanAttribute key)
+ {
+ if(booleanAttributes.contains(key))
+ return true;
+ else
+ return false;
+ }
* Overrides hashCode.
* @stable ICU 2.0
// Special hack for trailing "." after non-numeric field.
if (pos < text.length()) {
char extra = text.charAt(pos);
- if (extra == '.' && isLenient() && items.length != 0) {
+ if (extra == '.' && getBooleanAttribute(DateFormat.BooleanAttribute.PARSE_ALLOW_WHITESPACE) && items.length != 0) {
// only do if the last field is not numeric
Object lastItem = items[items.length - 1];
if (lastItem instanceof PatternItem && !((PatternItem)lastItem).isNumeric) {
} else if (pch != ich) {
- if (ich == '.' && pos == originalPos && 0 < itemIndex && isLenient()) {
+ if (ich == '.' && pos == originalPos && 0 < itemIndex && getBooleanAttribute(DateFormat.BooleanAttribute.PARSE_ALLOW_WHITESPACE)) {
Object before = items[itemIndex-1];
if (before instanceof PatternItem) {
boolean isNumeric = ((PatternItem) before).isNumeric;
+ } else if ((pch == ' ' || pch == '.') && getBooleanAttribute(DateFormat.BooleanAttribute.PARSE_ALLOW_WHITESPACE)) {
+ ++idx;
+ continue;
complete[0] = idx == plen;
- if (complete[0] == false && isLenient() && 0 < itemIndex && itemIndex < items.length - 1) {
+ if (complete[0] == false && getBooleanAttribute(DateFormat.BooleanAttribute.PARSE_ALLOW_WHITESPACE) && 0 < itemIndex && itemIndex < items.length - 1) {
// If fully lenient, accept " "* for any text between a date and a time field
// We don't go more lenient, because we don't want to accept "12/31" for "12:31".
// People may be trying to parse for a date, then for a time.
int value = 0;
int i;
ParsePosition pos = new ParsePosition(0);
- boolean lenient = isLenient();
//int patternCharIndex = DateFormatSymbols.patternChars.indexOf(ch);c
int patternCharIndex = -1;
return newStart;
- if ( number != null && (lenient || formatData.shortYearNames == null || value > formatData.shortYearNames.length) ) {
+ if ( number != null && (getBooleanAttribute(DateFormat.BooleanAttribute.PARSE_ALLOW_NUMERIC) || formatData.shortYearNames == null || value > formatData.shortYearNames.length) ) {
cal.set(Calendar.YEAR, value);
return pos.getIndex();
return ok;
+ public void TestDateFormatLeniency() {
+ // For details see
+ class TestDateFormatLeniencyItem {
+ public boolean leniency;
+ public String parseString;
+ public String pattern;
+ public String expectedResult; // null indicates expected error
+ // Simple constructor
+ public TestDateFormatLeniencyItem(boolean len, String parString, String patt, String expResult) {
+ leniency = len;
+ pattern = patt;
+ parseString = parString;
+ expectedResult = expResult;
+ }
+ };
+ final TestDateFormatLeniencyItem[] items = {
+ // leniency parse String pattern expected result
+ new TestDateFormatLeniencyItem(true, "2008-Jan 02", "yyyy-LLL. dd", "2008-Jan. 02"),
+ new TestDateFormatLeniencyItem(false, "2008-Jan 03", "yyyy-LLL. dd", null),
+ new TestDateFormatLeniencyItem(true, "2008-Jan--04", "yyyy-MMM' -- 'dd", "2008-Jan -- 04"),
+ new TestDateFormatLeniencyItem(false, "2008-Jan--05", "yyyy-MMM' -- 'dd", null),
+ new TestDateFormatLeniencyItem(true, "2008-12-31", "yyyy-mm-dd", "2008-12-31")
+ };
+ StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
+ Date d = new Date();
+ Calendar cal = GregorianCalendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT"), Locale.US);
+ SimpleDateFormat sdfmt = new SimpleDateFormat();
+ ParsePosition p = new ParsePosition(0);
+ for (TestDateFormatLeniencyItem item: items) {
+ cal.clear();
+ sdfmt.setCalendar(cal);
+ sdfmt.applyPattern(item.pattern);
+ sdfmt.setLenient(item.leniency);
+ sdfmt.setBooleanAttribute(DateFormat.BooleanAttribute.PARSE_ALLOW_WHITESPACE, item.leniency);
+ sdfmt.setBooleanAttribute(DateFormat.BooleanAttribute.PARSE_ALLOW_NUMERIC, item.leniency);
+ result.setLength(0);
+ p.setIndex(0);
+ p.setErrorIndex(-1);
+ d = sdfmt.parse(item.parseString, p);
+ if(item.expectedResult == null) {
+ if(p.getErrorIndex() != -1)
+ continue;
+ else
+ errln("error: unexpected parse success..."+item.parseString + " w/ lenient="+item.leniency+" should have faile");
+ }
+ if(p.getErrorIndex() != -1) {
+ errln("error: parse error for string " +item.parseString + " -- idx["+p.getIndex()+"] errIdx["+p.getErrorIndex()+"]");
+ continue;
+ }
+ cal.setTime(d);
+ result = sdfmt.format(cal, result, new FieldPosition(0));
+ if(!result.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(item.expectedResult)) {
+ errln("error: unexpected format result. expected - " + item.expectedResult + " but result was - " + result);
+ } else {
+ logln("formatted results match! - " + result.toString());
+ }
+ }
+ }