-.\" $NHDT-Branch: NetHack-3.6 $:$NHDT-Revision: 1.311 $ $NHDT-Date: 1562719337 2019/07/10 00:42:17 $
+.\" $NHDT-Branch: NetHack-3.6 $:$NHDT-Revision: 1.312 $ $NHDT-Date: 1562838836 2019/07/11 09:53:56 $
.\" This is an excerpt from the 'roff' man page from the 'groff' package.
.\" NetHack's Guidebook.mn currently does *not* adhere to these guidelines.
Default key is \(oqM-e\(cq.
.lp #exploremode
Enter the explore mode.
+.lp ""
+Requires confirmation; default response is \f(CRn\fP (no).
+To really switch to explore mode, respond with \f(CRy\fP.
+You can set the
+.op paranoid_confirmation:quit
+option to require a response of \f(CRyes\fP instead.
.lp "#fire "
Fire ammunition from quiver.
Default key is \(oqf\(cq.
Terminates the current game.
Debug mode only.
+.lp ""
+Asks for confirmation; default is \f(CRn\fP (no); continue playing.
+To really panic, respond with \f(CRy\fP.
+You can set the
+.op paranoid_confirmation:quit
+option to require a response of \f(CRyes\fP instead.
.lp "#pay "
Pay your shopping bill.
Default key is \(oqp\(cq.
.lp ""
Since using this command by accident would throw away the current game,
you are asked to confirm your intent before quitting.
-By default a response of \(oqy\(cq acknowledges that intent.
+Default response is \f(CRn\fP (no); continue playing.
+To really quit, respond with \f(CRy\fP.
You can set the
-.op paranoid_confirmation
-option to require a response of \(lqyes\(rq instead.
+.op paranoid_confirmation:quit
+option to require a response of \f(CRyes\fP instead.
.lp "#quiver "
Select ammunition for quiver.
Default key is \(oqQ\(cq.
Default key is `{\tt M-e}'.
-Enter the explore mode.
+Enter the explore mode.\\
+%.lp ""
+Requires confirmation; default response is `{\tt n}' (no).
+To really switch to explore mode, respond with `{\tt y}'.
+You can set the
+{\it paranoid\verb+_+confirmation:quit\/}
+option to require a response of ``{\tt yes}'' instead.
Fire ammunition from quiver. Default key is `{\tt f}'.
Test the panic routine.
Terminates the current game.
-Debug mode only.
+Debug mode only.\\
+%.lp ""
+Asks for confirmation; default is `{\tt n}' (no); continue playing.
+To really panic, respond with `{\tt y}''.
+You can set the
+{\it paranoid\verb+_+confirmation:quit\/}
+option to require a response of ``{\tt yes}'' instead.
Pay your shopping bill. Default key is `{\tt p}'.
Quit the program without saving your game. Autocompletes.
-Default key is `{\tt M-q}'.
+Default key is `{\tt M-q}'.\\
%.lp ""
Since using this command by accident would throw away the current game,
-you are asked to confirm your intent before quitting. By default a
-response of `{\tt y}' acknowledges that intent. You can set the
-{\it paranoid\verb+_+confirmation\/}
+you are asked to confirm your intent before quitting.
+Default response is `{\tt n}' (no); continue playing.
+To really quit, respond with `{\tt y}'.
+You can set the
+{\it paranoid\verb+_+confirmation:quit\/}
option to require a response of ``{\tt yes}'' instead.
-$NHDT-Branch: NetHack-3.6 $:$NHDT-Revision: 1.93 $ $NHDT-Date: 1562832141 2019/07/11 08:02:21 $
+$NHDT-Branch: NetHack-3.6 $:$NHDT-Revision: 1.94 $ $NHDT-Date: 1562838835 2019/07/11 09:53:55 $
This fixes36.3 file is here to capture information about updates in the 3.6.x
lineage following the release of 3.6.2 in May 2019. Please note, however,
when farlook describes a monster at a visible spot as trapped, reveal the trap
fix theft when poly'd into nymph form; 3.6.2 change made that anger the victim
hero poly'd into nymph would steal gold along with other items
+change wizard mode #panic to require "yes" if 'paranoid_confirm:quit' is set
Fixes to Post-3.6.2 Problems that Were Exposed Via git Repository
-/* NetHack 3.6 cmd.c $NHDT-Date: 1562532731 2019/07/07 20:52:11 $ $NHDT-Branch: NetHack-3.6 $:$NHDT-Revision: 1.339 $ */
+/* NetHack 3.6 cmd.c $NHDT-Date: 1562838823 2019/07/11 09:53:43 $ $NHDT-Branch: NetHack-3.6 $:$NHDT-Revision: 1.340 $ */
/* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
/*-Copyright (c) Robert Patrick Rankin, 2013. */
/* NetHack may be freely redistributed. See license for details. */
u.uen = u.uenmax = 1000;
return 0;
- if (yn("Do you want to call panic() and end your game?") == 'y')
+ if (paranoid_query(ParanoidQuit,
+ "Do you want to call panic() and end your game?"))
panic("Crash test.");
return 0;