re2c-{{ version }}
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Originally written by Peter Bumbulis (
and described in research article
-`"RE2C: a more versatile scanner generator" <1994_bumbulis_cowan_re2c_a_more_versatile_scanner_generator.pdf>`_
+:download:`"RE2C: a more versatile scanner generator" <1994_bumbulis_cowan_re2c_a_more_versatile_scanner_generator.pdf>`
by Peter Bumbulis, Donald D. Cowan, 1994,
ACM Letters on Programming Languages and Systems (LOPLAS).
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For those interested in the internal re2c algorithm used to determine checkpoints,
here is a quote from the original paper
-`"RE2C: a more versatile scanner generator" <../about/1994_bumbulis_cowan_re2c_a_more_versatile_scanner_generator.pdf>`_
+:download:`"RE2C: a more versatile scanner generator" <../about/1994_bumbulis_cowan_re2c_a_more_versatile_scanner_generator.pdf>`
by Peter Bumbulis, Donald D. Cowan, 1994, ACM Letters on Programming Languages and Systems (LOPLAS):
*A set of key states can be determined by discovering the strongly-connected components (SCCs) of the