" Dockerfile; Podman uses the same syntax with name Containerfile
" Also see Dockerfile.* below.
-au BufNewFile,BufRead Containerfile,Dockerfile,*.Dockerfile setf dockerfile
+au BufNewFile,BufRead Containerfile,Dockerfile,dockerfile,*.[dD]ockerfile setf dockerfile
" WildPackets EtherPeek Decoder
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.dcd setf dcd
" Hollywood
au BufRead,BufNewFile *.hws setf hollywood
+" Hoon
+au BufRead,BufNewFile *.hoon setf hoon
" Tilde (must be before HTML)
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.t.html setf tilde
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.moo setf moo
+" Moonscript
+au BufNewFile,BufRead *.moon setf moonscript
" Modconf
au BufNewFile,BufRead */etc/modules.conf,*/etc/modules,*/etc/conf.modules setf modconf
\ 'diff': ['file.diff', 'file.rej'],
\ 'dircolors': ['.dir_colors', '.dircolors', '/etc/DIR_COLORS', 'any/etc/DIR_COLORS'],
\ 'dnsmasq': ['/etc/dnsmasq.conf', '/etc/dnsmasq.d/file', 'any/etc/dnsmasq.conf', 'any/etc/dnsmasq.d/file'],
- \ 'dockerfile': ['Containerfile', 'Dockerfile', 'file.Dockerfile', 'Dockerfile.debian', 'Containerfile.something'],
+ \ 'dockerfile': ['Containerfile', 'Dockerfile', 'dockerfile', 'file.Dockerfile', 'file.dockerfile', 'Dockerfile.debian', 'Containerfile.something'],
\ 'dosbatch': ['file.bat'],
\ 'dosini': ['.editorconfig', '/etc/yum.conf', 'file.ini', 'npmrc', '.npmrc', 'php.ini', 'php.ini-5', 'php.ini-file', '/etc/yum.repos.d/file', 'any/etc/yum.conf', 'any/etc/yum.repos.d/file', 'file.wrap'],
\ 'dot': ['file.dot', 'file.gv'],
\ 'hjson': ['file.hjson'],
\ 'hog': ['file.hog', 'snort.conf', 'vision.conf'],
\ 'hollywood': ['file.hws'],
+ \ 'hoon': ['file.hoon'],
\ 'hostconf': ['/etc/host.conf', 'any/etc/host.conf'],
\ 'hostsaccess': ['/etc/hosts.allow', '/etc/hosts.deny', 'any/etc/hosts.allow', 'any/etc/hosts.deny'],
\ 'html': ['file.html', 'file.htm', 'file.cshtml'],
\ 'modula3': ['file.m3', 'file.mg', 'file.i3', 'file.ig'],
\ 'monk': ['file.isc', 'file.monk', 'file.ssc', 'file.tsc'],
\ 'moo': ['file.moo'],
+ \ 'moonscript': ['file.moon'],
\ 'mp': ['file.mp'],
\ 'mplayerconf': ['mplayer.conf', '/.mplayer/config', 'any/.mplayer/config'],
\ 'mrxvtrc': ['mrxvtrc', '.mrxvtrc'],