:type 'function
:group 'python)
-(defface py-mixed-indentation-face nil
- "Face that mixed indentation is displayed in.
-To quickly see mixed tabs/spaces, use \\[customize-face] and set the
-background of `py-mixed-indentation-face' to something obnoxious (like
- :group 'python)
;; Not customizable
(defvar py-master-file nil
"If non-nil, execute the named file instead of the buffer's file.
;; functions
'("\\bdef[ \t]+\\([a-zA-Z_]+[a-zA-Z0-9_]*\\)"
1 font-lock-function-name-face)
- ;; mixed tabs and spaces indentation
- '("^[ \t]*\\( \t\\|\t \\)[ \t]*" 0 py-mixed-indentation-face)
"Additional expressions to highlight in Python mode.")
(put 'python-mode 'font-lock-defaults '(python-font-lock-keywords))