+++ /dev/null
-# Makefile for fortune-mod
-# Where does the fortune program go?
-# Where do the data files (fortunes, or cookies) go?
-# Offensive ones?
-# The ones with html tags?
-# Where do local data files go?
-# Offensive ones?
-# With HTML tags?
-# Where do strfile and unstr go?
-# What is the proper mode for strfile and unstr? 755= everyone, 700= root only
-# Where do the man pages for strfile and unstr go?
-# What is their proper extension?
-# And the same for the fortune man page
-# Do we want to install the offensive files? (0 no, 1 yes)
-# Do we want to install files with html tags? (0 no, 1 yes)
-# (Note: These files are not yet available)
-# Include whichever of the following defines that are appropriate
-# for your system into REGEXDEFS:
-# For systems that declare their regex functions in <regex.h>
-# For systems that declare their regex functions in <regexp.h>
-# For systems that declare their regex functions in <rx.h>
-# For systems with BSD-compatible regex functions
-# For systems with POSIX-compatible regex functions
-# For GNU system that declare bool type in <stdbool.h>
-# NB. Under Linux, the BSD regex functions are _MUCH_ faster
-# than the POSIX ones, but your mileage may vary.
-# If your system's regex functions are not in its standard C library,
-# include the appropriate link flags into REGEXLIBS
-CFLAGS=-O2 $(DEFINES) -Wall -fomit-frame-pointer -pipe -fsigned-char
-# The above flags are used by default; the debug flags are used when make
-# is called with a debug target, such as 'make debug'
-# to get a list of the possible targets, try 'make help'
-# All targets are available at the top level, which exports the
-# variables to sub-makes. Avoid makes in subdirectories; cd .. and
-# make <target> instead.
-# Only ANSI-compatible C compilers are currently supported
-# ----------------------------------------
-# Nothing below this line should have to be changed
-SUBDIRS=fortune util datfiles
-.PHONY: all debug fortune-bin fortune-debug util-bin randstr rot \
- util-debug cookies cookies-z install install-fortune \
- install-util install-man install-fman install-uman \
- clean love help
-# By default, compile optimized versions
-all: fortune-bin util-bin cookies-z
-# Create debugging versions
-debug: fortune-debug util-debug cookies-z
-# Just create the fortune binary
- cd fortune && $(MAKE) CC='$(CC)' \
- CFLAGS='$(CFLAGS) $(REGEXDEFS) -I../util' \
- cd fortune && $(MAKE) CC='$(CC)' \
- cd util && $(MAKE) CC='$(CC)' CFLAGS='$(CFLAGS)' \
-# Not listed in help
- cd util && $(MAKE) CC='$(CC)' CFLAGS='$(CFLAGS)' \
- LDFLAGS='$(LDFLAGS)' randstr
- cd util && $(MAKE) CC='$(CC)' CFLAGS='$(DEBUGCFLAGS)' \
- @echo "Try the kitchen, silly!" ; sleep 3
- @echo "Sorry, just joking."
- $(MAKE) cookies-z
-cookies-z: util-bin
- cd datfiles && $(DATFILES_MAKE)
-# Install everything
-install: install-fortune install-util install-man install-cookie
-# Install just the fortune program
-install-fortune: fortune-bin
- install -m 0755 -d $(FORTDIR)
- install -m 0755 fortune/fortune $(FORTDIR)
-# Install just the utilities strfile and unstr
-install-util: util-bin
- install -m 0755 -d $(BINDIR)
- install -m $(BINMODE) util/strfile $(BINDIR)
- install -m $(BINMODE) util/unstr $(BINDIR)
-# Install all the man pages
-install-man: install-fman install-uman
-# Note: this rule concatenates the parts of the man page with the locally
-# defined pathnames (which should reduce confusion).
-fortune/fortune.man: fortune/fortune-man.part1 fortune/fortune-man.part2
- @echo -n "Building fortune/fortune.man ... "
- @cat fortune/fortune-man.part1 >fortune/fortune.man
- @echo ".I $(COOKIEDIR)" >>fortune/fortune.man
- @echo "Directory for innoffensive fortunes." >>fortune/fortune.man
- @echo ".TP" >>fortune/fortune.man
- @echo ".I $(OCOOKIEDIR)" >>fortune/fortune.man
- @echo "Directory for offensive fortunes." >>fortune/fortune.man
- @cat fortune/fortune-man.part2 >>fortune/fortune.man
- @echo done.
-# Install the fortune man pages
-install-fman: fortune/fortune.man
- install -m 0755 -d $(FORTMANDIR)
- install -m 0644 fortune/fortune.man $(FORTMANDIR)/fortune.$(FORTMANEXT)
-# Install the utilities man pages
- install -m 0755 -d $(BINMANDIR)
- install -m 0644 util/strfile.man $(BINMANDIR)/strfile.$(BINMANEXT)
- rm -f $(BINMANDIR)/unstr.$(BINMANEXT)
- (cd $(BINMANDIR) && ln -sf strfile.$(BINMANEXT).gz $(BINMANDIR)/unstr.$(BINMANEXT).gz)
-# Install the fortune cookie files
-install-cookie: cookies-z
- cd datfiles && $(DATFILES_MAKE) install
-datfiles-check: cookies-z
- cd datfiles && $(DATFILES_MAKE) check
- SRC_DIR=. perl tests/trailing-space-and-CRs.pl
- prove tests/t/*.t
-check-deps: all
-check: check-deps datfiles-check root-check tap-check
- for i in $(SUBDIRS) ; do (cd $$i && $(MAKE) clean); done
- @echo "Not war?" ; sleep 3
- @echo "Look, I'm not equipped for that, okay?" ; sleep 2
- @echo "Contact your hardware vendor for appropriate mods."
- @echo "Targets:"
- @echo
- @echo "all: make all the binaries and data files (the default target)"
- @echo " fortune-bin: make the fortune binary"
- @echo " util-bin: make the strfile and unstr binaries"
- @echo " cookies: make the fortune-cookie data files"
- @echo
- @echo "debug: make debugging versions of the binaries"
- @echo " fortune-debug: Just the fortune program"
- @echo " util-debug: Just strfile and unstr"
- @echo
- @echo "install: install the files in locations specified in Makefile"
- @echo " install-fortune: Just the fortune program"
- @echo " install-util: Just strfile and unstr"
- @echo " install-cookie: Just the fortune string and data files"
- @echo " install-man: Just the man pages"
- @echo " install-fman: Just the fortune man page"
- @echo " install-uman: Just the strfile/unstr man page"
- @echo
- @echo "clean: Remove object files and binaries"
- @echo
- @echo "help: This screen"
- @echo
- @echo "love: What a *good* idea! Let's!"