+From owner-pgsql-hackers@hub.org Thu Sep 23 11:01:06 1999
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+Received: from hub.org (hub.org []) by renoir.op.net (o1/$ Revision: 1.18 $) with ESMTP id KAA28544 for <maillist@candle.pha.pa.us>; Thu, 23 Sep 1999 10:45:54 -0400 (EDT)
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+ Thu, 23 Sep 1999 10:18:02 -0400 (EDT)
+To: wieck@debis.com (Jan Wieck)
+cc: pgsql-hackers@postgreSQL.org
+Subject: Re: [HACKERS] Progress report: buffer refcount bugs and SQL functions
+In-reply-to: Your message of Thu, 23 Sep 1999 03:19:39 +0200 (MET DST)
+ <m11TxXw-0003kLC@orion.SAPserv.Hamburg.dsh.de>
+Date: Thu, 23 Sep 1999 10:18:01 -0400
+Message-ID: <13251.938096281@sss.pgh.pa.us>
+From: Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us>
+Sender: owner-pgsql-hackers@postgreSQL.org
+Precedence: bulk
+Status: RO
+wieck@debis.com (Jan Wieck) writes:
+> Tom Lane wrote:
+>> What I am wondering, though, is whether this addition is actually
+>> necessary, or is it a bug that the functions aren't run to completion
+>> in the first place?
+> I've said some time (maybe too long) ago, that SQL functions
+> returning tuple sets are broken in general.
+Indeed they are. Try this on for size (using the regression database):
+ SELECT p.name, p.hobbies.equipment.name FROM person p;
+ SELECT p.hobbies.equipment.name, p.name FROM person p;
+You get different result sets!?
+The problem in this example is that ExecTargetList returns the isDone
+flag from the last targetlist entry, regardless of whether there are
+incomplete iterations in previous entries. More generally, the buffer
+leak problem that I started with only occurs if some Iter nodes are not
+run to completion --- but execQual.c has no mechanism to make sure that
+they have all reached completion simultaneously.
+What we really need to make functions-returning-sets work properly is
+an implementation somewhat like aggregate functions. We need to make
+a list of all the Iter nodes present in a targetlist and cycle through
+the values returned by each in a methodical fashion (run the rightmost
+through its full cycle, then advance the next-to-rightmost one value,
+run the rightmost through its cycle again, etc etc). Also there needs
+to be an understanding of the hierarchy when an Iter appears in the
+arguments of another Iter's function. (You cycle the upper one for
+*each* set of arguments created by cycling its sub-Iters.)
+I am not particularly interested in working on this feature right now,
+since AFAIK it's a Berkeleyism not found in SQL92. What I've done
+is to hack ExecTargetList so that it behaves semi-sanely when there's
+more than one Iter at the top level of the target list --- it still
+doesn't really give the right answer, but at least it will keep
+generating tuples until all the Iters are done at the same time.
+It happens that that's enough to give correct answers for the examples
+shown in the misc regress test. Even when it fails to generate all
+the possible combinations, there will be no buffer leaks.
+So, I'm going to declare victory and go home ;-). We ought to add a
+TODO item along the lines of
+ * Functions returning sets don't really work right
+in hopes that someone will feel like tackling this someday.
+ regards, tom lane
+++ /dev/null
-From owner-pgsql-hackers@hub.org Thu Sep 23 11:01:06 1999
-Received: from renoir.op.net (root@renoir.op.net [])
- by candle.pha.pa.us (8.9.0/8.9.0) with ESMTP id LAA16162
- for <maillist@candle.pha.pa.us>; Thu, 23 Sep 1999 11:01:04 -0400 (EDT)
-Received: from hub.org (hub.org []) by renoir.op.net (o1/$ Revision: 1.18 $) with ESMTP id KAA28544 for <maillist@candle.pha.pa.us>; Thu, 23 Sep 1999 10:45:54 -0400 (EDT)
-Received: from hub.org (hub.org [])
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- Thu, 23 Sep 1999 10:20:51 -0400 (EDT)
- (envelope-from owner-pgsql-hackers@hub.org)
-Received: by hub.org (TLB v0.10a (1.23 tibbs 1997/01/09 00:29:32)); Thu, 23 Sep 1999 10:19:58 +0000 (EDT)
-Received: (from majordom@localhost)
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- for pgsql-hackers-outgoing; Thu, 23 Sep 1999 10:19:03 -0400 (EDT)
- (envelope-from owner-pgsql-hackers@postgreSQL.org)
-Received: from sss.sss.pgh.pa.us (sss.pgh.pa.us [])
- by hub.org (8.9.3/8.9.3) with ESMTP id KAA52431
- for <pgsql-hackers@postgresql.org>; Thu, 23 Sep 1999 10:18:47 -0400 (EDT)
- (envelope-from tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us)
-Received: from sss.sss.pgh.pa.us (localhost [])
- by sss.sss.pgh.pa.us (8.9.1/8.9.1) with ESMTP id KAA13253;
- Thu, 23 Sep 1999 10:18:02 -0400 (EDT)
-To: wieck@debis.com (Jan Wieck)
-cc: pgsql-hackers@postgreSQL.org
-Subject: Re: [HACKERS] Progress report: buffer refcount bugs and SQL functions
-In-reply-to: Your message of Thu, 23 Sep 1999 03:19:39 +0200 (MET DST)
- <m11TxXw-0003kLC@orion.SAPserv.Hamburg.dsh.de>
-Date: Thu, 23 Sep 1999 10:18:01 -0400
-Message-ID: <13251.938096281@sss.pgh.pa.us>
-From: Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us>
-Sender: owner-pgsql-hackers@postgreSQL.org
-Precedence: bulk
-Status: RO
-wieck@debis.com (Jan Wieck) writes:
-> Tom Lane wrote:
->> What I am wondering, though, is whether this addition is actually
->> necessary, or is it a bug that the functions aren't run to completion
->> in the first place?
-> I've said some time (maybe too long) ago, that SQL functions
-> returning tuple sets are broken in general.
-Indeed they are. Try this on for size (using the regression database):
- SELECT p.name, p.hobbies.equipment.name FROM person p;
- SELECT p.hobbies.equipment.name, p.name FROM person p;
-You get different result sets!?
-The problem in this example is that ExecTargetList returns the isDone
-flag from the last targetlist entry, regardless of whether there are
-incomplete iterations in previous entries. More generally, the buffer
-leak problem that I started with only occurs if some Iter nodes are not
-run to completion --- but execQual.c has no mechanism to make sure that
-they have all reached completion simultaneously.
-What we really need to make functions-returning-sets work properly is
-an implementation somewhat like aggregate functions. We need to make
-a list of all the Iter nodes present in a targetlist and cycle through
-the values returned by each in a methodical fashion (run the rightmost
-through its full cycle, then advance the next-to-rightmost one value,
-run the rightmost through its cycle again, etc etc). Also there needs
-to be an understanding of the hierarchy when an Iter appears in the
-arguments of another Iter's function. (You cycle the upper one for
-*each* set of arguments created by cycling its sub-Iters.)
-I am not particularly interested in working on this feature right now,
-since AFAIK it's a Berkeleyism not found in SQL92. What I've done
-is to hack ExecTargetList so that it behaves semi-sanely when there's
-more than one Iter at the top level of the target list --- it still
-doesn't really give the right answer, but at least it will keep
-generating tuples until all the Iters are done at the same time.
-It happens that that's enough to give correct answers for the examples
-shown in the misc regress test. Even when it fails to generate all
-the possible combinations, there will be no buffer leaks.
-So, I'm going to declare victory and go home ;-). We ought to add a
-TODO item along the lines of
- * Functions returning sets don't really work right
-in hopes that someone will feel like tackling this someday.
- regards, tom lane
--- /dev/null
+From owner-pgsql-general@hub.org Fri Oct 9 18:22:09 1998
+Received: from hub.org (majordom@hub.org [])
+ by candle.pha.pa.us (8.9.0/8.9.0) with ESMTP id SAA04220
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+ Fri, 9 Oct 1998 18:18:29 -0400 (EDT)
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+ for <pgsql-general@postgresql.org>; Fri, 9 Oct 1998 18:18:00 -0400 (EDT)
+Date: Fri, 9 Oct 1998 18:18:00 -0400 (EDT)
+From: Steve Doliov <statsol@statsol.com>
+X-Sender: statsol@gecko
+To: pgsql-general@postgreSQL.org
+Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Making NULLs visible.
+Message-ID: <Pine.GSO.3.96.981009181716.545B-100000@gecko>
+MIME-Version: 1.0
+Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
+Sender: owner-pgsql-general@postgreSQL.org
+Precedence: bulk
+Status: RO
+On Fri, 9 Oct 1998, Bruce Momjian wrote:
+> [Charset iso-8859-1 unsupported, filtering to ASCII...]
+> > > Yes, \ always outputs as \\, excepts someone changed it last week, and I
+> > > am requesting a reversal. Do you like the \N if it is unique?
+> >
+> > Well, it's certainly clear, but could be confused with \n (newline). Can we
+> > have \0 instead?
+> Yes, but it is uppercase. \0 looks like an octal number to me, and I
+> think we even output octals sometimes, don't we?
+my first suggestion may have been hare-brained, but why not just make the
+specifics of the output user-configurable. So if the user chooses \0, so
+be it, if the user chooses \N so be it, if the user likes NULL so be it.
+but the option would only have one value per database at any given point
+in time. so database x could use \N on tuesday and NULL on wednesday, but
+database x could never have two references to the characters(s) used to
+represent a null value.
+From owner-pgsql-general@hub.org Sun Oct 11 17:31:08 1998
+Received: from renoir.op.net (root@renoir.op.net [])
+ by candle.pha.pa.us (8.9.0/8.9.0) with ESMTP id RAA20043
+ for <maillist@candle.pha.pa.us>; Sun, 11 Oct 1998 17:31:02 -0400 (EDT)
+Received: from hub.org (majordom@hub.org []) by renoir.op.net (o1/$ Revision: 1.18 $) with ESMTP id RAA03069 for <maillist@candle.pha.pa.us>; Sun, 11 Oct 1998 17:10:34 -0400 (EDT)
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+ for <pgsql-general@postgreSQL.org>; Sun, 11 Oct 1998 16:28:41 -0400
+Date: Sun, 11 Oct 1998 16:28:41 -0400 (EDT)
+From: Thomas Good <tomg@admin.nrnet.org>
+To: pgsql-general@postgreSQL.org
+Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Making NULLs visible.
+In-Reply-To: <Pine.GSO.3.96.981009181716.545B-100000@gecko>
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+MIME-Version: 1.0
+Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
+Sender: owner-pgsql-general@postgreSQL.org
+Precedence: bulk
+Status: RO
+Watching all this go by...as a guy who has to move alot of data
+from legacy dbs to postgres, I've gotten used to \N being a null.
+My vote, if I were allowed to cast one, would be to have one null
+and that would be the COPY command null. I have no difficulty
+distinguishing a null from a newline...
+At the pgsql command prompt I would find seeing \N rather reassuring.
+I've seen alot of these little guys.
+ ---------- Sisters of Charity Medical Center ----------
+ Department of Psychiatry
+ ----
+ Thomas Good <tomg@q8.nrnet.org>
+ Coordinator, North Richmond C.M.H.C. Information Systems
+ 75 Vanderbilt Ave, Quarters 8 Phone: 718-354-5528
+ Staten Island, NY 10304 Fax: 718-354-5056