. Fixed bug #72767 (PHP Segfaults when trying to expand an infinite operator).
-- GD:
- . Fixed bug #72709 (imagesetstyle() causes OOB read for empty $styles). (cmb)
+- EXIF:
+ . Fixed bug #72735 (Samsung picture thumb not read (zero size)). (Kalle, Remi)
-- Session:
- . Fixed bug #72724 (PHP7: session-uploadprogress kills httpd). (Nikita)
+- mbstring:
+ . Fixed bug #72711 (`mb_ereg` does not clear the `$regs` parameter on
+ failure). (ju1ius)
-- Streams:
+- Opcache:
+ . Fixed bug #72762 (Infinite loop while parsing a file with opcache enabled).
+ (Nikita)
+- Stream:
+ . Fixed bug #72743 (Out-of-bound read in php_stream_filter_create).
+ (Loianhtuan)
+ . Implemented FR #27814 (Multiple small packets send for HTTP request).
+ (vhuk)
+ . Fixed bug #72764 (ftps:// opendir wrapper data channel encryption fails
+ with IIS FTP 7.5, 8.5). (vhuk)
-?? ??? 2016 PHP 7.0.10
+04 Aug 2016, PHP 7.1.0beta2
- Core:
- . Fixed bug #72629 (Caught exception assignment to variables ignores
- references). (Laruence)
- . Fixed bug #72594 (Calling an earlier instance of an included anonymous
- class fatals). (Laruence)
- . Fixed bug #72581 (previous property undefined in Exception after
- deserialization). (Laruence)
- . Fixed bug #72496 (Cannot declare public method with signature incompatible
- with parent private method). (Pedro Magalhães)
- . Fixed bug #72024 (microtime() leaks memory). (maroszek at gmx dot net)
- . Fixed bug #71911 (Unable to set --enable-debug on building extensions by
- phpize on Windows). (Yuji Uchiyama)
- . Fixed bug causing ClosedGeneratorException being thrown into the calling
- code instead of the Generator yielding from. (Bob)
. Implemented FR #72614 (Support "nmake test" on building extensions by
phpize). (Yuji Uchiyama)
. Fixed bug #72641 (phpize (on Windows) ignores PHP_PREFIX).