- if (tuple_class->relkind == RELKIND_RELATION ||
- tuple_class->relkind == RELKIND_MATVIEW)
- {
- /* If it has a toast table, recurse to change its ownership */
- if (tuple_class->reltoastrelid != InvalidOid)
- ATExecChangeOwner(tuple_class->reltoastrelid, newOwnerId,
- true, lockmode);
+ /* If it has a toast table, recurse to change its ownership */
+ if (tuple_class->reltoastrelid != InvalidOid)
+ ATExecChangeOwner(tuple_class->reltoastrelid, newOwnerId,
+ true, lockmode);
- /* If it has dependent sequences, recurse to change them too */
- change_owner_recurse_to_sequences(relationOid, newOwnerId, lockmode);
- }
+ /* If it has dependent sequences, recurse to change them too */
+ change_owner_recurse_to_sequences(relationOid, newOwnerId, lockmode);
InvokeObjectPostAlterHook(RelationRelationId, relationOid, 0);