-<src:fragment id='body.margin.bottom.frag'><xsl:param name="body.margin.bottom">24pt</xsl:param></src:fragment>
+<src:fragment id='body.margin.bottom.frag'>
+<xsl:param name="body.margin.bottom">0.5in</xsl:param>
<para>The body bottom margin is the distance from the last line of text
-in the page body to the bottom page margin. Note that the page footer, if
-any, appears in the space between the body bottom margin and the page
-bottom margin.
+in the page body to the bottom of the region-after.
-<src:fragment id='body.margin.top.frag'><xsl:param name="body.margin.top">24pt</xsl:param></src:fragment>
+<src:fragment id='body.margin.top.frag'>
+<xsl:param name="body.margin.top">1in</xsl:param>
-<para>The body top margin is the distance from the page top margin to
-the first line of text
-in the page body. Note that the page header, if
-any, appears in the space between the page top margin and the body
-top margin.
+<para>The body top margin is the distance from the top of the region-before
+to the first line of text in the page body.
-<src:fragment id='page.margin.bottom.frag'><xsl:param name="page.margin.bottom">1in</xsl:param></src:fragment>
+<src:fragment id='page.margin.bottom.frag'>
+<xsl:param name="page.margin.bottom">0.5in</xsl:param>
-<para>The bottom page margin is the distance from the physical bottom of
-the page to the last line of text (body or footer).
+<para>The bottom page margin is the distance from the bottom of the region-after
+to the physical bottom of the page.
<src:fragment id='page.margin.outer.frag'><xsl:param name="page.margin.outer">
<xsl:when test="$double.sided != 0">0.75in</xsl:when>
- <xsl:otherwise>10pc</xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:otherwise>1in</xsl:otherwise>
-<src:fragment id='page.margin.top.frag'><xsl:param name="page.margin.top">1in</xsl:param></src:fragment>
+<src:fragment id='page.margin.top.frag'>
+<xsl:param name="page.margin.top">0in</xsl:param>
<para>The top page margin is the distance from the physical top of the
-page to the first line of text (body or header).
+page to the top of the region-before.</para>
<para>The page width is generally calculated from the
-<literal>paper.type</literal> and
+<literal>paper.type</literal> and <literal>page.orientation</literal>.
-<src:fragment id='region.after.extent.frag'><xsl:param name="region.after.extent" select="'12pt'"/></src:fragment>
+<src:fragment id='region.after.extent.frag'>
+<xsl:param name="region.after.extent" select="'0.5in'"/>
-<src:fragment id='region.before.extent.frag'><xsl:param name="region.before.extent" select="'12pt'"/></src:fragment>
+<src:fragment id='region.before.extent.frag'>
+<xsl:param name="region.before.extent" select="'0.5in'"/>