MAZE:"baalz",' '
FLAGS: noteleport,corrmaze
+# the two pools are fakes used to mark spots which need special wall fixups
+# the two iron bars are eyes and spots to their left will be made diggable
-| --- ----
-| ---- | ------------ |
-| ------ | --------|..........|---
-| |....| -------|...........--------------
+| ---- ----
+| ---- | ----------- |
+| ------ | ---------|.........|--P
+| F....| -------|...........--------------
-| |....| -------|...........-----S--------
-| ------ | --------|..........|---
-| ---- | ------------ |
-| --- ----
+| F....| -------|...........-----S--------
+| ------ | ---------|.........|--P
+| ---- | ----------- |
+| ---- ----
+# this actually leaves the farthest right column diggable
+IF [50%] {
+ TERRAIN:(34,08),'-'
+ TERRAIN:(34,04),'S'
+ TERRAIN:(29,05),'|'
+ TERRAIN:(29,07),'S'
# The fellow in residence
# Some random weapons and armor.
/* from sp_lev.c, for fixup_special() */
extern lev_region *lregions;
extern int num_lregions;
+/* for preserving the insect legs when wallifying baalz level */
+static lev_region bughack = { {COLNO, ROWNO, 0, 0}, {COLNO, ROWNO, 0, 0} };
-STATIC_DCL boolean FDECL(iswall, (int, int));
-STATIC_DCL boolean FDECL(iswall_or_stone, (int, int));
+STATIC_DCL int FDECL(iswall, (int, int));
+STATIC_DCL int FDECL(iswall_or_stone, (int, int));
STATIC_DCL boolean FDECL(is_solid, (int, int));
STATIC_DCL int FDECL(extend_spine, (int[3][3], int, int, int));
STATIC_DCL boolean FDECL(okay, (int, int, int));
STATIC_DCL boolean FDECL(put_lregion_here, (XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P,
XCHAR_P, BOOLEAN_P, d_level *));
+STATIC_DCL void NDECL(baalz_fixup);
STATIC_DCL void NDECL(setup_waterlevel);
STATIC_DCL void NDECL(unsetup_waterlevel);
} \
} while (0)
-STATIC_OVL boolean
iswall(x, y)
int x, y;
register int type;
if (!isok(x, y))
- return FALSE;
+ return 0;
type = levl[x][y].typ;
- return (boolean) (IS_WALL(type) || IS_DOOR(type)
- || type == SDOOR || type == IRONBARS);
+ return (IS_WALL(type) || IS_DOOR(type)
+ || type == SDOOR || type == IRONBARS);
-STATIC_OVL boolean
iswall_or_stone(x, y)
int x, y;
- register int type;
/* out of bounds = stone */
if (!isok(x, y))
- return TRUE;
+ return 1;
- type = levl[x][y].typ;
- return (boolean) (type == STONE
- || IS_WALL(type) || IS_DOOR(type)
- || type == SDOOR || type == IRONBARS);
+ return (levl[x][y].typ == STONE || iswall(x, y));
/* return TRUE if out of bounds, wall or rock */
/* change walls surrounded by rock to rock. */
for (x = x1; x <= x2; x++)
for (y = y1; y <= y2; y++) {
+ if (within_bounded_area(x, y,
+ bughack.inarea.x1, bughack.inarea.y1,
+ bughack.inarea.x2, bughack.inarea.y2))
+ continue;
lev = &levl[x][y];
type = lev->typ;
if (IS_WALL(type) && type != DBWALL) {
uchar type;
register int x,y;
struct rm *lev;
+ int FDECL((*loc_f), (int, int));
int bits;
int locale[3][3]; /* rock or wall status surrounding positions */
/* sanity check on incoming variables */
- if (x1<0 || x2>=COLNO || x1>x2 || y1<0 || y2>=ROWNO || y1>y2)
- panic("wall_extends: bad bounds (%d,%d) to (%d,%d)",x1,y1,x2,y2);
+ if (x1 < 0 || x2 >= COLNO || x1 > x2 || y1 < 0 || y2 >= ROWNO || y1 > y2)
+ panic("wall_extends: bad bounds (%d,%d) to (%d,%d)", x1, y1, x2, y2);
/* set the correct wall type. */
for (x = x1; x <= x2; x++)
/* set the locations TRUE if rock or wall or out of bounds */
- locale[0][0] = iswall_or_stone(x - 1, y - 1);
- locale[1][0] = iswall_or_stone(x, y - 1);
- locale[2][0] = iswall_or_stone(x + 1, y - 1);
- locale[0][1] = iswall_or_stone(x - 1, y);
- locale[2][1] = iswall_or_stone(x + 1, y);
- locale[0][2] = iswall_or_stone(x - 1, y + 1);
- locale[1][2] = iswall_or_stone(x, y + 1);
- locale[2][2] = iswall_or_stone(x + 1, y + 1);
+ loc_f = within_bounded_area(x, y, /* for baalz insect */
+ bughack.inarea.x1, bughack.inarea.y1,
+ bughack.inarea.x2, bughack.inarea.y2)
+ ? iswall
+ : iswall_or_stone;
+ locale[0][0] = (*loc_f)(x - 1, y - 1);
+ locale[1][0] = (*loc_f)(x, y - 1);
+ locale[2][0] = (*loc_f)(x + 1, y - 1);
+ locale[0][1] = (*loc_f)(x - 1, y);
+ locale[2][1] = (*loc_f)(x + 1, y);
+ locale[0][2] = (*loc_f)(x - 1, y + 1);
+ locale[1][2] = (*loc_f)(x, y + 1);
+ locale[2][2] = (*loc_f)(x + 1, y + 1);
/* determine if wall should extend to each direction NSEW */
bits = (extend_spine(locale, iswall(x, y - 1), 0, -1) << 3)
wallification(x1, y1, x2, y2)
int x1, y1, x2, y2;
- wall_cleanup(x1,y1,x2,y2);
- fix_wall_spines(x1,y1,x2,y2);
+ wall_cleanup(x1, y1, x2, y2);
+ fix_wall_spines(x1, y1, x2, y2);
STATIC_OVL boolean
return TRUE;
+/* fix up Baalzebub's lair, which depicts a level-sized beetle;
+ its legs are walls within solid rock--regular wallification
+ classifies them as superfluous and gets rid of them */
+ int x, y, lastx, lasty;
+ /*
+ * baalz level's nondiggable region surrounds the "insect" and rooms.
+ * The outermost perimeter of that region is subject to wall cleanup
+ * (hence 'x + 1' and 'y + 1' for starting don't-clean column and row,
+ * 'lastx - 1' and 'lasty - 1' for ending don't-clean column and row)
+ * and the interior is protected against that (in wall_cleanup()).
+ *
+ * Assumes level.flags.corrmaze, otherwise the bug legs will have
+ * already been "cleaned" away by general wallification.
+ */
+ /* find low and high x for to-be-wallified portion of level */
+ y = ROWNO / 2;
+ for (lastx = x = 0; x < COLNO; ++x)
+ if ((levl[x][y].wall_info & W_NONDIGGABLE) != 0) {
+ if (!lastx)
+ bughack.inarea.x1 = x + 1;
+ lastx = x;
+ }
+ bughack.inarea.x2 = ((lastx > bughack.inarea.x1) ? lastx : x) - 1;
+ /* find low and high y for to-be-wallified portion of level */
+ x = bughack.inarea.x1;
+ for (lasty = y = 0; y < ROWNO; ++y)
+ if ((levl[x][y].wall_info & W_NONDIGGABLE) != 0) {
+ if (!lasty)
+ bughack.inarea.y1 = y + 1;
+ lasty = y;
+ }
+ bughack.inarea.y2 = ((lasty > bughack.inarea.y1) ? lasty : y) - 1;
+ /* two pools mark where special post-wallify fix-ups are needed */
+ for (x = bughack.inarea.x1; x <= bughack.inarea.x2; ++x)
+ for (y = bughack.inarea.y1; y <= bughack.inarea.y2; ++y)
+ if (levl[x][y].typ == POOL) {
+ levl[x][y].typ = HWALL;
+ if (bughack.delarea.x1 == COLNO)
+ bughack.delarea.x1 = x, bughack.delarea.y1 = y;
+ else
+ bughack.delarea.x2 = x, bughack.delarea.y2 = y;
+ } else if (levl[x][y].typ == IRONBARS) {
+ /* novelty effect; allowing digging in front of 'eyes' */
+ levl[x - 1][y].wall_info &= ~W_NONDIGGABLE;
+ if (isok(x - 2, y))
+ levl[x - 2][y].wall_info &= ~W_NONDIGGABLE;
+ }
+ wallification(max(bughack.inarea.x1 - 2, 1),
+ max(bughack.inarea.y1 - 2, 0),
+ min(bughack.inarea.x2 + 2, COLNO - 1),
+ min(bughack.inarea.y2 + 2, ROWNO - 1));
+ /* bughack hack for rear-most legs on baalz level; first joint on
+ both top and bottom gets a bogus extra connection to room area,
+ producing unwanted rectangles; change back to separated legs */
+ x = bughack.delarea.x1, y = bughack.delarea.y1;
+ if (isok(x, y) && levl[x][y].typ == TLWALL
+ && isok(x, y + 1) && levl[x][y + 1].typ == TUWALL) {
+ levl[x][y].typ = BRCORNER;
+ levl[x][y + 1].typ = HWALL;
+ }
+ x = bughack.delarea.x2, y = bughack.delarea.y2;
+ if (isok(x, y) && levl[x][y].typ == TLWALL
+ && isok(x, y - 1) && levl[x][y - 1].typ == TDWALL) {
+ levl[x][y].typ = TRCORNER;
+ levl[x][y - 1].typ = HWALL;
+ }
+ /* reset bughack region; set low end to <COLNO,ROWNO> so that
+ within_bounded_region() in fix_wall_spines() will fail
+ most quickly--on its first test--when loading other levels */
+ bughack.inarea.x1 = bughack.delarea.x1 = COLNO;
+ bughack.inarea.y1 = bughack.delarea.y1 = ROWNO;
+ bughack.inarea.x2 = bughack.delarea.x2 = 0;
+ bughack.inarea.y2 = bughack.delarea.y2 = 0;
static boolean was_waterlevel; /* ugh... this shouldn't be needed */
/* this is special stuff that the level compiler cannot (yet) handle */
if (mtmp->isshk)
+ } else if (on_level(&, &baalzebub_level)) {
+ /* custom wallify the "beetle" potion of the level */
+ baalz_fixup();
if (lregions)