+++ /dev/null
+++ /dev/null
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+++ /dev/null
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-<para>This is the driver file for V3.1.0 of the Website document type.
-Please use the following formal public identifier to identify it:</para>
-<screen>"-//Norman Walsh//DTD Slides V3.1.0//EN"</screen>
-<para>For example, if
-you are using the Slides DTD directly, use the FPI in the DOCTYPE
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-use the FPI in the parameter entity declaration:</para>
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- "http://docbook.sourceforge.net/release/slides/3.1.0/schema/dtd/slides.dtd">
-<para>Please direct all questions and comments about this DTD to
-Norman Walsh, <email>ndw@nwalsh.com</email>.</para>
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- <ref name="common.attrib"/>
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-<start combine="choice">
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+++ /dev/null
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-<holder>Norman Walsh</holder>
-<para>This is the driver file for V3.1.0 of the Website document type.
-Please use the following formal public identifier to identify it:</para>
-<screen>"-//Norman Walsh//DTD Slides V3.1.0//EN"</screen>
-<para>For example, if
-you are using the Slides DTD directly, use the FPI in the DOCTYPE
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- "http://docbook.sourceforge.net/release/slides/3.1.0/schema/dtd/slides.dtd"
- [...]>]]></programlisting>
-<para>Or, if you have a higher-level driver file that customizes Slides,
-use the FPI in the parameter entity declaration:</para>
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- "http://docbook.sourceforge.net/release/slides/3.1.0/schema/dtd/slides.dtd">
-<para>Please direct all questions and comments about this DTD to
-Norman Walsh, <email>ndw@nwalsh.com</email>.</para>
-<include href="slidesdb.rng"/>
-<define name="local.divcomponent.mix" combine="choice">
- <choice>
- <ref name="speakernotes"/>
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- <ref name="speakernotes"/>
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- <ref name="speakernotes"/>
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- <ref name="subtitle"/>
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- <ref name="titleabbrev"/>
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- <ref name="divcomponent.mix"/>
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- <ref name="common.attrib"/>
- <ref name="role.attrib"/>
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- <ref name="slides"/>
- </choice>
+++ /dev/null
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