if (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK)
- psql_error("\\crosstabview: query must return results to be shown in crosstab\n");
+ psql_error("\\crosstabview: statement did not return a result set\n");
goto error_return;
idx = atoi(arg) - 1;
if (idx < 0 || idx >= PQnfields(res))
- psql_error("\\crosstabview: invalid column number: \"%s\"\n", arg);
+ psql_error("\\crosstabview: column number %d is out of range 1..%d\n",
+ idx + 1, PQnfields(res));
return -1;
-- error: bad column number
SELECT v,h,i,c FROM ctv_data
\crosstabview 2 1 5
-\crosstabview: invalid column number: "5"
+\crosstabview: column number 5 is out of range 1..4
-- error: same H and V columns
SELECT v,h,i,c FROM ctv_data
\crosstabview 2 h 4