<template name="langcode">0x040a Spanish (Traditional Sort)</template>
+<context name="iso690">
+ <!-- Primary responsibility -->
+ <template name="lastfirst.sep">, </template> <!-- separator between firstname and surname -->
+ <template name="alt.person.two.sep"> – </template><!-- separator between two authors - replacement of " and " (if lang="en") -->
+ <template name="alt.person.last.sep"> – </template> <!-- separator between last two authors - replacement of ", and " (if lang="en") -->
+ <template name="alt.person.more.sep"> – </template> <!-- separator between not last two authors - replacement of ", " (if lang="en") -->
+ <template name="primary.editor"> (ed.)</template> <!-- primary responsibility has/have editor/editors; printed after last editor -->
+ <template name="primary.many">, et al.</template> <!-- for more than three authors or some authors and collective; printer will be first $biblioentry.primary.count authors and this -->
+ <template name="primary.sep">. </template> <!-- end -->
+ <!-- Title -->
+ <!-- Cyclotron waves in plasma. -->
+ <template name="submaintitle.sep">: </template> <!-- separator between title and subtitle -->
+ <template name="title.sep">. </template> <!-- end -->
+ <template name="othertitle.sep">, </template> <!-- end of title of serial, when citing article -->
+ <!-- Type of medium -->
+ <!-- Alice's Adventures in Wonderland [online]. -->
+ <template name="medium1"> [</template>
+ <template name="medium2">]</template>
+ <!-- Subordinate responsibility -->
+ <!-- Translated by AN. Dellis; edited by SM. Hamberger. -->
+ <template name="secondary.person.sep">; </template> <!-- separator between more subordinate responsibilities -->
+ <template name="secondary.sep">. </template> <!-- end -->
+ <!-- Responsibility (Serial) -->
+ <!-- Manufacturing and Primary Industries Division, Statistics Canada. -->
+ <template name="respons.sep">. </template> <!-- end -->
+ <!-- Edition -->
+ <template name="edition.sep">. </template> <!-- end -->
+ <template name="edition.serial.sep">, </template> <!-- end after serial, when followed by issue designation -->
+ <!-- Issue designation (date and/or n°) -->
+ <template name="issuing.range">-</template> <!-- range -->
+ <template name="issuing.div">, </template> <!-- separator of values -->
+ <template name="issuing.sep">. </template> <!-- end -->
+ <!-- Numeration of the part -->
+ <template name="partnr.sep">. </template> <!-- end -->
+ <!-- Place of publication, Publisher, Year/Date of publication -->
+ <template name="placepubl.sep">: </template> <!-- between place and publisher -->
+ <template name="publyear.sep">, </template> <!-- between publisher and year/date -->
+ <template name="pubinfo.sep">. </template> <!-- end -->
+ <template name="spec.pubinfo.sep">, </template> <!-- end of contribution in monograph -->
+ <!-- Date of update/revision -->
+ <template name="upd.sep">, </template> <!-- BEFORE date of update/revision -->
+ <!-- Date of citation -->
+ <!-- [cit. 1.1.2000] -->
+ <template name="datecit1"> [citado </template>
+ <template name="datecit2">]</template>
+ <!-- Extent -->
+ <template name="extent.sep">. </template>
+ <!-- Location within host -->
+ <template name="locs.sep">, </template> <!-- separator of volumes, numbers, pages etc. -->
+ <template name="location.sep">. </template>
+ <!-- Series -->
+ <template name="serie.sep">. </template>
+ <!-- Notes -->
+ <template name="notice.sep">. </template>
+ <!-- Avaibility and access -->
+ <!-- Available from World Wide Web: <http://www.collectionscanada.ca/iso/tc46sc9/standard/690-2e.htm> -->
+ <template name="access">Disponible </template>
+ <template name="acctoo">También disponible </template>
+ <template name="onwww">de World Wide Web</template>
+ <template name="oninet">de Internet</template>
+ <template name="access.end">: </template>
+ <template name="link1"><</template> <!-- < before link -->
+ <template name="link2">></template> <!-- > after link -->
+ <template name="access.sep">. </template>
+ <!-- Standard number -->
+ <!-- ISBN 80-90-10-30 -->
+ <template name="isbn">ISBN </template>
+ <template name="issn">ISSN </template>
+ <template name="stdnum.sep">. </template> <!-- end -->
+ <!-- Identification of patent document -->
+ <template name="patcountry.sep">. </template> <!-- after country or issuing office -->
+ <template name="pattype.sep">, </template> <!-- after kind of patent document -->
+ <template name="patnum.sep">. </template> <!-- after number -->
+ <template name="patdate.sep">. </template> <!-- after date of publication -->
<l i="-1"/>
<l i="0">Símbolos</l>