Problem: Segfault when pattern with \z() is very slow.
Solution: Check for NULL regprog. Add "nfa_fail" to test_override() to be
able to test this. Fix that 'searchhl' resets called_emsg.
redraw disable the redrawing() function
char_avail disable the char_avail() function
starting reset the "starting" variable, see below
+ nfa_fail makes the NFA regexp engine fail to force a
+ fallback to the old engine
ALL clear all overrides ({val} is not used)
"starting" is to be used when a test should behave like
save_starting = -1;
+ else if (STRCMP(name, (char_u *)"nfa_fail") == 0)
+ nfa_fail_for_testing = val;
else if (STRCMP(name, (char_u *)"ALL") == 0)
disable_char_avail_for_testing = FALSE;
disable_redraw_for_testing = FALSE;
+ nfa_fail_for_testing = FALSE;
if (save_starting >= 0)
starting = save_starting;
/* flags set by test_override() */
EXTERN int disable_char_avail_for_testing INIT(= 0);
EXTERN int disable_redraw_for_testing INIT(= 0);
+EXTERN int nfa_fail_for_testing INIT(= 0);
EXTERN int in_free_unref_items INIT(= FALSE);
static char_u e_unmatchedpar[] = N_("E55: Unmatched %s)");
#ifdef FEAT_SYN_HL
static char_u e_z_not_allowed[] = N_("E66: \\z( not allowed here");
-static char_u e_z1_not_allowed[] = N_("E67: \\z1 et al. not allowed here");
+static char_u e_z1_not_allowed[] = N_("E67: \\z1 - \\z9 not allowed here");
static char_u e_missing_sb[] = N_("E69: Missing ] after %s%%[");
static char_u e_empty_sb[] = N_("E70: Empty %s%%[]");
switch (c)
#ifdef FEAT_SYN_HL
- case '(': if (reg_do_extmatch != REX_SET)
+ case '(': if ((reg_do_extmatch & REX_SET) == 0)
if (one_exactly)
case '6':
case '7':
case '8':
- case '9': if (reg_do_extmatch != REX_USE)
+ case '9': if ((reg_do_extmatch & REX_USE) == 0)
ret = regnode(ZREF + c - '0');
re_has_z = REX_USE;
* Match a regexp against multiple lines.
- * "rmp->regprog" is a compiled regexp as returned by vim_regcomp().
- * Note: "rmp->regprog" may be freed and changed.
+ * "rmp->regprog" must be a compiled regexp as returned by vim_regcomp().
+ * Note: "rmp->regprog" may be freed and changed, even set to NULL.
* Uses curbuf for line count and 'iskeyword'.
* Return zero if there is no match. Return number of lines contained in the
#ifdef FEAT_EVAL
+ // checking for \z misuse was already done when compiling for NFA,
+ // allow all here
+ reg_do_extmatch = REX_ALL;
rmp->regprog = vim_regcomp(pat, re_flags);
+ reg_do_extmatch = 0;
if (rmp->regprog != NULL)
result = rmp->regprog->engine->regexec_multi(
rmp, win, buf, lnum, col, tm, timed_out);
case '8':
case '9':
/* \z1...\z9 */
- if (reg_do_extmatch != REX_USE)
+ if ((reg_do_extmatch & REX_USE) == 0)
EMIT(NFA_ZREF1 + (no_Magic(c) - '1'));
/* No need to set nfa_has_backref, the sub-matches don't
case '(':
/* \z( */
- if (reg_do_extmatch != REX_SET)
+ if ((reg_do_extmatch & REX_SET) == 0)
if (nfa_reg(REG_ZPAREN) == FAIL)
return FAIL; /* cascaded error */
nextlist->n = 0; /* clear nextlist */
nextlist->has_pim = FALSE;
- if (prog->re_engine == AUTOMATIC_ENGINE && nfa_listid >= NFA_MAX_STATES)
+ if (prog->re_engine == AUTOMATIC_ENGINE
+ && (nfa_listid >= NFA_MAX_STATES || nfa_fail_for_testing))
/* too many states, retry with old engine */
nfa_match = NFA_TOO_EXPENSIVE;
linenr_T l;
colnr_T matchcol;
long nmatched;
+ int save_called_emsg = called_emsg;
if (shl->lnum != 0)
break; /* useful match found */
+ // Restore called_emsg for assert_fails().
+ called_emsg = save_called_emsg;
+ if (rmp->regprog == NULL)
+ // This can happen if a previous call to vim_regexec_multi() tried to
+ // use the NFA engine, which resulted in NFA_TOO_EXPENSIVE, and
+ // compiling the pattern with the other engine fails.
+ return FALSE;
rmp->rmm_maxcol = syn_buf->b_p_smc;
r = vim_regexec_multi(rmp, syn_win, syn_buf, lnum, col,
let $COLORFGBG = ''
call delete('Xtest.c')
+" Using \z() in a region with NFA failing should not crash.
+func Test_syn_wrong_z_one()
+ new
+ call setline(1, ['just some text', 'with foo and bar to match with'])
+ syn region FooBar start="foo\z(.*\)bar" end="\z1"
+ call test_override("nfa_fail", 1)
+ redraw!
+ redraw!
+ call test_override("ALL", 0)
+ bwipe!
static int included_patches[] =
{ /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ 98,
/* values for reg_do_extmatch */
# define REX_SET 1 /* to allow \z\(...\), */
# define REX_USE 2 /* to allow \z\1 et al. */
+# define REX_ALL (REX_SET | REX_USE)
/* Return values for fullpathcmp() */