+2006-04-19 Dmitry Stogov <dmitry@zend.com>
+ * (PHP_5_1)
+ Cleaned up Andrei's patch for caching WSDL in process memory, added TTL and
+ LIMIT for memory cache.
+ Memory cache is disblead by fefault because it is experemental and isn't
+ tested enough. It can be enabled whit configuartion directive
+ "soap.wsdl_cache = WSDL_CACHE_MEMORY" or "soap.wsdl_cache =
+ WSDL_CACHE_BOTH" or derectly in SoapClent/SoapServer constructor: $ws =
+ new SoapClient($wsdl, array("cache_wsdl"=>WSDL_CACHE_BOTH))
+ Disk and memory caches use the same TTL value - "soap.wsdl_cache_ttl".
+ Configuration directive "soap.wsdl_cache_limit" restricts the number of
+ cached wsdl files in memory. Adding new files into full memory cache will
+ delete oldest files from it.
+ Note that, each PHP process or thread uses it's own memory cache.
+ * ZendEngine2/zend.c:
+ Fixed cleanup dependent on uninitialized value
+2006-04-19 Antony Dovgal <antony@zend.com>
+ * ext/standard/streamsfuncs.c:
+ fix typo (see #35900)
2006-04-18 Ilia Alshanetsky <ilia@prohost.org>
* (PHP_5_1)
+2006-04-19 Dmitry Stogov <dmitry@zend.com>
+ * zend.c:
+ Fixed cleanup dependent on uninitialized value
2006-04-18 Sara Golemon <sara@golemon.com>
* zend_API.c: