<email deleted> wrote:
> [...] Vlad happened to be generated with a /WoDig and tried to
> make an escape hole during his last few moves. Shouldn't he
> know, that the floor in his own tower is undigable? So he lost
> valuable time with a pretty senseless action...
bill for all discarded, opened tins
monsters that cannot pick things up cannot throw things either
eating an amulet of unchanging removes intrinsic polymorph
+Vlad won't wast time trying to use wand of digging in his own tower
Platform- and/or Interface-Specific Fixes
/* digging wouldn't be effective; assume they know that */
&& !(levl[x][y].wall_info & W_NONDIGGABLE)
&& !(Is_botlevel(&u.uz) || In_endgame(&u.uz))
- && !(is_ice(x,y) || is_pool(x,y) || is_lava(x,y))) {
+ && !(is_ice(x,y) || is_pool(x,y) || is_lava(x,y))
+ && !(mtmp->data == &mons[PM_VLAD_THE_IMPALER]
+ && In_V_tower(&u.uz))) {
m.defensive = obj;
m.has_defense = MUSE_WAN_DIGGING;