country_graph_coloring(seed, A, &p, &norm1);
- rgb_r++; rgb_b++; rgb_g++;/* seems necessary, but need to better think about cases when clusters are not contigous */
+ rgb_r++; rgb_b++; rgb_g++;/* seems necessary, but need to better think about cases when clusters are not contiguous */
vector_float_take(n, rgb_r, n, p, &u);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) rgb_r[i] = u[i];
vector_float_take(n, rgb_g, n, p, &u);
nt: number of triangles
T: triangles
- E: a matrix of size nxn, if two points i > j are connected by an taiangulation edge, and is neighboring two triangles
+ E: a matrix of size nxn, if two points i > j are connected by an triangulation edge, and is neighboring two triangles
. t1 and t2, then A[i,j] is both t1 and t2
int i, j, i0, i1, i2, ntri;
static SparseMatrix get_country_graph(int n, SparseMatrix A, int *groups, int GRP_RANDOM, int GRP_BBOX){
- /* form a graph each vertex is a group (a country), and a vertex is connected to another if the two countryes shares borders.
- since the group ID may not be contigous (e.g., only groups 2,3,5, -1), we will return NULL if one of the group has non-positive ID! */
+ /* form a graph each vertex is a group (a country), and a vertex is connected to another if the two countries shares borders.
+ since the group ID may not be contiguous (e.g., only groups 2,3,5, -1), we will return NULL if one of the group has non-positive ID! */
int *ia, *ja;
int one = 1, jj, i, j, ig1, ig2;
SparseMatrix B, BB;
gmask = malloc(sizeof(int)*n);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) gmask[i] = -1;
ia = graph->ia; ja = graph->ja;
- edim = 5;/* we also store info about whether an edge of a polygon correspondes to a real edge or not. */
+ edim = 5;/* we also store info about whether an edge of a polygon corresponds to a real edge or not. */
for (i = 0; i < nt; i++) mask[i] = -1;
polygon slids that will be colored
- int *edge_table;/* a table of edges of the triangle graph. If two vertex u and v are connected and are adjencent to two triangles
+ int *edge_table;/* a table of edges of the triangle graph. If two vertex u and v are connected and are adjacent to two triangles
t1 and t2, then from u there are two edges to v, one denoted as t1->t2, and the other t2->t1. They are
numbered as e1 and e2. edge_table[e1]={t1,t2} and edge_table[e2]={t2,t1}
- SparseMatrix half_edges;/* a graph of triangle edges. If two vertex u and v are connected and are adjencent to two triangles
+ SparseMatrix half_edges;/* a graph of triangle edges. If two vertex u and v are connected and are adjacent to two triangles
t1 and t2, then from u there are two edges to v, one denoted as t1->t2, and the other t2->t1. They are
numbered as e1 and e2. Likewise from v to u there are also two edges e1 and e2.
ecur = ee = duplicate;
while (emask[ecur] == ii){
- /* contigous overlapping edges, Cycling is not possible
+ /* contiguous overlapping edges, Cycling is not possible
since the cycle can not complete surround the new voro cell and yet
do not contain any other edges
groups[i] = GRP_BBOX;
- /* finding connected componts: vertices that are connected in the triangle graph, as well as in the same group */
+ /* finding connected components: vertices that are connected in the triangle graph, as well as in the same group */
mask = MALLOC(sizeof(int)*MAX(n + nrandom, 2*nt));
conn_comp(n + nrandom, E, groups, poly_point_map);
xcombined: combined points which contains n + ncombined number of points, dimension 2x(n+nrandom)
- npolys: number of polygons generated to reprsent the real points, the edge insertion points, and the sea/lake points.
+ npolys: number of polygons generated to represent the real points, the edge insertion points, and the sea/lake points.
nverts: number of vertices in the Voronoi diagram
x_poly: the 2D coordinates of these polygons, dimension nverts*2
poly_lines: the sparse matrix representation of the polygon indices, as well as their identity. The matrix is of size
- }/* done adding artifial points for edges */
+ }/* done adding artificial points for edges */
res = make_map_internal(exclude_random, include_OK_points, N, dim, X, groups, graph, bounding_box_margin, nrandom, nedgep,