zend_unmangle_property_name(prop->name, prop->name_length, &class_name, &prop_name);
if (!(prop->flags & ZEND_ACC_PRIVATE)) {
- /* we have to seach the class hierarchy for this (implicit) public or protected property */
+ /* we have to search the class hierarchy for this (implicit) public or protected property */
zend_class_entry *tmp_ce = ce;
zend_property_info *tmp_info;
if (!(property_info->flags & ZEND_ACC_PRIVATE)) {
- /* we have to seach the class hierarchy for this (implicit) public or protected property */
+ /* we have to search the class hierarchy for this (implicit) public or protected property */
zend_class_entry *tmp_ce = ce;
zend_property_info *tmp_info;
static zend_function_entry reflection_function_abstract_functions[] = {
- ZEND_ME(reflection_function, __construct, arginfo_reflection_function___construct, 0)
- ZEND_ME(reflection_function, __toString, NULL, 0)
+ PHP_ABSTRACT_ME(reflection_function, __toString, NULL)
ZEND_ME(reflection_function, isInternal, NULL, 0)
ZEND_ME(reflection_function, isUserDefined, NULL, 0)
ZEND_ME(reflection_function, getName, NULL, 0)
static zend_function_entry reflection_function_functions[] = {
+ ZEND_ME(reflection_function, __construct, arginfo_reflection_function___construct, 0)
+ ZEND_ME(reflection_function, __toString, NULL, 0)
ZEND_ME(reflection_function, export, arginfo_reflection_function_export, ZEND_ACC_STATIC|ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC)
ZEND_ME(reflection_function, isDisabled, NULL, 0)
ZEND_ME(reflection_function, invoke, arginfo_reflection_function_invoke, 0)
ZEND_BEGIN_ARG_INFO_EX(arginfo_reflection_class_getMethods, 0, 0, 0)
- ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, $filter)
+ ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, filter)