+# -*- Makefile -*-
include ../../cvstools/Makefile.incl
-XSLT=$(CVSTOOLSROOT)/xslt --processor=xsltproc
+.SUFFIXES: .html .fo .xml .pdf
+XMLFILES=book.xml af.xml ca.xml cs.xml da.xml de.xml el.xml en.xml es.xml \
+ et.xml eu.xml fi.xml fr.xml hu.xml id.xml it.xml ja.xml ko.xml nl.xml \
+ nn.xml no.xml pl.xml pt.xml pt_br.xml ro.xml ru.xml sk.xml sl.xml \
+ sr.xml sv.xml test.xml th.xml tr.xml uk.xml xh.xml zh_cn.xml zh_tw.xml
-ifeq ($(RESULT),html)
+all: book.html book.pdf
+book.html: $(XMLFILES)
+book.pdf: $(XMLFILES) titlepage-fo.xsl $(XSLFO)
+titlepage-fo.xsl: titlepage-fo.xml
+ $(XSLT) $< ../../xsl/template/titlepage.xsl $@
+ rm -f *.html *.htm *.fo *.pdf *.ps *.rtf
+ rm -f *.log *.aux *.out *.tex *.dvi
-all: i18n.pdf i18n.html index.html
+ifeq ($(CHUNK),1)
ifeq ($(USETIDY),1)
- $(TIDY) -iq -latin1 -mn *.html
+ -$(TIDY) -iq -latin1 -mn *.html
-%.html : %.xml
- $(XJPARSE) $<
- $(XSLT) $< $(XSLHTML) $@ $(STYLEOPT)
+ $(XSLT) $< $(XSLHTML) $@ $(XSLPARAM)
ifeq ($(USETIDY),1)
- $(TIDY) -iq -latin1 -mn $@
+ -$(TIDY) -iq -latin1 -mn $@
-%.fo : %.xml $(XSLFO) titlepage-fo.xsl
ifeq ($(FORMATTER),tex)
- $(XSLT) $< $(XSLFO) $@ passivetex.extensions=1 $(STYLEOPT)
+ $(XSLT) $< $(XSLFO) $@ passivetex.extensions=1 $(XSLPARAM)
ifeq ($(FORMATTER),fop)
- $(XSLT) $< $(XSLFO) $@ fop.extensions=1 $(STYLEOPT)
+ $(XSLT) $< $(XSLFO) $@ fop.extensions=1 $(XSLPARAM)
ifeq ($(FORMATTER),xep)
- $(XSLT) $< $(XSLFO) $@ xep.extensions=1 $(STYLEOPT)
+ $(XSLT) $< $(XSLFO) $@ xep.extensions=1 $(XSLPARAM)
- $(XSLT) $< $(XSLFO) $@ $(STYLEOPT)
+ $(XSLT) $< $(XSLFO) $@ $(XSLPARAM)
-%.pdf : %.fo
ifeq ($(FORMATTER),tex)
pdftex "&pdfxmltex" $<
@if [ `grep Rerun $(basename $@).log | wc -l` -gt 0 ]; then \
ifeq ($(FORMATTER),xep)
xep $<
- echo How would you like me to make the PDF file?
+ echo No formatter specified. How would you like me to make the PDF file?
-titlepage-fo.xsl: titlepage-fo.xml
- $(XSLT) $< ../../xsl/template/titlepage.xsl $@
- rm -f *.html *.htm *.fo *.pdf *.ps *.rtf
- rm -f *.log *.aux *.out *.tex *.dvi
- rm -f mlang.xml mlang.sgm
- rm -f toc.hhc htmlhelp.hhp htmlhelp.chm Index.hhk
- rm -f HTML.index
- rm -f jhelpidx.xml jhelpmap.jhm jhelpset.hs jhelptoc.xml
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1'?>
<chapter lang='ca' id='cachap'>
<title lang="en">Catalan</title>
<para>No translation available.</para>
+<othercredit role="translator">
+ <surname>Maier</surname>
+ <firstname>Steffen</firstname>
+ <affiliation><address><email>Steffen.Maier@studserv.uni-stuttgart.de</email></address></affiliation>
+ <contrib>Translation</contrib>
+<othercredit role="translator">
+ <surname>Amm</surname>
+ <firstname>Gisbert</firstname>
+ <affiliation><address><email>gia@webde-ag.de</email></address></affiliation>
+ <contrib>Translation</contrib>
<title lang="en">German</title>
Print- und Online-Formaten.
+<para lang="de">DocBook ist eine <ulink
+(DTD), die durch das <ulink
+url="mailto:docbook-tc@oasis-open.org">DocBook Technical
+Committee</ulink> von <ulink
+url="http://www.oasis-open.org/">OASIS</ulink> gewartet wird. Sie ist
+besonders gut für Bücher und Referate über Computer-Hardware und
+-Software geeignet (auch wenn sie keineswegs auf diese Anwendungen
+beschränkt ist).</para>
+<para lang="de">Weil sie eine umfassende und robuste DTD ist, und weil
+ihre Hauptstrukturen der allgemeinen Vorstellung dessen, was ein
+<quote>Buch</quote> bildet, entsprechen, ist DocBook von einer großen
+und wachsenden Gemeinschaft von Autoren, die Dokumente aller Art
+schreiben, angenommen worden. DocBook wird durch eine Anzahl
+kommerzieller Werkzeuge <quote>von Haus aus</quote> unterstützt, und
+es gibt eine sich rasch erweiternde Unterstützung durch eine Anzahl
+freier Software-Umgebungen. Diese Merkmale haben zusammengewirkt, um
+DocBook zu einer im allgemeinen einfach zu verstehenden, weithin
+nützlichen und sehr populären DTD zu machen. Dutzende Organisationen
+benutzen DocBook für ein Unmenge von Seiten an Dokumentation in
+verschiedenen Druck- und Online-Formaten weltweit.</para>
+<para lang="de">
+DocBook ist eine <ulink url="http://www.ucc.ie/xml/#doctype">Document Type
+Definition</ulink> (DTD), die durch das <ulink
+url="mailto:docbook-tc@oasis-open.org">DocBook Technical
+Committee</ulink> von <ulink
+url="http://www.oasis-open.org/">OASIS</ulink> entwickelt und betreut wird.
+Die DocBook DTD ist besonders gut für Bücher und andere Dokumente
+über Computerhardware und -software geeignet - aber keineswegs auf diese
+Anwendungsbereiche beschränkt.
+<para lang="de">
+Die DocBook DTD ist umfassend und stabil und ihre Grundstrukturen
+stimmen sehr gut mit den allgemeinen Vorstellungen davon überein, was ein
+ <quote>Buch</quote> strukturell ausmacht. Aus diesen Gründen wurde DocBook
+von einer großen - und stetig wachsenden - Gemeinschaft von Autoren
+übernommen, die es zur Erstellung von Dokumenten aller Art benutzen. DocBook
+wird <quote>out of the box</quote> von einer Anzahl kommerzieller Werkzeuge
+unterstützt, und in einer ganzen Reihe freier Softwareumgebungen entwickelt
+sich die bereits vorhandene Unterstützung von DocBook stürmisch weiter. Aus
+diesen Gründen hat DocBook sich zu einer insgesamt leicht verständlichen,
+flexibel einsetzbaren und sehr populären DTD entwickelt. Zahlreiche
+Organizationen in allen Teilen der Welt benutzen DocBook zur Erzeugung von
+Millionen Seiten von Dokumentation in den verschiedensten Druck- und
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1'?>
<chapter lang='el' id='elchap'>
<title lang="en">Greek</title>
<para>No translation available.</para>
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1'?>
<chapter lang='en' id='enchap'>
<title lang="en">English</title>
<para lang="en_us">
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1'?>
<chapter lang='es' id='eschap'>
- <firstname></firstname>
- <affiliation><address><email></email></address></affiliation>
+ <firstname>Horacio</firstname>
+ <affiliation><address><email>homega@wanadoo.es</email></address></affiliation>
<title lang="en">Spanish</title>
-<para>No translation available.</para>
-<para lang="en_us">
-DocBook is a <ulink url="http://www.ucc.ie/xml/#doctype">Document Type
-Definition</ulink> (DTD) maintained by the <ulink
-url="mailto:docbook-tc@oasis-open.org">DocBook Technical
-Committee</ulink> of <ulink
-url="http://www.oasis-open.org/">OASIS</ulink>. It is particularly
-well suited to books and papers about computer hardware and software
-(though it is by no means limited to these applications).
+<para lang="es">
+DocBook es una
+<ulink url="http://www.ucc.ie/xml/#doctype">Definición
+de Tipo de Documento</ulink> (DTD) mantenida por el
+<ulink url="mailto:docbook-tc@oasis-open.org">Comité
+Técnico de DocBook</ulink> de
+<ulink url="http://www.oasis-open.org/">OASIS</ulink>.
+Es muy conveniente para el diseño de libros y otra
+documentación sobre equipos y componentes
+(<foreignphrase>hardware</foreignphrase>), así
+como aplicaciones y programas
+informáticos (aunque no está en absoluto
+limitado a éstos).
-<para lang="en_us">
-Because it is a large and robust DTD, and because its main
-structures correspond to the general notion of what constitutes
-a <quote>book</quote>, DocBook has been adopted by a large and
-growing community of authors writing documents of all kinds. DocBook
-is supported <quote>out of the box</quote> by a number of
-commercial tools, and there is rapidly expanding support for it
-in a number of free software environments. These features have
-combined to make DocBook a generally easy to understand, widely
-useful, and very popular DTD. Dozens of organizations are using
-DocBook for millions of pages of documentation, in various print
-and online formats, worldwide.
+<para lang="es">
+Debido a que es una DTD grande y robusta, y a que sus
+estructuras principales se corresponden con la noción
+general de lo que es un <quote>libro</quote>, DocBook ha sido
+adoptado por una numerosa y creciente comunidad de autores
+que escriben documentación de todo tipo. Muchos
+programas comerciales disponen de soporte para DocBook sin
+necesidad de aplicar cambios, y la cantidad de entornos
+inform´ticos libres que ofrecen soporte crece
+vergitinosamente. Estas características se han unido
+para hacer de DocBook una DTD f´cil de comprender, muy
+útil, y muy popularizada. DocBook está siendo
+utilizado por muchas organizaciones en todo el munddo para
+crear millones de páginas de documentación,
+tanto en formatos de impresión como
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1'?>
<chapter lang='et' id='etchap'>
<title lang="en">Estonian</title>
<para>No translation available.</para>
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1'?>
<chapter lang='eu' id='euchap'>
<title lang="en">Basque</title>
<para>No translation available.</para>
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1'?>
<chapter lang='fi' id='fichap'>
- <surname></surname>
- <firstname></firstname>
- <affiliation><address><email></email></address></affiliation>
+ <surname>Valo</surname>
+ <firstname>Kalle</firstname>
+ <affiliation><address><email>Kalle.Valo@hut.fi</email></address></affiliation>
<title lang="en">Finnish</title>
-<para>No translation available.</para>
+ <para lang="fi">
+ DocBook on <ulink
+ url="http://www.oasis-open.org/">OASIS</ulink>-organisaation
+ alla toimivan <ulink
+ url="mailto:docbook-tc@oasis-open.org">DocBookin teknisen
+ komitean</ulink> (DocBook Technical Committee) ylläpitämä <ulink
+ url="http://www.ucc.ie/xml/#doctype">dokumenttityyppimääritelmä</ulink>
+ (Document Type Definition, DTD). Se sopii erityisesti
+ tietokonejärjestelmiä ja -ohjelmistoja käsittelevien kirjojen ja
+ artikkelien kirjoittamiseen (tietenkään se ei ole mitenkään
+ rajoitettu näihin alueisiin).
+ </para>
-<para lang="en_us">
-DocBook is a <ulink url="http://www.ucc.ie/xml/#doctype">Document Type
-Definition</ulink> (DTD) maintained by the <ulink
-url="mailto:docbook-tc@oasis-open.org">DocBook Technical
-Committee</ulink> of <ulink
-url="http://www.oasis-open.org/">OASIS</ulink>. It is particularly
-well suited to books and papers about computer hardware and software
-(though it is by no means limited to these applications).
-<para lang="en_us">
-Because it is a large and robust DTD, and because its main
-structures correspond to the general notion of what constitutes
-a <quote>book</quote>, DocBook has been adopted by a large and
-growing community of authors writing documents of all kinds. DocBook
-is supported <quote>out of the box</quote> by a number of
-commercial tools, and there is rapidly expanding support for it
-in a number of free software environments. These features have
-combined to make DocBook a generally easy to understand, widely
-useful, and very popular DTD. Dozens of organizations are using
-DocBook for millions of pages of documentation, in various print
-and online formats, worldwide.
+ <para lang="fi">
+ Koska DocBook on laaja ja vakaa DTD, ja koska sen rakenne kuvaa
+ <quote>kirjaa</quote>, laaja ja kasvava joukko teknisen
+ dokumentaation kirjoittajia ovat ottaneet DocBookin käyttöön
+ monenlaisien tekstien kirjoittamiseen. Monet kaupalliset työkalut
+ tukevat DocBookia suoraan, ja vapaiden ohjelmistojen tuki
+ lisääntyy voimakkaasti. Näiden ominaisuuksien avulla DocBookista
+ on tullut helposti ymmärrettävä, yleiskäyttöinen ja hyvin suosittu
+ DTD. Monet organisaatiot ympäri maailman käyttävät DocBookia
+ tuottamaan miljoonia sivuja dokumentaatiota eri muodoissa.
+ </para>
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1'?>
<chapter lang='hu' id='huchap'>
<title lang="en">Hungarian</title>
<para>No translation available.</para>
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1'?>
<chapter lang='id' id='idchap'>
<title lang="en">Indonesian</title>
<para>No translation available.</para>
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1'?>
<chapter lang='it' id='itchap'>
<title lang="en">Italian</title>
<para>No translation available.</para>
+ <surname>Huijzer</surname>
+ <firstname>Arjan</firstname>
+ <affiliation><address><email>ahuijze@bit-ic.nl</email></address></affiliation>
+ <contrib>Translation</contrib>
+ <surname>Kuilder</surname>
+ <firstname>Gerrit</firstname>
+ <affiliation><address><email>gkuilder@portalyx.com</email></address></affiliation>
+ <contrib>Translation</contrib>
<title lang="en">Dutch</title>
over de hele wereld.
+<para lang="nl">
+DocBook is een <ulink url="http://www.ucc.ie/xml/#doctype">Document Type
+Definition</ulink> (DTD), onderhouden door het <ulink
+url="mailto:docbook-tc@oasis-open.org">DocBook Technical Committee</ulink>
+van <ulink url="http://www.oasis-open.org/">OASIS</ulink>. Het is
+uitzonderlijk geschikt voor boeken en artikelen over computer hardware en
+software (hoewel het in geen geval beperkt blijft tot deze toepassingen).
+<para lang="nl">
+Omdat het een uitgebreide en robuuste DTD is en omdat de hoofdstructuren
+overeenkomen met het algemene begrip van waaruit een <quote>boek</quote>
+bestaat, is DocBook aangenomen door een grote en groeiende gemeenschap van
+auteurs, die allerlei verschillende documenten schrijven. DocBook wordt
+<quote>out of the box</quote> ondersteund door een aantal commerciële
+toepassingen en er is een snel groeiende ondersteuning voor in een aantal
+gratis software omgevingen. Deze kenmerken hebben er gezamenlijk voor
+gezorgd dat DocBook een over het algemeen makkelijk te begrijpen, ruim toe
+te passen, en erg populaire DTD is. Tientallen bedrijven gebruiken DocBook
+voor miljoenen pagina's documentatie, in verscheidene gedrukte en online
+formaten, over de hele wereld.
+<para lang="nl">
+DocBook is een Document Type Definition <ulink
+url="http://www.ucc.ie/xml/#doctype">(DTD)</ulink> onderhouden door
+het <foreignphrase><ulink
+url="mailto:docbook-tc@oasis-open.org">DocBook Technical
+Committee</ulink></foreignphrase> van <ulink
+url="http://www.oasis-open.org/">OASIS</ulink>. Het is speciaal
+geschikt voor boeken en documenten over computer hard- en soft-ware
+(alhoewel het absoluut niet beperkt is tot dit soort
+<para lang="nl">
+Omdat het een uigebreide en robuuste DTD is en omdat de structuuur in
+grote lijnen overeen komt met wat men in het algemeen onder een
+<quote>boek</quote> verstaat, wordt DocBook gebruikt door een grote en
+groeiende groep van auteurs die allerlei soorten documenten schrijven.
+DocBook wordt rechtstreeeks (<quote>out of the box</quote>)
+ondersteund door allerlei commerciele software and er is een snel
+groeiende ondersteuning door een aantal gratis verkrijgbare software
+omgevingen. Dit alles bij elkaar heeft van Docbook een makkelijk te
+begrijpen, op vele manieren inzetbare en populaire DTD gemaakt.
+Tientallen organistaties gebruiken DocBook voor miljoenen pagina's
+documentatie, in verschillende gedrukte en online vormen,
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1'?>
<chapter lang='pl' id='plchap'>
<title lang="en">Polish</title>
<para>No translation available.</para>
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1'?>
<chapter lang='pt' id='ptchap'>
- <surname></surname>
- <firstname></firstname>
- <affiliation><address><email></email></address></affiliation>
+ <surname>Matos</surname>
+ <firstname>Jose Abilio Oliveira</firstname>
+ <affiliation><address><email>jamatos@novalis.fc.up.pt</email></address></affiliation>
<title lang="en">Portuguese</title>
-<para>No translation available.</para>
-<para lang="en_us">
-DocBook is a <ulink url="http://www.ucc.ie/xml/#doctype">Document Type
-Definition</ulink> (DTD) maintained by the <ulink
-url="mailto:docbook-tc@oasis-open.org">DocBook Technical
-Committee</ulink> of <ulink
-url="http://www.oasis-open.org/">OASIS</ulink>. It is particularly
-well suited to books and papers about computer hardware and software
-(though it is by no means limited to these applications).
+<para lang="pt_pt">
+O DocBook é uma <ulink url="http://www.ucc.ie/xml/#doctype">Definição do Tipo
+de Documento</ulink> (DTD) mantida pelo <ulink
+url="mailto:docbook-tc@oasis-open.org"> Comité Técnico do DocBook </ulink> da
+<ulink url="http://www.oasis-open.org/">OASIS</ulink>. É particularmente
+apropriado para livros e artigos sobre programas e equipamento relacionados
+com computadores (apesar de não estar por quaisquer meios limitado a estas
-<para lang="en_us">
-Because it is a large and robust DTD, and because its main
-structures correspond to the general notion of what constitutes
-a <quote>book</quote>, DocBook has been adopted by a large and
-growing community of authors writing documents of all kinds. DocBook
-is supported <quote>out of the box</quote> by a number of
-commercial tools, and there is rapidly expanding support for it
-in a number of free software environments. These features have
-combined to make DocBook a generally easy to understand, widely
-useful, and very popular DTD. Dozens of organizations are using
-DocBook for millions of pages of documentation, in various print
-and online formats, worldwide.
+<para lang="pt_pt">
+Porque é uma DTD grande e robusta, e porque as suas principais estruturas
+correspondem à noção geral do que constitui um <quote>livro</quote>, o
+DocBook tem sido adoptado por uma grande e crescente comunidade de autores
+que escrevem documentos de todos os tipos. O DocBook é suportado
+<quote>pronto a usar</quote> por uma série de ferramentas comerciais, e
+existe um suporte que se expande rapidamente por parte de ambientes de
+software livre. Estas características combinaram-se para fazer do Docbook uma
+DTD geralmente fácil de entender, de uma utilidade alargada e muito
+popular. Dezenas de organizações estão a usar, em todo o mundo, o Docbook
+para milhões de páginas de documentação, em vários formatos de impressão e
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1'?>
<chapter lang='pt_br' id='pt_brchap'>
- <surname></surname>
- <firstname></firstname>
- <affiliation><address><email></email></address></affiliation>
+ <surname>Amaral</surname>
+ <firstname>Marcelo Jaccoud</firstname>
+ <affiliation><address><email>jaccoud@cenpes.petrobras.com.br</email></address></affiliation>
<title lang="en">Portuguese (Brazil)</title>
-<para>No translation available.</para>
-<para lang="en_us">
-DocBook is a <ulink url="http://www.ucc.ie/xml/#doctype">Document Type
-Definition</ulink> (DTD) maintained by the <ulink
-url="mailto:docbook-tc@oasis-open.org">DocBook Technical
-Committee</ulink> of <ulink
-url="http://www.oasis-open.org/">OASIS</ulink>. It is particularly
-well suited to books and papers about computer hardware and software
-(though it is by no means limited to these applications).
+<para lang="pt_br">
+Doc Book é uma <ulink url="http://www.ucc.ie/xml/#doctype">Definição de
+Tipo de Documento</ulink> (DTD) mantida pelo <ulink
+url="mailto:docbook-tc@oasis-open.org">Comitê Técnico DocBook</ulink> da
+<ulink url="http://www.oasis-open.org/">OASIS</ulink>. Ela é
+particularmente apropriada para livros e artigos sobre computação (tanto
+<foreignphrase>hardware</foreignphrase> quanto
+<foreignphrase>software</foreignphrase>), mas não está de forma alguma
+limitada a tais aplicações.
-<para lang="en_us">
-Because it is a large and robust DTD, and because its main
-structures correspond to the general notion of what constitutes
-a <quote>book</quote>, DocBook has been adopted by a large and
-growing community of authors writing documents of all kinds. DocBook
-is supported <quote>out of the box</quote> by a number of
-commercial tools, and there is rapidly expanding support for it
-in a number of free software environments. These features have
-combined to make DocBook a generally easy to understand, widely
-useful, and very popular DTD. Dozens of organizations are using
-DocBook for millions of pages of documentation, in various print
-and online formats, worldwide.
+<para lang="pt_br">
+Em virtude de ser uma grande e robusta DTD, e porque suas estruturas
+principais correspondem à idéia geral do que constitui um
+<quote>livro</quote>, DocBook vem sendo adotada por uma ampla e próspera
+comunidade de autores de todos os gêneros. Ela é suportada <quote>no
+estado</quote> por várias ferramentas comerciais, e há suporte em plena
+expansão em diversos ambientes de <foreignphrase>software</foreignphrase>
+livre. Essas características se uniram para tornar DocBook uma DTD de
+fácil compreensão, de larga serventia e muito popular. Dezenas de
+organizações ao redor do mundo estão usando DocBook em milhões de páginas
+de documentação, tanto em formatos impressos como
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1'?>
<chapter lang='ro' id='rochap'>
+ <firstname></firstname>
+ <affiliation><address><email></email></address></affiliation>
+ <contrib>Translation</contrib>
<title lang="en">Romanian</title>
<para>No translation available.</para>
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1'?>
<chapter lang='sl' id='slchap'>
<title lang="en">Slovenian</title>
<para>No translation available.</para>
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1'?>
<chapter lang='uk' id='ukchap'>
<title lang="en">Ukranian</title>
<para>No translation available.</para>
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1'?>
<chapter lang='xh' id='xhchap'>
<title lang="en">Xhosa</title>
<para>No translation available.</para>
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1'?>
<chapter lang='zh_cn' id='zh_cnchap'>
<title lang="en">Chinese (Continental)</title>
<para>No translation available.</para>