pheight := args[2]::float;
dz_dx := ((matrix[3][1] + 2.0 * matrix[3][2] + matrix[3][3]) - (matrix[1][1] + 2.0 * matrix[1][2] + matrix[1][3])) / (8.0 * pwidth);
dz_dy := ((matrix[1][3] + 2.0 * matrix[2][3] + matrix[3][3]) - (matrix[1][1] + 2.0 * matrix[2][1] + matrix[3][1])) / (8.0 * pheight);
+ IF dz_dx = 0 AND dz_dy = 0 THEN
+ RETURN -1;
aspect := atan2(dz_dy, -dz_dx);
IF aspect > (pi() / 2.0) THEN
RETURN (5.0 * pi() / 2.0) - aspect;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION _st_hillshade4ma(matrix float[][], nodatamode text, variadic args text[])
+ RETURNS float
+ AS
+ $$
+ pwidth float;
+ pheight float;
+ dz_dx float;
+ dz_dy float;
+ zenith float;
+ azimuth float;
+ slope float;
+ aspect float;
+ max_bright float;
+ elevation_scale float;
+ pwidth := args[1]::float;
+ pheight := args[2]::float;
+ azimuth := (5.0 * pi() / 2.0) - args[3]::float;
+ zenith := (pi() / 2.0) - args[4]::float;
+ dz_dx := ((matrix[3][1] + 2.0 * matrix[3][2] + matrix[3][3]) - (matrix[1][1] + 2.0 * matrix[1][2] + matrix[1][3])) / (8.0 * pwidth);
+ dz_dy := ((matrix[1][3] + 2.0 * matrix[2][3] + matrix[3][3]) - (matrix[1][1] + 2.0 * matrix[2][1] + matrix[3][1])) / (8.0 * pheight);
+ elevation_scale := args[6]::float;
+ slope := atan(sqrt(elevation_scale * pow(dz_dx, 2.0) + pow(dz_dy, 2.0)));
+ aspect := atan2(dz_dy, -dz_dx);
+ max_bright := args[5]::float;
+ IF aspect < 0 THEN
+ aspect := aspect + (2.0 * pi());
+ RETURN max_bright * ( (cos(zenith)*cos(slope)) + (sin(zenith)*sin(slope)*cos(azimuth - aspect)) );
+ END;
+ $$
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION st_hillshade(rast raster, band integer, pixeltype text, azimuth float, altitude float, max_bright float DEFAULT 255.0, elevation_scale float DEFAULT 1.0)
+ AS $$ SELECT st_mapalgebrafctngb($1, $2, $3, 1, 1, '_st_hillshade4ma(float[][], text, text[])'::regprocedure, 'value', st_pixelwidth($1)::text, st_pixelheight($1)::text, $4::text, $5::text, $6::text, $7::text) $$
-- Get information about the raster
-- test st_aspect, flat plane
ST_Value(rast, 2, 2) = 1,
- round(degrees(ST_Value(
+ ST_Value(
ST_Aspect(rast, 1, NULL), 2, 2
- ))*10000) = 2700000
- FROM ST_TestRasterNgb(3, 3, 1) AS rast;
+ ) = -1
+ FROM ST_SetBandNoDataValue(ST_TestRasterNgb(3, 3, 1), NULL) AS rast;
-- test st_aspect, North
ST_Aspect(rast, 1, NULL), 2, 2
))*10000) = 2700000
FROM ST_SetValue(ST_TestRasterNgb(3, 3, 1), 1, 2, 0) AS rast;
+-- test st_hillshade, flat plane
+ ST_Value(rast, 2, 2) = 1,
+ round(ST_Value(
+ ST_Hillshade(rast, 1, NULL, 0.0, pi()/4.0, 255), 2, 2
+ )*10000) = 1803122
+ FROM ST_TestRasterNgb(3, 3, 1) AS rast;
+-- test st_hillshade, known set from:
+ round(ST_Value(
+ ST_Hillshade(rast, 1, NULL, radians(315.0), pi()/4.0, 255, 1.0), 2, 2
+ )*10000) = 1540287
+ FROM ST_SetValue(
+ ST_SetValue(
+ ST_SetValue(
+ ST_SetValue(
+ ST_SetValue(
+ ST_SetValue(
+ ST_SetValue(
+ ST_SetValue(
+ ST_SetValue(
+ ST_SetScale(ST_TestRasterNgb(3, 3, 1), 5), 1, 1, 2450
+ ), 2, 1, 2461
+ ), 3, 1, 2483
+ ), 1, 2, 2452
+ ), 2, 2, 2461
+ ), 3, 2, 2483
+ ), 1, 3, 2447
+ ), 2, 3, 2455
+ ), 3, 3, 2477
+ ) AS rast;
+-- test st_hillshade, defaults on known set from:
+ round(ST_Value(
+ ST_Hillshade(rast, 1, NULL, radians(315.0), pi()/4.0), 2, 2
+ )*10000) = 1540287
+ FROM ST_SetValue(
+ ST_SetValue(
+ ST_SetValue(
+ ST_SetValue(
+ ST_SetValue(
+ ST_SetValue(
+ ST_SetValue(
+ ST_SetValue(
+ ST_SetValue(
+ ST_SetScale(ST_TestRasterNgb(3, 3, 1), 5), 1, 1, 2450
+ ), 2, 1, 2461
+ ), 3, 1, 2483
+ ), 1, 2, 2452
+ ), 2, 2, 2461
+ ), 3, 2, 2483
+ ), 1, 3, 2447
+ ), 2, 3, 2455
+ ), 3, 3, 2477
+ ) AS rast;