# #
# #
# #
+# S e t P i x e l s #
+# #
+# #
+# #
+ Image::Magick ref=NO_INIT
+ setpixels = 1
+ setPixels = 2
+ {
+ AV
+ *av;
+ char
+ *attribute;
+ ChannelType
+ channel,
+ channel_mask;
+ ExceptionInfo
+ *exception;
+ Image
+ *image;
+ RectangleInfo
+ region;
+ register ssize_t
+ i;
+ register Quantum
+ *q;
+ struct PackageInfo
+ *info;
+ SV
+ *perl_exception,
+ *reference; /* reference is the SV* of ref=SvIV(reference) */
+ exception=AcquireExceptionInfo();
+ perl_exception=newSVpv("",0);
+ reference=SvRV(ST(0));
+ av=(AV *) reference;
+ info=GetPackageInfo(aTHX_ (void *) av,(struct PackageInfo *) NULL,
+ exception);
+ image=SetupList(aTHX_ reference,&info,(SV ***) NULL,exception);
+ if (image == (Image *) NULL)
+ {
+ ThrowPerlException(exception,OptionError,"NoImagesDefined",
+ PackageName);
+ goto PerlException;
+ }
+ av=(AV *) NULL;
+ region.x=0;
+ region.y=0;
+ region.width=image->columns;
+ region.height=1;
+ if (items == 1)
+ (void) ParseAbsoluteGeometry(SvPV(ST(1),na),®ion);
+ channel=DefaultChannels;
+ for (i=2; i < items; i+=2)
+ {
+ attribute=(char *) SvPV(ST(i-1),na);
+ switch (*attribute)
+ {
+ case 'C':
+ case 'c':
+ {
+ if (LocaleCompare(attribute,"channel") == 0)
+ {
+ ssize_t
+ option;
+ option=ParseChannelOption(SvPV(ST(i),na));
+ if (option < 0)
+ {
+ ThrowPerlException(exception,OptionError,"UnrecognizedType",
+ SvPV(ST(i),na));
+ return;
+ }
+ channel=(ChannelType) option;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (LocaleCompare(attribute,"color") == 0)
+ {
+ if (SvTYPE(ST(i)) != SVt_RV)
+ {
+ char
+ message[MagickPathExtent];
+ (void) FormatLocaleString(message,MagickPathExtent,
+ "invalid %.60s value",attribute);
+ ThrowPerlException(exception,OptionError,message,
+ SvPV(ST(i),na));
+ }
+ av=(AV *) SvRV(ST(i));
+ break;
+ }
+ ThrowPerlException(exception,OptionError,"UnrecognizedAttribute",
+ attribute);
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'g':
+ case 'G':
+ {
+ if (LocaleCompare(attribute,"geometry") == 0)
+ {
+ (void) ParseAbsoluteGeometry(SvPV(ST(i),na),®ion);
+ break;
+ }
+ ThrowPerlException(exception,OptionError,"UnrecognizedAttribute",
+ attribute);
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'h':
+ case 'H':
+ {
+ if (LocaleCompare(attribute,"height") == 0)
+ {
+ region.height=SvIV(ST(i));
+ break;
+ }
+ ThrowPerlException(exception,OptionError,"UnrecognizedAttribute",
+ attribute);
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'w':
+ case 'W':
+ {
+ if (LocaleCompare(attribute,"width") == 0)
+ {
+ region.width=SvIV(ST(i));
+ break;
+ }
+ ThrowPerlException(exception,OptionError,"UnrecognizedAttribute",
+ attribute);
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'x':
+ case 'X':
+ {
+ if (LocaleCompare(attribute,"x") == 0)
+ {
+ region.x=SvIV(ST(i));
+ break;
+ }
+ ThrowPerlException(exception,OptionError,"UnrecognizedAttribute",
+ attribute);
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'y':
+ case 'Y':
+ {
+ if (LocaleCompare(attribute,"y") == 0)
+ {
+ region.y=SvIV(ST(i));
+ break;
+ }
+ ThrowPerlException(exception,OptionError,"UnrecognizedAttribute",
+ attribute);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ ThrowPerlException(exception,OptionError,"UnrecognizedAttribute",
+ attribute);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ (void) SetImageStorageClass(image,DirectClass,exception);
+ channel_mask=SetImageChannelMask(image,channel);
+ q=GetAuthenticPixels(image,region.x,region.y,region.width,region.height,
+ exception);
+ if ((q == (Quantum *) NULL) || (av == (AV *) NULL) ||
+ (SvTYPE(av) != SVt_PVAV))
+ PUSHs(&sv_undef);
+ else
+ {
+ double
+ scale;
+ register ssize_t
+ i,
+ n,
+ number_pixels;
+ i=0;
+ n=0;
+ scale=(double) QuantumRange;
+ number_pixels=region.width*region.height;
+ while ((n < number_pixels) && (i < av_len(av)))
+ {
+ if (((GetPixelRedTraits(image) & UpdatePixelTrait) != 0) &&
+ (i <= av_len(av)))
+ {
+ SetPixelRed(image,ClampToQuantum(scale*SvNV(*(
+ av_fetch(av,i,0)))),q);
+ i++;
+ }
+ if (((GetPixelGreenTraits(image) & UpdatePixelTrait) != 0) &&
+ (i <= av_len(av)))
+ {
+ SetPixelGreen(image,ClampToQuantum(scale*SvNV(*(
+ av_fetch(av,i,0)))),q);
+ i++;
+ }
+ if (((GetPixelBlueTraits(image) & UpdatePixelTrait) != 0) &&
+ (i <= av_len(av)))
+ {
+ SetPixelBlue(image,ClampToQuantum(scale*SvNV(*(
+ av_fetch(av,i,0)))),q);
+ i++;
+ }
+ if ((((GetPixelBlackTraits(image) & UpdatePixelTrait) != 0) &&
+ (image->colorspace == CMYKColorspace)) && (i <= av_len(av)))
+ {
+ SetPixelBlack(image,ClampToQuantum(scale*
+ SvNV(*(av_fetch(av,i,0)))),q);
+ i++;
+ }
+ if (((GetPixelAlphaTraits(image) & UpdatePixelTrait) != 0) &&
+ (i <= av_len(av)))
+ {
+ SetPixelAlpha(image,ClampToQuantum(scale*
+ SvNV(*(av_fetch(av,i,0)))),q);
+ i++;
+ }
+ n++;
+ q+=image->number_channels;
+ }
+ (void) SyncAuthenticPixels(image,exception);
+ }
+ (void) SetImageChannelMask(image,channel_mask);
+ PerlException:
+ InheritPerlException(exception,perl_exception);
+ exception=DestroyExceptionInfo(exception);
+ SvREFCNT_dec(perl_exception);
+ }
+# #
+# #
+# #
# S m u s h #
# #
# #