+++ /dev/null
-# PostGIS - Spatial Types for PostgreSQL
-# http://postgis.refractions.net
-# Copyright (C) 2011 OpenGeo.org
-# Copyright (C) 2009 Paul Ramsey <pramsey@cleverelephant.ca>
-# This is free software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under
-# the terms of the GNU General Public Licence. See the COPYING file.
-# This script is aimed at restoring postgis data
-# from a dumpfile produced by pg_dump -Fc
-# Basically it will restore all but things known to belong
-# to postgis. Will also convert some old known constructs
-# into new ones.
-# Tested on:
-# pg_dump-8.4.9/pg-8.4.9 => pg_restore-8.4.9/pg-8.4.9
-use warnings;
-use strict;
-my $me = $0;
-my $usage = qq{
-Usage: $me <dumpfile>
- Restore a custom dump (pg_dump -Fc) of a PostGIS-enabled database.
- First dump the old database: pg_dump -Fc <olddb> > <olddb.dmp>
- Then create a new database: createdb <newdb>
- Then install PostGIS in the new database: psql -f <path>/postgis.sql
- Finally, run this script on the old dump: $me <olddb.dmp> | psql <newdb>
-die $usage if (@ARGV != 1);
-my $dumpfile = $ARGV[0];
-my $manifest = $dumpfile . ".lst";
-die "$me:\tUnable to find 'pg_dump' on the path.\n" if ! `pg_dump --version`;
-die "$me:\tUnable to find 'pg_restore' on the path.\n" if ! `pg_restore --version`;
-die "$me:\tUnable to open dump file '$dumpfile'.\n" if ! -f $dumpfile;
-my $DEBUG = 0;
-print STDERR "Converting $dumpfile to ASCII on stdout...\n";
-# Load the signatures of things to skip.
-print STDERR " Reading list of functions to ignore...\n";
-my %skip = ();
-while(my $l = <DATA>) {
- print STDERR " $l" if $DEBUG;
- $l =~ s/\s//g;
- print STDERR "DATA:$l\n" if $DEBUG;
- $skip{$l} = 1;
-# Write a new manifest for the dump file, skipping the things that
-# are part of PostGIS
-print STDERR " Writing manifest of things to read from dump file...\n";
-open( DUMP, "pg_restore -l $dumpfile |" ) || die "$me:\tCannot open dump file '$dumpfile'\n";
-open( MANIFEST, ">$manifest" ) || die "$me:\tCannot open manifest file '$manifest'\n";
-while( my $l = <DUMP> ) {
- next if $l =~ /^\;/;
- my $sig = linesignature($l);
- if ( $skip{$sig} ) {
- print STDERR "SKIPPING $sig\n" if $DEBUG;
- next
- }
- print STDERR "KEEPING $sig\n" if $DEBUG;
- print MANIFEST $l;
-# Convert the dump file into an ASCII file, stripping out the
-# unwanted bits.
-print STDERR " Writing ASCII to stdout...\n";
-open( INPUT, "pg_restore -L $manifest $dumpfile |") || die "$me:\tCan't run pg_restore\n";
-while( my $l = <INPUT> ) {
- next if $l =~ /^ *--/;
- if ( $l =~ /^SET search_path/ ) {
- $l =~ s/; *$/, public;/;
- }
- # This is to avoid confusing OPERATOR CLASS
- # with OPERATOR below
- elsif ( $l =~ /CREATE OPERATOR CLASS/)
- {
- }
- # We can't skip OPERATORS from the manifest file
- # because it doesn't contain enough informations
- # about the type the operator is for
- elsif ( $l =~ /CREATE OPERATOR *([^ ,]*)/)
- {
- my $name = canonicalize_typename($1);
- my $larg = undef;
- my $rarg = undef;
- my @sublines = ($l);
- while( my $subline = <INPUT>)
- {
- push(@sublines, $subline);
- last if $subline =~ /;[\t ]*$/;
- if ( $subline =~ /leftarg *= *([^ ,]*)/i )
- {
- $larg=canonicalize_typename($1);
- }
- if ( $subline =~ /rightarg *= *([^ ,]*)/i )
- {
- $rarg=canonicalize_typename($1);
- }
- }
- if ( ! $larg ) {
- print STDERR "No larg, @sublines: [" . @sublines . "]\n";
- }
- my $sig = "OPERATOR" . $name .'('.$larg.','.$rarg.')';
- if ( $skip{$sig} )
- {
- print STDERR "SKIPPING $sig\n" if $DEBUG;
- next;
- }
- print STDERR "KEEPING $sig\n" if $DEBUG;
- print STDOUT @sublines;
- next;
- }
- # Rewrite spatial table constraints
- #
- # Example:
- # CREATE TABLE geos_in (
- # id integer NOT NULL,
- # g public.geometry,
- # CONSTRAINT enforce_dims_g CHECK ((public.st_ndims(g) = 2)),
- # CONSTRAINT enforce_geotype_g CHECK (((public.geometrytype(g) = 'MULTILINESTRING'::text) OR (g IS NULL))),
- # CONSTRAINT enforce_srid_g CHECK ((public.st_srid(g) = (-1)))
- # );
- #
- elsif ( $l =~ /CREATE TABLE *([^ ,]*)/)
- {
- my @sublines = ($l);
- while( my $subline = <INPUT>)
- {
- if ( $subline =~ /CONSTRAINT enforce_dims_/i ) {
- $subline =~ s/\.ndims\(/.st_ndims(/;
- }
- if ( $subline =~ /CONSTRAINT enforce_srid_/i ) {
- $subline =~ s/\.srid\(/.st_srid(/;
- $subline =~ s/\(-1\)/(0)/;
- }
- push(@sublines, $subline);
- last if $subline =~ /;[\t ]*$/;
- }
- print STDOUT @sublines;
- next;
- }
- print STDOUT $l;
-print STDERR "Done.\n";
-# Strip a dump file manifest line down to the unique elements of
-# type and signature.
-sub linesignature {
- my $line = shift;
- my $sig;
- $line =~ s/\n$//;
- $line =~ s/\r$//;
- if( $line =~ /^(\d+)\; (\d+) (\d+) (\w+) (\w+) (.*) (\w*)/ ) {
- $sig = $4 . "\t" . $6;
- }
- elsif( $line =~ /PROCEDURALLANGUAGE.*plpgsql/ ) {
- $sig = "PROCEDURALLANGUAGE\tplpgsql";
- }
- else {
- # TODO: something smarter here...
- $sig = $line
- }
- $sig =~ s/\s//g;
- return $sig;
-# Canonicalize type names (they change between dump versions).
-# Here we also strip schema qualification
- my $arg=shift;
- # Lower case
- $arg = lc($arg);
- # Trim whitespaces
- $arg =~ s/^\s*//;
- $arg =~ s/\s*$//;
- # Strip schema qualification
- #$arg =~ s/^public.//;
- $arg =~ s/^.*\.//;
- # Handle type name changes
- if ( $arg eq 'opaque' ) {
- $arg = 'internal';
- } elsif ( $arg eq 'boolean' ) {
- $arg = 'bool';
- } elsif ( $arg eq 'oldgeometry' ) {
- $arg = 'geometry';
- }
- # Timestamp with or without time zone
- if ( $arg =~ /timestamp .* time zone/ ) {
- $arg = 'timestamp';
- }
- return $arg;
-# Here are all the signatures we want to skip.
-AGGREGATE accum(geometry)
-AGGREGATE accum_old(geometry)
-AGGREGATE collect(geometry)
-AGGREGATE extent3d(geometry)
-AGGREGATE extent(geometry)
-AGGREGATE geomunion(geometry)
-AGGREGATE geomunion_old(geometry)
-AGGREGATE makeline(geometry)
-AGGREGATE memcollect(geometry)
-AGGREGATE memgeomunion(geometry)
-AGGREGATE polygonize(geometry)
-AGGREGATE st_3dextent(geometry)
-AGGREGATE st_accum(geometry)
-AGGREGATE st_accum_old(geometry)
-AGGREGATE st_collect(geometry)
-AGGREGATE st_extent(geometry)
-AGGREGATE st_makeline(geometry)
-AGGREGATE st_memcollect(geometry)
-AGGREGATE st_memunion(geometry)
-AGGREGATE st_polygonize(geometry)
-AGGREGATE st_union(geometry)
-AGGREGATE st_union_old(geometry)
-AGGREGATE st_union(raster)
-AGGREGATE st_union(raster, text)
-AGGREGATE st_union(raster, text, text)
-AGGREGATE st_union(raster, text, text, text)
-AGGREGATE st_union(raster, text, text, text, double precision)
-AGGREGATE st_union(raster, text, text, text, double precision, text, text, text, double precision)
-AGGREGATE st_union(raster, text, text, text, double precision, text, text, text, double precision, text, text, text, double precision)
-AGGREGATE topoelementarray_agg(topoelement)
-CAST CAST (boolean AS text)
-CAST CAST (bytea AS public.geography)
-CAST CAST (bytea AS public.geometry)
-CAST CAST (public.box2d AS public.box3d)
-CAST CAST (public.box2d AS public.geometry)
-CAST CAST (public.box3d AS box)
-CAST CAST (public.box3d AS public.box2d)
-CAST CAST (public.box3d AS public.geometry)
-CAST CAST (public.box3d_extent AS public.box2d)
-CAST CAST (public.box3d_extent AS public.box3d)
-CAST CAST (public.box3d_extent AS public.geometry)
-CAST CAST (public.chip AS public.geometry)
-CAST CAST (public.geography AS bytea)
-CAST CAST (public.geography AS public.geography)
-CAST CAST (public.geography AS public.geometry)
-CAST CAST (public.geometry AS box)
-CAST CAST (public.geometry AS bytea)
-CAST CAST (public.geometry AS public.box2d)
-CAST CAST (public.geometry AS public.box3d)
-CAST CAST (public.geometry AS public.geography)
-CAST CAST (public.geometry AS public.geometry)
-CAST CAST (public.geometry AS text)
-CAST CAST (public.raster AS box2d)
-CAST CAST (public.raster AS bytea)
-CAST CAST (public.raster AS public.box2d)
-CAST CAST (public.raster AS public.geometry)
-CAST CAST (raster AS bytea)
-CAST CAST (raster AS geometry)
-CAST CAST (text AS public.geometry)
-CAST CAST (topology.topogeometry AS geometry)
-CAST CAST (topology.topogeometry AS public.geometry)
-CONSTRAINT geometry_columns_pk
-CONSTRAINT spatial_ref_sys_pkey
-CONSTRAINT raster_columns_pk
-CONSTRAINT raster_overviews_pk
-DOMAIN topoelement
-DOMAIN topoelementarray
-FUNCTION addauth(text)
-FUNCTION addbbox(geometry)
-FUNCTION addedge(character varying, public.geometry)
-FUNCTION addface(character varying, public.geometry, boolean)
-FUNCTION addgeometrycolumn(character varying, character varying, character varying, character varying, integer, character varying, integer)
-FUNCTION addgeometrycolumn(character varying, character varying, character varying, character varying, integer, character varying, integer, boolean)
-FUNCTION addgeometrycolumn(character varying, character varying, character varying, integer, character varying, integer)
-FUNCTION addgeometrycolumn(character varying, character varying, character varying, integer, character varying, integer, boolean)
-FUNCTION addgeometrycolumn(character varying, character varying, integer, character varying, integer)
-FUNCTION addgeometrycolumn(character varying, character varying, integer, character varying, integer, boolean)
-FUNCTION addnode(character varying, public.geometry)
-FUNCTION _add_overview_constraint(name, name, name, name, name, name, integer)
-FUNCTION addoverviewconstraints(name, name, name, name, integer)
-FUNCTION addoverviewconstraints(name, name, name, name, name, name, integer)
-FUNCTION addpoint(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION addpoint(geometry, geometry, integer)
-FUNCTION addrastercolumn(character varying, character varying, character varying, character varying, integer, character varying[], boolean, boolean, double precision[], double precision, double precision, integer, integer, geometry)
-FUNCTION addrastercolumn(character varying, character varying, character varying, integer, character varying[], boolean, boolean, double precision[], double precision, double precision, integer, integer, geometry)
-FUNCTION addrastercolumn(character varying, character varying, integer, character varying[], boolean, boolean, double precision[], double precision, double precision, integer, integer, geometry)
-FUNCTION _add_raster_constraint_alignment(name, name, name)
-FUNCTION _add_raster_constraint_blocksize(name, name, name, text)
-FUNCTION _add_raster_constraint_extent(name, name, name)
-FUNCTION _add_raster_constraint(name, text)
-FUNCTION _add_raster_constraint_nodata_values(name, name, name)
-FUNCTION _add_raster_constraint_num_bands(name, name, name)
-FUNCTION _add_raster_constraint_pixel_types(name, name, name)
-FUNCTION _add_raster_constraint_regular_blocking(name, name, name)
-FUNCTION _add_raster_constraint_scale(name, name, name, character)
-FUNCTION addrasterconstraints(name, name, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean)
-FUNCTION addrasterconstraints(name, name, name, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean)
-FUNCTION addrasterconstraints(name, name, name, text[])
-FUNCTION addrasterconstraints(name, name, text[])
-FUNCTION _add_raster_constraint_srid(name, name, name)
-FUNCTION addtopogeometrycolumn(character varying, character varying, character varying, character varying, character varying)
-FUNCTION addtopogeometrycolumn(character varying, character varying, character varying, character varying, character varying, integer)
-FUNCTION addtosearchpath(character varying)
-FUNCTION affine(geometry, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision)
-FUNCTION affine(geometry, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision)
-FUNCTION area2d(geometry)
-FUNCTION area(geometry)
-FUNCTION asbinary(geometry)
-FUNCTION asbinary(geometry, text)
-FUNCTION asewkb(geometry)
-FUNCTION asewkb(geometry, text)
-FUNCTION asewkt(geometry)
-FUNCTION _asgmledge(integer, integer, integer, public.geometry, regclass, text, integer, integer, text, integer)
-FUNCTION _asgmlface(text, integer, regclass, text, integer, integer, text, integer)
-FUNCTION asgml(geometry)
-FUNCTION asgml(geometry, integer)
-FUNCTION asgml(geometry, integer, integer)
-FUNCTION _asgmlnode(integer, public.geometry, text, integer, integer, text, integer)
-FUNCTION asgml(topogeometry)
-FUNCTION asgml(topogeometry, regclass)
-FUNCTION asgml(topogeometry, regclass, text)
-FUNCTION asgml(topogeometry, text)
-FUNCTION asgml(topogeometry, text, integer, integer)
-FUNCTION asgml(topogeometry, text, integer, integer, regclass)
-FUNCTION asgml(topogeometry, text, integer, integer, regclass, text)
-FUNCTION asgml(topogeometry, text, integer, integer, regclass, text, integer)
-FUNCTION ashexewkb(geometry)
-FUNCTION ashexewkb(geometry, text)
-FUNCTION askml(geometry)
-FUNCTION askml(geometry, integer)
-FUNCTION askml(geometry, integer, integer)
-FUNCTION askml(integer, geometry, integer)
-FUNCTION assvg(geometry)
-FUNCTION assvg(geometry, integer)
-FUNCTION assvg(geometry, integer, integer)
-FUNCTION astext(geometry)
-FUNCTION asukml(geometry)
-FUNCTION asukml(geometry, integer)
-FUNCTION asukml(geometry, integer, integer)
-FUNCTION azimuth(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION bdmpolyfromtext(text, integer)
-FUNCTION bdpolyfromtext(text, integer)
-FUNCTION boundary(geometry)
-FUNCTION box2d(box3d)
-FUNCTION box2d(box3d_extent)
-FUNCTION box2d_contain(box2d, box2d)
-FUNCTION box2d_contained(box2d, box2d)
-FUNCTION box2df_in(cstring)
-FUNCTION box2df_out(box2df)
-FUNCTION box2d(geometry)
-FUNCTION box2d_in(cstring)
-FUNCTION box2d_intersects(box2d, box2d)
-FUNCTION box2d_left(box2d, box2d)
-FUNCTION box2d_out(box2d)
-FUNCTION box2d_overlap(box2d, box2d)
-FUNCTION box2d_overleft(box2d, box2d)
-FUNCTION box2d_overright(box2d, box2d)
-FUNCTION box2d(raster)
-FUNCTION box2d_right(box2d, box2d)
-FUNCTION box2d_same(box2d, box2d)
-FUNCTION box3d(box2d)
-FUNCTION box3d_extent(box3d_extent)
-FUNCTION box3d_extent_in(cstring)
-FUNCTION box3d_extent_out(box3d_extent)
-FUNCTION box3d(geometry)
-FUNCTION box3d_in(cstring)
-FUNCTION box3d_out(box3d)
-FUNCTION box3dtobox(box3d)
-FUNCTION box(box3d)
-FUNCTION box(geometry)
-FUNCTION buffer(geometry, double precision)
-FUNCTION buffer(geometry, double precision, integer)
-FUNCTION buildarea(geometry)
-FUNCTION build_histogram2d(histogram2d, text, text)
-FUNCTION build_histogram2d(histogram2d, text, text, text)
-FUNCTION bytea(geography)
-FUNCTION bytea(geometry)
-FUNCTION cache_bbox()
-FUNCTION centroid(geometry)
-FUNCTION checkauth(text, text)
-FUNCTION checkauth(text, text, text)
-FUNCTION checkauthtrigger()
-FUNCTION chip_in(cstring)
-FUNCTION chip_out(chip)
-FUNCTION collect_garray(geometry[])
-FUNCTION collect(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION collector(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION combine_bbox(box2d, geometry)
-FUNCTION combine_bbox(box3d_extent, geometry)
-FUNCTION combine_bbox(box3d, geometry)
-FUNCTION compression(chip)
-FUNCTION contains(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION convexhull(geometry)
-FUNCTION copytopology(character varying, character varying)
-FUNCTION create_histogram2d(box2d, integer)
-FUNCTION createtopogeom(character varying, integer, integer, topoelementarray)
-FUNCTION createtopology(character varying)
-FUNCTION createtopology(character varying, integer)
-FUNCTION createtopology(character varying, integer, double precision)
-FUNCTION createtopology(character varying, integer, double precision, boolean)
-FUNCTION crosses(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION datatype(chip)
-FUNCTION difference(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION dimension(geometry)
-FUNCTION disablelongtransactions()
-FUNCTION disjoint(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION distance(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION distance_sphere(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION distance_spheroid(geometry, geometry, spheroid)
-FUNCTION dropbbox(geometry)
-FUNCTION dropgeometrycolumn(character varying, character varying)
-FUNCTION dropgeometrycolumn(character varying, character varying, character varying)
-FUNCTION dropgeometrycolumn(character varying, character varying, character varying, character varying)
-FUNCTION dropgeometrytable(character varying)
-FUNCTION dropgeometrytable(character varying, character varying)
-FUNCTION dropgeometrytable(character varying, character varying, character varying)
-FUNCTION _drop_overview_constraint(name, name, name)
-FUNCTION dropoverviewconstraints(name, name)
-FUNCTION dropoverviewconstraints(name, name, name)
-FUNCTION droprastercolumn(character varying, character varying)
-FUNCTION droprastercolumn(character varying, character varying, character varying)
-FUNCTION droprastercolumn(character varying, character varying, character varying, character varying)
-FUNCTION _drop_raster_constraint_alignment(name, name, name)
-FUNCTION _drop_raster_constraint_blocksize(name, name, name, text)
-FUNCTION _drop_raster_constraint_extent(name, name, name)
-FUNCTION _drop_raster_constraint(name, name, name)
-FUNCTION _drop_raster_constraint_nodata_values(name, name, name)
-FUNCTION _drop_raster_constraint_num_bands(name, name, name)
-FUNCTION _drop_raster_constraint_pixel_types(name, name, name)
-FUNCTION _drop_raster_constraint_regular_blocking(name, name, name)
-FUNCTION _drop_raster_constraint_scale(name, name, name, character)
-FUNCTION droprasterconstraints(name, name, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean)
-FUNCTION droprasterconstraints(name, name, name, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean)
-FUNCTION droprasterconstraints(name, name, name, text[])
-FUNCTION droprasterconstraints(name, name, text[])
-FUNCTION _drop_raster_constraint_srid(name, name, name)
-FUNCTION droprastertable(character varying)
-FUNCTION droprastertable(character varying, character varying)
-FUNCTION droprastertable(character varying, character varying, character varying)
-FUNCTION droptopogeometrycolumn(character varying, character varying, character varying)
-FUNCTION droptopology(character varying)
-FUNCTION dumpaswktpolygons(raster, integer)
-FUNCTION dump(geometry)
-FUNCTION dumprings(geometry)
-FUNCTION enablelongtransactions()
-FUNCTION endpoint(geometry)
-FUNCTION envelope(geometry)
-FUNCTION equals(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION equals(topogeometry, topogeometry)
-FUNCTION estimated_extent(text, text)
-FUNCTION estimated_extent(text, text, text)
-FUNCTION estimate_histogram2d(histogram2d, box2d)
-FUNCTION expand(box2d, double precision)
-FUNCTION expand(box3d, double precision)
-FUNCTION expand(geometry, double precision)
-FUNCTION explode_histogram2d(histogram2d, text)
-FUNCTION exteriorring(geometry)
-FUNCTION factor(chip)
-FUNCTION find_extent(text, text)
-FUNCTION find_extent(text, text, text)
-FUNCTION find_srid(character varying, character varying, character varying)
-FUNCTION fix_geometry_columns()
-FUNCTION force_2d(geometry)
-FUNCTION force_3d(geometry)
-FUNCTION force_3dm(geometry)
-FUNCTION force_3dz(geometry)
-FUNCTION force_4d(geometry)
-FUNCTION force_collection(geometry)
-FUNCTION forcerhr(geometry)
-FUNCTION geography_analyze(internal)
-FUNCTION geography(bytea)
-FUNCTION geography_cmp(geography, geography)
-FUNCTION geography_eq(geography, geography)
-FUNCTION geography_ge(geography, geography)
-FUNCTION geography(geography, integer, boolean)
-FUNCTION geography(geometry)
-FUNCTION geography_gist_compress(internal)
-FUNCTION geography_gist_consistent(internal, geography, integer)
-FUNCTION geography_gist_decompress(internal)
-FUNCTION geography_gist_join_selectivity(internal, oid, internal, smallint)
-FUNCTION geography_gist_penalty(internal, internal, internal)
-FUNCTION geography_gist_picksplit(internal, internal)
-FUNCTION geography_gist_same(box2d, box2d, internal)
-FUNCTION geography_gist_selectivity(internal, oid, internal, integer)
-FUNCTION geography_gist_union(bytea, internal)
-FUNCTION geography_gt(geography, geography)
-FUNCTION geography_in(cstring, oid, integer)
-FUNCTION geography_le(geography, geography)
-FUNCTION geography_lt(geography, geography)
-FUNCTION geography_out(geography)
-FUNCTION geography_overlaps(geography, geography)
-FUNCTION geography_typmod_in(cstring[])
-FUNCTION geography_typmod_out(integer)
-FUNCTION geom_accum(geometry[], geometry)
-FUNCTION geomcollfromtext(text)
-FUNCTION geomcollfromtext(text, integer)
-FUNCTION geomcollfromwkb(bytea)
-FUNCTION geomcollfromwkb(bytea, integer)
-FUNCTION geometry_above(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION geometry_analyze(internal)
-FUNCTION geometry_below(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION geometry(box2d)
-FUNCTION geometry(box3d)
-FUNCTION geometry(box3d_extent)
-FUNCTION geometry(bytea)
-FUNCTION geometry(chip)
-FUNCTION geometry_cmp(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION geometry_contained(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION geometry_contain(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION geometry_contains(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION geometry_distance_box(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION geometry_distance_centroid(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION geometry_eq(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION geometryfromtext(text)
-FUNCTION geometryfromtext(text, integer)
-FUNCTION geometry_ge(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION geometry(geography)
-FUNCTION geometry(geometry, integer, boolean)
-FUNCTION geometry_gist_compress_2d(internal)
-FUNCTION geometry_gist_compress_nd(internal)
-FUNCTION geometry_gist_consistent_2d(internal, geometry, integer)
-FUNCTION geometry_gist_consistent_nd(internal, geometry, integer)
-FUNCTION geometry_gist_decompress_2d(internal)
-FUNCTION geometry_gist_decompress_nd(internal)
-FUNCTION geometry_gist_distance_2d(internal, geometry, integer)
-FUNCTION geometry_gist_joinsel_2d(internal, oid, internal, smallint)
-FUNCTION geometry_gist_penalty_2d(internal, internal, internal)
-FUNCTION geometry_gist_penalty_nd(internal, internal, internal)
-FUNCTION geometry_gist_picksplit_2d(internal, internal)
-FUNCTION geometry_gist_picksplit_nd(internal, internal)
-FUNCTION geometry_gist_same_2d(geometry, geometry, internal)
-FUNCTION geometry_gist_same_nd(geometry, geometry, internal)
-FUNCTION geometry_gist_sel_2d(internal, oid, internal, integer)
-FUNCTION geometry_gist_union_2d(bytea, internal)
-FUNCTION geometry_gist_union_nd(bytea, internal)
-FUNCTION geometry_gt(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION geometry_in(cstring)
-FUNCTION geometry_left(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION geometry_le(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION geometry_lt(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION geometryn(geometry, integer)
-FUNCTION geometry_out(geometry)
-FUNCTION geometry_overabove(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION geometry_overbelow(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION geometry_overlap(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION geometry_overlaps(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION geometry_overlaps_nd(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION geometry_overleft(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION geometry_overright(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION geometry_recv(internal)
-FUNCTION geometry_right(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION geometry_samebox(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION geometry_same(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION geometry_send(geometry)
-FUNCTION geometry(text)
-FUNCTION geometry(topogeometry)
-FUNCTION geometrytype(geometry)
-FUNCTION geometrytype(topogeometry)
-FUNCTION geometry_typmod_in(cstring[])
-FUNCTION geometry_typmod_out(integer)
-FUNCTION geometry_within(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION geomfromewkb(bytea)
-FUNCTION geomfromewkt(text)
-FUNCTION geomfromtext(text)
-FUNCTION geomfromtext(text, integer)
-FUNCTION geomfromwkb(bytea)
-FUNCTION geomfromwkb(bytea, integer)
-FUNCTION geomunion(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION geosnoop(geometry)
-FUNCTION getbbox(geometry)
-FUNCTION getedgebypoint(character varying, public.geometry, double precision)
-FUNCTION getfacebypoint(character varying, public.geometry, double precision)
-FUNCTION getnodebypoint(character varying, public.geometry, double precision)
-FUNCTION get_proj4_from_srid(integer)
-FUNCTION getringedges(character varying, integer, integer)
-FUNCTION getsrid(geometry)
-FUNCTION gettopogeomelementarray(character varying, integer, integer)
-FUNCTION gettopogeomelementarray(topogeometry)
-FUNCTION gettopogeomelements(character varying, integer, integer)
-FUNCTION gettopogeomelements(topogeometry)
-FUNCTION gettopologyid(character varying)
-FUNCTION gettopologyname(integer)
-FUNCTION gettransactionid()
-FUNCTION gidx_in(cstring)
-FUNCTION gidx_out(gidx)
-FUNCTION hasbbox(geometry)
-FUNCTION height(chip)
-FUNCTION histogram2d_in(cstring)
-FUNCTION histogram2d_out(histogram2d)
-FUNCTION interiorringn(geometry, integer)
-FUNCTION intersection(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION intersects(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION intersects(topogeometry, topogeometry)
-FUNCTION isclosed(geometry)
-FUNCTION isempty(geometry)
-FUNCTION isring(geometry)
-FUNCTION issimple(geometry)
-FUNCTION isvalid(geometry)
-FUNCTION jtsnoop(geometry)
-FUNCTION layertrigger()
-FUNCTION length2d(geometry)
-FUNCTION length2d_spheroid(geometry, spheroid)
-FUNCTION length3d(geometry)
-FUNCTION length3d_spheroid(geometry, spheroid)
-FUNCTION length(geometry)
-FUNCTION length_spheroid(geometry, spheroid)
-FUNCTION linefrommultipoint(geometry)
-FUNCTION linefromtext(text)
-FUNCTION linefromtext(text, integer)
-FUNCTION linefromwkb(bytea)
-FUNCTION linefromwkb(bytea, integer)
-FUNCTION line_interpolate_point(geometry, double precision)
-FUNCTION line_locate_point(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION linemerge(geometry)
-FUNCTION linestringfromtext(text)
-FUNCTION linestringfromtext(text, integer)
-FUNCTION linestringfromwkb(bytea)
-FUNCTION linestringfromwkb(bytea, integer)
-FUNCTION line_substring(geometry, double precision, double precision)
-FUNCTION locate_along_measure(geometry, double precision)
-FUNCTION locate_between_measures(geometry, double precision, double precision)
-FUNCTION lockrow(text, text, text)
-FUNCTION lockrow(text, text, text, text)
-FUNCTION lockrow(text, text, text, text, timestamp without time zone)
-FUNCTION lockrow(text, text, text, timestamp without time zone)
-FUNCTION longtransactionsenabled()
-FUNCTION lwgeom_gist_compress(internal)
-FUNCTION lwgeom_gist_consistent(internal, geometry, integer)
-FUNCTION lwgeom_gist_decompress(internal)
-FUNCTION lwgeom_gist_penalty(internal, internal, internal)
-FUNCTION lwgeom_gist_picksplit(internal, internal)
-FUNCTION lwgeom_gist_same(box2d, box2d, internal)
-FUNCTION lwgeom_gist_union(bytea, internal)
-FUNCTION makebox2d(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION makebox3d(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION makeline_garray(geometry[])
-FUNCTION makeline(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION makepoint(double precision, double precision)
-FUNCTION makepoint(double precision, double precision, double precision)
-FUNCTION makepoint(double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision)
-FUNCTION makepointm(double precision, double precision, double precision)
-FUNCTION makepolygon(geometry)
-FUNCTION makepolygon(geometry, geometry[])
-FUNCTION mapalgebra4unionfinal1(rastexpr)
-FUNCTION mapalgebra4unionfinal3(rastexpr)
-FUNCTION mapalgebra4unionstate(raster, raster, text, text, text, double precision, text, text, text, double precision)
-FUNCTION mapalgebra4unionstate(rastexpr, raster)
-FUNCTION mapalgebra4unionstate(rastexpr, raster, text)
-FUNCTION mapalgebra4unionstate(rastexpr, raster, text, text)
-FUNCTION mapalgebra4unionstate(rastexpr, raster, text, text, text)
-FUNCTION mapalgebra4unionstate(rastexpr, raster, text, text, text, double precision)
-FUNCTION mapalgebra4unionstate(rastexpr, raster, text, text, text, double precision, text, text, text, double precision)
-FUNCTION mapalgebra4unionstate(rastexpr, raster, text, text, text, double precision, text, text, text, double precision, text, text, text, double precision)
-FUNCTION max_distance(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION mem_size(geometry)
-FUNCTION m(geometry)
-FUNCTION mlinefromtext(text)
-FUNCTION mlinefromtext(text, integer)
-FUNCTION mlinefromwkb(bytea)
-FUNCTION mlinefromwkb(bytea, integer)
-FUNCTION mpointfromtext(text)
-FUNCTION mpointfromtext(text, integer)
-FUNCTION mpointfromwkb(bytea)
-FUNCTION mpointfromwkb(bytea, integer)
-FUNCTION mpolyfromtext(text)
-FUNCTION mpolyfromtext(text, integer)
-FUNCTION mpolyfromwkb(bytea)
-FUNCTION mpolyfromwkb(bytea, integer)
-FUNCTION multi(geometry)
-FUNCTION multilinefromwkb(bytea)
-FUNCTION multilinefromwkb(bytea, integer)
-FUNCTION multilinestringfromtext(text)
-FUNCTION multilinestringfromtext(text, integer)
-FUNCTION multipointfromtext(text)
-FUNCTION multipointfromtext(text, integer)
-FUNCTION multipointfromwkb(bytea)
-FUNCTION multipointfromwkb(bytea, integer)
-FUNCTION multipolyfromwkb(bytea)
-FUNCTION multipolyfromwkb(bytea, integer)
-FUNCTION multipolygonfromtext(text)
-FUNCTION multipolygonfromtext(text, integer)
-FUNCTION ndims(geometry)
-FUNCTION noop(geometry)
-FUNCTION npoints(geometry)
-FUNCTION nrings(geometry)
-FUNCTION numgeometries(geometry)
-FUNCTION numinteriorring(geometry)
-FUNCTION numinteriorrings(geometry)
-FUNCTION numpoints(geometry)
-FUNCTION overlaps(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION _overview_constraint_info(name, name, name)
-FUNCTION _overview_constraint(raster, integer, name, name, name)
-FUNCTION perimeter2d(geometry)
-FUNCTION perimeter3d(geometry)
-FUNCTION perimeter(geometry)
-FUNCTION pgis_abs_in(cstring)
-FUNCTION pgis_abs_out(pgis_abs)
-FUNCTION pgis_geometry_accum_finalfn(pgis_abs)
-FUNCTION pgis_geometry_accum_transfn(pgis_abs, geometry)
-FUNCTION pgis_geometry_collect_finalfn(pgis_abs)
-FUNCTION pgis_geometry_makeline_finalfn(pgis_abs)
-FUNCTION pgis_geometry_polygonize_finalfn(pgis_abs)
-FUNCTION pgis_geometry_union_finalfn(pgis_abs)
-FUNCTION pointfromtext(text)
-FUNCTION pointfromtext(text, integer)
-FUNCTION pointfromwkb(bytea)
-FUNCTION pointfromwkb(bytea, integer)
-FUNCTION point_inside_circle(geometry, double precision, double precision, double precision)
-FUNCTION pointn(geometry, integer)
-FUNCTION pointonsurface(geometry)
-FUNCTION polyfromtext(text)
-FUNCTION polyfromtext(text, integer)
-FUNCTION polyfromwkb(bytea)
-FUNCTION polyfromwkb(bytea, integer)
-FUNCTION polygonfromtext(text)
-FUNCTION polygonfromtext(text, integer)
-FUNCTION polygonfromwkb(bytea)
-FUNCTION polygonfromwkb(bytea, integer)
-FUNCTION polygonize(character varying)
-FUNCTION polygonize_garray(geometry[])
-FUNCTION populate_geometry_columns()
-FUNCTION populate_geometry_columns(boolean)
-FUNCTION populate_geometry_columns(oid)
-FUNCTION populate_geometry_columns(oid, boolean)
-FUNCTION postgis_addbbox(geometry)
-FUNCTION postgis_cache_bbox()
-FUNCTION postgis_constraint_dims(text, text, text)
-FUNCTION postgis_constraint_srid(text, text, text)
-FUNCTION postgis_constraint_type(text, text, text)
-FUNCTION postgis_dropbbox(geometry)
-FUNCTION postgis_full_version()
-FUNCTION postgis_gdal_version()
-FUNCTION postgis_geos_version()
-FUNCTION postgis_getbbox(geometry)
-FUNCTION postgis_gist_joinsel(internal, oid, internal, smallint)
-FUNCTION postgis_gist_sel(internal, oid, internal, integer)
-FUNCTION postgis_hasbbox(geometry)
-FUNCTION postgis_jts_version()
-FUNCTION postgis_lib_build_date()
-FUNCTION postgis_lib_version()
-FUNCTION postgis_libxml_version()
-FUNCTION postgis_noop(geometry)
-FUNCTION postgis_proj_version()
-FUNCTION postgis_raster_lib_build_date()
-FUNCTION postgis_raster_lib_version()
-FUNCTION postgis_scripts_build_date()
-FUNCTION postgis_scripts_installed()
-FUNCTION postgis_scripts_released()
-FUNCTION postgis_transform_geometry(geometry, text, text, integer)
-FUNCTION postgis_type_name(character varying, integer, boolean)
-FUNCTION postgis_typmod_dims(integer)
-FUNCTION postgis_typmod_srid(integer)
-FUNCTION postgis_typmod_type(integer)
-FUNCTION postgis_uses_stats()
-FUNCTION postgis_version()
-FUNCTION probe_geometry_columns()
-FUNCTION _raster_constraint_info_alignment(name, name, name)
-FUNCTION _raster_constraint_info_blocksize(name, name, name, text)
-FUNCTION _raster_constraint_info_extent(name, name, name)
-FUNCTION _raster_constraint_info_nodata_values(name, name, name)
-FUNCTION _raster_constraint_info_num_bands(name, name, name)
-FUNCTION _raster_constraint_info_pixel_types(name, name, name)
-FUNCTION _raster_constraint_info_regular_blocking(name, name, name)
-FUNCTION _raster_constraint_info_scale(name, name, name, character)
-FUNCTION _raster_constraint_info_srid(name, name, name)
-FUNCTION _raster_constraint_nodata_values(raster)
-FUNCTION _raster_constraint_pixel_types(raster)
-FUNCTION raster_in(cstring)
-FUNCTION raster_out(raster)
-FUNCTION relate(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION relate(geometry, geometry, text)
-FUNCTION relationtrigger()
-FUNCTION removepoint(geometry, integer)
-FUNCTION rename_geometry_table_constraints()
-FUNCTION reverse(geometry)
-FUNCTION rotate(geometry, double precision)
-FUNCTION rotatex(geometry, double precision)
-FUNCTION rotatey(geometry, double precision)
-FUNCTION rotatez(geometry, double precision)
-FUNCTION scale(geometry, double precision, double precision)
-FUNCTION scale(geometry, double precision, double precision, double precision)
-FUNCTION se_envelopesintersect(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION segmentize(geometry, double precision)
-FUNCTION se_is3d(geometry)
-FUNCTION se_ismeasured(geometry)
-FUNCTION se_locatealong(geometry, double precision)
-FUNCTION se_locatebetween(geometry, double precision, double precision)
-FUNCTION se_m(geometry)
-FUNCTION setfactor(chip, real)
-FUNCTION setpoint(geometry, integer, geometry)
-FUNCTION setsrid(chip, integer)
-FUNCTION setsrid(geometry, integer)
-FUNCTION se_z(geometry)
-FUNCTION shift_longitude(geometry)
-FUNCTION simplify(geometry, double precision)
-FUNCTION snaptogrid(geometry, double precision)
-FUNCTION snaptogrid(geometry, double precision, double precision)
-FUNCTION snaptogrid(geometry, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision)
-FUNCTION snaptogrid(geometry, geometry, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision)
-FUNCTION spheroid_in(cstring)
-FUNCTION spheroid_out(spheroid)
-FUNCTION srid(chip)
-FUNCTION srid(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_3dclosestpoint(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION _st_3ddfullywithin(geometry, geometry, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_3ddfullywithin(geometry, geometry, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_3ddistance(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION _st_3ddwithin(geometry, geometry, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_3ddwithin(geometry, geometry, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_3dintersects(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION st_3dlength(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_3dlength_spheroid(geometry, spheroid)
-FUNCTION st_3dlongestline(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION st_3dmakebox(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION ST_3DMakeBox(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION st_3dmaxdistance(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION st_3dperimeter(geometry)
-FUNCTION ST_3DPerimeter(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_3dshortestline(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION st_above(raster, raster)
-FUNCTION st_addband(raster, integer, text, double precision, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_addband(raster, raster, integer, integer)
-FUNCTION st_addband(raster, text, double precision, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_addbbox(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_addedgemodface(character varying, integer, integer, public.geometry)
-FUNCTION st_addedgenewfaces(character varying, integer, integer, public.geometry)
-FUNCTION st_addisoedge(character varying, integer, integer, public.geometry)
-FUNCTION st_addisonode(character varying, integer, public.geometry)
-FUNCTION st_addmeasure(geometry, double precision, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_addpoint(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION st_addpoint(geometry, geometry, integer)
-FUNCTION st_affine(geometry, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_affine(geometry, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_approxcount(raster, boolean, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_approxcount(raster, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_approxcount(raster, integer, boolean, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_approxcount(raster, integer, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_approxcount(text, text, boolean, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_approxcount(text, text, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_approxcount(text, text, integer, boolean, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_approxcount(text, text, integer, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_approxhistogram(raster, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_approxhistogram(raster, integer, boolean, double precision, integer, boolean)
-FUNCTION st_approxhistogram(raster, integer, boolean, double precision, integer, double precision[], boolean)
-FUNCTION st_approxhistogram(raster, integer, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_approxhistogram(raster, integer, double precision, integer, boolean)
-FUNCTION st_approxhistogram(raster, integer, double precision, integer, double precision[], boolean)
-FUNCTION st_approxhistogram(text, text, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_approxhistogram(text, text, integer, boolean, double precision, integer, boolean)
-FUNCTION st_approxhistogram(text, text, integer, boolean, double precision, integer, double precision[], boolean)
-FUNCTION st_approxhistogram(text, text, integer, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_approxhistogram(text, text, integer, double precision, integer, boolean)
-FUNCTION st_approxhistogram(text, text, integer, double precision, integer, double precision[], boolean)
-FUNCTION st_approxquantile(raster, boolean, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_approxquantile(raster, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_approxquantile(raster, double precision[])
-FUNCTION st_approxquantile(raster, double precision, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_approxquantile(raster, double precision, double precision[])
-FUNCTION st_approxquantile(raster, integer, boolean, double precision, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_approxquantile(raster, integer, boolean, double precision, double precision[])
-FUNCTION st_approxquantile(raster, integer, double precision, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_approxquantile(raster, integer, double precision, double precision[])
-FUNCTION st_approxquantile(text, text, boolean, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_approxquantile(text, text, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_approxquantile(text, text, double precision[])
-FUNCTION st_approxquantile(text, text, double precision, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_approxquantile(text, text, double precision, double precision[])
-FUNCTION st_approxquantile(text, text, integer, boolean, double precision, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_approxquantile(text, text, integer, boolean, double precision, double precision[])
-FUNCTION st_approxquantile(text, text, integer, double precision, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_approxquantile(text, text, integer, double precision, double precision[])
-FUNCTION st_approxsummarystats(raster, boolean, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_approxsummarystats(raster, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_approxsummarystats(raster, integer, boolean, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_approxsummarystats(raster, integer, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_approxsummarystats(text, text, boolean)
-FUNCTION st_approxsummarystats(text, text, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_approxsummarystats(text, text, integer, boolean, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_approxsummarystats(text, text, integer, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_area2d(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_area(geography, boolean)
-FUNCTION st_area(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_area(text)
-FUNCTION startpoint(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_asbinary(geography)
-FUNCTION st_asbinary(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_asbinary(geometry, text)
-FUNCTION st_asbinary(raster)
-FUNCTION st_asbinary(text)
-FUNCTION st_asewkb(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_asewkb(geometry, text)
-FUNCTION st_asewkt(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_asgdalraster(raster, text, text[], integer)
-FUNCTION st_asgeojson(geography)
-FUNCTION st_asgeojson(geography, integer)
-FUNCTION st_asgeojson(geography, integer, integer)
-FUNCTION st_asgeojson(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_asgeojson(geometry, integer)
-FUNCTION st_asgeojson(geometry, integer, integer)
-FUNCTION st_asgeojson(integer, geography)
-FUNCTION st_asgeojson(integer, geography, integer)
-FUNCTION _st_asgeojson(integer, geography, integer, integer)
-FUNCTION st_asgeojson(integer, geography, integer, integer)
-FUNCTION st_asgeojson(integer, geometry)
-FUNCTION st_asgeojson(integer, geometry, integer)
-FUNCTION _st_asgeojson(integer, geometry, integer, integer)
-FUNCTION st_asgeojson(integer, geometry, integer, integer)
-FUNCTION st_asgeojson(text)
-FUNCTION st_asgml(geography)
-FUNCTION st_asgml(geography, integer)
-FUNCTION st_asgml(geography, integer, integer)
-FUNCTION st_asgml(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_asgml(geometry, integer)
-FUNCTION st_asgml(geometry, integer, integer)
-FUNCTION st_asgml(integer, geography)
-FUNCTION st_asgml(integer, geography, integer)
-FUNCTION st_asgml(integer, geography, integer, integer)
-FUNCTION _st_asgml(integer, geography, integer, integer, text)
-FUNCTION st_asgml(integer, geography, integer, integer, text)
-FUNCTION st_asgml(integer, geometry)
-FUNCTION _st_asgml(integer, geometry, integer)
-FUNCTION st_asgml(integer, geometry, integer)
-FUNCTION st_asgml(integer, geometry, integer, integer)
-FUNCTION _st_asgml(integer, geometry, integer, integer, text)
-FUNCTION st_asgml(integer, geometry, integer, integer, text)
-FUNCTION st_asgml(text)
-FUNCTION st_ashexewkb(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_ashexewkb(geometry, text)
-FUNCTION st_asjpeg(raster, integer, integer)
-FUNCTION st_asjpeg(raster, integer[], integer)
-FUNCTION st_asjpeg(raster, integer, text[])
-FUNCTION st_asjpeg(raster, integer[], text[])
-FUNCTION st_asjpeg(raster, text[])
-FUNCTION st_askml(geography)
-FUNCTION st_askml(geography, integer)
-FUNCTION st_askml(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_askml(geometry, integer)
-FUNCTION st_askml(integer, geography)
-FUNCTION st_askml(integer, geography, integer)
-FUNCTION _st_askml(integer, geography, integer, text)
-FUNCTION st_askml(integer, geography, integer, text)
-FUNCTION st_askml(integer, geometry)
-FUNCTION _st_askml(integer, geometry, integer)
-FUNCTION st_askml(integer, geometry, integer)
-FUNCTION _st_askml(integer, geometry, integer, text)
-FUNCTION st_askml(integer, geometry, integer, text)
-FUNCTION st_askml(text)
-FUNCTION st_aslatlontext(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_aslatlontext(geometry, text)
-FUNCTION _st_aspect4ma(double precision[], text, text[])
-FUNCTION st_aspect(raster, integer, text)
-FUNCTION st_aspng(raster, integer, integer)
-FUNCTION st_aspng(raster, integer[], integer)
-FUNCTION st_aspng(raster, integer, text[])
-FUNCTION st_aspng(raster, integer[], text[])
-FUNCTION st_aspng(raster, text[])
-FUNCTION st_asraster(geometry, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, text, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, boolean)
-FUNCTION st_asraster(geometry, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, text[], double precision[], double precision[], double precision, double precision, boolean)
-FUNCTION _st_asraster(geometry, double precision, double precision, integer, integer, text[], double precision[], double precision[], double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, boolean)
-FUNCTION st_asraster(geometry, double precision, double precision, text, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, boolean)
-FUNCTION st_asraster(geometry, double precision, double precision, text[], double precision[], double precision[], double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, boolean)
-FUNCTION st_asraster(geometry, integer, integer, double precision, double precision, text, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, boolean)
-FUNCTION st_asraster(geometry, integer, integer, double precision, double precision, text[], double precision[], double precision[], double precision, double precision, boolean)
-FUNCTION st_asraster(geometry, integer, integer, text, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, boolean)
-FUNCTION st_asraster(geometry, integer, integer, text[], double precision[], double precision[], double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, boolean)
-FUNCTION st_asraster(geometry, raster, text, double precision, double precision, boolean)
-FUNCTION st_asraster(geometry, raster, text[], double precision[], double precision[], boolean)
-FUNCTION st_assvg(geography)
-FUNCTION st_assvg(geography, integer)
-FUNCTION st_assvg(geography, integer, integer)
-FUNCTION st_assvg(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_assvg(geometry, integer)
-FUNCTION st_assvg(geometry, integer, integer)
-FUNCTION st_assvg(text)
-FUNCTION st_astext(geography)
-FUNCTION st_astext(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_astext(text)
-FUNCTION st_astiff(raster, integer[], text, integer)
-FUNCTION st_astiff(raster, integer[], text[], integer)
-FUNCTION st_astiff(raster, text, integer)
-FUNCTION st_astiff(raster, text[], integer)
-FUNCTION st_asx3d(geometry, integer)
-FUNCTION _st_asx3d(integer, geometry, integer, integer, text)
-FUNCTION st_azimuth(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION st_bandisnodata(raster, boolean)
-FUNCTION st_bandisnodata(raster, integer, boolean)
-FUNCTION st_bandmetadata(raster, integer)
-FUNCTION st_bandmetadata(raster, integer[])
-FUNCTION st_bandnodatavalue(raster, integer)
-FUNCTION st_bandpath(raster, integer)
-FUNCTION st_bandpixeltype(raster, integer)
-FUNCTION st_band(raster, integer)
-FUNCTION st_band(raster, integer[])
-FUNCTION st_band(raster, text, character)
-FUNCTION st_bdmpolyfromtext(text, integer)
-FUNCTION st_bdpolyfromtext(text, integer)
-FUNCTION st_below(raster, raster)
-FUNCTION _st_bestsrid(geography)
-FUNCTION _st_bestsrid(geography, geography)
-FUNCTION st_boundary(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_box2d(box3d)
-FUNCTION st_box2d(box3d_extent)
-FUNCTION st_box2d_contain(box2d, box2d)
-FUNCTION st_box2d_contained(box2d, box2d)
-FUNCTION st_box2d(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_box2d_in(cstring)
-FUNCTION st_box2d_intersects(box2d, box2d)
-FUNCTION st_box2d_left(box2d, box2d)
-FUNCTION st_box2d_out(box2d)
-FUNCTION st_box2d_overlap(box2d, box2d)
-FUNCTION st_box2d_overleft(box2d, box2d)
-FUNCTION st_box2d_overright(box2d, box2d)
-FUNCTION st_box2d_right(box2d, box2d)
-FUNCTION st_box2d_same(box2d, box2d)
-FUNCTION st_box3d(box2d)
-FUNCTION st_box3d_extent(box3d_extent)
-FUNCTION st_box3d(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_box3d_in(cstring)
-FUNCTION st_box3d_out(box3d)
-FUNCTION st_box(box3d)
-FUNCTION st_box(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_buffer(geography, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_buffer(geometry, double precision)
-FUNCTION _st_buffer(geometry, double precision, cstring)
-FUNCTION st_buffer(geometry, double precision, integer)
-FUNCTION st_buffer(geometry, double precision, text)
-FUNCTION st_buffer(text, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_buildarea(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_build_histogram2d(histogram2d, text, text)
-FUNCTION st_build_histogram2d(histogram2d, text, text, text)
-FUNCTION st_bytea(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_bytea(raster)
-FUNCTION st_cache_bbox()
-FUNCTION st_centroid(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_changeedgegeom(character varying, integer, public.geometry)
-FUNCTION st_chip_in(cstring)
-FUNCTION st_chip_out(chip)
-FUNCTION st_cleangeometry(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_clip(raster, geometry, boolean)
-FUNCTION st_clip(raster, geometry, double precision, boolean)
-FUNCTION st_clip(raster, integer, geometry, boolean)
-FUNCTION st_clip(raster, integer, geometry, double precision, boolean)
-FUNCTION st_closestpoint(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION st_collect_garray(geometry[])
-FUNCTION st_collect(geometry[])
-FUNCTION st_collect(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION st_collectionextract(geometry, integer)
-FUNCTION st_collector(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION st_combine_bbox(box2d, geometry)
-FUNCTION st_combine_bbox(box3d_extent, geometry)
-FUNCTION st_combine_bbox(box3d, geometry)
-FUNCTION st_compression(chip)
-FUNCTION _st_concavehull(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_concavehull(geometry, double precision, boolean)
-FUNCTION _st_concvehull(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_contained(raster, raster)
-FUNCTION st_contain(raster, raster)
-FUNCTION _st_contains(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION st_contains(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION _st_containsproperly(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION st_containsproperly(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION st_convexhull(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_convexhull(raster)
-FUNCTION st_coorddim(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_count(raster, boolean)
-FUNCTION st_count(raster, integer, boolean)
-FUNCTION _st_count(raster, integer, boolean, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_count(text, text, boolean)
-FUNCTION st_count(text, text, integer, boolean)
-FUNCTION _st_count(text, text, integer, boolean, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_coveredby(geography, geography)
-FUNCTION _st_coveredby(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION st_coveredby(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION st_coveredby(text, text)
-FUNCTION _st_covers(geography, geography)
-FUNCTION st_covers(geography, geography)
-FUNCTION _st_covers(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION st_covers(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION st_covers(text, text)
-FUNCTION st_create_histogram2d(box2d, integer)
-FUNCTION st_createtopogeo(character varying, public.geometry)
-FUNCTION _st_crosses(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION st_crosses(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION st_curvetoline(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_curvetoline(geometry, integer)
-FUNCTION st_datatype(chip)
-FUNCTION _st_dfullywithin(geometry, geometry, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_dfullywithin(geometry, geometry, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_difference(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION st_dimension(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_disjoint(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION st_distance(geography, geography)
-FUNCTION st_distance(geography, geography, boolean)
-FUNCTION _st_distance(geography, geography, double precision, boolean)
-FUNCTION st_distance(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION st_distance_sphere(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION st_distance_spheroid(geometry, geometry, spheroid)
-FUNCTION st_distance(text, text)
-FUNCTION st_dropbbox(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_dumpaspolygons(raster, integer)
-FUNCTION _st_dumpaswktpolygons(raster, integer)
-FUNCTION st_dump(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_dumppoints(geometry)
-FUNCTION _st_dumppoints(geometry, integer[])
-FUNCTION st_dumprings(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_dwithin(geography, geography, double precision)
-FUNCTION _st_dwithin(geography, geography, double precision, boolean)
-FUNCTION st_dwithin(geography, geography, double precision, boolean)
-FUNCTION _st_dwithin(geometry, geometry, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_dwithin(geometry, geometry, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_dwithin(text, text, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_endpoint(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_envelope(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_envelope(raster)
-FUNCTION _st_equals(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION st_equals(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION st_estimated_extent(text, text)
-FUNCTION st_estimated_extent(text, text, text)
-FUNCTION st_estimate_histogram2d(histogram2d, box2d)
-FUNCTION st_expand(box2d, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_expand(box3d, double precision)
-FUNCTION _st_expand(geography, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_expand(geometry, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_explode_histogram2d(histogram2d, text)
-FUNCTION st_exteriorring(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_factor(chip)
-FUNCTION st_find_extent(text, text)
-FUNCTION st_find_extent(text, text, text)
-FUNCTION st_flipcoordinates(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_force_2d(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_force_3d(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_force_3dm(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_force_3dz(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_force_4d(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_force_collection(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_forcerhr(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_gdaldrivers()
-FUNCTION st_geogfromtext(text)
-FUNCTION st_geogfromwkb(bytea)
-FUNCTION st_geographyfromtext(text)
-FUNCTION st_geohash(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_geohash(geometry, integer)
-FUNCTION st_geom_accum(geometry[], geometry)
-FUNCTION st_geomcollfromtext(text)
-FUNCTION st_geomcollfromtext(text, integer)
-FUNCTION st_geomcollfromwkb(bytea)
-FUNCTION st_geomcollfromwkb(bytea, integer)
-FUNCTION st_geometry_above(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION st_geometry_analyze(internal)
-FUNCTION st_geometry_below(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION st_geometry(box2d)
-FUNCTION st_geometry(box3d)
-FUNCTION st_geometry(box3d_extent)
-FUNCTION st_geometry(bytea)
-FUNCTION st_geometry(chip)
-FUNCTION st_geometry_cmp(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION st_geometry_contained(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION st_geometry_contain(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION st_geometry_eq(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION st_geometryfromtext(text)
-FUNCTION st_geometryfromtext(text, integer)
-FUNCTION st_geometry_ge(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION st_geometry_gt(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION st_geometry_in(cstring)
-FUNCTION st_geometry_left(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION st_geometry_le(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION st_geometry_lt(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION st_geometryn(geometry, integer)
-FUNCTION st_geometry_out(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_geometry_overabove(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION st_geometry_overbelow(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION st_geometry_overlap(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION st_geometry_overleft(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION st_geometry_overright(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION st_geometry_recv(internal)
-FUNCTION st_geometry_right(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION st_geometry_same(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION st_geometry_send(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_geometry(text)
-FUNCTION st_geometrytype(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_geometrytype(topogeometry)
-FUNCTION st_geomfromewkb(bytea)
-FUNCTION st_geomfromewkt(text)
-FUNCTION st_geomfromgeojson(text)
-FUNCTION st_geomfromgml(text)
-FUNCTION _st_geomfromgml(text, integer)
-FUNCTION st_geomfromgml(text, integer)
-FUNCTION st_geomfromkml(text)
-FUNCTION st_geomfromtext(text)
-FUNCTION st_geomfromtext(text, integer)
-FUNCTION st_geomfromwkb(bytea)
-FUNCTION st_geomfromwkb(bytea, integer)
-FUNCTION st_georeference(raster, text)
-FUNCTION st_getfaceedges(character varying, integer)
-FUNCTION st_getfacegeometry(character varying, integer)
-FUNCTION st_gmltosql(text)
-FUNCTION st_gmltosql(text, integer)
-FUNCTION st_hasarc(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_hasbbox(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_hasnoband(raster, integer)
-FUNCTION st_hausdorffdistance(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION st_hausdorffdistance(geometry, geometry, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_height(chip)
-FUNCTION st_height(raster)
-FUNCTION _st_hillshade4ma(double precision[], text, text[])
-FUNCTION st_hillshade(raster, integer, text, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_histogram2d_in(cstring)
-FUNCTION st_histogram2d_out(histogram2d)
-FUNCTION _st_histogram(raster, integer, boolean, double precision, integer, double precision[], boolean, double precision, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_histogram(raster, integer, boolean, integer, boolean)
-FUNCTION st_histogram(raster, integer, boolean, integer, double precision[], boolean)
-FUNCTION st_histogram(raster, integer, integer, boolean)
-FUNCTION st_histogram(raster, integer, integer, double precision[], boolean)
-FUNCTION _st_histogram(text, text, integer, boolean, double precision, integer, double precision[], boolean)
-FUNCTION st_histogram(text, text, integer, boolean, integer, boolean)
-FUNCTION st_histogram(text, text, integer, boolean, integer, double precision[], boolean)
-FUNCTION st_histogram(text, text, integer, integer, boolean)
-FUNCTION st_histogram(text, text, integer, integer, double precision[], boolean)
-FUNCTION st_inittopogeo(character varying)
-FUNCTION st_interiorringn(geometry, integer)
-FUNCTION st_intersection(geography, geography)
-FUNCTION st_intersection(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION st_intersection(geometry, raster, integer)
-FUNCTION st_intersection(raster, geometry)
-FUNCTION st_intersection(raster, integer, geometry)
-FUNCTION st_intersection(text, text)
-FUNCTION st_intersects(geography, geography)
-FUNCTION _st_intersects(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION st_intersects(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION _st_intersects(geometry, raster, integer)
-FUNCTION st_intersects(geometry, raster, integer)
-FUNCTION _st_intersects(geometry, raster, integer, boolean)
-FUNCTION _st_intersects(raster, geometry, integer)
-FUNCTION st_intersects(raster, geometry, integer)
-FUNCTION st_intersects(raster, integer, geometry)
-FUNCTION _st_intersects(raster, integer, raster, integer)
-FUNCTION st_intersects(raster, integer, raster, integer)
-FUNCTION st_intersects(raster, raster)
-FUNCTION st_intersects(text, text)
-FUNCTION st_isclosed(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_iscollection(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_isempty(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_isempty(raster)
-FUNCTION st_isring(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_issimple(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_isvaliddetail(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_isvaliddetail(geometry, integer)
-FUNCTION st_isvalid(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_isvalid(geometry, integer)
-FUNCTION st_isvalidreason(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_isvalidreason(geometry, integer)
-FUNCTION st_left(raster, raster)
-FUNCTION st_length2d(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_length2d_spheroid(geometry, spheroid)
-FUNCTION st_length(geography, boolean)
-FUNCTION st_length(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_length_spheroid(geometry, spheroid)
-FUNCTION st_length(text)
-FUNCTION _st_linecrossingdirection(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION st_linecrossingdirection(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION st_linefrommultipoint(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_linefromtext(text)
-FUNCTION st_linefromtext(text, integer)
-FUNCTION st_linefromwkb(bytea)
-FUNCTION st_linefromwkb(bytea, integer)
-FUNCTION st_line_interpolate_point(geometry, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_line_locate_point(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION st_linemerge(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_linestringfromwkb(bytea)
-FUNCTION st_linestringfromwkb(bytea, integer)
-FUNCTION st_line_substring(geometry, double precision, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_linetocurve(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_locate_along_measure(geometry, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_locatebetweenelevations(geometry, double precision, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_locate_between_measures(geometry, double precision, double precision)
-FUNCTION _st_longestline(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION st_longestline(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION st_makebox2d(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION st_makeemptyraster(integer, integer, double precision, double precision, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_makeemptyraster(integer, integer, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, integer)
-FUNCTION st_makeemptyraster(raster)
-FUNCTION st_makeenvelope(double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_makeenvelope(double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, integer)
-FUNCTION st_makeline_garray(geometry[])
-FUNCTION st_makeline(geometry[])
-FUNCTION st_makeline(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION st_makepoint(double precision, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_makepoint(double precision, double precision, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_makepoint(double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_makepointm(double precision, double precision, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_makepolygon(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_makepolygon(geometry, geometry[])
-FUNCTION st_makevalid(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_mapalgebraexpr(raster, integer, raster, integer, text, text, text, text, text, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_mapalgebraexpr(raster, integer, text, text, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_mapalgebraexpr(raster, raster, text, text, text, text, text, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_mapalgebraexpr(raster, text, text, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_mapalgebrafctngb(raster, integer, text, integer, integer, regprocedure, text, text[])
-FUNCTION st_mapalgebrafct(raster, integer, raster, integer, regprocedure, text, text, text[])
-FUNCTION st_mapalgebrafct(raster, integer, regprocedure)
-FUNCTION st_mapalgebrafct(raster, integer, regprocedure, text[])
-FUNCTION st_mapalgebrafct(raster, integer, text, regprocedure)
-FUNCTION st_mapalgebrafct(raster, integer, text, regprocedure, text[])
-FUNCTION st_mapalgebrafct(raster, raster, regprocedure, text, text, text[])
-FUNCTION st_mapalgebrafct(raster, regprocedure)
-FUNCTION st_mapalgebrafct(raster, regprocedure, text[])
-FUNCTION st_mapalgebrafct(raster, text, regprocedure)
-FUNCTION st_mapalgebrafct(raster, text, regprocedure, text[])
-FUNCTION st_mapalgebra(raster, integer, text, text, text)
-FUNCTION st_max4ma(double precision[], text, text[])
-FUNCTION _st_maxdistance(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION st_max_distance(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION st_maxdistance(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION st_mean4ma(double precision[], text, text[])
-FUNCTION st_mem_size(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_metadata(raster)
-FUNCTION st_m(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_min4ma(double precision[], text, text[])
-FUNCTION st_minimumboundingcircle(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_minimumboundingcircle(geometry, integer)
-FUNCTION st_minpossibleval(text)
-FUNCTION st_mlinefromtext(text)
-FUNCTION st_mlinefromtext(text, integer)
-FUNCTION st_mlinefromwkb(bytea)
-FUNCTION st_mlinefromwkb(bytea, integer)
-FUNCTION st_modedgeheal(character varying, integer, integer)
-FUNCTION st_modedgesplit(character varying, integer, public.geometry)
-FUNCTION st_moveisonode(character varying, integer, public.geometry)
-FUNCTION st_mpointfromtext(text)
-FUNCTION st_mpointfromtext(text, integer)
-FUNCTION st_mpointfromwkb(bytea)
-FUNCTION st_mpointfromwkb(bytea, integer)
-FUNCTION st_mpolyfromtext(text)
-FUNCTION st_mpolyfromtext(text, integer)
-FUNCTION st_mpolyfromwkb(bytea)
-FUNCTION st_mpolyfromwkb(bytea, integer)
-FUNCTION st_multi(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_multilinefromwkb(bytea)
-FUNCTION st_multilinestringfromtext(text)
-FUNCTION st_multilinestringfromtext(text, integer)
-FUNCTION st_multipointfromtext(text)
-FUNCTION st_multipointfromwkb(bytea)
-FUNCTION st_multipointfromwkb(bytea, integer)
-FUNCTION st_multipolyfromwkb(bytea)
-FUNCTION st_multipolyfromwkb(bytea, integer)
-FUNCTION st_multipolygonfromtext(text)
-FUNCTION st_multipolygonfromtext(text, integer)
-FUNCTION st_ndims(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_newedgeheal(character varying, integer, integer)
-FUNCTION st_newedgessplit(character varying, integer, public.geometry)
-FUNCTION st_node(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_noop(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_npoints(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_nrings(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_numbands(raster)
-FUNCTION st_numgeometries(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_numinteriorring(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_numinteriorrings(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_numpatches(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_numpoints(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_offsetcurve(geometry, double precision, text)
-FUNCTION _st_orderingequals(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION st_orderingequals(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION st_overabove(raster, raster)
-FUNCTION st_overbelow(raster, raster)
-FUNCTION st_overlap(raster, raster)
-FUNCTION _st_overlaps(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION st_overlaps(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION st_overleft(raster, raster)
-FUNCTION st_overright(raster, raster)
-FUNCTION st_patchn(geometry, integer)
-FUNCTION st_perimeter2d(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_perimeter(geography, boolean)
-FUNCTION st_perimeter(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_pixelaspolygon(raster, integer, integer)
-FUNCTION st_pixelaspolygon(raster, integer, integer, integer)
-FUNCTION st_pixelaspolygons(raster, integer)
-FUNCTION st_pixelheight(raster)
-FUNCTION st_pixelwidth(raster)
-FUNCTION st_point(double precision, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_pointfromtext(text)
-FUNCTION st_pointfromtext(text, integer)
-FUNCTION st_pointfromwkb(bytea)
-FUNCTION st_pointfromwkb(bytea, integer)
-FUNCTION st_point_inside_circle(geometry, double precision, double precision, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_pointn(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_pointn(geometry, integer)
-FUNCTION st_pointonsurface(geometry)
-FUNCTION _st_pointoutside(geography)
-FUNCTION st_polyfromtext(text)
-FUNCTION st_polyfromtext(text, integer)
-FUNCTION st_polyfromwkb(bytea)
-FUNCTION st_polyfromwkb(bytea, integer)
-FUNCTION st_polygonfromtext(text)
-FUNCTION st_polygonfromtext(text, integer)
-FUNCTION st_polygonfromwkb(bytea)
-FUNCTION st_polygonfromwkb(bytea, integer)
-FUNCTION st_polygon(geometry, integer)
-FUNCTION st_polygonize_garray(geometry[])
-FUNCTION st_polygonize(geometry[])
-FUNCTION st_polygon(raster, integer)
-FUNCTION st_postgis_gist_joinsel(internal, oid, internal, smallint)
-FUNCTION st_postgis_gist_sel(internal, oid, internal, integer)
-FUNCTION st_quantile(raster, boolean, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_quantile(raster, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_quantile(raster, double precision[])
-FUNCTION st_quantile(raster, integer, boolean, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_quantile(raster, integer, boolean, double precision[])
-FUNCTION _st_quantile(raster, integer, boolean, double precision, double precision[])
-FUNCTION st_quantile(raster, integer, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_quantile(raster, integer, double precision[])
-FUNCTION st_quantile(text, text, boolean, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_quantile(text, text, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_quantile(text, text, double precision[])
-FUNCTION st_quantile(text, text, integer, boolean, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_quantile(text, text, integer, boolean, double precision[])
-FUNCTION _st_quantile(text, text, integer, boolean, double precision, double precision[])
-FUNCTION st_quantile(text, text, integer, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_quantile(text, text, integer, double precision[])
-FUNCTION st_range4ma(double precision[], text, text[])
-FUNCTION st_raster2worldcoordx(raster, integer)
-FUNCTION st_raster2worldcoordx(raster, integer, integer)
-FUNCTION st_raster2worldcoordy(raster, integer)
-FUNCTION st_raster2worldcoordy(raster, integer, integer)
-FUNCTION st_reclass(raster, integer, text, text, double precision)
-FUNCTION _st_reclass(raster, reclassarg[])
-FUNCTION st_reclass(raster, reclassarg[])
-FUNCTION st_reclass(raster, text, text)
-FUNCTION st_relate(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION st_relate(geometry, geometry, integer)
-FUNCTION st_relate(geometry, geometry, text)
-FUNCTION st_relatematch(text, text)
-FUNCTION st_remedgemodface(character varying, integer)
-FUNCTION st_remedgenewface(character varying, integer)
-FUNCTION st_remisonode(character varying, integer)
-FUNCTION st_removeisoedge(character varying, integer)
-FUNCTION st_removeisonode(character varying, integer)
-FUNCTION st_removepoint(geometry, integer)
-FUNCTION st_removerepeatedpoints(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_resample(raster, integer, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, text, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_resample(raster, integer, integer, integer, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, text, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_resample(raster, raster, boolean, text, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_resample(raster, raster, text, double precision, boolean)
-FUNCTION _st_resample(raster, text, double precision, integer, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision)
-FUNCTION _st_resample(raster, text, double precision, integer, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, integer, integer)
-FUNCTION st_rescale(raster, double precision, double precision, text, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_rescale(raster, double precision, text, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_reskew(raster, double precision, double precision, text, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_reskew(raster, double precision, text, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_reverse(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_right(raster, raster)
-FUNCTION st_rotate(geometry, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_rotatex(geometry, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_rotatey(geometry, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_rotatez(geometry, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_rotation(raster)
-FUNCTION st_samealignment(double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_samealignment(raster, raster)
-FUNCTION st_same(raster, raster)
-FUNCTION st_scale(geometry, double precision, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_scale(geometry, double precision, double precision, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_scalex(raster)
-FUNCTION st_scaley(raster)
-FUNCTION st_segmentize(geometry, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_setbandisnodata(raster, integer)
-FUNCTION st_setbandnodatavalue(raster, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_setbandnodatavalue(raster, integer, double precision, boolean)
-FUNCTION st_setfactor(chip, real)
-FUNCTION st_setgeoreference(raster, text, text)
-FUNCTION st_setpoint(geometry, integer, geometry)
-FUNCTION st_setrotation(raster, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_setscale(raster, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_setscale(raster, double precision, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_setskew(raster, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_setskew(raster, double precision, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_setsrid(geometry, integer)
-FUNCTION st_setsrid(raster, integer)
-FUNCTION st_setupperleft(raster, double precision, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_setvalue(raster, geometry, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_setvalue(raster, integer, geometry, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_setvalue(raster, integer, integer, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_setvalue(raster, integer, integer, integer, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_sharedpaths(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION st_shift_longitude(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_shortestline(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION st_simplify(geometry, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_simplifypreservetopology(geometry, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_skewx(raster)
-FUNCTION st_skewy(raster)
-FUNCTION _st_slope4ma(double precision[], text, text[])
-FUNCTION st_slope(raster, integer, text)
-FUNCTION st_snap(geometry, geometry, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_snaptogrid(geometry, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_snaptogrid(geometry, double precision, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_snaptogrid(geometry, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_snaptogrid(geometry, geometry, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_snaptogrid(raster, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, text, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_snaptogrid(raster, double precision, double precision, double precision, text, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_snaptogrid(raster, double precision, double precision, text, double precision, double precision, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_spheroid_in(cstring)
-FUNCTION st_spheroid_out(spheroid)
-FUNCTION st_split(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION st_srid(chip)
-FUNCTION st_srid(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_srid(raster)
-FUNCTION st_startpoint(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_sum4ma(double precision[], text, text[])
-FUNCTION st_summary(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_summarystats(raster, boolean)
-FUNCTION st_summarystats(raster, integer, boolean)
-FUNCTION _st_summarystats(raster, integer, boolean, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_summarystats(text, text, boolean)
-FUNCTION st_summarystats(text, text, integer, boolean)
-FUNCTION _st_summarystats(text, text, integer, boolean, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_symdifference(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION st_symmetricdifference(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION st_text(boolean)
-FUNCTION st_text(geometry)
-FUNCTION _st_touches(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION st_touches(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION st_transform(geometry, integer)
-FUNCTION st_transform(raster, integer, double precision, double precision, text, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_transform(raster, integer, double precision, text, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_transform(raster, integer, text, double precision, double precision, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_translate(geometry, double precision, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_translate(geometry, double precision, double precision, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_transscale(geometry, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_unaryunion(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_union(geometry[])
-FUNCTION st_union(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION st_unite_garray(geometry[])
-FUNCTION st_upperleftx(raster)
-FUNCTION st_upperlefty(raster)
-FUNCTION st_valuecount(raster, double precision, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_valuecount(raster, double precision[], double precision)
-FUNCTION _st_valuecount(raster, integer, boolean, double precision[], double precision)
-FUNCTION st_valuecount(raster, integer, boolean, double precision, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_valuecount(raster, integer, boolean, double precision[], double precision)
-FUNCTION st_valuecount(raster, integer, double precision, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_valuecount(raster, integer, double precision[], double precision)
-FUNCTION st_valuecount(text, text, double precision, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_valuecount(text, text, double precision[], double precision)
-FUNCTION _st_valuecount(text, text, integer, boolean, double precision[], double precision)
-FUNCTION st_valuecount(text, text, integer, boolean, double precision, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_valuecount(text, text, integer, boolean, double precision[], double precision)
-FUNCTION st_valuecount(text, text, integer, double precision, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_valuecount(text, text, integer, double precision[], double precision)
-FUNCTION st_valuepercent(raster, double precision, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_valuepercent(raster, double precision[], double precision)
-FUNCTION st_valuepercent(raster, integer, boolean, double precision, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_valuepercent(raster, integer, boolean, double precision[], double precision)
-FUNCTION st_valuepercent(raster, integer, double precision, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_valuepercent(raster, integer, double precision[], double precision)
-FUNCTION st_valuepercent(text, text, double precision, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_valuepercent(text, text, double precision[], double precision)
-FUNCTION st_valuepercent(text, text, integer, boolean, double precision, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_valuepercent(text, text, integer, boolean, double precision[], double precision)
-FUNCTION st_valuepercent(text, text, integer, double precision, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_valuepercent(text, text, integer, double precision[], double precision)
-FUNCTION st_value(raster, geometry, boolean)
-FUNCTION st_value(raster, integer, geometry, boolean)
-FUNCTION st_value(raster, integer, integer, boolean)
-FUNCTION st_value(raster, integer, integer, integer, boolean)
-FUNCTION st_width(chip)
-FUNCTION st_width(raster)
-FUNCTION _st_within(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION st_within(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION st_wkbtosql(bytea)
-FUNCTION st_wkttosql(text)
-FUNCTION st_world2rastercoordx(raster, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_world2rastercoordx(raster, double precision, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_world2rastercoordx(raster, geometry)
-FUNCTION st_world2rastercoordy(raster, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_world2rastercoordy(raster, double precision, double precision)
-FUNCTION st_world2rastercoordy(raster, geometry)
-FUNCTION st_x(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_xmax(box3d)
-FUNCTION st_xmin(box3d)
-FUNCTION st_y(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_ymax(box3d)
-FUNCTION st_ymin(box3d)
-FUNCTION st_z(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_zmax(box3d)
-FUNCTION st_zmflag(geometry)
-FUNCTION st_zmin(box3d)
-FUNCTION summary(geometry)
-FUNCTION symdifference(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION symmetricdifference(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION text(boolean)
-FUNCTION text(geometry)
-FUNCTION topoelementarray_append(topoelementarray, topoelement)
-FUNCTION topogeo_addlinestring(character varying, public.geometry)
-FUNCTION topogeo_addpoint(character varying, public.geometry, integer, integer)
-FUNCTION topogeo_addpolygon(character varying, public.geometry)
-FUNCTION topologysummary(character varying)
-FUNCTION touches(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION transform_geometry(geometry, text, text, integer)
-FUNCTION transform(geometry, integer)
-FUNCTION translate(geometry, double precision, double precision)
-FUNCTION translate(geometry, double precision, double precision, double precision)
-FUNCTION transscale(geometry, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision)
-FUNCTION unite_garray(geometry[])
-FUNCTION unlockrows(text)
-FUNCTION updategeometrysrid(character varying, character varying, character varying, character varying, integer)
-FUNCTION updategeometrysrid(character varying, character varying, character varying, integer)
-FUNCTION updategeometrysrid(character varying, character varying, integer)
-FUNCTION update_geometry_stats()
-FUNCTION update_geometry_stats(character varying, character varying)
-FUNCTION validatetopology(character varying)
-FUNCTION width(chip)
-FUNCTION within(geometry, geometry)
-FUNCTION x(geometry)
-FUNCTION xmax(box3d)
-FUNCTION xmin(box3d)
-FUNCTION y(geometry)
-FUNCTION ymax(box3d)
-FUNCTION ymin(box3d)
-FUNCTION z(geometry)
-FUNCTION zmax(box3d)
-FUNCTION zmflag(geometry)
-FUNCTION zmin(box3d)
-OPERATOR CLASS btree_geography_ops
-OPERATOR CLASS btree_geometry_ops
-OPERATOR CLASS gist_geography_ops
-OPERATOR CLASS gist_geometry_ops
-OPERATOR CLASS gist_geometry_ops_2d
-OPERATOR CLASS gist_geometry_ops_nd
-OPERATOR ~=(geography, geography)
-OPERATOR ~(geography, geography)
-OPERATOR <<|(geography, geography)
-OPERATOR <<(geography, geography)
-OPERATOR <=(geography, geography)
-OPERATOR <(geography, geography)
-OPERATOR =(geography, geography)
-OPERATOR >=(geography, geography)
-OPERATOR >>(geography, geography)
-OPERATOR >(geography, geography)
-OPERATOR |>>(geography, geography)
-OPERATOR |&>(geography, geography)
-OPERATOR @(geography, geography)
-OPERATOR &<|(geography, geography)
-OPERATOR &<(geography, geography)
-OPERATOR &>(geography, geography)
-OPERATOR &&(geography, geography)
-OPERATOR &&&(geography, geography)
-OPERATOR ~=(geometry, geometry)
-OPERATOR ~(geometry, geometry)
-OPERATOR <<|(geometry, geometry)
-OPERATOR <<(geometry, geometry)
-OPERATOR <=(geometry, geometry)
-OPERATOR <(geometry, geometry)
-OPERATOR =(geometry, geometry)
-OPERATOR >=(geometry, geometry)
-OPERATOR >>(geometry, geometry)
-OPERATOR >(geometry, geometry)
-OPERATOR |>>(geometry, geometry)
-OPERATOR |&>(geometry, geometry)
-OPERATOR @(geometry, geometry)
-OPERATOR &<|(geometry, geometry)
-OPERATOR &<(geometry, geometry)
-OPERATOR &>(geometry, geometry)
-OPERATOR &&(geometry, geometry)
-OPERATOR &&&(geometry, geometry)
-OPERATOR ~=(raster,raster)
-OPERATOR ~(raster,raster)
-OPERATOR <<|(raster,raster)
-OPERATOR <<(raster,raster)
-OPERATOR >>(raster,raster)
-OPERATOR |>>(raster,raster)
-OPERATOR |&>(raster,raster)
-OPERATOR @(raster,raster)
-OPERATOR &<|(raster,raster)
-OPERATOR &<(raster,raster)
-OPERATOR &>(raster,raster)
-OPERATOR &&(raster,raster)
-SHELLTYPE box3d_extent
-SHELLTYPE geography
-SHELLTYPE geometry
-SHELLTYPE pgis_abs
-SHELLTYPE spheroid
-TABLE geography_columns
-TABLE geometry_columns
-TABLE raster_columns
-TABLE raster_overviews
-TABLE spatial_ref_sys
-TABLE DATA geography_columns
-TABLE DATA geometry_columns
-TABLE DATA raster_columns
-TABLE DATA raster_overviews
-TABLE DATA spatial_ref_sys
-TYPE box2d
-TYPE box2df
-TYPE box3d
-TYPE box3d_extent
-TYPE chip
-TYPE geography
-TYPE geometry
-TYPE geometry_dump
-TYPE geomval
-TYPE getfaceedges_returntype
-TYPE gidx
-TYPE histogram
-TYPE histogram2d
-TYPE pgis_abs
-TYPE quantile
-TYPE raster
-TYPE rastexpr
-TYPE reclassarg
-TYPE spheroid
-TYPE summarystats
-TYPE topogeometry
-TYPE validatetopology_returntype
-TYPE valid_detail
-TYPE valuecount
-TYPE wktgeomval
-VIEW geometry_columns
-VIEW geography_columns
-VIEW raster_columns
-VIEW raster_overviews
# http://postgis.refractions.net
# Copyright (C) 2011 OpenGeo.org
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Paul Ramsey <pramsey@cleverelephant.ca>
-# Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Refractions Research Inc.
+# Copyright (C) 2009 Paul Ramsey <pramsey@cleverelephant.ca>
# This is free software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public Licence. See the COPYING file.
# This script is aimed at restoring postgis data
# from a dumpfile produced by pg_dump -Fc
-# Basically it will restore all but things created by
-# the given postgis.sql.
-# Before restoring, it will create and postgis-enable
-# the target db.
-# A particular attention must be given to the spatial_ref_sys
-# and geometry_columns tables which are created and populated
-# from the dump, not the postgis.sql file. When the new installation
-# is agains pgsql7.5+ and dump from pre7.5 this script should probably
-# drop statistic fields from that table.... currently not done.
-# Also, when upgrading to pgsq8.1+ (from <8.1) the oid column of
-# geometry_columns will be dropped, while it is needed for
-# postgis opearations.
-# Issues:
-# o Some obsoleted functions would not be present in the
-# postgis.sql, but will be found in the dump. Currently
-# some are skipped, but some depend on the pg version
-# so will issue an ERROR due to unavailability of
-# corresponding C function in postgis lib.
-# o This script could do less then it does, to allow users
-# to further modify edited dump before feeding it to the
-# restoring side.
+# Basically it will restore all but things known to belong
+# to postgis. Will also convert some old known constructs
+# into new ones.
# Tested on:
-# pg_dump-734/pg734 => pg_restore-743/pg743
-# pg_dump-743/pg734 => pg_restore-743/pg743
-# pg_dump-743/pg743 => pg_restore-743/pg743
-# pg_dump-734/pg734 => pg_restore-800/pg800
-# pg_dump-743/pg734 => pg_restore-800/pg800
-# pg_dump-743/pg743 => pg_restore-800/pg800
-# pg_dump-800/pg800 => pg_restore-800/pg800
+# pg_dump-8.4.9/pg-8.4.9 => pg_restore-8.4.9/pg-8.4.9
-eval "exec perl -w $0 $@"
- if (0);
+use warnings;
use strict;
-(@ARGV >= 3) || die "Usage: postgis_restore.pl <postgis.sql> <db> <dump> [<createdb_options>]\nRestore a custom dump (pg_dump -Fc) of a postgis enabled database.\n";
-my $DEBUG=1;
-my %aggs = ();
-my %casts = ();
-my %funcs = ();
-my %types = ();
-my %opclass = ();
-my %ops = ();
-# Old aggregate functions we don't carry any more
-$aggs{"accum"} = 1;
-$aggs{"fastunion"} = 1;
-$aggs{"mem_collect"} = 1;
-$aggs{"extent"} = 1;
-# This are old postgis functions which might
-# still be in a dump
-my %obsoleted_function = (
- 'box3d_extent_in', 1,
- 'box3d_extent_out', 1,
- 'box3d_extent', 1,
- 'combine_bbox', 1,
- 'linefromtext', 1,
- 'linestringfromtext', 1,
- 'mlinefromtext', 1,
- 'multilinestringfromtext', 1,
- 'mpolyfromtext', 1,
- 'multipolygonfromtext', 1,
- 'polyfromtext', 1,
- 'polygonfromtext', 1,
- 'pointfromtext', 1,
- 'mpointfromtext', 1,
- 'multipointfromtext', 1,
- 'geomcollfromtext', 1,
- 'geometryfromtext', 1,
- 'geomfromtext', 1,
- 'pointfromwkb(geometry, integer)', 1,
- 'pointfromwkb(geometry)', 1,
- 'linefromwkb(geometry, integer)', 1,
- 'linefromwkb(geometry)', 1,
- 'linestringfromwkb(geometry, integer)', 1,
- 'linestringfromwkb(geometry)', 1,
- 'polyfromwkb(geometry, integer)', 1,
- 'polyfromwkb(geometry)', 1,
- 'polygonfromwkb(geometry, integer)', 1,
- 'polygonfromwkb(geometry)', 1,
- 'mpointfromwkb(geometry, integer)', 1,
- 'mpointfromwkb(geometry)', 1,
- 'multipointfromwkb(geometry, integer)', 1,
- 'multipointfromwkb(geometry)', 1,
- 'multilinefromwkb(geometry, integer)', 1,
- 'multilinefromwkb(geometry)', 1,
- 'mlinefromwkb(geometry, integer)', 1,
- 'mlinefromwkb(geometry)', 1,
- 'mpolyfromwkb(geometry, integer)', 1,
- 'mpolyfromwkb(geometry)', 1,
- 'multipolyfromwkb(geometry, integer)', 1,
- 'multipolyfromwkb(geometry)', 1,
- 'geomcollfromwkb(geometry, integer)', 1,
- 'geomcollfromwkb(geometry)', 1,
- 'wkb_in', 1,
- 'wkb_out', 1,
- 'wkb_recv', 1,
- 'wkb_send', 1,
- 'postgisgistcostestimate', 1,
- 'ggeometry_compress', 1,
- 'ggeometry_picksplit', 1,
- 'gbox_picksplit', 1,
- 'ggeometry_union', 1,
- 'gbox_union', 1,
- 'ggeometry_same', 1,
- 'gbox_same', 1,
- 'rtree_decompress', 1,
- 'ggeometry_penalty', 1,
- 'gbox_penalty', 1,
- 'geometry_union(geometry, geometry)', 1,
- 'geometry_inter(geometry, geometry)', 1,
- 'geometry_size', 1,
- 'ggeometry_consistent', 1,
- 'xmin(box2d)', 1,
- 'ymin(box2d)', 1,
- 'xmax(box2d)', 1,
- 'ymax(box2d)', 1,
- 'optimistic_overlap', 1,
- 'unite_finalfunc', 1,
- 'numb_sub_objs(geometry)', 1,
- 'truly_inside(geometry, geometry)', 1,
- 'jtsnoop', 1,
- '_st_asgml(integer, geometry, integer)', 1,
- 'text(boolean)', 1,
- 'st_text(boolean)', 1,
- 'postgis_jts_version', 1,
- 'build_histogram2d', 1,
- 'create_histogram2d', 1,
- 'estimate_histogram2d', 1,
- 'explode_histogram2d', 1,
- 'histogram2d_in', 1,
- 'histogram2d_out', 1,
- 'st_histogram2d_in', 1,
- 'st_histogram2d_out', 1,
- 'st_build_histogram2d', 1,
- 'st_create_histogram2d', 1,
- 'st_estimate_histogram2d', 1,
- 'st_explode_histogram2d', 1
-# This are old postgis operators which might
-# still be in a dump
-my %obsoleted_ops = (
- '>>,box2d,box2d', 1,
- '<<,box2d,box2d', 1,
- '&>,box2d,box2d', 1,
- '&<,box2d,box2d', 1,
- '&&,box2d,box2d', 1,
- '~=,box2d,box2d', 1,
- '~,box2d,box2d', 1,
- '@,box2d,box2d', 1
-my $postgissql = $ARGV[0]; shift(@ARGV);
-my $dbname = $ARGV[0]; shift(@ARGV);
-my $dump = $ARGV[0]; shift(@ARGV);
-my $createdb_opt = '';
-my $dumplist=$dump.".list";
-my $dumpascii=$dump.".ascii";
-$createdb_opt = join(' ', @ARGV) if @ARGV;
-print "postgis.sql is $postgissql\n";
-print "dbname is $dbname\n";
-print "dumpfile is $dump\n";
-print "database creation options: $createdb_opt\n" if $createdb_opt;
+my $me = $0;
+my $usage = qq{
+Usage: $me <dumpfile>
+ Restore a custom dump (pg_dump -Fc) of a PostGIS-enabled database.
+ First dump the old database: pg_dump -Fc <olddb> > <olddb.dmp>
+ Then create a new database: createdb <newdb>
+ Then install PostGIS in the new database: psql -f <path>/postgis.sql
+ Finally, run this script on the old dump: $me <olddb.dmp> | psql <newdb>
+die $usage if (@ARGV != 1);
+my $dumpfile = $ARGV[0];
+my $manifest = $dumpfile . ".lst";
+die "$me:\tUnable to find 'pg_dump' on the path.\n" if ! `pg_dump --version`;
+die "$me:\tUnable to find 'pg_restore' on the path.\n" if ! `pg_restore --version`;
+die "$me:\tUnable to open dump file '$dumpfile'.\n" if ! -f $dumpfile;
+my $DEBUG = 0;
+print STDERR "Converting $dumpfile to ASCII on stdout...\n";
+# Load the signatures of things to skip.
+print STDERR " Reading list of functions to ignore...\n";
+my %skip = ();
+while(my $l = <DATA>) {
+ print STDERR " $l" if $DEBUG;
+ $l =~ s/\s//g;
+ print STDERR "DATA:$l\n" if $DEBUG;
+ $skip{$l} = 1;
+# Write a new manifest for the dump file, skipping the things that
+# are part of PostGIS
+print STDERR " Writing manifest of things to read from dump file...\n";
+open( DUMP, "pg_restore -l $dumpfile |" ) || die "$me:\tCannot open dump file '$dumpfile'\n";
+open( MANIFEST, ">$manifest" ) || die "$me:\tCannot open manifest file '$manifest'\n";
+while( my $l = <DUMP> ) {
+ next if $l =~ /^\;/;
+ my $sig = linesignature($l);
+ if ( $skip{$sig} ) {
+ print STDERR "SKIPPING $sig\n" if $DEBUG;
+ next
+ }
+ print STDERR "KEEPING $sig\n" if $DEBUG;
+ print MANIFEST $l;
+# Convert the dump file into an ASCII file, stripping out the
+# unwanted bits.
+print STDERR " Writing ASCII to stdout...\n";
+open( INPUT, "pg_restore -L $manifest $dumpfile |") || die "$me:\tCan't run pg_restore\n";
+while( my $l = <INPUT> ) {
+ next if $l =~ /^ *--/;
+ if ( $l =~ /^SET search_path/ ) {
+ $l =~ s/; *$/, public;/;
+ }
+ # This is to avoid confusing OPERATOR CLASS
+ # with OPERATOR below
+ elsif ( $l =~ /CREATE OPERATOR CLASS/)
+ {
+ }
+ # We can't skip OPERATORS from the manifest file
+ # because it doesn't contain enough informations
+ # about the type the operator is for
+ elsif ( $l =~ /CREATE OPERATOR *([^ ,]*)/)
+ {
+ my $name = canonicalize_typename($1);
+ my $larg = undef;
+ my $rarg = undef;
+ my @sublines = ($l);
+ while( my $subline = <INPUT>)
+ {
+ push(@sublines, $subline);
+ last if $subline =~ /;[\t ]*$/;
+ if ( $subline =~ /leftarg *= *([^ ,]*)/i )
+ {
+ $larg=canonicalize_typename($1);
+ }
+ if ( $subline =~ /rightarg *= *([^ ,]*)/i )
+ {
+ $rarg=canonicalize_typename($1);
+ }
+ }
+ if ( ! $larg ) {
+ print STDERR "No larg, @sublines: [" . @sublines . "]\n";
+ }
+ my $sig = "OPERATOR" . $name .'('.$larg.','.$rarg.')';
+ if ( $skip{$sig} )
+ {
+ print STDERR "SKIPPING $sig\n" if $DEBUG;
+ next;
+ }
+ print STDERR "KEEPING $sig\n" if $DEBUG;
+ print STDOUT @sublines;
+ next;
+ }
+ # Rewrite spatial table constraints
+ #
+ # Example:
+ # CREATE TABLE geos_in (
+ # id integer NOT NULL,
+ # g public.geometry,
+ # CONSTRAINT enforce_dims_g CHECK ((public.st_ndims(g) = 2)),
+ # CONSTRAINT enforce_geotype_g CHECK (((public.geometrytype(g) = 'MULTILINESTRING'::text) OR (g IS NULL))),
+ # CONSTRAINT enforce_srid_g CHECK ((public.st_srid(g) = (-1)))
+ # );
+ #
+ elsif ( $l =~ /CREATE TABLE *([^ ,]*)/)
+ {
+ my @sublines = ($l);
+ while( my $subline = <INPUT>)
+ {
+ if ( $subline =~ /CONSTRAINT enforce_dims_/i ) {
+ $subline =~ s/\.ndims\(/.st_ndims(/;
+ }
+ if ( $subline =~ /CONSTRAINT enforce_srid_/i ) {
+ $subline =~ s/\.srid\(/.st_srid(/;
+ $subline =~ s/\(-1\)/(0)/;
+ }
+ push(@sublines, $subline);
+ last if $subline =~ /;[\t ]*$/;
+ }
+ print STDOUT @sublines;
+ next;
+ }
+ print STDOUT $l;
+print STDERR "Done.\n";
+# Strip a dump file manifest line down to the unique elements of
+# type and signature.
+sub linesignature {
+ my $line = shift;
+ my $sig;
+ $line =~ s/\n$//;
+ $line =~ s/\r$//;
+ if( $line =~ /^(\d+)\; (\d+) (\d+) (\w+) (\w+) (.*) (\w*)/ ) {
+ $sig = $4 . "\t" . $6;
+ }
+ elsif( $line =~ /PROCEDURALLANGUAGE.*plpgsql/ ) {
+ $sig = "PROCEDURALLANGUAGE\tplpgsql";
+ }
+ else {
+ # TODO: something smarter here...
+ $sig = $line
+ }
+ $sig =~ s/\s//g;
+ return $sig;
# Canonicalize type names (they change between dump versions).
$arg = lc($arg);
# Trim whitespaces
- $arg =~ s/^ *//;
- $arg =~ s/ *$//;
+ $arg =~ s/^\s*//;
+ $arg =~ s/\s*$//;
# Strip schema qualification
#$arg =~ s/^public.//;
return $arg;
-# Scan postgis.sql
-print "Scanning $postgissql\n";
-open( INPUT, $postgissql ) || die "Couldn't open file: $postgissql\n";
-while( my $line = <INPUT>)
- $line =~ s/[\r\n]//g;
- #print "LINE: $line\n";
- next if $line =~ /^ *--/;
- if ($line =~ /^ *create (or replace)? function ([^ ]*) *\((.*)\)/i)
- {
- my $name = lc($2);
- my @args = split(",", $3);
- my $geomfound = 0;
- for (my $i=0; $i<@args; $i++)
- {
- my $arg = lc($args[$i]);
- #print "ARG1: [$arg]\n";
- $arg =~ s/^ *//;
- $arg =~ s/ *$//;
- #print "ARG2: [$arg]\n";
- if ( $arg =~ /^int[48]?$/ ) {
- $args[$i] = 'integer';
- next;
- }
- if ( $arg eq 'float4' ) {
- $args[$i] = 'real';
- next;
- }
- if ( $arg eq 'float8' ) {
- $args[$i] = 'double precision';
- next;
- }
- if ( $arg eq 'varchar' ) {
- $args[$i] = 'character varying';
- next;
- }
- if ( $arg eq 'boolean' ) {
- $args[$i] = 'bool';
- next;
- }
- if ( $arg eq 'opaque' ) {
- $args[$i] = 'internal';
- next;
- }
- $args[$i] = $arg;
- $geomfound++ if ( $arg eq 'oldgeometry' );
- }
- my $id = $name."(".join(", ", @args).")";
- $funcs{$id} = 1;
- print "SQLFUNC: $id\n" if $DEBUG;
- if ( $geomfound )
- {
- for (my $i=0; $i<@args; $i++)
- {
- my $arg = $args[$i];
- $arg = 'geometry' if ($arg eq 'oldgeometry');
- $args[$i] = $arg;
- }
- my $id = $name."(".join(", ", @args).")";
- $funcs{$id} = 1;
- print "SQLFUNC: $id\n" if $DEBUG;
- }
- next;
- }
- if ($line =~ /^create type +([^ ]+)/i)
- {
- my $type = $1;
- $types{$type} = 1;
- print "SQLTYPE $type\n" if $DEBUG;
- if ( $type eq 'oldgeometry' )
- {
- $type = 'geometry';
- $types{$type} = 1;
- print "SQLTYPE $type\n" if $DEBUG;
- }
- next;
- }
- if ( $line =~ /^create aggregate *([^ ]*) *\(/i )
- {
- my $name = lc($1);
- $name =~ s/^public.//;
- my $type = undef;
- while( my $subline = <INPUT>)
- {
- if ( $subline =~ /basetype .* ([^, ]*)/i )
- {
- $type = $1;
- last;
- }
- last if $subline =~ /;[\t ]*$/;
- }
- if ( ! defined($type) )
- {
- print "Could not find base type for aggregate $name\n";
- print "($line)\n";
- exit 1;
- }
- my $id = $name.'('.$type.')';
- print "SQLAGG $id\n" if $DEBUG;
- $aggs{$id} = 1;
- if ( $type eq 'oldgeometry' )
- {
- $type = 'geometry';
- my $id = $name.'('.$type.')';
- $aggs{$id} = 1;
- print "SQLAGG $id\n" if $DEBUG;
- }
- next;
- }
- # CAST
- if ($line =~ /create cast *\( *([^ ]*) *as *([^ )]*) *\) *with function *([^ ]*) *\(([^ ]*) *\)/i)
- {
- my $from = canonicalize_typename($1);
- my $to = canonicalize_typename($2);
- my $funcname = canonicalize_typename($3);
- my $funcarg = canonicalize_typename($4);
- my $id = $funcarg.'.'.$funcname;
- $casts{$id} = 1;
- print "SQLFNCAST $id\n" if $DEBUG;
- $id = $from.','.$to;
- $casts{$id} = 1;
- print "SQLCAST $id\n" if $DEBUG;
- next;
- }
- if ($line =~ /create operator class *([^ ]*)/i)
- {
- my $id = lc($1);
- print "SQLOPCLASS $id\n" if $DEBUG;
- $opclass{$id} = 1;
- next;
- }
- if ($line =~ /create operator *([^ ]*)/i)
- {
- my $name = ($1);
- my $larg = undef;
- my $rarg = undef;
- while( my $subline = <INPUT>)
- {
- last if $subline =~ /;[\t ]*$/;
- if ( $subline =~ /leftarg *= *([^ ,]*)/i )
- {
- $larg=lc($1);
- }
- if ( $subline =~ /rightarg *= *([^ ,]*)/i )
- {
- $rarg=lc($1);
- }
- }
- my $id = $name.','.$larg.','.$rarg;
- print "SQLOP $id\n" if $DEBUG;
- $ops{$id} = 1;
- if ( $larg eq 'oldgeometry' || $rarg eq 'oldgeometry' )
- {
- $larg = 'geometry' if $larg eq 'oldgeometry';
- $rarg = 'geometry' if $rarg eq 'oldgeometry';
- my $id = $name.','.$larg.','.$rarg;
- print "SQLOP $id\n" if $DEBUG;
- $ops{$id} = 1;
- }
- next;
- }
-close( INPUT );
-# Scan dump list
-print "Scanning $dump list\n";
-open( OUTPUT, ">$dumplist") || die "Can't write to ".$dump.".list\n";
-open( INPUT, "pg_restore -l $dump |") || die "Couldn't run pg_restore -l $dump\n";
-while( my $line = <INPUT> )
- next if $line =~ /^;/;
- next if $line =~ /^ *--/;
- if ($line =~ / FUNCTION/)
- {
- my $funcname;
- my @args;
- #print "FUNCTION: [$line]\n";
- if ($line =~ / FUNCTION *([^ ]*) *\(([^)]*)\)/)
- {
- #print " matched <800\n";
- $funcname = $1;
- @args = split(",", $2);
- }
- elsif ($line =~ / FUNCTION *([^ ]+) *([^ ]+) *\(([^)]*)\)/)
- {
- #print " matched 800\n";
- $funcname = $2;
- @args = split(",", $3);
- }
- else
- {
- print " unknown FUNCTION match\n";
- }
- $funcname =~ s/^"//;
- $funcname =~ s/"$//;
- #print " FUNCNAME: [$funcname]\n";
- #print " ARGS: [".@args."]\n";
- my $wkbinvolved = 0;
- my $box3d_extent_involved = 0;
- for (my $i=0; $i<@args; $i++)
- {
- my $arg = canonicalize_typename($args[$i]);
- $args[$i] = $arg;
- $wkbinvolved++ if ( $arg eq 'wkb' );
- $box3d_extent_involved++ if ( $arg eq 'box3d_extent' );
- }
- my $args = join(', ', @args);
- #print "ARGS SCALAR: [$args]\n";
- my $id = $funcname."(".$args.")";
- #print "ID: [$id]\n";
- # WKB type is obsoleted
- if ( $wkbinvolved )
- {
- print "SKIPPING FUNC $id\n" if $DEBUG;
- next;
- }
- # BOX3D_EXTENT involved
- if ( $box3d_extent_involved )
- {
- print "SKIPPING FUNC $id\n" if $DEBUG;
- next;
- }
- if ( $funcname eq 'plpgsql_call_handler' )
- {
- print "SKIPPING FUNC $id\n" if $DEBUG;
- next;
- }
- if ( $funcname eq 'plpgsql_validator' )
- {
- print "SKIPPING FUNC $id\n" if $DEBUG;
- next;
- }
- if ( $obsoleted_function{$funcname} || $obsoleted_function{$id} )
- {
- next;
- }
- if ( $funcs{$id} )
- {
- print "SKIPPING PGIS FUNC $id\n" if $DEBUG;
- next;
- }
- print "KEEPING FUNCTION: [$id]\n" if $DEBUG;
- #next;
- }
- elsif ($line =~ / AGGREGATE ([^ ]* )?([^ ]*)\((.*)\)/)
- {
- my $name = $2;
- my @args = split(",", $3);
- for (my $i=0; $i<@args; $i++)
- {
- $args[$i] = canonicalize_typename($args[$i]);
- }
- my $args = join(', ', @args);
- my $id = $name."(".$args.")";
- if ( $aggs{$id} )
- {
- print "SKIPPING PGIS AGG $id\n" if $DEBUG;
- next;
- }
- # This is an old postgis aggregate
- if ( $name eq 'fastunion' )
- {
- print "SKIPPING old PGIS AGG $id\n" if $DEBUG;
- next;
- }
- # This is an old postgis aggregate
- if ( $name eq 'mem_collect' )
- {
- print "SKIPPING old PGIS AGG $id\n" if $DEBUG;
- next;
- }
- # This is an old postgis aggregate
- if ( $name eq 'accum' )
- {
- print "SKIPPING old PGIS AGG $id\n" if $DEBUG;
- next;
- }
- print "KEEPING AGGREGATE [$id]\n" if $DEBUG;
- #next;
- }
- elsif ($line =~ / TYPE ([^ ]+ )?([^ ]*) .*/)
- {
- my $type = canonicalize_typename($2);
- if ( $type eq 'wkb' )
- {
- print "SKIPPING PGIS TYPE $type\n" if $DEBUG;
- next;
- }
- if ( $types{$type} )
- {
- print "SKIPPING PGIS TYPE $type\n" if $DEBUG;
- next;
- }
- print "KEEPING TYPE [$type]\n" if $DEBUG;
- #next;
- }
- elsif ($line =~ / PROCEDURAL LANGUAGE (public )?plpgsql/)
- {
- print "SKIPPING PROCLANG plpgsql\n" if $DEBUG;
- next;
- }
- # spatial_ref_sys and geometry_columns
- elsif ($line =~ / TABLE geometry_columns/)
- {
- #print "SKIPPING geometry_columns schema\n" if $DEBUG;
- #next;
- }
- elsif ($line =~ / TABLE spatial_ref_sys/)
- {
- #print "SKIPPING spatial_ref_sys schema\n" if $DEBUG;
- #next;
- }
- #
- # pg_restore-7.4:
- # 354; 11038762 OPERATOR CLASS btree_geometry_ops strk
- #
- # pg_restore-8.0:
- # 354; 0 11038762 OPERATOR CLASS public btree_geometry_ops strk
- #
- elsif ($line =~ / OPERATOR CLASS +([^ ]+ )?([^ ]+) ([^ ]+)/)
- {
- my $id = lc($2);
- if ( $opclass{$id} )
- {
- print "SKIPPING PGIS OPCLASS $id\n" if $DEBUG;
- next;
- }
- print "KEEPING OPCLASS [$id]\n" if $DEBUG;
- }
- # casts were implicit in PG72
- elsif ($line =~ / CAST /)
- {
- my $arg1=undef;
- my $arg2=undef;
- #
- # CAST def by pg_restore 80,81 on pg_dump 73
- #
- # 734_800; 0 00000 CAST public box2d (public.box3d)
- # 734_810; 0 00000 CAST public box2d (public.box3d)
- #
- if ($line =~ / CAST *([^ ]+) ([^ ]+) *\( *([^ )]+) *\)/)
- {
- $arg1 = canonicalize_typename($3);
- $arg2 = canonicalize_typename($2);
- }
- #
- # CAST def by pg_restore 73,74 on pg_dump 73
- #
- # 734_743; 00000 CAST box2d (public.box3d)
- # 734_734; 00000 CAST box2d (public.box3d)
- #
- elsif ($line =~ / CAST *([^ ]*) *\( *([^ )]*) *\)/)
- {
- $arg1 = canonicalize_typename($2);
- $arg2 = canonicalize_typename($1);
- }
- #
- # CAST def by pg_restore 81 on pg_dump 81
- #
- # 810_810; 0000 00000 CAST pg_catalog CAST (boolean AS text)
- #
- elsif ($line =~ / CAST [^ ]* CAST \(([^ ]*) AS ([^ )]*)\)/)
- {
- $arg1 = canonicalize_typename($1);
- $arg2 = canonicalize_typename($2);
- }
- if (defined($arg1) && defined($arg2))
- {
- my $id = $arg1.",".$arg2;
- if ( $casts{$id} )
- {
- print "SKIPPING PGIS CAST $id\n" if $DEBUG;
- next;
- }
- if ($arg1 eq 'wkb' || $arg2 eq 'wkb')
- {
- print "SKIPPING PGIS CAST $id\n" if $DEBUG;
- next;
- }
- print "KEEPING CAST $id (see CAST)\n" if $DEBUG;
- }
- else
- {
- print "KEEPING CAST (unknown def): $line\n";
- }
- } # CAST
- print OUTPUT $line;
-# print "UNHANDLED: $line"
-close( INPUT );
-print "Producing ascii dump $dumpascii\n";
-open( INPUT, "pg_restore -L $dumplist $dump |") || die "Can't run pg_restore\n";
-open( OUTPUT, ">$dumpascii") || die "Can't write to $dumpascii\n";
-while( my $line = <INPUT> )
- next if $line =~ /^ *--/;
- if ( $line =~ /^SET search_path/ )
- {
- $line =~ s/; *$/, public;/;
- }
- elsif ( $line =~ /OPERATOR CLASS /)
- {
- }
- elsif ( $line =~ /CREATE OPERATOR *([^ ,]*)/)
- {
- my $name = canonicalize_typename($1);
- my $larg = undef;
- my $rarg = undef;
- my @sublines = ($line);
- while( my $subline = <INPUT>)
- {
- push(@sublines, $subline);
- last if $subline =~ /;[\t ]*$/;
- if ( $subline =~ /leftarg *= *([^ ,]*)/i )
- {
- $larg=canonicalize_typename($1);
- }
- if ( $subline =~ /rightarg *= *([^ ,]*)/i )
- {
- $rarg=canonicalize_typename($1);
- }
- }
- my $id = $name.','.$larg.','.$rarg;
- if ( $obsoleted_ops{$id} )
- {
- next;
- }
- if ( $ops{$id} )
- {
- print "SKIPPING PGIS OP $id\n" if $DEBUG;
- next;
- }
- print "KEEPING OP $id\n" if $DEBUG;
- print OUTPUT @sublines;
- next;
- }
- print OUTPUT $line;
- # TODO:
- # skip postgis operator, checking for basetype
- # when implemented operators skip must be disabled
- # in the first scan of ToC
-close(INPUT) || die "pg_restore call failed\n";
-# Create the new db and install plpgsql language
-print "Creating db ($dbname)\n";
-`createdb $createdb_opt $dbname`;
-die "Database creation failed\n" if ($?);
-print "Adding plpgsql\n";
-`createlang plpgsql $dbname`;
-# Open a pipe to the SQL monitor
-open( PSQL, "| psql -a $dbname") || die "Can't run psql\n";
-# Source new postgis.sql
-print "Sourcing $postgissql\n";
-open(INPUT, "<$postgissql") || die "Can't read $postgissql\n";
-while(<INPUT>) { print PSQL; }
-# Drop geometry_columns and spatial_ref_sys
-# (we want version from the dump)
-print "Dropping geometry_columns and spatial_ref_sys\n";
-print PSQL "DROP TABLE geometry_columns;";
-print PSQL "DROP TABLE spatial_ref_sys;";
-#print "Now source $dumpascii manually\n";
-# Source modified ascii dump
+# Here are all the signatures we want to skip.
-print "Restoring ascii dump $dumpascii\n";
-open(INPUT, "<$dumpascii") || die "Can't read $postgissql\n";
-while(<INPUT>) { print PSQL; }
-close(PSQL) || die "psql run failed\n"
+AGGREGATE accum(geometry)
+AGGREGATE accum_old(geometry)
+AGGREGATE collect(geometry)
+AGGREGATE extent3d(geometry)
+AGGREGATE extent(geometry)
+AGGREGATE geomunion(geometry)
+AGGREGATE geomunion_old(geometry)
+AGGREGATE makeline(geometry)
+AGGREGATE memcollect(geometry)
+AGGREGATE memgeomunion(geometry)
+AGGREGATE polygonize(geometry)
+AGGREGATE st_3dextent(geometry)
+AGGREGATE st_accum(geometry)
+AGGREGATE st_accum_old(geometry)
+AGGREGATE st_collect(geometry)
+AGGREGATE st_extent(geometry)
+AGGREGATE st_makeline(geometry)
+AGGREGATE st_memcollect(geometry)
+AGGREGATE st_memunion(geometry)
+AGGREGATE st_polygonize(geometry)
+AGGREGATE st_union(geometry)
+AGGREGATE st_union_old(geometry)
+AGGREGATE st_union(raster)
+AGGREGATE st_union(raster, text)
+AGGREGATE st_union(raster, text, text)
+AGGREGATE st_union(raster, text, text, text)
+AGGREGATE st_union(raster, text, text, text, double precision)
+AGGREGATE st_union(raster, text, text, text, double precision, text, text, text, double precision)
+AGGREGATE st_union(raster, text, text, text, double precision, text, text, text, double precision, text, text, text, double precision)
+AGGREGATE topoelementarray_agg(topoelement)
+CAST CAST (boolean AS text)
+CAST CAST (bytea AS public.geography)
+CAST CAST (bytea AS public.geometry)
+CAST CAST (public.box2d AS public.box3d)
+CAST CAST (public.box2d AS public.geometry)
+CAST CAST (public.box3d AS box)
+CAST CAST (public.box3d AS public.box2d)
+CAST CAST (public.box3d AS public.geometry)
+CAST CAST (public.box3d_extent AS public.box2d)
+CAST CAST (public.box3d_extent AS public.box3d)
+CAST CAST (public.box3d_extent AS public.geometry)
+CAST CAST (public.chip AS public.geometry)
+CAST CAST (public.geography AS bytea)
+CAST CAST (public.geography AS public.geography)
+CAST CAST (public.geography AS public.geometry)
+CAST CAST (public.geometry AS box)
+CAST CAST (public.geometry AS bytea)
+CAST CAST (public.geometry AS public.box2d)
+CAST CAST (public.geometry AS public.box3d)
+CAST CAST (public.geometry AS public.geography)
+CAST CAST (public.geometry AS public.geometry)
+CAST CAST (public.geometry AS text)
+CAST CAST (public.raster AS box2d)
+CAST CAST (public.raster AS bytea)
+CAST CAST (public.raster AS public.box2d)
+CAST CAST (public.raster AS public.geometry)
+CAST CAST (raster AS bytea)
+CAST CAST (raster AS geometry)
+CAST CAST (text AS public.geometry)
+CAST CAST (topology.topogeometry AS geometry)
+CAST CAST (topology.topogeometry AS public.geometry)
+CONSTRAINT geometry_columns_pk
+CONSTRAINT spatial_ref_sys_pkey
+CONSTRAINT raster_columns_pk
+CONSTRAINT raster_overviews_pk
+DOMAIN topoelement
+DOMAIN topoelementarray
+FUNCTION addauth(text)
+FUNCTION addbbox(geometry)
+FUNCTION addedge(character varying, public.geometry)
+FUNCTION addface(character varying, public.geometry, boolean)
+FUNCTION addgeometrycolumn(character varying, character varying, character varying, character varying, integer, character varying, integer)
+FUNCTION addgeometrycolumn(character varying, character varying, character varying, character varying, integer, character varying, integer, boolean)
+FUNCTION addgeometrycolumn(character varying, character varying, character varying, integer, character varying, integer)
+FUNCTION addgeometrycolumn(character varying, character varying, character varying, integer, character varying, integer, boolean)
+FUNCTION addgeometrycolumn(character varying, character varying, integer, character varying, integer)
+FUNCTION addgeometrycolumn(character varying, character varying, integer, character varying, integer, boolean)
+FUNCTION addnode(character varying, public.geometry)
+FUNCTION _add_overview_constraint(name, name, name, name, name, name, integer)
+FUNCTION addoverviewconstraints(name, name, name, name, integer)
+FUNCTION addoverviewconstraints(name, name, name, name, name, name, integer)
+FUNCTION addpoint(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION addpoint(geometry, geometry, integer)
+FUNCTION addrastercolumn(character varying, character varying, character varying, character varying, integer, character varying[], boolean, boolean, double precision[], double precision, double precision, integer, integer, geometry)
+FUNCTION addrastercolumn(character varying, character varying, character varying, integer, character varying[], boolean, boolean, double precision[], double precision, double precision, integer, integer, geometry)
+FUNCTION addrastercolumn(character varying, character varying, integer, character varying[], boolean, boolean, double precision[], double precision, double precision, integer, integer, geometry)
+FUNCTION _add_raster_constraint_alignment(name, name, name)
+FUNCTION _add_raster_constraint_blocksize(name, name, name, text)
+FUNCTION _add_raster_constraint_extent(name, name, name)
+FUNCTION _add_raster_constraint(name, text)
+FUNCTION _add_raster_constraint_nodata_values(name, name, name)
+FUNCTION _add_raster_constraint_num_bands(name, name, name)
+FUNCTION _add_raster_constraint_pixel_types(name, name, name)
+FUNCTION _add_raster_constraint_regular_blocking(name, name, name)
+FUNCTION _add_raster_constraint_scale(name, name, name, character)
+FUNCTION addrasterconstraints(name, name, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean)
+FUNCTION addrasterconstraints(name, name, name, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean)
+FUNCTION addrasterconstraints(name, name, name, text[])
+FUNCTION addrasterconstraints(name, name, text[])
+FUNCTION _add_raster_constraint_srid(name, name, name)
+FUNCTION addtopogeometrycolumn(character varying, character varying, character varying, character varying, character varying)
+FUNCTION addtopogeometrycolumn(character varying, character varying, character varying, character varying, character varying, integer)
+FUNCTION addtosearchpath(character varying)
+FUNCTION affine(geometry, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision)
+FUNCTION affine(geometry, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision)
+FUNCTION area2d(geometry)
+FUNCTION area(geometry)
+FUNCTION asbinary(geometry)
+FUNCTION asbinary(geometry, text)
+FUNCTION asewkb(geometry)
+FUNCTION asewkb(geometry, text)
+FUNCTION asewkt(geometry)
+FUNCTION _asgmledge(integer, integer, integer, public.geometry, regclass, text, integer, integer, text, integer)
+FUNCTION _asgmlface(text, integer, regclass, text, integer, integer, text, integer)
+FUNCTION asgml(geometry)
+FUNCTION asgml(geometry, integer)
+FUNCTION asgml(geometry, integer, integer)
+FUNCTION _asgmlnode(integer, public.geometry, text, integer, integer, text, integer)
+FUNCTION asgml(topogeometry)
+FUNCTION asgml(topogeometry, regclass)
+FUNCTION asgml(topogeometry, regclass, text)
+FUNCTION asgml(topogeometry, text)
+FUNCTION asgml(topogeometry, text, integer, integer)
+FUNCTION asgml(topogeometry, text, integer, integer, regclass)
+FUNCTION asgml(topogeometry, text, integer, integer, regclass, text)
+FUNCTION asgml(topogeometry, text, integer, integer, regclass, text, integer)
+FUNCTION ashexewkb(geometry)
+FUNCTION ashexewkb(geometry, text)
+FUNCTION askml(geometry)
+FUNCTION askml(geometry, integer)
+FUNCTION askml(geometry, integer, integer)
+FUNCTION askml(integer, geometry, integer)
+FUNCTION assvg(geometry)
+FUNCTION assvg(geometry, integer)
+FUNCTION assvg(geometry, integer, integer)
+FUNCTION astext(geometry)
+FUNCTION asukml(geometry)
+FUNCTION asukml(geometry, integer)
+FUNCTION asukml(geometry, integer, integer)
+FUNCTION azimuth(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION bdmpolyfromtext(text, integer)
+FUNCTION bdpolyfromtext(text, integer)
+FUNCTION boundary(geometry)
+FUNCTION box2d(box3d)
+FUNCTION box2d(box3d_extent)
+FUNCTION box2d_contain(box2d, box2d)
+FUNCTION box2d_contained(box2d, box2d)
+FUNCTION box2df_in(cstring)
+FUNCTION box2df_out(box2df)
+FUNCTION box2d(geometry)
+FUNCTION box2d_in(cstring)
+FUNCTION box2d_intersects(box2d, box2d)
+FUNCTION box2d_left(box2d, box2d)
+FUNCTION box2d_out(box2d)
+FUNCTION box2d_overlap(box2d, box2d)
+FUNCTION box2d_overleft(box2d, box2d)
+FUNCTION box2d_overright(box2d, box2d)
+FUNCTION box2d(raster)
+FUNCTION box2d_right(box2d, box2d)
+FUNCTION box2d_same(box2d, box2d)
+FUNCTION box3d(box2d)
+FUNCTION box3d_extent(box3d_extent)
+FUNCTION box3d_extent_in(cstring)
+FUNCTION box3d_extent_out(box3d_extent)
+FUNCTION box3d(geometry)
+FUNCTION box3d_in(cstring)
+FUNCTION box3d_out(box3d)
+FUNCTION box3dtobox(box3d)
+FUNCTION box(box3d)
+FUNCTION box(geometry)
+FUNCTION buffer(geometry, double precision)
+FUNCTION buffer(geometry, double precision, integer)
+FUNCTION buildarea(geometry)
+FUNCTION build_histogram2d(histogram2d, text, text)
+FUNCTION build_histogram2d(histogram2d, text, text, text)
+FUNCTION bytea(geography)
+FUNCTION bytea(geometry)
+FUNCTION cache_bbox()
+FUNCTION centroid(geometry)
+FUNCTION checkauth(text, text)
+FUNCTION checkauth(text, text, text)
+FUNCTION checkauthtrigger()
+FUNCTION chip_in(cstring)
+FUNCTION chip_out(chip)
+FUNCTION collect_garray(geometry[])
+FUNCTION collect(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION collector(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION combine_bbox(box2d, geometry)
+FUNCTION combine_bbox(box3d_extent, geometry)
+FUNCTION combine_bbox(box3d, geometry)
+FUNCTION compression(chip)
+FUNCTION contains(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION convexhull(geometry)
+FUNCTION copytopology(character varying, character varying)
+FUNCTION create_histogram2d(box2d, integer)
+FUNCTION createtopogeom(character varying, integer, integer, topoelementarray)
+FUNCTION createtopology(character varying)
+FUNCTION createtopology(character varying, integer)
+FUNCTION createtopology(character varying, integer, double precision)
+FUNCTION createtopology(character varying, integer, double precision, boolean)
+FUNCTION crosses(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION datatype(chip)
+FUNCTION difference(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION dimension(geometry)
+FUNCTION disablelongtransactions()
+FUNCTION disjoint(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION distance(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION distance_sphere(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION distance_spheroid(geometry, geometry, spheroid)
+FUNCTION dropbbox(geometry)
+FUNCTION dropgeometrycolumn(character varying, character varying)
+FUNCTION dropgeometrycolumn(character varying, character varying, character varying)
+FUNCTION dropgeometrycolumn(character varying, character varying, character varying, character varying)
+FUNCTION dropgeometrytable(character varying)
+FUNCTION dropgeometrytable(character varying, character varying)
+FUNCTION dropgeometrytable(character varying, character varying, character varying)
+FUNCTION _drop_overview_constraint(name, name, name)
+FUNCTION dropoverviewconstraints(name, name)
+FUNCTION dropoverviewconstraints(name, name, name)
+FUNCTION droprastercolumn(character varying, character varying)
+FUNCTION droprastercolumn(character varying, character varying, character varying)
+FUNCTION droprastercolumn(character varying, character varying, character varying, character varying)
+FUNCTION _drop_raster_constraint_alignment(name, name, name)
+FUNCTION _drop_raster_constraint_blocksize(name, name, name, text)
+FUNCTION _drop_raster_constraint_extent(name, name, name)
+FUNCTION _drop_raster_constraint(name, name, name)
+FUNCTION _drop_raster_constraint_nodata_values(name, name, name)
+FUNCTION _drop_raster_constraint_num_bands(name, name, name)
+FUNCTION _drop_raster_constraint_pixel_types(name, name, name)
+FUNCTION _drop_raster_constraint_regular_blocking(name, name, name)
+FUNCTION _drop_raster_constraint_scale(name, name, name, character)
+FUNCTION droprasterconstraints(name, name, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean)
+FUNCTION droprasterconstraints(name, name, name, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean)
+FUNCTION droprasterconstraints(name, name, name, text[])
+FUNCTION droprasterconstraints(name, name, text[])
+FUNCTION _drop_raster_constraint_srid(name, name, name)
+FUNCTION droprastertable(character varying)
+FUNCTION droprastertable(character varying, character varying)
+FUNCTION droprastertable(character varying, character varying, character varying)
+FUNCTION droptopogeometrycolumn(character varying, character varying, character varying)
+FUNCTION droptopology(character varying)
+FUNCTION dumpaswktpolygons(raster, integer)
+FUNCTION dump(geometry)
+FUNCTION dumprings(geometry)
+FUNCTION enablelongtransactions()
+FUNCTION endpoint(geometry)
+FUNCTION envelope(geometry)
+FUNCTION equals(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION equals(topogeometry, topogeometry)
+FUNCTION estimated_extent(text, text)
+FUNCTION estimated_extent(text, text, text)
+FUNCTION estimate_histogram2d(histogram2d, box2d)
+FUNCTION expand(box2d, double precision)
+FUNCTION expand(box3d, double precision)
+FUNCTION expand(geometry, double precision)
+FUNCTION explode_histogram2d(histogram2d, text)
+FUNCTION exteriorring(geometry)
+FUNCTION factor(chip)
+FUNCTION find_extent(text, text)
+FUNCTION find_extent(text, text, text)
+FUNCTION find_srid(character varying, character varying, character varying)
+FUNCTION fix_geometry_columns()
+FUNCTION force_2d(geometry)
+FUNCTION force_3d(geometry)
+FUNCTION force_3dm(geometry)
+FUNCTION force_3dz(geometry)
+FUNCTION force_4d(geometry)
+FUNCTION force_collection(geometry)
+FUNCTION forcerhr(geometry)
+FUNCTION geography_analyze(internal)
+FUNCTION geography(bytea)
+FUNCTION geography_cmp(geography, geography)
+FUNCTION geography_eq(geography, geography)
+FUNCTION geography_ge(geography, geography)
+FUNCTION geography(geography, integer, boolean)
+FUNCTION geography(geometry)
+FUNCTION geography_gist_compress(internal)
+FUNCTION geography_gist_consistent(internal, geography, integer)
+FUNCTION geography_gist_decompress(internal)
+FUNCTION geography_gist_join_selectivity(internal, oid, internal, smallint)
+FUNCTION geography_gist_penalty(internal, internal, internal)
+FUNCTION geography_gist_picksplit(internal, internal)
+FUNCTION geography_gist_same(box2d, box2d, internal)
+FUNCTION geography_gist_selectivity(internal, oid, internal, integer)
+FUNCTION geography_gist_union(bytea, internal)
+FUNCTION geography_gt(geography, geography)
+FUNCTION geography_in(cstring, oid, integer)
+FUNCTION geography_le(geography, geography)
+FUNCTION geography_lt(geography, geography)
+FUNCTION geography_out(geography)
+FUNCTION geography_overlaps(geography, geography)
+FUNCTION geography_typmod_in(cstring[])
+FUNCTION geography_typmod_out(integer)
+FUNCTION geom_accum(geometry[], geometry)
+FUNCTION geomcollfromtext(text)
+FUNCTION geomcollfromtext(text, integer)
+FUNCTION geomcollfromwkb(bytea)
+FUNCTION geomcollfromwkb(bytea, integer)
+FUNCTION geometry_above(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION geometry_analyze(internal)
+FUNCTION geometry_below(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION geometry(box2d)
+FUNCTION geometry(box3d)
+FUNCTION geometry(box3d_extent)
+FUNCTION geometry(bytea)
+FUNCTION geometry(chip)
+FUNCTION geometry_cmp(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION geometry_contained(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION geometry_contain(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION geometry_contains(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION geometry_distance_box(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION geometry_distance_centroid(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION geometry_eq(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION geometryfromtext(text)
+FUNCTION geometryfromtext(text, integer)
+FUNCTION geometry_ge(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION geometry(geography)
+FUNCTION geometry(geometry, integer, boolean)
+FUNCTION geometry_gist_compress_2d(internal)
+FUNCTION geometry_gist_compress_nd(internal)
+FUNCTION geometry_gist_consistent_2d(internal, geometry, integer)
+FUNCTION geometry_gist_consistent_nd(internal, geometry, integer)
+FUNCTION geometry_gist_decompress_2d(internal)
+FUNCTION geometry_gist_decompress_nd(internal)
+FUNCTION geometry_gist_distance_2d(internal, geometry, integer)
+FUNCTION geometry_gist_joinsel_2d(internal, oid, internal, smallint)
+FUNCTION geometry_gist_penalty_2d(internal, internal, internal)
+FUNCTION geometry_gist_penalty_nd(internal, internal, internal)
+FUNCTION geometry_gist_picksplit_2d(internal, internal)
+FUNCTION geometry_gist_picksplit_nd(internal, internal)
+FUNCTION geometry_gist_same_2d(geometry, geometry, internal)
+FUNCTION geometry_gist_same_nd(geometry, geometry, internal)
+FUNCTION geometry_gist_sel_2d(internal, oid, internal, integer)
+FUNCTION geometry_gist_union_2d(bytea, internal)
+FUNCTION geometry_gist_union_nd(bytea, internal)
+FUNCTION geometry_gt(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION geometry_in(cstring)
+FUNCTION geometry_left(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION geometry_le(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION geometry_lt(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION geometryn(geometry, integer)
+FUNCTION geometry_out(geometry)
+FUNCTION geometry_overabove(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION geometry_overbelow(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION geometry_overlap(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION geometry_overlaps(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION geometry_overlaps_nd(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION geometry_overleft(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION geometry_overright(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION geometry_recv(internal)
+FUNCTION geometry_right(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION geometry_samebox(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION geometry_same(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION geometry_send(geometry)
+FUNCTION geometry(text)
+FUNCTION geometry(topogeometry)
+FUNCTION geometrytype(geometry)
+FUNCTION geometrytype(topogeometry)
+FUNCTION geometry_typmod_in(cstring[])
+FUNCTION geometry_typmod_out(integer)
+FUNCTION geometry_within(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION geomfromewkb(bytea)
+FUNCTION geomfromewkt(text)
+FUNCTION geomfromtext(text)
+FUNCTION geomfromtext(text, integer)
+FUNCTION geomfromwkb(bytea)
+FUNCTION geomfromwkb(bytea, integer)
+FUNCTION geomunion(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION geosnoop(geometry)
+FUNCTION getbbox(geometry)
+FUNCTION getedgebypoint(character varying, public.geometry, double precision)
+FUNCTION getfacebypoint(character varying, public.geometry, double precision)
+FUNCTION getnodebypoint(character varying, public.geometry, double precision)
+FUNCTION get_proj4_from_srid(integer)
+FUNCTION getringedges(character varying, integer, integer)
+FUNCTION getsrid(geometry)
+FUNCTION gettopogeomelementarray(character varying, integer, integer)
+FUNCTION gettopogeomelementarray(topogeometry)
+FUNCTION gettopogeomelements(character varying, integer, integer)
+FUNCTION gettopogeomelements(topogeometry)
+FUNCTION gettopologyid(character varying)
+FUNCTION gettopologyname(integer)
+FUNCTION gettransactionid()
+FUNCTION gidx_in(cstring)
+FUNCTION gidx_out(gidx)
+FUNCTION hasbbox(geometry)
+FUNCTION height(chip)
+FUNCTION histogram2d_in(cstring)
+FUNCTION histogram2d_out(histogram2d)
+FUNCTION interiorringn(geometry, integer)
+FUNCTION intersection(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION intersects(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION intersects(topogeometry, topogeometry)
+FUNCTION isclosed(geometry)
+FUNCTION isempty(geometry)
+FUNCTION isring(geometry)
+FUNCTION issimple(geometry)
+FUNCTION isvalid(geometry)
+FUNCTION jtsnoop(geometry)
+FUNCTION layertrigger()
+FUNCTION length2d(geometry)
+FUNCTION length2d_spheroid(geometry, spheroid)
+FUNCTION length3d(geometry)
+FUNCTION length3d_spheroid(geometry, spheroid)
+FUNCTION length(geometry)
+FUNCTION length_spheroid(geometry, spheroid)
+FUNCTION linefrommultipoint(geometry)
+FUNCTION linefromtext(text)
+FUNCTION linefromtext(text, integer)
+FUNCTION linefromwkb(bytea)
+FUNCTION linefromwkb(bytea, integer)
+FUNCTION line_interpolate_point(geometry, double precision)
+FUNCTION line_locate_point(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION linemerge(geometry)
+FUNCTION linestringfromtext(text)
+FUNCTION linestringfromtext(text, integer)
+FUNCTION linestringfromwkb(bytea)
+FUNCTION linestringfromwkb(bytea, integer)
+FUNCTION line_substring(geometry, double precision, double precision)
+FUNCTION locate_along_measure(geometry, double precision)
+FUNCTION locate_between_measures(geometry, double precision, double precision)
+FUNCTION lockrow(text, text, text)
+FUNCTION lockrow(text, text, text, text)
+FUNCTION lockrow(text, text, text, text, timestamp without time zone)
+FUNCTION lockrow(text, text, text, timestamp without time zone)
+FUNCTION longtransactionsenabled()
+FUNCTION lwgeom_gist_compress(internal)
+FUNCTION lwgeom_gist_consistent(internal, geometry, integer)
+FUNCTION lwgeom_gist_decompress(internal)
+FUNCTION lwgeom_gist_penalty(internal, internal, internal)
+FUNCTION lwgeom_gist_picksplit(internal, internal)
+FUNCTION lwgeom_gist_same(box2d, box2d, internal)
+FUNCTION lwgeom_gist_union(bytea, internal)
+FUNCTION makebox2d(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION makebox3d(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION makeline_garray(geometry[])
+FUNCTION makeline(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION makepoint(double precision, double precision)
+FUNCTION makepoint(double precision, double precision, double precision)
+FUNCTION makepoint(double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision)
+FUNCTION makepointm(double precision, double precision, double precision)
+FUNCTION makepolygon(geometry)
+FUNCTION makepolygon(geometry, geometry[])
+FUNCTION mapalgebra4unionfinal1(rastexpr)
+FUNCTION mapalgebra4unionfinal3(rastexpr)
+FUNCTION mapalgebra4unionstate(raster, raster, text, text, text, double precision, text, text, text, double precision)
+FUNCTION mapalgebra4unionstate(rastexpr, raster)
+FUNCTION mapalgebra4unionstate(rastexpr, raster, text)
+FUNCTION mapalgebra4unionstate(rastexpr, raster, text, text)
+FUNCTION mapalgebra4unionstate(rastexpr, raster, text, text, text)
+FUNCTION mapalgebra4unionstate(rastexpr, raster, text, text, text, double precision)
+FUNCTION mapalgebra4unionstate(rastexpr, raster, text, text, text, double precision, text, text, text, double precision)
+FUNCTION mapalgebra4unionstate(rastexpr, raster, text, text, text, double precision, text, text, text, double precision, text, text, text, double precision)
+FUNCTION max_distance(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION mem_size(geometry)
+FUNCTION m(geometry)
+FUNCTION mlinefromtext(text)
+FUNCTION mlinefromtext(text, integer)
+FUNCTION mlinefromwkb(bytea)
+FUNCTION mlinefromwkb(bytea, integer)
+FUNCTION mpointfromtext(text)
+FUNCTION mpointfromtext(text, integer)
+FUNCTION mpointfromwkb(bytea)
+FUNCTION mpointfromwkb(bytea, integer)
+FUNCTION mpolyfromtext(text)
+FUNCTION mpolyfromtext(text, integer)
+FUNCTION mpolyfromwkb(bytea)
+FUNCTION mpolyfromwkb(bytea, integer)
+FUNCTION multi(geometry)
+FUNCTION multilinefromwkb(bytea)
+FUNCTION multilinefromwkb(bytea, integer)
+FUNCTION multilinestringfromtext(text)
+FUNCTION multilinestringfromtext(text, integer)
+FUNCTION multipointfromtext(text)
+FUNCTION multipointfromtext(text, integer)
+FUNCTION multipointfromwkb(bytea)
+FUNCTION multipointfromwkb(bytea, integer)
+FUNCTION multipolyfromwkb(bytea)
+FUNCTION multipolyfromwkb(bytea, integer)
+FUNCTION multipolygonfromtext(text)
+FUNCTION multipolygonfromtext(text, integer)
+FUNCTION ndims(geometry)
+FUNCTION noop(geometry)
+FUNCTION npoints(geometry)
+FUNCTION nrings(geometry)
+FUNCTION numgeometries(geometry)
+FUNCTION numinteriorring(geometry)
+FUNCTION numinteriorrings(geometry)
+FUNCTION numpoints(geometry)
+FUNCTION overlaps(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION _overview_constraint_info(name, name, name)
+FUNCTION _overview_constraint(raster, integer, name, name, name)
+FUNCTION perimeter2d(geometry)
+FUNCTION perimeter3d(geometry)
+FUNCTION perimeter(geometry)
+FUNCTION pgis_abs_in(cstring)
+FUNCTION pgis_abs_out(pgis_abs)
+FUNCTION pgis_geometry_accum_finalfn(pgis_abs)
+FUNCTION pgis_geometry_accum_transfn(pgis_abs, geometry)
+FUNCTION pgis_geometry_collect_finalfn(pgis_abs)
+FUNCTION pgis_geometry_makeline_finalfn(pgis_abs)
+FUNCTION pgis_geometry_polygonize_finalfn(pgis_abs)
+FUNCTION pgis_geometry_union_finalfn(pgis_abs)
+FUNCTION pointfromtext(text)
+FUNCTION pointfromtext(text, integer)
+FUNCTION pointfromwkb(bytea)
+FUNCTION pointfromwkb(bytea, integer)
+FUNCTION point_inside_circle(geometry, double precision, double precision, double precision)
+FUNCTION pointn(geometry, integer)
+FUNCTION pointonsurface(geometry)
+FUNCTION polyfromtext(text)
+FUNCTION polyfromtext(text, integer)
+FUNCTION polyfromwkb(bytea)
+FUNCTION polyfromwkb(bytea, integer)
+FUNCTION polygonfromtext(text)
+FUNCTION polygonfromtext(text, integer)
+FUNCTION polygonfromwkb(bytea)
+FUNCTION polygonfromwkb(bytea, integer)
+FUNCTION polygonize(character varying)
+FUNCTION polygonize_garray(geometry[])
+FUNCTION populate_geometry_columns()
+FUNCTION populate_geometry_columns(boolean)
+FUNCTION populate_geometry_columns(oid)
+FUNCTION populate_geometry_columns(oid, boolean)
+FUNCTION postgis_addbbox(geometry)
+FUNCTION postgis_cache_bbox()
+FUNCTION postgis_constraint_dims(text, text, text)
+FUNCTION postgis_constraint_srid(text, text, text)
+FUNCTION postgis_constraint_type(text, text, text)
+FUNCTION postgis_dropbbox(geometry)
+FUNCTION postgis_full_version()
+FUNCTION postgis_gdal_version()
+FUNCTION postgis_geos_version()
+FUNCTION postgis_getbbox(geometry)
+FUNCTION postgis_gist_joinsel(internal, oid, internal, smallint)
+FUNCTION postgis_gist_sel(internal, oid, internal, integer)
+FUNCTION postgis_hasbbox(geometry)
+FUNCTION postgis_jts_version()
+FUNCTION postgis_lib_build_date()
+FUNCTION postgis_lib_version()
+FUNCTION postgis_libxml_version()
+FUNCTION postgis_noop(geometry)
+FUNCTION postgis_proj_version()
+FUNCTION postgis_raster_lib_build_date()
+FUNCTION postgis_raster_lib_version()
+FUNCTION postgis_scripts_build_date()
+FUNCTION postgis_scripts_installed()
+FUNCTION postgis_scripts_released()
+FUNCTION postgis_transform_geometry(geometry, text, text, integer)
+FUNCTION postgis_type_name(character varying, integer, boolean)
+FUNCTION postgis_typmod_dims(integer)
+FUNCTION postgis_typmod_srid(integer)
+FUNCTION postgis_typmod_type(integer)
+FUNCTION postgis_uses_stats()
+FUNCTION postgis_version()
+FUNCTION probe_geometry_columns()
+FUNCTION _raster_constraint_info_alignment(name, name, name)
+FUNCTION _raster_constraint_info_blocksize(name, name, name, text)
+FUNCTION _raster_constraint_info_extent(name, name, name)
+FUNCTION _raster_constraint_info_nodata_values(name, name, name)
+FUNCTION _raster_constraint_info_num_bands(name, name, name)
+FUNCTION _raster_constraint_info_pixel_types(name, name, name)
+FUNCTION _raster_constraint_info_regular_blocking(name, name, name)
+FUNCTION _raster_constraint_info_scale(name, name, name, character)
+FUNCTION _raster_constraint_info_srid(name, name, name)
+FUNCTION _raster_constraint_nodata_values(raster)
+FUNCTION _raster_constraint_pixel_types(raster)
+FUNCTION raster_in(cstring)
+FUNCTION raster_out(raster)
+FUNCTION relate(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION relate(geometry, geometry, text)
+FUNCTION relationtrigger()
+FUNCTION removepoint(geometry, integer)
+FUNCTION rename_geometry_table_constraints()
+FUNCTION reverse(geometry)
+FUNCTION rotate(geometry, double precision)
+FUNCTION rotatex(geometry, double precision)
+FUNCTION rotatey(geometry, double precision)
+FUNCTION rotatez(geometry, double precision)
+FUNCTION scale(geometry, double precision, double precision)
+FUNCTION scale(geometry, double precision, double precision, double precision)
+FUNCTION se_envelopesintersect(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION segmentize(geometry, double precision)
+FUNCTION se_is3d(geometry)
+FUNCTION se_ismeasured(geometry)
+FUNCTION se_locatealong(geometry, double precision)
+FUNCTION se_locatebetween(geometry, double precision, double precision)
+FUNCTION se_m(geometry)
+FUNCTION setfactor(chip, real)
+FUNCTION setpoint(geometry, integer, geometry)
+FUNCTION setsrid(chip, integer)
+FUNCTION setsrid(geometry, integer)
+FUNCTION se_z(geometry)
+FUNCTION shift_longitude(geometry)
+FUNCTION simplify(geometry, double precision)
+FUNCTION snaptogrid(geometry, double precision)
+FUNCTION snaptogrid(geometry, double precision, double precision)
+FUNCTION snaptogrid(geometry, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision)
+FUNCTION snaptogrid(geometry, geometry, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision)
+FUNCTION spheroid_in(cstring)
+FUNCTION spheroid_out(spheroid)
+FUNCTION srid(chip)
+FUNCTION srid(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_3dclosestpoint(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION _st_3ddfullywithin(geometry, geometry, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_3ddfullywithin(geometry, geometry, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_3ddistance(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION _st_3ddwithin(geometry, geometry, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_3ddwithin(geometry, geometry, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_3dintersects(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION st_3dlength(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_3dlength_spheroid(geometry, spheroid)
+FUNCTION st_3dlongestline(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION st_3dmakebox(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION ST_3DMakeBox(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION st_3dmaxdistance(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION st_3dperimeter(geometry)
+FUNCTION ST_3DPerimeter(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_3dshortestline(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION st_above(raster, raster)
+FUNCTION st_addband(raster, integer, text, double precision, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_addband(raster, raster, integer, integer)
+FUNCTION st_addband(raster, text, double precision, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_addbbox(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_addedgemodface(character varying, integer, integer, public.geometry)
+FUNCTION st_addedgenewfaces(character varying, integer, integer, public.geometry)
+FUNCTION st_addisoedge(character varying, integer, integer, public.geometry)
+FUNCTION st_addisonode(character varying, integer, public.geometry)
+FUNCTION st_addmeasure(geometry, double precision, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_addpoint(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION st_addpoint(geometry, geometry, integer)
+FUNCTION st_affine(geometry, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_affine(geometry, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_approxcount(raster, boolean, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_approxcount(raster, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_approxcount(raster, integer, boolean, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_approxcount(raster, integer, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_approxcount(text, text, boolean, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_approxcount(text, text, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_approxcount(text, text, integer, boolean, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_approxcount(text, text, integer, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_approxhistogram(raster, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_approxhistogram(raster, integer, boolean, double precision, integer, boolean)
+FUNCTION st_approxhistogram(raster, integer, boolean, double precision, integer, double precision[], boolean)
+FUNCTION st_approxhistogram(raster, integer, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_approxhistogram(raster, integer, double precision, integer, boolean)
+FUNCTION st_approxhistogram(raster, integer, double precision, integer, double precision[], boolean)
+FUNCTION st_approxhistogram(text, text, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_approxhistogram(text, text, integer, boolean, double precision, integer, boolean)
+FUNCTION st_approxhistogram(text, text, integer, boolean, double precision, integer, double precision[], boolean)
+FUNCTION st_approxhistogram(text, text, integer, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_approxhistogram(text, text, integer, double precision, integer, boolean)
+FUNCTION st_approxhistogram(text, text, integer, double precision, integer, double precision[], boolean)
+FUNCTION st_approxquantile(raster, boolean, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_approxquantile(raster, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_approxquantile(raster, double precision[])
+FUNCTION st_approxquantile(raster, double precision, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_approxquantile(raster, double precision, double precision[])
+FUNCTION st_approxquantile(raster, integer, boolean, double precision, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_approxquantile(raster, integer, boolean, double precision, double precision[])
+FUNCTION st_approxquantile(raster, integer, double precision, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_approxquantile(raster, integer, double precision, double precision[])
+FUNCTION st_approxquantile(text, text, boolean, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_approxquantile(text, text, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_approxquantile(text, text, double precision[])
+FUNCTION st_approxquantile(text, text, double precision, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_approxquantile(text, text, double precision, double precision[])
+FUNCTION st_approxquantile(text, text, integer, boolean, double precision, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_approxquantile(text, text, integer, boolean, double precision, double precision[])
+FUNCTION st_approxquantile(text, text, integer, double precision, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_approxquantile(text, text, integer, double precision, double precision[])
+FUNCTION st_approxsummarystats(raster, boolean, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_approxsummarystats(raster, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_approxsummarystats(raster, integer, boolean, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_approxsummarystats(raster, integer, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_approxsummarystats(text, text, boolean)
+FUNCTION st_approxsummarystats(text, text, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_approxsummarystats(text, text, integer, boolean, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_approxsummarystats(text, text, integer, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_area2d(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_area(geography, boolean)
+FUNCTION st_area(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_area(text)
+FUNCTION startpoint(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_asbinary(geography)
+FUNCTION st_asbinary(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_asbinary(geometry, text)
+FUNCTION st_asbinary(raster)
+FUNCTION st_asbinary(text)
+FUNCTION st_asewkb(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_asewkb(geometry, text)
+FUNCTION st_asewkt(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_asgdalraster(raster, text, text[], integer)
+FUNCTION st_asgeojson(geography)
+FUNCTION st_asgeojson(geography, integer)
+FUNCTION st_asgeojson(geography, integer, integer)
+FUNCTION st_asgeojson(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_asgeojson(geometry, integer)
+FUNCTION st_asgeojson(geometry, integer, integer)
+FUNCTION st_asgeojson(integer, geography)
+FUNCTION st_asgeojson(integer, geography, integer)
+FUNCTION _st_asgeojson(integer, geography, integer, integer)
+FUNCTION st_asgeojson(integer, geography, integer, integer)
+FUNCTION st_asgeojson(integer, geometry)
+FUNCTION st_asgeojson(integer, geometry, integer)
+FUNCTION _st_asgeojson(integer, geometry, integer, integer)
+FUNCTION st_asgeojson(integer, geometry, integer, integer)
+FUNCTION st_asgeojson(text)
+FUNCTION st_asgml(geography)
+FUNCTION st_asgml(geography, integer)
+FUNCTION st_asgml(geography, integer, integer)
+FUNCTION st_asgml(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_asgml(geometry, integer)
+FUNCTION st_asgml(geometry, integer, integer)
+FUNCTION st_asgml(integer, geography)
+FUNCTION st_asgml(integer, geography, integer)
+FUNCTION st_asgml(integer, geography, integer, integer)
+FUNCTION _st_asgml(integer, geography, integer, integer, text)
+FUNCTION st_asgml(integer, geography, integer, integer, text)
+FUNCTION st_asgml(integer, geometry)
+FUNCTION _st_asgml(integer, geometry, integer)
+FUNCTION st_asgml(integer, geometry, integer)
+FUNCTION st_asgml(integer, geometry, integer, integer)
+FUNCTION _st_asgml(integer, geometry, integer, integer, text)
+FUNCTION st_asgml(integer, geometry, integer, integer, text)
+FUNCTION st_asgml(text)
+FUNCTION st_ashexewkb(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_ashexewkb(geometry, text)
+FUNCTION st_asjpeg(raster, integer, integer)
+FUNCTION st_asjpeg(raster, integer[], integer)
+FUNCTION st_asjpeg(raster, integer, text[])
+FUNCTION st_asjpeg(raster, integer[], text[])
+FUNCTION st_asjpeg(raster, text[])
+FUNCTION st_askml(geography)
+FUNCTION st_askml(geography, integer)
+FUNCTION st_askml(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_askml(geometry, integer)
+FUNCTION st_askml(integer, geography)
+FUNCTION st_askml(integer, geography, integer)
+FUNCTION _st_askml(integer, geography, integer, text)
+FUNCTION st_askml(integer, geography, integer, text)
+FUNCTION st_askml(integer, geometry)
+FUNCTION _st_askml(integer, geometry, integer)
+FUNCTION st_askml(integer, geometry, integer)
+FUNCTION _st_askml(integer, geometry, integer, text)
+FUNCTION st_askml(integer, geometry, integer, text)
+FUNCTION st_askml(text)
+FUNCTION st_aslatlontext(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_aslatlontext(geometry, text)
+FUNCTION _st_aspect4ma(double precision[], text, text[])
+FUNCTION st_aspect(raster, integer, text)
+FUNCTION st_aspng(raster, integer, integer)
+FUNCTION st_aspng(raster, integer[], integer)
+FUNCTION st_aspng(raster, integer, text[])
+FUNCTION st_aspng(raster, integer[], text[])
+FUNCTION st_aspng(raster, text[])
+FUNCTION st_asraster(geometry, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, text, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, boolean)
+FUNCTION st_asraster(geometry, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, text[], double precision[], double precision[], double precision, double precision, boolean)
+FUNCTION _st_asraster(geometry, double precision, double precision, integer, integer, text[], double precision[], double precision[], double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, boolean)
+FUNCTION st_asraster(geometry, double precision, double precision, text, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, boolean)
+FUNCTION st_asraster(geometry, double precision, double precision, text[], double precision[], double precision[], double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, boolean)
+FUNCTION st_asraster(geometry, integer, integer, double precision, double precision, text, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, boolean)
+FUNCTION st_asraster(geometry, integer, integer, double precision, double precision, text[], double precision[], double precision[], double precision, double precision, boolean)
+FUNCTION st_asraster(geometry, integer, integer, text, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, boolean)
+FUNCTION st_asraster(geometry, integer, integer, text[], double precision[], double precision[], double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, boolean)
+FUNCTION st_asraster(geometry, raster, text, double precision, double precision, boolean)
+FUNCTION st_asraster(geometry, raster, text[], double precision[], double precision[], boolean)
+FUNCTION st_assvg(geography)
+FUNCTION st_assvg(geography, integer)
+FUNCTION st_assvg(geography, integer, integer)
+FUNCTION st_assvg(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_assvg(geometry, integer)
+FUNCTION st_assvg(geometry, integer, integer)
+FUNCTION st_assvg(text)
+FUNCTION st_astext(geography)
+FUNCTION st_astext(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_astext(text)
+FUNCTION st_astiff(raster, integer[], text, integer)
+FUNCTION st_astiff(raster, integer[], text[], integer)
+FUNCTION st_astiff(raster, text, integer)
+FUNCTION st_astiff(raster, text[], integer)
+FUNCTION st_asx3d(geometry, integer)
+FUNCTION _st_asx3d(integer, geometry, integer, integer, text)
+FUNCTION st_azimuth(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION st_bandisnodata(raster, boolean)
+FUNCTION st_bandisnodata(raster, integer, boolean)
+FUNCTION st_bandmetadata(raster, integer)
+FUNCTION st_bandmetadata(raster, integer[])
+FUNCTION st_bandnodatavalue(raster, integer)
+FUNCTION st_bandpath(raster, integer)
+FUNCTION st_bandpixeltype(raster, integer)
+FUNCTION st_band(raster, integer)
+FUNCTION st_band(raster, integer[])
+FUNCTION st_band(raster, text, character)
+FUNCTION st_bdmpolyfromtext(text, integer)
+FUNCTION st_bdpolyfromtext(text, integer)
+FUNCTION st_below(raster, raster)
+FUNCTION _st_bestsrid(geography)
+FUNCTION _st_bestsrid(geography, geography)
+FUNCTION st_boundary(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_box2d(box3d)
+FUNCTION st_box2d(box3d_extent)
+FUNCTION st_box2d_contain(box2d, box2d)
+FUNCTION st_box2d_contained(box2d, box2d)
+FUNCTION st_box2d(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_box2d_in(cstring)
+FUNCTION st_box2d_intersects(box2d, box2d)
+FUNCTION st_box2d_left(box2d, box2d)
+FUNCTION st_box2d_out(box2d)
+FUNCTION st_box2d_overlap(box2d, box2d)
+FUNCTION st_box2d_overleft(box2d, box2d)
+FUNCTION st_box2d_overright(box2d, box2d)
+FUNCTION st_box2d_right(box2d, box2d)
+FUNCTION st_box2d_same(box2d, box2d)
+FUNCTION st_box3d(box2d)
+FUNCTION st_box3d_extent(box3d_extent)
+FUNCTION st_box3d(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_box3d_in(cstring)
+FUNCTION st_box3d_out(box3d)
+FUNCTION st_box(box3d)
+FUNCTION st_box(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_buffer(geography, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_buffer(geometry, double precision)
+FUNCTION _st_buffer(geometry, double precision, cstring)
+FUNCTION st_buffer(geometry, double precision, integer)
+FUNCTION st_buffer(geometry, double precision, text)
+FUNCTION st_buffer(text, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_buildarea(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_build_histogram2d(histogram2d, text, text)
+FUNCTION st_build_histogram2d(histogram2d, text, text, text)
+FUNCTION st_bytea(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_bytea(raster)
+FUNCTION st_cache_bbox()
+FUNCTION st_centroid(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_changeedgegeom(character varying, integer, public.geometry)
+FUNCTION st_chip_in(cstring)
+FUNCTION st_chip_out(chip)
+FUNCTION st_cleangeometry(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_clip(raster, geometry, boolean)
+FUNCTION st_clip(raster, geometry, double precision, boolean)
+FUNCTION st_clip(raster, integer, geometry, boolean)
+FUNCTION st_clip(raster, integer, geometry, double precision, boolean)
+FUNCTION st_closestpoint(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION st_collect_garray(geometry[])
+FUNCTION st_collect(geometry[])
+FUNCTION st_collect(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION st_collectionextract(geometry, integer)
+FUNCTION st_collector(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION st_combine_bbox(box2d, geometry)
+FUNCTION st_combine_bbox(box3d_extent, geometry)
+FUNCTION st_combine_bbox(box3d, geometry)
+FUNCTION st_compression(chip)
+FUNCTION _st_concavehull(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_concavehull(geometry, double precision, boolean)
+FUNCTION _st_concvehull(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_contained(raster, raster)
+FUNCTION st_contain(raster, raster)
+FUNCTION _st_contains(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION st_contains(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION _st_containsproperly(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION st_containsproperly(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION st_convexhull(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_convexhull(raster)
+FUNCTION st_coorddim(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_count(raster, boolean)
+FUNCTION st_count(raster, integer, boolean)
+FUNCTION _st_count(raster, integer, boolean, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_count(text, text, boolean)
+FUNCTION st_count(text, text, integer, boolean)
+FUNCTION _st_count(text, text, integer, boolean, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_coveredby(geography, geography)
+FUNCTION _st_coveredby(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION st_coveredby(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION st_coveredby(text, text)
+FUNCTION _st_covers(geography, geography)
+FUNCTION st_covers(geography, geography)
+FUNCTION _st_covers(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION st_covers(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION st_covers(text, text)
+FUNCTION st_create_histogram2d(box2d, integer)
+FUNCTION st_createtopogeo(character varying, public.geometry)
+FUNCTION _st_crosses(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION st_crosses(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION st_curvetoline(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_curvetoline(geometry, integer)
+FUNCTION st_datatype(chip)
+FUNCTION _st_dfullywithin(geometry, geometry, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_dfullywithin(geometry, geometry, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_difference(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION st_dimension(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_disjoint(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION st_distance(geography, geography)
+FUNCTION st_distance(geography, geography, boolean)
+FUNCTION _st_distance(geography, geography, double precision, boolean)
+FUNCTION st_distance(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION st_distance_sphere(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION st_distance_spheroid(geometry, geometry, spheroid)
+FUNCTION st_distance(text, text)
+FUNCTION st_dropbbox(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_dumpaspolygons(raster, integer)
+FUNCTION _st_dumpaswktpolygons(raster, integer)
+FUNCTION st_dump(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_dumppoints(geometry)
+FUNCTION _st_dumppoints(geometry, integer[])
+FUNCTION st_dumprings(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_dwithin(geography, geography, double precision)
+FUNCTION _st_dwithin(geography, geography, double precision, boolean)
+FUNCTION st_dwithin(geography, geography, double precision, boolean)
+FUNCTION _st_dwithin(geometry, geometry, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_dwithin(geometry, geometry, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_dwithin(text, text, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_endpoint(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_envelope(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_envelope(raster)
+FUNCTION _st_equals(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION st_equals(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION st_estimated_extent(text, text)
+FUNCTION st_estimated_extent(text, text, text)
+FUNCTION st_estimate_histogram2d(histogram2d, box2d)
+FUNCTION st_expand(box2d, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_expand(box3d, double precision)
+FUNCTION _st_expand(geography, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_expand(geometry, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_explode_histogram2d(histogram2d, text)
+FUNCTION st_exteriorring(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_factor(chip)
+FUNCTION st_find_extent(text, text)
+FUNCTION st_find_extent(text, text, text)
+FUNCTION st_flipcoordinates(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_force_2d(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_force_3d(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_force_3dm(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_force_3dz(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_force_4d(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_force_collection(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_forcerhr(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_gdaldrivers()
+FUNCTION st_geogfromtext(text)
+FUNCTION st_geogfromwkb(bytea)
+FUNCTION st_geographyfromtext(text)
+FUNCTION st_geohash(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_geohash(geometry, integer)
+FUNCTION st_geom_accum(geometry[], geometry)
+FUNCTION st_geomcollfromtext(text)
+FUNCTION st_geomcollfromtext(text, integer)
+FUNCTION st_geomcollfromwkb(bytea)
+FUNCTION st_geomcollfromwkb(bytea, integer)
+FUNCTION st_geometry_above(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION st_geometry_analyze(internal)
+FUNCTION st_geometry_below(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION st_geometry(box2d)
+FUNCTION st_geometry(box3d)
+FUNCTION st_geometry(box3d_extent)
+FUNCTION st_geometry(bytea)
+FUNCTION st_geometry(chip)
+FUNCTION st_geometry_cmp(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION st_geometry_contained(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION st_geometry_contain(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION st_geometry_eq(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION st_geometryfromtext(text)
+FUNCTION st_geometryfromtext(text, integer)
+FUNCTION st_geometry_ge(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION st_geometry_gt(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION st_geometry_in(cstring)
+FUNCTION st_geometry_left(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION st_geometry_le(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION st_geometry_lt(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION st_geometryn(geometry, integer)
+FUNCTION st_geometry_out(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_geometry_overabove(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION st_geometry_overbelow(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION st_geometry_overlap(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION st_geometry_overleft(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION st_geometry_overright(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION st_geometry_recv(internal)
+FUNCTION st_geometry_right(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION st_geometry_same(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION st_geometry_send(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_geometry(text)
+FUNCTION st_geometrytype(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_geometrytype(topogeometry)
+FUNCTION st_geomfromewkb(bytea)
+FUNCTION st_geomfromewkt(text)
+FUNCTION st_geomfromgeojson(text)
+FUNCTION st_geomfromgml(text)
+FUNCTION _st_geomfromgml(text, integer)
+FUNCTION st_geomfromgml(text, integer)
+FUNCTION st_geomfromkml(text)
+FUNCTION st_geomfromtext(text)
+FUNCTION st_geomfromtext(text, integer)
+FUNCTION st_geomfromwkb(bytea)
+FUNCTION st_geomfromwkb(bytea, integer)
+FUNCTION st_georeference(raster, text)
+FUNCTION st_getfaceedges(character varying, integer)
+FUNCTION st_getfacegeometry(character varying, integer)
+FUNCTION st_gmltosql(text)
+FUNCTION st_gmltosql(text, integer)
+FUNCTION st_hasarc(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_hasbbox(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_hasnoband(raster, integer)
+FUNCTION st_hausdorffdistance(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION st_hausdorffdistance(geometry, geometry, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_height(chip)
+FUNCTION st_height(raster)
+FUNCTION _st_hillshade4ma(double precision[], text, text[])
+FUNCTION st_hillshade(raster, integer, text, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_histogram2d_in(cstring)
+FUNCTION st_histogram2d_out(histogram2d)
+FUNCTION _st_histogram(raster, integer, boolean, double precision, integer, double precision[], boolean, double precision, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_histogram(raster, integer, boolean, integer, boolean)
+FUNCTION st_histogram(raster, integer, boolean, integer, double precision[], boolean)
+FUNCTION st_histogram(raster, integer, integer, boolean)
+FUNCTION st_histogram(raster, integer, integer, double precision[], boolean)
+FUNCTION _st_histogram(text, text, integer, boolean, double precision, integer, double precision[], boolean)
+FUNCTION st_histogram(text, text, integer, boolean, integer, boolean)
+FUNCTION st_histogram(text, text, integer, boolean, integer, double precision[], boolean)
+FUNCTION st_histogram(text, text, integer, integer, boolean)
+FUNCTION st_histogram(text, text, integer, integer, double precision[], boolean)
+FUNCTION st_inittopogeo(character varying)
+FUNCTION st_interiorringn(geometry, integer)
+FUNCTION st_intersection(geography, geography)
+FUNCTION st_intersection(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION st_intersection(geometry, raster, integer)
+FUNCTION st_intersection(raster, geometry)
+FUNCTION st_intersection(raster, integer, geometry)
+FUNCTION st_intersection(text, text)
+FUNCTION st_intersects(geography, geography)
+FUNCTION _st_intersects(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION st_intersects(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION _st_intersects(geometry, raster, integer)
+FUNCTION st_intersects(geometry, raster, integer)
+FUNCTION _st_intersects(geometry, raster, integer, boolean)
+FUNCTION _st_intersects(raster, geometry, integer)
+FUNCTION st_intersects(raster, geometry, integer)
+FUNCTION st_intersects(raster, integer, geometry)
+FUNCTION _st_intersects(raster, integer, raster, integer)
+FUNCTION st_intersects(raster, integer, raster, integer)
+FUNCTION st_intersects(raster, raster)
+FUNCTION st_intersects(text, text)
+FUNCTION st_isclosed(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_iscollection(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_isempty(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_isempty(raster)
+FUNCTION st_isring(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_issimple(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_isvaliddetail(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_isvaliddetail(geometry, integer)
+FUNCTION st_isvalid(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_isvalid(geometry, integer)
+FUNCTION st_isvalidreason(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_isvalidreason(geometry, integer)
+FUNCTION st_left(raster, raster)
+FUNCTION st_length2d(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_length2d_spheroid(geometry, spheroid)
+FUNCTION st_length(geography, boolean)
+FUNCTION st_length(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_length_spheroid(geometry, spheroid)
+FUNCTION st_length(text)
+FUNCTION _st_linecrossingdirection(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION st_linecrossingdirection(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION st_linefrommultipoint(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_linefromtext(text)
+FUNCTION st_linefromtext(text, integer)
+FUNCTION st_linefromwkb(bytea)
+FUNCTION st_linefromwkb(bytea, integer)
+FUNCTION st_line_interpolate_point(geometry, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_line_locate_point(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION st_linemerge(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_linestringfromwkb(bytea)
+FUNCTION st_linestringfromwkb(bytea, integer)
+FUNCTION st_line_substring(geometry, double precision, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_linetocurve(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_locate_along_measure(geometry, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_locatebetweenelevations(geometry, double precision, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_locate_between_measures(geometry, double precision, double precision)
+FUNCTION _st_longestline(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION st_longestline(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION st_makebox2d(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION st_makeemptyraster(integer, integer, double precision, double precision, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_makeemptyraster(integer, integer, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, integer)
+FUNCTION st_makeemptyraster(raster)
+FUNCTION st_makeenvelope(double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_makeenvelope(double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, integer)
+FUNCTION st_makeline_garray(geometry[])
+FUNCTION st_makeline(geometry[])
+FUNCTION st_makeline(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION st_makepoint(double precision, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_makepoint(double precision, double precision, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_makepoint(double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_makepointm(double precision, double precision, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_makepolygon(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_makepolygon(geometry, geometry[])
+FUNCTION st_makevalid(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_mapalgebraexpr(raster, integer, raster, integer, text, text, text, text, text, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_mapalgebraexpr(raster, integer, text, text, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_mapalgebraexpr(raster, raster, text, text, text, text, text, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_mapalgebraexpr(raster, text, text, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_mapalgebrafctngb(raster, integer, text, integer, integer, regprocedure, text, text[])
+FUNCTION st_mapalgebrafct(raster, integer, raster, integer, regprocedure, text, text, text[])
+FUNCTION st_mapalgebrafct(raster, integer, regprocedure)
+FUNCTION st_mapalgebrafct(raster, integer, regprocedure, text[])
+FUNCTION st_mapalgebrafct(raster, integer, text, regprocedure)
+FUNCTION st_mapalgebrafct(raster, integer, text, regprocedure, text[])
+FUNCTION st_mapalgebrafct(raster, raster, regprocedure, text, text, text[])
+FUNCTION st_mapalgebrafct(raster, regprocedure)
+FUNCTION st_mapalgebrafct(raster, regprocedure, text[])
+FUNCTION st_mapalgebrafct(raster, text, regprocedure)
+FUNCTION st_mapalgebrafct(raster, text, regprocedure, text[])
+FUNCTION st_mapalgebra(raster, integer, text, text, text)
+FUNCTION st_max4ma(double precision[], text, text[])
+FUNCTION _st_maxdistance(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION st_max_distance(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION st_maxdistance(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION st_mean4ma(double precision[], text, text[])
+FUNCTION st_mem_size(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_metadata(raster)
+FUNCTION st_m(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_min4ma(double precision[], text, text[])
+FUNCTION st_minimumboundingcircle(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_minimumboundingcircle(geometry, integer)
+FUNCTION st_minpossibleval(text)
+FUNCTION st_mlinefromtext(text)
+FUNCTION st_mlinefromtext(text, integer)
+FUNCTION st_mlinefromwkb(bytea)
+FUNCTION st_mlinefromwkb(bytea, integer)
+FUNCTION st_modedgeheal(character varying, integer, integer)
+FUNCTION st_modedgesplit(character varying, integer, public.geometry)
+FUNCTION st_moveisonode(character varying, integer, public.geometry)
+FUNCTION st_mpointfromtext(text)
+FUNCTION st_mpointfromtext(text, integer)
+FUNCTION st_mpointfromwkb(bytea)
+FUNCTION st_mpointfromwkb(bytea, integer)
+FUNCTION st_mpolyfromtext(text)
+FUNCTION st_mpolyfromtext(text, integer)
+FUNCTION st_mpolyfromwkb(bytea)
+FUNCTION st_mpolyfromwkb(bytea, integer)
+FUNCTION st_multi(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_multilinefromwkb(bytea)
+FUNCTION st_multilinestringfromtext(text)
+FUNCTION st_multilinestringfromtext(text, integer)
+FUNCTION st_multipointfromtext(text)
+FUNCTION st_multipointfromwkb(bytea)
+FUNCTION st_multipointfromwkb(bytea, integer)
+FUNCTION st_multipolyfromwkb(bytea)
+FUNCTION st_multipolyfromwkb(bytea, integer)
+FUNCTION st_multipolygonfromtext(text)
+FUNCTION st_multipolygonfromtext(text, integer)
+FUNCTION st_ndims(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_newedgeheal(character varying, integer, integer)
+FUNCTION st_newedgessplit(character varying, integer, public.geometry)
+FUNCTION st_node(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_noop(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_npoints(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_nrings(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_numbands(raster)
+FUNCTION st_numgeometries(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_numinteriorring(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_numinteriorrings(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_numpatches(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_numpoints(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_offsetcurve(geometry, double precision, text)
+FUNCTION _st_orderingequals(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION st_orderingequals(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION st_overabove(raster, raster)
+FUNCTION st_overbelow(raster, raster)
+FUNCTION st_overlap(raster, raster)
+FUNCTION _st_overlaps(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION st_overlaps(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION st_overleft(raster, raster)
+FUNCTION st_overright(raster, raster)
+FUNCTION st_patchn(geometry, integer)
+FUNCTION st_perimeter2d(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_perimeter(geography, boolean)
+FUNCTION st_perimeter(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_pixelaspolygon(raster, integer, integer)
+FUNCTION st_pixelaspolygon(raster, integer, integer, integer)
+FUNCTION st_pixelaspolygons(raster, integer)
+FUNCTION st_pixelheight(raster)
+FUNCTION st_pixelwidth(raster)
+FUNCTION st_point(double precision, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_pointfromtext(text)
+FUNCTION st_pointfromtext(text, integer)
+FUNCTION st_pointfromwkb(bytea)
+FUNCTION st_pointfromwkb(bytea, integer)
+FUNCTION st_point_inside_circle(geometry, double precision, double precision, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_pointn(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_pointn(geometry, integer)
+FUNCTION st_pointonsurface(geometry)
+FUNCTION _st_pointoutside(geography)
+FUNCTION st_polyfromtext(text)
+FUNCTION st_polyfromtext(text, integer)
+FUNCTION st_polyfromwkb(bytea)
+FUNCTION st_polyfromwkb(bytea, integer)
+FUNCTION st_polygonfromtext(text)
+FUNCTION st_polygonfromtext(text, integer)
+FUNCTION st_polygonfromwkb(bytea)
+FUNCTION st_polygonfromwkb(bytea, integer)
+FUNCTION st_polygon(geometry, integer)
+FUNCTION st_polygonize_garray(geometry[])
+FUNCTION st_polygonize(geometry[])
+FUNCTION st_polygon(raster, integer)
+FUNCTION st_postgis_gist_joinsel(internal, oid, internal, smallint)
+FUNCTION st_postgis_gist_sel(internal, oid, internal, integer)
+FUNCTION st_quantile(raster, boolean, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_quantile(raster, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_quantile(raster, double precision[])
+FUNCTION st_quantile(raster, integer, boolean, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_quantile(raster, integer, boolean, double precision[])
+FUNCTION _st_quantile(raster, integer, boolean, double precision, double precision[])
+FUNCTION st_quantile(raster, integer, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_quantile(raster, integer, double precision[])
+FUNCTION st_quantile(text, text, boolean, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_quantile(text, text, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_quantile(text, text, double precision[])
+FUNCTION st_quantile(text, text, integer, boolean, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_quantile(text, text, integer, boolean, double precision[])
+FUNCTION _st_quantile(text, text, integer, boolean, double precision, double precision[])
+FUNCTION st_quantile(text, text, integer, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_quantile(text, text, integer, double precision[])
+FUNCTION st_range4ma(double precision[], text, text[])
+FUNCTION st_raster2worldcoordx(raster, integer)
+FUNCTION st_raster2worldcoordx(raster, integer, integer)
+FUNCTION st_raster2worldcoordy(raster, integer)
+FUNCTION st_raster2worldcoordy(raster, integer, integer)
+FUNCTION st_reclass(raster, integer, text, text, double precision)
+FUNCTION _st_reclass(raster, reclassarg[])
+FUNCTION st_reclass(raster, reclassarg[])
+FUNCTION st_reclass(raster, text, text)
+FUNCTION st_relate(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION st_relate(geometry, geometry, integer)
+FUNCTION st_relate(geometry, geometry, text)
+FUNCTION st_relatematch(text, text)
+FUNCTION st_remedgemodface(character varying, integer)
+FUNCTION st_remedgenewface(character varying, integer)
+FUNCTION st_remisonode(character varying, integer)
+FUNCTION st_removeisoedge(character varying, integer)
+FUNCTION st_removeisonode(character varying, integer)
+FUNCTION st_removepoint(geometry, integer)
+FUNCTION st_removerepeatedpoints(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_resample(raster, integer, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, text, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_resample(raster, integer, integer, integer, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, text, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_resample(raster, raster, boolean, text, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_resample(raster, raster, text, double precision, boolean)
+FUNCTION _st_resample(raster, text, double precision, integer, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision)
+FUNCTION _st_resample(raster, text, double precision, integer, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, integer, integer)
+FUNCTION st_rescale(raster, double precision, double precision, text, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_rescale(raster, double precision, text, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_reskew(raster, double precision, double precision, text, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_reskew(raster, double precision, text, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_reverse(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_right(raster, raster)
+FUNCTION st_rotate(geometry, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_rotatex(geometry, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_rotatey(geometry, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_rotatez(geometry, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_rotation(raster)
+FUNCTION st_samealignment(double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_samealignment(raster, raster)
+FUNCTION st_same(raster, raster)
+FUNCTION st_scale(geometry, double precision, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_scale(geometry, double precision, double precision, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_scalex(raster)
+FUNCTION st_scaley(raster)
+FUNCTION st_segmentize(geometry, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_setbandisnodata(raster, integer)
+FUNCTION st_setbandnodatavalue(raster, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_setbandnodatavalue(raster, integer, double precision, boolean)
+FUNCTION st_setfactor(chip, real)
+FUNCTION st_setgeoreference(raster, text, text)
+FUNCTION st_setpoint(geometry, integer, geometry)
+FUNCTION st_setrotation(raster, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_setscale(raster, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_setscale(raster, double precision, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_setskew(raster, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_setskew(raster, double precision, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_setsrid(geometry, integer)
+FUNCTION st_setsrid(raster, integer)
+FUNCTION st_setupperleft(raster, double precision, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_setvalue(raster, geometry, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_setvalue(raster, integer, geometry, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_setvalue(raster, integer, integer, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_setvalue(raster, integer, integer, integer, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_sharedpaths(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION st_shift_longitude(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_shortestline(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION st_simplify(geometry, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_simplifypreservetopology(geometry, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_skewx(raster)
+FUNCTION st_skewy(raster)
+FUNCTION _st_slope4ma(double precision[], text, text[])
+FUNCTION st_slope(raster, integer, text)
+FUNCTION st_snap(geometry, geometry, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_snaptogrid(geometry, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_snaptogrid(geometry, double precision, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_snaptogrid(geometry, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_snaptogrid(geometry, geometry, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_snaptogrid(raster, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, text, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_snaptogrid(raster, double precision, double precision, double precision, text, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_snaptogrid(raster, double precision, double precision, text, double precision, double precision, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_spheroid_in(cstring)
+FUNCTION st_spheroid_out(spheroid)
+FUNCTION st_split(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION st_srid(chip)
+FUNCTION st_srid(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_srid(raster)
+FUNCTION st_startpoint(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_sum4ma(double precision[], text, text[])
+FUNCTION st_summary(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_summarystats(raster, boolean)
+FUNCTION st_summarystats(raster, integer, boolean)
+FUNCTION _st_summarystats(raster, integer, boolean, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_summarystats(text, text, boolean)
+FUNCTION st_summarystats(text, text, integer, boolean)
+FUNCTION _st_summarystats(text, text, integer, boolean, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_symdifference(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION st_symmetricdifference(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION st_text(boolean)
+FUNCTION st_text(geometry)
+FUNCTION _st_touches(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION st_touches(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION st_transform(geometry, integer)
+FUNCTION st_transform(raster, integer, double precision, double precision, text, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_transform(raster, integer, double precision, text, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_transform(raster, integer, text, double precision, double precision, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_translate(geometry, double precision, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_translate(geometry, double precision, double precision, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_transscale(geometry, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_unaryunion(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_union(geometry[])
+FUNCTION st_union(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION st_unite_garray(geometry[])
+FUNCTION st_upperleftx(raster)
+FUNCTION st_upperlefty(raster)
+FUNCTION st_valuecount(raster, double precision, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_valuecount(raster, double precision[], double precision)
+FUNCTION _st_valuecount(raster, integer, boolean, double precision[], double precision)
+FUNCTION st_valuecount(raster, integer, boolean, double precision, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_valuecount(raster, integer, boolean, double precision[], double precision)
+FUNCTION st_valuecount(raster, integer, double precision, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_valuecount(raster, integer, double precision[], double precision)
+FUNCTION st_valuecount(text, text, double precision, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_valuecount(text, text, double precision[], double precision)
+FUNCTION _st_valuecount(text, text, integer, boolean, double precision[], double precision)
+FUNCTION st_valuecount(text, text, integer, boolean, double precision, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_valuecount(text, text, integer, boolean, double precision[], double precision)
+FUNCTION st_valuecount(text, text, integer, double precision, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_valuecount(text, text, integer, double precision[], double precision)
+FUNCTION st_valuepercent(raster, double precision, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_valuepercent(raster, double precision[], double precision)
+FUNCTION st_valuepercent(raster, integer, boolean, double precision, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_valuepercent(raster, integer, boolean, double precision[], double precision)
+FUNCTION st_valuepercent(raster, integer, double precision, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_valuepercent(raster, integer, double precision[], double precision)
+FUNCTION st_valuepercent(text, text, double precision, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_valuepercent(text, text, double precision[], double precision)
+FUNCTION st_valuepercent(text, text, integer, boolean, double precision, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_valuepercent(text, text, integer, boolean, double precision[], double precision)
+FUNCTION st_valuepercent(text, text, integer, double precision, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_valuepercent(text, text, integer, double precision[], double precision)
+FUNCTION st_value(raster, geometry, boolean)
+FUNCTION st_value(raster, integer, geometry, boolean)
+FUNCTION st_value(raster, integer, integer, boolean)
+FUNCTION st_value(raster, integer, integer, integer, boolean)
+FUNCTION st_width(chip)
+FUNCTION st_width(raster)
+FUNCTION _st_within(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION st_within(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION st_wkbtosql(bytea)
+FUNCTION st_wkttosql(text)
+FUNCTION st_world2rastercoordx(raster, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_world2rastercoordx(raster, double precision, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_world2rastercoordx(raster, geometry)
+FUNCTION st_world2rastercoordy(raster, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_world2rastercoordy(raster, double precision, double precision)
+FUNCTION st_world2rastercoordy(raster, geometry)
+FUNCTION st_x(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_xmax(box3d)
+FUNCTION st_xmin(box3d)
+FUNCTION st_y(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_ymax(box3d)
+FUNCTION st_ymin(box3d)
+FUNCTION st_z(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_zmax(box3d)
+FUNCTION st_zmflag(geometry)
+FUNCTION st_zmin(box3d)
+FUNCTION summary(geometry)
+FUNCTION symdifference(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION symmetricdifference(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION text(boolean)
+FUNCTION text(geometry)
+FUNCTION topoelementarray_append(topoelementarray, topoelement)
+FUNCTION topogeo_addlinestring(character varying, public.geometry)
+FUNCTION topogeo_addpoint(character varying, public.geometry, integer, integer)
+FUNCTION topogeo_addpolygon(character varying, public.geometry)
+FUNCTION topologysummary(character varying)
+FUNCTION touches(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION transform_geometry(geometry, text, text, integer)
+FUNCTION transform(geometry, integer)
+FUNCTION translate(geometry, double precision, double precision)
+FUNCTION translate(geometry, double precision, double precision, double precision)
+FUNCTION transscale(geometry, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision)
+FUNCTION unite_garray(geometry[])
+FUNCTION unlockrows(text)
+FUNCTION updategeometrysrid(character varying, character varying, character varying, character varying, integer)
+FUNCTION updategeometrysrid(character varying, character varying, character varying, integer)
+FUNCTION updategeometrysrid(character varying, character varying, integer)
+FUNCTION update_geometry_stats()
+FUNCTION update_geometry_stats(character varying, character varying)
+FUNCTION validatetopology(character varying)
+FUNCTION width(chip)
+FUNCTION within(geometry, geometry)
+FUNCTION x(geometry)
+FUNCTION xmax(box3d)
+FUNCTION xmin(box3d)
+FUNCTION y(geometry)
+FUNCTION ymax(box3d)
+FUNCTION ymin(box3d)
+FUNCTION z(geometry)
+FUNCTION zmax(box3d)
+FUNCTION zmflag(geometry)
+FUNCTION zmin(box3d)
+OPERATOR CLASS btree_geography_ops
+OPERATOR CLASS btree_geometry_ops
+OPERATOR CLASS gist_geography_ops
+OPERATOR CLASS gist_geometry_ops
+OPERATOR CLASS gist_geometry_ops_2d
+OPERATOR CLASS gist_geometry_ops_nd
+OPERATOR ~=(geography, geography)
+OPERATOR ~(geography, geography)
+OPERATOR <<|(geography, geography)
+OPERATOR <<(geography, geography)
+OPERATOR <=(geography, geography)
+OPERATOR <(geography, geography)
+OPERATOR =(geography, geography)
+OPERATOR >=(geography, geography)
+OPERATOR >>(geography, geography)
+OPERATOR >(geography, geography)
+OPERATOR |>>(geography, geography)
+OPERATOR |&>(geography, geography)
+OPERATOR @(geography, geography)
+OPERATOR &<|(geography, geography)
+OPERATOR &<(geography, geography)
+OPERATOR &>(geography, geography)
+OPERATOR &&(geography, geography)
+OPERATOR &&&(geography, geography)
+OPERATOR ~=(geometry, geometry)
+OPERATOR ~(geometry, geometry)
+OPERATOR <<|(geometry, geometry)
+OPERATOR <<(geometry, geometry)
+OPERATOR <=(geometry, geometry)
+OPERATOR <(geometry, geometry)
+OPERATOR =(geometry, geometry)
+OPERATOR >=(geometry, geometry)
+OPERATOR >>(geometry, geometry)
+OPERATOR >(geometry, geometry)
+OPERATOR |>>(geometry, geometry)
+OPERATOR |&>(geometry, geometry)
+OPERATOR @(geometry, geometry)
+OPERATOR &<|(geometry, geometry)
+OPERATOR &<(geometry, geometry)
+OPERATOR &>(geometry, geometry)
+OPERATOR &&(geometry, geometry)
+OPERATOR &&&(geometry, geometry)
+OPERATOR ~=(raster,raster)
+OPERATOR ~(raster,raster)
+OPERATOR <<|(raster,raster)
+OPERATOR <<(raster,raster)
+OPERATOR >>(raster,raster)
+OPERATOR |>>(raster,raster)
+OPERATOR |&>(raster,raster)
+OPERATOR @(raster,raster)
+OPERATOR &<|(raster,raster)
+OPERATOR &<(raster,raster)
+OPERATOR &>(raster,raster)
+OPERATOR &&(raster,raster)
+SHELLTYPE box3d_extent
+SHELLTYPE geography
+SHELLTYPE geometry
+SHELLTYPE pgis_abs
+SHELLTYPE spheroid
+TABLE geography_columns
+TABLE geometry_columns
+TABLE raster_columns
+TABLE raster_overviews
+TABLE spatial_ref_sys
+TABLE DATA geography_columns
+TABLE DATA geometry_columns
+TABLE DATA raster_columns
+TABLE DATA raster_overviews
+TABLE DATA spatial_ref_sys
+TYPE box2d
+TYPE box2df
+TYPE box3d
+TYPE box3d_extent
+TYPE chip
+TYPE geography
+TYPE geometry
+TYPE geometry_dump
+TYPE geomval
+TYPE getfaceedges_returntype
+TYPE gidx
+TYPE histogram
+TYPE histogram2d
+TYPE pgis_abs
+TYPE quantile
+TYPE raster
+TYPE rastexpr
+TYPE reclassarg
+TYPE spheroid
+TYPE summarystats
+TYPE topogeometry
+TYPE validatetopology_returntype
+TYPE valid_detail
+TYPE valuecount
+TYPE wktgeomval
+VIEW geometry_columns
+VIEW geography_columns
+VIEW raster_columns
+VIEW raster_overviews