When the frame size is not multiples of mv search bsize,
the fractional part will increment the mv rows/cols by 1
Change-Id: I4333a207406610c540059a9356a82084832ca85b
from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection
from matplotlib import colors as mcolors
import numpy as np
+import math
def draw_mv_ls(axis, mv_ls, mode=0):
bs = int(word_ls[7])
mi_size = bs / 8
mv_ls = []
- for i in range((mi_rows / mi_size) * (mi_cols / mi_size)):
+ mv_rows = int((math.ceil(mi_rows * 1. / mi_size)))
+ mv_cols = int((math.ceil(mi_cols * 1. / mi_size)))
+ for i in range(mv_rows * mv_cols):
line = fp.readline()
word_ls = line.split()
row = int(word_ls[0]) * 8.