used commands.
What extended commands are available depends on what features the game was
compiled with.
-.lp #adjust
+.\" Pad short entries out to 1+8 characters. This will make sure that
+.\" the text description starts on its own line like long named entries
+.\" instead of sometimes being on the same line for short name ones.
+.\" The document will be longer, but mixing the two is harder to read.
+.\" (For plain text output, the old 1+4 was sufficient. For Postscript,
+.\" several need at least 1+7 due to narrow letters or ligatures.)
+.lp "#adjust "
Adjust inventory letters (most useful when the
.op fixinv
option is \(lqon\(rq).
Default key is \(oqM-A\(cq, and also \(oq\(haN\(cq if
.op number_pad
is on.
-.lp #apply
+.lp "#apply "
Apply (use) a tool such as a pick-axe, a key, or a lamp.
Default key is \(oqa\(cq.
.lp ""
.op autopickup
option on/off.
Default key is \(oq@\(cq.
-.lp #call
+.lp "#call "
Call (name) a monster, or an object in inventory, on the floor,
or in the discoveries list, or add an annotation for the
current level (same as \(lq#annotate\(rq).
Default key is \(oqC\(cq.
-.lp #cast
+.lp "#cast "
Cast a spell.
Default key is \(oqZ\(cq.
-.lp #chat
+.lp "#chat "
Talk to someone.
Default key is \(oqM-c\)cq.
-.lp #close
+.lp "#close "
Close a door.
Default key is \(oqc\(cq.
-.lp #conduct
+.lp "#conduct "
List voluntary challenges you have maintained.
Default key is \(oqM-C\(cq.
.lp ""
See the section below entitled \(lqConduct\(rq for details.
-.lp "#dip "
+.lp "#dip "
Dip an object into something.
Default key is \(oqM-d\(cq.
-.lp #down
+.lp "#down "
Go down a staircase.
Default key is \(oq>\(cq.
-.lp #drop
+.lp "#drop "
Drop an item.
Default key is \(oqd\(cq.
.lp #droptype
Drop specific item types.
Default key is \(oqD\(cq.
-.lp "#eat "
+.lp "#eat "
Eat something.
Default key is \(oqe\(cq.
The \(oqm\(cq prefix skips eating items on the floor.
-.lp #engrave
+.lp "#engrave "
Engrave writing on the floor.
Default key is \(oqE\(cq.
-.lp #enhance
+.lp "#enhance "
Advance or check weapon and spell skills.
Default key is \(oqM-e\(cq.
.lp #exploremode
Enter the explore mode.
-.lp #fire
+.lp "#fire "
Fire ammunition from quiver.
Default key is \(oqf\(cq.
-.lp #force
+.lp "#force "
Force a lock.
Default key is \(oqM-f\(cq.
-.lp #glance
+.lp "#glance "
Show what type of thing a map symbol corresponds to.
Default key is \(oq;\(cq.
-.lp #help
+.lp "#help "
Show the help menu.
Default key is \(oq?\(cq, and also \(oqh\(cq if
.op number_pad
is on.
.lp #herecmdmenu
Show a menu of possible actions in your current location.
-.lp #history
+.lp "#history "
Show long version and game history.
Default key is \(oqV\(cq.
.lp #inventory
.lp #inventtype
Inventory specific item types.
Default key is \(oqI\(cq.
-.lp #invoke
+.lp "#invoke "
Invoke an object's special powers.
Default key is \(oqM-i\(cq.
-.lp #jump
+.lp "#jump "
Jump to another location.
Default key is \(oqM-j\(cq, and also \(oqj\(cq if
.op number_pad
is on.
-.lp #kick
+.lp "#kick "
Kick something.
Default key is \(oq\(haD\(cq, and \(oqk\(cq if
.op number_pad
is on.
-.lp #known
+.lp "#known "
Show what object types have been discovered.
Default key is \(oq\\\(cq.
.lp #knownclass
Show mobile light sources.
Debug mode only.
-.lp #look
+.lp "#look "
Look at what is here, under you.
Default key is \(oq:\(cq.
-.lp #loot
+.lp "#loot "
Loot a box or bag on the floor beneath you, or the saddle
from a steed standing next to you.
Default key is \(oqM-l\(cq, and also \(oql\(cq if
.op number_pad
is on.
-.lp #monster
+.lp "#monster "
Use a monster's special ability (when polymorphed into monster form).
Default key is \(oqM-m\(cq.
-.lp #name
+.lp "#name "
Name a monster, an individual object, or a type of object.
Same as \(lq#call\(rq.
Default keys are \(oqN\(cq, \(oqM-n\(cq, and \(oqM-N\(cq.
-.\".lp #offer \" `ff' ligature is narrow enough that text fits on same line
-.\" \" as #offer but that looks bad because it is too close to 'r'
-.lp "#offer "
+.lp "#offer " \" `ff' ligature is narrow
Offer a sacrifice to the gods.
Default key is \(oqM-o\(cq.
Corpses of recently killed monsters are the fodder of choice.
.lp ""
The \(oqm\(cq prefix skips offering any items which are on the altar.
-.\".lp #open \" there's no ligature here, but text ends up too close to #open
-.lp "#open "
+.lp "#open "
Open a door.
Default key is \(oqo\(cq.
-.lp #options
+.lp "#options "
Show and change option settings.
Default key is \(oqO\(cq.
.lp #overview
Default keys are \(oq\(haO\(cq, and \(oqM-O\(cq.
-.lp #panic
+.lp "#panic "
Test the panic routine.
Terminates the current game.
Debug mode only.
-.lp "#pay "
+.lp "#pay "
Pay your shopping bill.
Default key is \(oqp\(cq.
-.lp #pickup
+.lp "#pickup "
Pick up things at the current location.
Default key is \(oq,\(cq.
The \(oqm\(cq prefix forces use of a menu.
Polymorph self.
Debug mode only.
-.lp #pray
+.lp "#pray "
Pray to the gods for help.
Default key is \(oqM-p\(cq.
It is enabled by default, and you can reset the
.op paranoid_confirmation
option to disable it.
-.lp #prevmsg
+.lp "#prevmsg "
Show previously displayed game messages.
Default key is \(oq\(haP\(cq.
-.lp #puton
+.lp "#puton "
Put on an accessory (ring, amulet, etc).
Default key is \(oqP\(cq.
-.lp #quaff
+.lp "#quaff "
Quaff (drink) something.
Default key is \(oqq\(cq.
-.lp #quit
+.lp "#quit "
Quit the program without saving your game.
Default key is \(oqM-q\(cq.
You can set the
.op paranoid_confirmation
option to require a response of \(lqyes\(rq instead.
-.lp #quiver
+.lp "#quiver "
Select ammunition for quiver.
Default key is \(oqQ\(cq.
-.lp #read
+.lp "#read "
Read a scroll, a spellbook, or something else.
Default key is \(oqr\(cq.
-.lp #redraw
+.lp "#redraw "
Redraw the screen.
Default key is \(oq\(haR\(cq, and also \(oq\(haL\(cq if
.op number_pad
is on.
-.lp #remove
+.lp "#remove "
Remove an accessory (ring, amulet, etc).
Default key is \(oqR\(cq.
-.lp #ride
+.lp "#ride "
Ride (or stop riding) a saddled creature.
Default key is \(oqM-R\(cq.
-.lp "#rub "
+.lp "#rub "
Rub a lamp or a stone.
Default key is \(oqM-r\(cq.
-.lp #save
+.lp "#save "
Save the game and exit the program.
Default key is \(oqS\(cq.
-.lp #search
+.lp "#search "
Search for traps and secret doors around you.
Default key is \(oqs\(cq.
-.lp #seeall
+.lp "#seeall "
Show all equipment in use.
Default key is \(oq*\(cq.
.lp #seeamulet
.lp #seearmor
Show the armor currently worn.
Default key is \(oq[\(cq.
-.lp #seegold
+.lp "#seegold "
Count your gold.
Default key is \(oq$\(cq.
-.lp #seenv
+.lp "#seenv "
Show seen vectors.
Debug mode only.
.lp #seetools
Show the tools currently in use.
Default key is \(oq(\(cq.
-.lp #seetrap
+.lp "#seetrap "
Show the type of an adjacent trap.
Default key is \(oq\(ha\(cq. \" 'hat' (circumflex character)
.lp #seeweapon
Show the weapon currently wielded.
Default key is \(oq)\(cq.
-.lp #shell
+.lp "#shell "
Do a shell escape.
Default key is \(oq!\(cq.
-.lp "#sit "
+.lp "#sit "
Sit down.
Default key is \(oqM-s\(cq.
-.lp #stats
+.lp "#stats "
Show memory usage statistics.
Debug mode only.
-.lp #suspend
+.lp "#suspend "
Suspend the game.
Default key is \(oq\(haZ\(cq.
-.lp #swap
+.lp "#swap "
Swap wielded and secondary weapons.
Default key is \(oqx\(cq.
-.lp #takeoff
+.lp "#takeoff "
Take off one piece of armor.
Default key is \(oqT\(cq.
.lp #takeoffall
.lp #teleport
Teleport around the level.
Default key is \(oq\(haT\(cq.
-.lp #terrain
+.lp "#terrain "
Show bare map without displaying monsters, objects, or traps.
.lp #therecmdmenu
Show a menu of possible actions in a location next to you.
-.lp #throw
+.lp "#throw "
Throw something.
Default key is \(oqt\(cq.
-.lp #timeout
+.lp "#timeout "
Look at the timeout queue.
Debug mode only.
-.lp "#tip "
+.lp "#tip "
Tip over a container (bag or box) to pour out its contents.
Default key is \(oqM-T\(cq.
The \(oqm\(cq prefix makes the command use a menu.
-.lp #travel
+.lp "#travel "
Travel to a specific location on the map.
Default key is \(oq_\(cq. \" underscore
Using the \(lqrequest menu\(rq prefix shows a menu of interesting targets
.op autodescribe
option is on, the top line will show \(lq(no travel path)\(rq if
your character does not know of a path to that location.
-.lp #turn
+.lp "#turn "
Turn undead away.
Default key is \(oqM-t\(cq.
Note that you must
use suitable weapons for this type of combat, or it will
be automatically turned off.
-.lp #untrap
+.lp "#untrap "
Untrap something (trap, door, or chest).
Default key is \(oqM-u\(cq, and \(oqu\(cq if
.op number_pad
is on.
.lp ""
In some circumstances it can also be used to rescue trapped monsters.
-.lp "#up "
+.lp "#up "
Go up a staircase.
Default key is \(oq<\(cq.
.lp #vanquished
List vanquished monsters.
Debug mode only.
-.lp #version
+.lp "#version "
Print compile time options for this version of NetHack.
Default key is \(oqM-v\(cq.
.lp #versionshort
Show version string.
Default key is \(oqv\(cq.
-.lp #vision
+.lp "#vision "
Show vision array.
Debug mode only.
-.lp #wait
+.lp "#wait "
Rest one move while doing nothing.
Default key is \(oq.\(cq, and also \(oq\ \(cq if
.op rest_on_space
is on.
-.lp #wear
+.lp "#wear "
Wear a piece of armor.
Default key is \(oqW\(cq.
.lp #whatdoes
Tell what a key does.
Default key is \(oq&\(cq.
-.lp #whatis
+.lp "#whatis "
Show what type of thing a symbol corresponds to.
Default key is \(oq/\(cq.
-.lp #wield
+.lp "#wield "
Wield a weapon.
Default key is \(oqw\(cq.
-.lp #wipe
+.lp "#wipe "
Wipe off your face.
Default key is \(oqM-w\(cq.
-.lp #wizbury
+.lp "#wizbury "
Bury objects under and around you.
Debug mode only.
Debug mode only.
Default key is \(oq\(haV\(cq.
-.lp #wizmap
+.lp "#wizmap "
Map the level.
Debug mode only.
Show locations of special levels.
Debug mode only.
-.lp #wizwish
+.lp "#wizwish "
Wish for something.
Debug mode only.
Default key is \(oq\(haW\(cq.
-.lp #wmode
+.lp "#wmode "
Show wall modes.
Debug mode only.
-.lp "#zap "
+.lp "#zap "
Zap a wand.
Default key is \(oqz\(cq.
-.lp "#? "
+.lp "#? "
Help menu: get the list of available extended commands.
.lp ""
Offer a sacrifice to the gods. Autocompletes. Default key
- is `M-o'. The `m' prefix skips offering items on the altar.
+ is `M-o'.
- You'll need to find an altar to have any chance at success.
- Corpses of recently killed monsters are the fodder of
+ You'll need to find an altar to have any chance at success.
+ Corpses of recently killed monsters are the fodder of
+ The `m' prefix skips offering any items which are on the al-
+ tar.
Open a door. Default key is `o'.
Pray to the gods for help. Autocompletes. Default key is
- Praying too soon after receiving prior help is a bad idea.
- (Hint: entering the dungeon alive is treated as having re-
- ceived help. You probably shouldn't start off a new game by
NetHack 3.6 October 16, 2018
+ Praying too soon after receiving prior help is a bad idea.
+ (Hint: entering the dungeon alive is treated as having re-
+ ceived help. You probably shouldn't start off a new game by
praying right away.) Since using this command by accident
can cause trouble, there is an option to make you confirm
your intent before praying. It is enabled by default, and
Rub a lamp or a stone. Autocompletes. Default key is `M-
- #save
- Save the game and exit the program. Default key is `S'.
+ #save
+ Save the game and exit the program. Default key is `S'.
Search for traps and secret doors around you. Default key
is `s'.
Swap wielded and secondary weapons. Default key is `x'.
- #takeoff
- Take off one piece of armor. Default key is `T'.
+ #takeoff
+ Take off one piece of armor. Default key is `T'.
Remove all armor. Default key is `A'.
Go up a staircase. Default key is `<'.
- #vanquished
- List vanquished monsters. Autocompletes. Debug mode only.
NetHack 3.6 October 16, 2018
+ #vanquished
+ List vanquished monsters. Autocompletes. Debug mode only.
Print compile time options for this version of NetHack. Au-
tocompletes. Default key is `M-v'.
Set one or more intrinsic attributes. Autocompletes. Debug
mode only.
- #wizlevelport
- Teleport to another level. Autocompletes. Debug mode only.
NetHack 3.6 October 16, 2018
+ #wizlevelport
+ Teleport to another level. Autocompletes. Debug mode only.
Default key is `^V'.
M-A #annotate
- M-c #chat
+ M-c #chat
M-C #conduct
M-d #dip
j #jump
- k #kick
+ k #kick
l #loot
N #name
There is a special pre-mapped branch of the dungeon based on
the classic computer game "Sokoban." The goal is to push the
- boulders into the pits or holes. With careful foresight, it is
- possible to complete all of the levels according to the
NetHack 3.6 October 16, 2018
- traditional rules of Sokoban. Some allowances are permitted in
- case the player gets stuck; however, they will lower your luck.
+ boulders into the pits or holes. With careful foresight, it is
+ possible to complete all of the levels according to the tradi-
+ tional rules of Sokoban. Some allowances are permitted in case
+ the player gets stuck; however, they will lower your luck.
5.3. Stairs and ladders (`<', `>')
floor while inside a shop. You will either be offered an amount
of gold and asked whether you're willing to sell, or you'll be
told that the shopkeeper isn't interested (generally, your item
- needs to be compatible with the type of merchandise carried by
- the shop).
NetHack 3.6 October 16, 2018
+ needs to be compatible with the type of merchandise carried by
+ the shop).
If you drop something in a shop by accident, the shopkeeper
will usually claim ownership without offering any compensation.
You'll have to buy it back if you want to reclaim it.
from another when multiple monsters are present. Assigning a
name which is just a space will remove any prior name.
- The extended command "#chat" can be used to interact with an
- adjacent monster. There is no actual dialog (in other words, you
NetHack 3.6 October 16, 2018
+ The extended command "#chat" can be used to interact with an
+ adjacent monster. There is no actual dialog (in other words, you
don't get to choose what you'll say), but chatting with some mon-
sters such as a shopkeeper or the Oracle of Delphi can produce
useful results.
with it even if adjacent at the time.
NetHack 3.6 October 16, 2018
and ride, and "all" for every condition.
Allowed behaviors are "always", "up", "down", "changed", a per-
- centage or absolute number threshold, or a text to match
- against.
+ centage or absolute number threshold, or text to match against.
* "always" will set the default attributes for that field.
points" fields.
NetHack 3.6 October 16, 2018