start_link() ->
gen_server:start_link({local, ejabberd_hooks}, ejabberd_hooks, [], []).
+%% @spec (Hook::atom(), Module::atom(), Function::atom(), Seq::integer()) -> ok
+%% @doc Add a module and function to this hook.
+%% The integer sequence is used to sort the calls: low number is called before high number.
add(Hook, Module, Function, Seq) ->
add(Hook, global, Module, Function, Seq).
add(Hook, Host, Module, Function, Seq) ->
gen_server:call(ejabberd_hooks, {add, Hook, Host, Module, Function, Seq}).
+%% @spec (Hook::atom(), Module::atom(), Function::atom(), Seq::integer()) -> ok
+%% @doc Delete a module and function from this hook.
+%% It is important to indicate exactly the same information than when the call was added.
delete(Hook, Module, Function, Seq) ->
delete(Hook, global, Module, Function, Seq).
delete(Hook, Host, Module, Function, Seq) ->
gen_server:call(ejabberd_hooks, {delete, Hook, Host, Module, Function, Seq}).
+%% @spec (Hook::atom(), Args) -> ok
+%% @doc Run the calls of this hook in order, don't care about function results.
+%% If a call returns stop, no more calls are performed.
run(Hook, Args) ->
run(Hook, global, Args).
+%% @spec (Hook::atom(), Val, Args) -> Val | stopped | NewVal
+%% @doc Run the calls of this hook in order.
+%% The arguments passed to the function are: [Val | Args].
+%% The result of a call is used as Val for the next call.
+%% If a call returns 'stop', no more calls are performed and 'stopped' is returned.
+%% If a call returns {stopped, NewVal}, no more calls are performed and NewVal is returned.
run_fold(Hook, Val, Args) ->
run_fold(Hook, global, Val, Args).
NewVal ->
run_fold1(Ls, Hook, NewVal, Args)