case ScaleRotateTranslateDistortion:
case AffineProjectionDistortion:
+ case Plane2CylinDistortion:
+ case Cylin2PlaneDistortion:
case PolarDistortion:
+ case Cylin2PlaneDistortion:
+ case Plane2CylinDistortion:
+ {
+ /* 3D Cylinder to/from a Tangential Plane
+ Projection between a clinder and flat plain from a point on the
+ center line of the cylinder.
+ The two surfaces coincide in 3D space at the given centers of
+ distortion (perpendicular to projection point) on both images.
+ Args: FOV_arc_width
+ Coefficents: FOV(radians), Radius, center_x,y, dest_center_x,y
+ FOV (Field Of View) the angular field of view of the distortion,
+ across the width of the image, in degrees. The centers are the
+ points of least distortion in the input and resulting images.
+ These centers are however determined later.
+ Coeff 0 is the FOV angle of view of image width in radians
+ Coeff 1 is calculated radius of cylinder.
+ Coeff 2,3 center of distortion of input image
+ Coefficents 4,5 Center of Distortion of dest (determined later)
+ */
+ if ( arguments[0] < MagickEpsilon || arguments[0] > 160.0 ) {
+ (void) ThrowMagickException(exception,GetMagickModule(),OptionError,
+ "InvalidArgument", "%s : Invalid FOV Angle",
+ CommandOptionToMnemonic(MagickDistortOptions, *method) );
+ coeff=(double *) RelinquishMagickMemory(coeff);
+ return((double *) NULL);
+ }
+ coeff[0] = DegreesToRadians(arguments[0]);
+ if ( *method == Cylin2PlaneDistortion )
+ /* image is curved around cylinder, so FOV angle (in radians)
+ * scales directly to image X coordinate, according to its radius.
+ */
+ coeff[1] = image->columns/coeff[0];
+ else
+ /* radius is distance away from an image with this angular FOV */
+ coeff[1] = image->columns / ( 2 * tan(coeff[0]/2) );
+ coeff[2] = (double)(image->columns)/2.0+image->page.x;
+ coeff[3] = (double)(image->rows)/2.0+image->page.y;
+ coeff[4] = coeff[2];
+ coeff[5] = coeff[3]; /* assuming image size is the same */
+ return(coeff);
+ }
case BarrelDistortion:
case BarrelInverseDistortion:
assert(exception != (ExceptionInfo *) NULL);
assert(exception->signature == MagickSignature);
- Handle Special Compound Distortions (in-direct distortions)
+ Handle Special Compound Distortions
if ( method == ResizeDistortion )
- Convert input arguments (usally as control points for reverse mapping)
+ Convert input arguments (usually as control points for reverse mapping)
into mapping coefficients to apply the distortion.
Note that some distortions are mapped to other distortions,
if ( method == ArcDistortion ) {
- /* always use the 'best fit' viewport */
- bestfit = MagickTrue;
+ bestfit = MagickTrue; /* always calculate a 'best fit' viewport */
/* Work out the 'best fit', (required for ArcDistortion) */
if ( bestfit ) {
- s,d,min,max;
+ s,d,min,max; /* source, dest coords --mapping--> min, max coords */
+ MagickBooleanType
+ fix_bounds = MagickTrue; /* enlarge bounds for VP handling */
s.x=s.y=min.x=max.x=min.y=max.y=0.0; /* keep compiler happy */
/* direct calculation as it needs to tile correctly
* for reversibility in a DePolar-Polar cycle */
+ fix_bounds = MagickFalse;
geometry.x = geometry.y = 0;
geometry.height = (size_t) ceil(coeff[0]-coeff[1]);
geometry.width = (size_t)
+ /* correct scaling factors relative to new size */
+ coeff[6]=(coeff[5]-coeff[4])/geometry.width; /* changed width */
+ coeff[7]=(coeff[0]-coeff[1])/geometry.height; /* should be about 1.0 */
+ break;
+ }
+ case Cylin2PlaneDistortion:
+ {
+ /* direct calculation so center of distortion is either a pixel
+ * center, or pixel edge. This allows for reversibility of the
+ * distortion */
+ geometry.x = geometry.y = 0;
+ geometry.width = ceil( 2.0*coeff[1]*tan(coeff[0]/2.0) );
+ geometry.height = ceil( 2.0*coeff[3]/cos(coeff[0]/2.0) );
+ /* correct center of distortion relative to new size */
+ coeff[4] = geometry.width/2.0;
+ coeff[5] = geometry.height/2.0;
+ fix_bounds = MagickFalse;
+ case Plane2CylinDistortion:
+ {
+ /* direct calculation center is either pixel center, or pixel edge
+ * so as to allow reversibility of the image distortion */
+ geometry.x = geometry.y = 0;
+ geometry.width = ceil(coeff[0]*coeff[1]); /* FOV * radius */
+ geometry.height = 2*coeff[3]; /* input image height */
+ /* correct center of distortion relative to new size */
+ coeff[4] = geometry.width/2.0;
+ coeff[5] = geometry.height/2.0;
+ fix_bounds = MagickFalse;
+ break;
+ }
case ShepardsDistortion:
case BilinearForwardDistortion:
case BilinearReverseDistortion:
case BarrelDistortion:
case BarrelInverseDistortion:
- /* no bestfit available for this distortion */
+ /* no calculated bestfit available for these distortions */
bestfit = MagickFalse;
+ fix_bounds = MagickFalse;
Yes this tends to 'over do' the file image size, ON PURPOSE!
Do not do this for DePolar which needs to be exact for virtual tiling.
- if ( bestfit && method != DePolarDistortion ) {
+ if ( fix_bounds ) {
geometry.x = (ssize_t) floor(min.x-0.5);
geometry.y = (ssize_t) floor(min.y-0.5);
geometry.width=(size_t) ceil(max.x-geometry.x+0.5);
geometry.height=(size_t) ceil(max.y-geometry.y+0.5);
- /* Now that we have a new size lets some distortions to it exactly
- This is for correct handling of Depolar and its virtual tile handling
- */
- if ( method == DePolarDistortion ) {
- coeff[6]=(coeff[5]-coeff[4])/geometry.width; /* changed width */
- coeff[7]=(coeff[0]-coeff[1])/geometry.height; /* should be about 1.0 */
- }
- }
+ } /* end bestfit destination image calculations */
/* The user provided a 'viewport' expert option which may
overrides some parts of the current output image geometry.
- For ArcDistortion, this also overrides its default 'bestfit' setting.
+ This also overrides its default 'bestfit' setting.
{ const char *artifact=GetImageArtifact(image,"distort:viewport");
viewport_given = MagickFalse;
coeff[0], coeff[1], coeff[2]);
(void) FormatLocaleFile(stderr, " yy=%+lf*ii %+lf*jj %+lf;\n",
coeff[3], coeff[4], coeff[5]);
- (void) FormatLocaleFile(stderr, " %s'\n", lookup);
+ (void) FormatLocaleFile(stderr, " %s' \\\n", lookup);
coeff[0], coeff[1], coeff[2]);
(void) FormatLocaleFile(stderr, " yy=(%+lf*ii %+lf*jj %+lf)/rr;\n",
coeff[3], coeff[4], coeff[5]);
- (void) FormatLocaleFile(stderr, " rr%s0 ? %s : blue'\n",
+ (void) FormatLocaleFile(stderr, " rr%s0 ? %s : blue' \\\n",
coeff[8] < 0 ? "<" : ">", lookup);
if ( coeff[9] != 0 )
(void) FormatLocaleFile(stderr, " (rt < 0 ) ? red : %s'\n", lookup);
- (void) FormatLocaleFile(stderr, " %s'\n", lookup);
+ (void) FormatLocaleFile(stderr, " %s' \\\n", lookup);
case BilinearReverseDistortion:
coeff[0], coeff[1], coeff[2], coeff[3]);
(void) FormatLocaleFile(stderr, " yy=%+lf*ii %+lf*jj %+lf*ii*jj %+lf;\n",
coeff[4], coeff[5], coeff[6], coeff[7]);
- (void) FormatLocaleFile(stderr, " %s'\n", lookup);
+ (void) FormatLocaleFile(stderr, " %s' \\\n", lookup);
case PolynomialDistortion:
(void) FormatLocaleFile(stderr, " %+lf%s", coeff[2+i+nterms],
- (void) FormatLocaleFile(stderr, ";\n %s'\n", lookup);
+ (void) FormatLocaleFile(stderr, ";\n %s' \\\n", lookup);
case ArcDistortion:
coeff[1], coeff[4]);
(void) FormatLocaleFile(stderr, " yy=(%lf - hypot(ii,jj)) * %lf;\n",
coeff[2], coeff[3]);
- (void) FormatLocaleFile(stderr, " v.p{xx-.5,yy-.5}'\n");
+ (void) FormatLocaleFile(stderr, " v.p{xx-.5,yy-.5}' \\\n");
case PolarDistortion:
coeff[6] );
(void) FormatLocaleFile(stderr, " yy=(hypot(ii,jj)%+lf)*%lf;\n",
-coeff[1], coeff[7] );
- (void) FormatLocaleFile(stderr, " v.p{xx-.5,yy-.5}'\n");
+ (void) FormatLocaleFile(stderr, " v.p{xx-.5,yy-.5}' \\\n");
case DePolarDistortion:
(void) FormatLocaleFile(stderr, " rr=(j+.5)*%lf %+lf;\n", coeff[7], +coeff[1] );
(void) FormatLocaleFile(stderr, " xx=rr*sin(aa) %+lf;\n", coeff[2] );
(void) FormatLocaleFile(stderr, " yy=rr*cos(aa) %+lf;\n", coeff[3] );
- (void) FormatLocaleFile(stderr, " v.p{xx-.5,yy-.5}'\n");
+ (void) FormatLocaleFile(stderr, " v.p{xx-.5,yy-.5}' \\\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ case Cylin2PlaneDistortion:
+ {
+ (void) FormatLocaleFile(stderr, "Cylinder to Plane Distort, Internal Coefficents\n");
+ (void) FormatLocaleFile(stderr, " fov_radians = %+lf\n", coeff[0]);
+ (void) FormatLocaleFile(stderr, " cylinder_radius = %+lf\n", coeff[1]);
+ (void) FormatLocaleFile(stderr, "Cylinder to Plane Distort, FX Equivelent:\n");
+ (void) FormatLocaleFile(stderr, "%s", image_gen);
+ (void) FormatLocaleFile(stderr, " -fx 'ii=i+page.x%+lf+0.5; jj=j+page.y%+lf+0.5;\n",
+ -coeff[4], -coeff[5]);
+ (void) FormatLocaleFile(stderr, " aa=atan(ii/%+lf);\n", coeff[1] );
+ (void) FormatLocaleFile(stderr, " xx=%lf*aa%+lf;\n",
+ coeff[1], coeff[2] );
+ (void) FormatLocaleFile(stderr, " yy=jj*cos(aa)%+lf;\n", coeff[3] );
+ (void) FormatLocaleFile(stderr, " %s' \\\n", lookup);
+ break;
+ }
+ case Plane2CylinDistortion:
+ {
+ (void) FormatLocaleFile(stderr, "Plane to Cylinder Distort, Internal Coefficents\n");
+ (void) FormatLocaleFile(stderr, " fov_radians = %+lf\n", coeff[0]);
+ (void) FormatLocaleFile(stderr, " cylinder_radius = %+lf\n", coeff[1]);
+ (void) FormatLocaleFile(stderr, "Plane to Cylinder Distort, FX Equivelent:\n");
+ (void) FormatLocaleFile(stderr, "%s", image_gen);
+ (void) FormatLocaleFile(stderr, " -fx 'ii=i+page.x%+lf+0.5; jj=j+page.y%+lf+0.5;\n",
+ -coeff[4], -coeff[5]);
+ (void) FormatLocaleFile(stderr, " ii=ii/%+lf;\n", coeff[1] );
+ (void) FormatLocaleFile(stderr, " xx=%lf*tan(ii)%+lf;\n",
+ coeff[1], coeff[2] );
+ (void) FormatLocaleFile(stderr, " yy=jj/cos(ii)%+lf;\n",
+ coeff[3] );
+ (void) FormatLocaleFile(stderr, " %s' \\\n", lookup);
+ break;
case BarrelDistortion:
(void) FormatLocaleFile(stderr, " jj=jj%s(%lf*rr*rr*rr %+lf*rr*rr %+lf*rr %+lf);\n",
method == BarrelDistortion ? "*" : "/",
- (void) FormatLocaleFile(stderr, " v.p{fx*ii+xc,fy*jj+yc}'\n");
+ (void) FormatLocaleFile(stderr, " v.p{fx*ii+xc,fy*jj+yc}' \\\n");
case PolarDistortion:
- { /* Rect/Cartesain/Cylinder to Polar View */
+ { /* 2D Cartesain to Polar View */
d.x -= coeff[2];
d.y -= coeff[3];
s.x = atan2(d.x,d.y) - (coeff[4]+coeff[5])/2;
case DePolarDistortion:
- { /* Polar to Cylindical */
+ { /* @D Polar to Carteasain */
/* ignore all destination virtual offsets */
d.x = ((double)i+0.5)*output_scaling*coeff[6]-coeff[4];
d.y = ((double)j+0.5)*output_scaling*coeff[7]+coeff[1];
/* derivatives are usless - better to use SuperSampling */
+ case Cylin2PlaneDistortion:
+ { /* 3D Cylinder to Tangential Plane */
+ double aa;
+ d.x -= coeff[4]; /* relative to center of distortion */
+ d.y -= coeff[5];
+ aa=atan(d.x/coeff[1]); /* a = atan(x/r) */
+ s.x = coeff[1]*aa; /* u = r*atan(x/r) */
+ s.y = d.y*cos(aa); /* v = y*cos(u/r) */
+ /* derivatives still to be done */
+ /* du/dx = 1/(1+(x/r)^2)
+ du/dy = 0
+ dv/dx = -x*y*r/(x^2 +r^2)^(3/2)
+ dv/dy = r/sqrt(x^2 + r^2)
+ ScaleFilter( resample_filter[id],
+ -, 0, -, - );
+ */
+ s.x += coeff[2]; /* add center of distortion in source */
+ s.y += coeff[3];
+ break;
+ }
+ case Plane2CylinDistortion:
+ { /* 3D Cylinder to Tangential Plane */
+ d.x -= coeff[4]; /* relative to center of distortion */
+ d.y -= coeff[5];
+ d.x /= coeff[1]; /* x'= x/r */
+ s.x = coeff[1]*tan(d.x); /* u = r * tan(x/r) */
+ s.y = d.y/cos(d.x); /* v = y / cos(x/r) */
+ /* derivatives still to be done */
+ /* du/dx = 1/(cos(x/r)^2)
+ du/dy = 0
+ dv/dx = (v/r)*tan(u/r)/cos(u/r)
+ dv/dy = 1/cos(x/r)
+ ScaleFilter( resample_filter[id],
+ -, 0, -, - );
+ */
+ s.x += coeff[2]; /* add center of distortion in source */
+ s.y += coeff[3];
+ break;
+ }
case BarrelDistortion:
case BarrelInverseDistortion:
- {
+ { /* Lens Barrel Distionion Correction */
double r,fx,fy,gx,gy;
/* Radial Polynomial Distortion (de-normalized) */
d.x -= coeff[8];