put back assert for mem test in dot.c;
change old makefile for tools to use new LTDL variable;
fix gvpack build files for windows;
be irritated at not-ready-for-prime-time interface of cogito which
forces me to do a single log message for these very unrelated changes.
EXTLIB_LIB=-ljpeg -lpng -lfontconfig -lfreetype -lz
# library for libtool dynamic loading
-# to enable, uncoment this, and comment out "DISABLE_LTDL" in config.h.old
+# to enable, uncomment this, and comment out "DISABLE_LTDL" in config.h.old
/* Delete graph */
-#if 0
assert(0); /* should never exit loop */
} else {
while ((G = next_input_graph())) {
if (prev) {
-L$(LOC_LIB)/pathplan -lpathplan \
-L$(LOC_LIB)/gd -lgd \
$(LIBS) \
- $(EXTLIB_LIB) $(EXPAT_LIB) -lltdl -lm
INGLIB = -L$(LOC_LIB)/ingraphs -lingraphs
ALIBS = -L$(LOC_LIB)/agraph -lagraph -L$(LOC_LIB)/cdt -lcdt