C and #name commands are now same and use menu to choose monster vs object
hallucination provides partial protection against gaze attacks
attempting to read "dull" spellbook might cause hero to fall asleep
+dipping prompt is more precise
Platform- and/or Interface-Specific New Features
if (inaccessible_equipment(obj, "dip", FALSE)) return 0;
+ Sprintf(qbuf, "dip %s into", thesimpleoname(obj));
here = levl[u.ux][u.uy].typ;
/* Is there a fountain to dip into here? */
if (IS_FOUNTAIN(here)) {
- if(yn("Dip it into the fountain?") == 'y') {
+ Strcat(qbuf, " the fountain?");
+ if (yn(upstart(qbuf)) == 'y') {
} else if (is_pool(u.ux,u.uy)) {
tmp = waterbody_name(u.ux,u.uy);
- Sprintf(qbuf, "Dip it into the %s?", tmp);
- if (yn(qbuf) == 'y') {
+ Sprintf(eos(qbuf), " the %s?", tmp);
+ if (yn(upstart(qbuf)) == 'y') {
if (Levitation) {
#ifdef STEED
- if(!(potion = getobj(beverages, "dip into")))
- return(0);
+ potion = getobj(beverages, qbuf); /* "dip into" */
+ if (!potion) return 0;
if (potion == obj && potion->quan == 1L) {
pline("That is a potion bottle, not a Klein bottle!");
return 0;