tr_auto_option(USE_SYSTEM_MINIUPNPC "Use system miniupnpc library" AUTO)
tr_auto_option(USE_SYSTEM_NATPMP "Use system natpmp library" AUTO)
tr_auto_option(USE_SYSTEM_UTP "Use system utp library" AUTO)
+tr_auto_option(USE_SYSTEM_B64 "Use system b64 library" AUTO)
tr_auto_option(WITH_INOTIFY "Enable inotify support (on systems that support it)" AUTO)
tr_auto_option(WITH_KQUEUE "Enable kqueue support (on systems that support it)" AUTO)
tr_auto_option(WITH_SYSTEMD "Add support for systemd startup notification (on systems that support it)" AUTO)
tr_github_upstream(MINIUPNPC miniupnp/miniupnp c490b42547 f9b7a4715bcd5034abae866e31102888)
tr_github_upstream(DHT jech/dht bf62643a95 0a2a2abe447d8a73f0084c1bc837e566)
tr_github_upstream(UTP bittorrent/libutp 7c4f19abdf 8b92aa05abec5f6675cdde6477cd6f51)
+tr_github_upstream(B64 mikedld/libb64 c1e3323498 10128cb30ad768d2c4caf627e0f69db3)
foreach(L C CXX)
COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -E copy "${THIRD_PARTY_DIR}/utp_config.h" "<SOURCE_DIR>/utp_config.h")
+tr_add_external_auto_library(B64 b64
+ PATCH_COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -E copy "${THIRD_PARTY_DIR}/b64.cmake" "<SOURCE_DIR>/CMakeLists.txt"
+ COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -E chdir "<SOURCE_DIR>" patch -p1 -i "${THIRD_PARTY_DIR}/b64-01-newline.patch")
+ @LIBB64_LIBS@ \
--- /dev/null
+ if(WIN32)
+ else()
+ endif()
+ find_package(PkgConfig QUIET)
+ pkg_check_modules(_B64 QUIET libb64)
+find_path(B64_INCLUDE_DIR NAMES b64/cdecode.h b64/cencode.h HINTS ${_B64_INCLUDEDIR})
+find_library(B64_LIBRARY NAMES b64 HINTS ${_B64_LIBDIR})
+mark_as_advanced(B64_INCLUDE_DIR B64_LIBRARY)
+dnl ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+dnl libb64
+ AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-external-b64],[Use system libb64]),
+ [want_external_b64=${enableval}],
+ [want_external_b64=no])
+if test "x$want_external_b64" != "xno" ; then
+ LIBB64_LIBS="-lb64"
+ LIBB64_LIBS_QT="-lb64"
+ build_bundled_b64="no"
+AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_B64],[test "x$build_bundled_b64" = "xyes"])
dnl ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
dnl utp
+ third-party/libb64/Makefile
+ @LIBB64_LIBS@ \
+ @LIBB64_LIBS@ \
add_dependencies(${TR_NAME} ${UT})
+ @LIBB64_LIBS@ \
#include <assert.h>
-#include <openssl/bio.h>
#include <openssl/bn.h>
-#include <openssl/buffer.h>
#include <openssl/dh.h>
#include <openssl/err.h>
#include <openssl/evp.h>
return check_result (RAND_bytes (buffer, (int) length));
-void *
-tr_base64_encode_impl (const void * input,
- size_t input_length,
- size_t * output_length)
- char * ret = NULL;
- int ret_length = 0;
- BIO * bmem;
- BIO * b64;
- assert (input != NULL);
- assert (input_length > 0);
- bmem = BIO_new (BIO_s_mem ());
- b64 = BIO_new (BIO_f_base64 ());
- BIO_set_flags (b64, BIO_FLAGS_BASE64_NO_NL);
- b64 = BIO_push (b64, bmem);
- if (check_result_eq (BIO_write (b64, input, input_length), (int) input_length) &&
- check_result (BIO_flush (b64)))
- {
- BUF_MEM * bptr;
- BIO_get_mem_ptr (b64, &bptr);
- ret = tr_strndup (bptr->data, bptr->length);
- ret_length = bptr->length;
- }
- BIO_free_all (b64);
- if (output_length != NULL)
- *output_length = (size_t) ret_length;
- return ret;
-void *
-tr_base64_decode_impl (const void * input,
- size_t input_length,
- size_t * output_length)
- char * ret;
- int ret_length;
- int i;
- assert (input != NULL);
- assert (input_length > 0);
- ret = tr_new (char, input_length + 1);
- /* try two times, without and with BIO_FLAGS_BASE64_NO_NL flag */
- for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
- {
- BIO * bmem = BIO_new_mem_buf ((void *) input, (int) input_length);
- BIO * b64 = BIO_new (BIO_f_base64 ());
- BIO_set_flags (b64, i == 1 ? BIO_FLAGS_BASE64_NO_NL : 0);
- bmem = BIO_push (b64, bmem);
- ret_length = BIO_read (bmem, ret, (int) input_length);
- if (ret_length < 0 && i == 1)
- log_error ();
- BIO_free_all (bmem);
- /* < 0 - fatal error, > 0 - success*/
- if (ret_length != 0)
- break;
- }
- if (ret_length < 0)
- {
- tr_free (ret);
- return NULL;
- }
- ret[ret_length] = '\0';
- if (output_length != NULL)
- *output_length = (size_t) ret_length;
- return ret;
#include <stdlib.h> /* abs (), srand (), rand () */
#include <string.h> /* memcpy (), memmove (), memset (), strcmp (), strlen () */
+#include <b64/cdecode.h>
+#include <b64/cencode.h>
#include "transmission.h"
#include "crypto-utils.h"
#include "utils.h"
if (input_length != 0)
- if ((ret = tr_base64_encode_impl (input, input_length, output_length)) != NULL)
- return ret;
+ size_t ret_length;
+ base64_encodestate state;
+ ret = tr_new (char, 4 * ((input_length + 2) / 3) + 1);
+ base64_init_encodestate (&state);
+ ret_length = base64_encode_block (input, input_length, ret, &state);
+ ret_length += base64_encode_blockend (ret + ret_length, &state);
+ if (output_length != NULL)
+ *output_length = ret_length;
+ ret[ret_length] = '\0';
+ return ret;
ret = tr_strdup ("");
if (input_length != 0)
- if ((ret = tr_base64_decode_impl (input, input_length, output_length)) != NULL)
- return ret;
+ size_t ret_length;
+ base64_decodestate state;
+ ret = tr_new (char, input_length / 4 * 3 + 1);
+ base64_init_decodestate (&state);
+ ret_length = base64_decode_block (input, input_length, ret, &state);
+ if (output_length != NULL)
+ *output_length = ret_length;
+ ret[ret_length] = '\0';
+ return ret;
ret = tr_strdup ("");
void * tr_base64_encode_str (const char * input,
size_t * output_length) TR_GNUC_MALLOC;
- * @brief Translate a block of bytes into base64 (internal, do not use).
- * @return a newly-allocated null-terminated string that can be freed with tr_free ()
- */
-void * tr_base64_encode_impl (const void * input,
- size_t input_length,
- size_t * output_length) TR_GNUC_MALLOC;
* @brief Translate a block of bytes from base64 into raw form.
* @return a newly-allocated null-terminated string that can be freed with tr_free ()
void * tr_base64_decode_str (const char * input,
size_t * output_length) TR_GNUC_MALLOC;
- * @brief Translate null-terminated string from base64 into raw form (internal, do not use).
- * @return a newly-allocated null-terminated string that can be freed with tr_free ()
- */
-void * tr_base64_decode_impl (const void * input,
- size_t input_length,
- size_t * output_length) TR_GNUC_MALLOC;
* @brief Wrapper around tr_binary_to_hex () for SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH.
LIBS += $${TRANSMISSION_TOP}/libtransmission/libtransmission.a
+LIBS += $${LIBB64_LIBS}
unix: LIBS += -L$${EVENT_TOP}/lib -lz -lrt
DHT_DIR = dht
+if BUILD_B64
+ B64_DIR = libb64
UTP_DIR = libutp
$(DHT_DIR) \
+ $(B64_DIR) \
--- /dev/null
+diff --git a/src/cencode.c b/src/cencode.c
+index 03ba5b6..de3902f 100644
+--- a/src/cencode.c
++++ b/src/cencode.c
+@@ -7,7 +7,9 @@ For details, see
+ #include <b64/cencode.h>
+ const int CHARS_PER_LINE = 72;
+ void base64_init_encodestate(base64_encodestate* state_in)
+ {
+@@ -72,12 +74,14 @@ int base64_encode_block(const char* plaintext_in, int length_in, char* code_out,
+ result = (fragment & 0x03f) >> 0;
+ *codechar++ = base64_encode_value(result);
++ /*
+ ++(state_in->stepcount);
+ if (state_in->stepcount == CHARS_PER_LINE/4)
+ {
+ *codechar++ = '\n';
+ state_in->stepcount = 0;
+ }
++ */
+ }
+ }
+ /* control should not reach here */
+@@ -102,7 +106,9 @@ int base64_encode_blockend(char* code_out, base64_encodestate* state_in)
+ case step_A:
+ break;
+ }
++ /*
+ *codechar++ = '\n';
++ */
+ return codechar - code_out;
+ }
--- /dev/null
+cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
+project(b64 C)
+add_library(${PROJECT_NAME} STATIC
+ src/cdecode.c
+ src/cencode.c
+install(DIRECTORY include/b64 DESTINATION include)
--- /dev/null
+libb64: Base64 Encoding/Decoding Routines
+Chris Venter
+Mario Rugiero
+Shlok Datye
+Peter K. Lee
--- /dev/null
+libb64: Base64 Encoding/Decoding Routines
+## Changelog ##
+Version 1.2.1 Release
+Fixed a long-standing bug in src/cdecode.c where value_in was not correctly
+checked against the bounds [0..decoding_size)
+Thanks to both Mario Rugiero and Shlok Datye for pointing this out.
+Added some simple example code to answer some of the most common misconceptions
+people have about the library usage.
+Version 1.2 Release
+Removed the b64dec, b64enc, encoder and decoder programs in favour of
+a better example, called base64, which encodes and decodes
+depending on its arguments.
+Created a solution for Microsoft Visual Studio C++ Express 2010
+edition, which simply builds the base64 example as a console application.
+Version 1.1 Release
+Modified encode.h to (correctly) read from the iostream argument,
+instead of std::cin.
+Thanks to Peter K. Lee for the heads-up.
+No API changes.
+Version 1.0 Release
+The current content is the changeset.
--- /dev/null
+libb64: Base64 Encoding/Decoding Routines
+This piece of software has minimal requirements.
+I have tested it on the following systems:
+- a Linux machine, with the following specs:
+(this was the original development machine)
+ * FedoraCore 4
+ * kernel v. 2.6.11 (stock FC4 kernel)
+ * gcc version 4.0.1 20050727 (Red Hat 4.0.1-5)
+ * glibc-2.3.5-10
+ * make v. 3.80
+ * some arb version of makedepend
+- Windows XP machine
+ * MSYS 1.0
+ * MinGW 5.1.4
+ * gcc version 3.4.5 (mingw-vista special r3)
+- Windows XP machine (same as above)
+ * Microsoft Visual Studio 2010, Version 10.0.30319.1 RTMRel
+Barring any serious screwups on my part, this code should compile and run sweetly
+under Cygwin and other systems too. If you DO get it running under some weird arch/os setup,
+send me a mail, please.
+There is no configure. It would be overkill for something so simple...
+Run make in the root directory.
+Since the current targets are a standalone executable and a static library
+(fancy name for archive) with some headers, an install script has not been implemented yet.
+Simply copy the executable into your path, and use it.
+peace out
--- /dev/null
+Copyright-Only Dedication (based on United States law)
+or Public Domain Certification
+The person or persons who have associated work with this document (the
+"Dedicator" or "Certifier") hereby either (a) certifies that, to the best of
+his knowledge, the work of authorship identified is in the public domain of the
+country from which the work is published, or (b) hereby dedicates whatever
+copyright the dedicators holds in the work of authorship identified below (the
+"Work") to the public domain. A certifier, moreover, dedicates any copyright
+interest he may have in the associated work, and for these purposes, is
+described as a "dedicator" below.
+A certifier has taken reasonable steps to verify the copyright status of this
+work. Certifier recognizes that his good faith efforts may not shield him from
+liability if in fact the work certified is not in the public domain.
+Dedicator makes this dedication for the benefit of the public at large and to
+the detriment of the Dedicator's heirs and successors. Dedicator intends this
+dedication to be an overt act of relinquishment in perpetuity of all present
+and future rights under copyright law, whether vested or contingent, in the
+Work. Dedicator understands that such relinquishment of all rights includes
+the relinquishment of all rights to enforce (by lawsuit or otherwise) those
+copyrights in the Work.
+Dedicator recognizes that, once placed in the public domain, the Work may be
+freely reproduced, distributed, transmitted, used, modified, built upon, or
+otherwise exploited by anyone for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial,
+and in any way, including by methods that have not yet been invented or
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+noinst_LIBRARIES = libb64.a
+libb64_a_SOURCES = cdecode.c cencode.c
+noinst_HEADERS = b64/cdecode.h b64/cencode.h
--- /dev/null
+b64: Base64 Encoding/Decoding Routines
+libb64 is a library of ANSI C routines for fast encoding/decoding data into and
+from a base64-encoded format. C++ wrappers are included, as well as the source
+code for standalone encoding and decoding executables.
+base64 consists of ASCII text, and is therefore a useful encoding for storing
+binary data in a text file, such as xml, or sending binary data over text-only
+* Wikipedia article:
+* base64, another implementation of a commandline en/decoder:
+I did this because I need an implementation of base64 encoding and decoding,
+without any licensing problems. Most OS implementations are released under
+either the GNU/GPL, or a BSD-variant, which is not what I require.
+Also, the chance to actually use the co-routine implementation in code is rare,
+and its use here is fitting. I couldn't pass up the chance.
+For more information on this technique, see "Coroutines in C", by Simon Tatham,
+which can be found online here:
+So then, under which license do I release this code? On to the next section...
+This work is released under into the Public Domain.
+It basically boils down to this: I put this work in the public domain, and you
+can take it and do whatever you want with it.
+An example of this "license" is the Creative Commons Public Domain License, a
+copy of which can be found in the LICENSE file, and also online at
+Commandline Use:
+There is a new executable available, it is simply called base64.
+It can encode and decode files, as instructed by the user.
+To encode a file:
+$ ./base64 -e filea fileb
+fileb will now be the base64-encoded version of filea.
+To decode a file:
+$ ./base64 -d fileb filec
+filec will now be identical to filea.
+Some C++ wrappers are provided as well, so you don't have to get your hands
+dirty. Encoding from standard input to standard output is as simple as
+ #include <b64/encode.h>
+ #include <iostream>
+ int main()
+ {
+ base64::encoder E;
+ E.encode(std::cin, std::cout);
+ return 0;
+ }
+Both standalone executables and a static library is provided in the package,
+Example code:
+The 'examples' directory contains some simple example C code, that demonstrates
+how to use the C interface of the library.
+It is DAMN fast, if I may say so myself. The C code uses a little trick which
+has been used to implement coroutines, of which one can say that this
+implementation is an example.
+(To see how the libb64 codebase compares with some other BASE64 implementations
+available, see the BENCHMARKS file)
+The trick involves the fact that a switch-statement may legally cross into
+sub-blocks. A very thorough and enlightening essay on co-routines in C, using
+this method, can be found in the above mentioned "Coroutines in C", by Simon
+For example, an RLE decompressing routine, adapted from the article:
+1 static int STATE = 0;
+2 static int len, c;
+3 switch (STATE)
+4 {
+5 while (1)
+6 {
+7 c = getchar();
+8 if (c == EOF) return EOF;
+9 if (c == 0xFF) {
+10 len = getchar();
+11 c = getchar();
+12 while (len--)
+13 {
+14 STATE = 0;
+15 return c;
+16 case 0:
+17 }
+18 } else
+19 STATE = 1;
+20 return c;
+21 case 1:
+22 }
+23 }
+24 }
+As can be seen from this example, a coroutine depends on a state variable,
+which it sets directly before exiting (lines 14 and 119). The next time the
+routine is entered, the switch moves control to the specific point directly
+after the previous exit (lines 16 and 21).hands
+(As an aside, in the mentioned article the combination of the top-level switch,
+the various setting of the state, the return of a value, and the labelling of
+the exit point is wrapped in #define macros, making the structure of the
+routine even clearer.)
+The obvious problem with any such routine is the static keyword.
+Any static variables in a function spell doom for multithreaded applications.
+Also, in situations where this coroutine is used by more than one other
+coroutines, the consistency is disturbed.
+What is needed is a structure for storing these variabled, which is passed to
+the routine seperately. This obviously breaks the modularity of the function,
+since now the caller has to worry about and care for the internal state of the
+routine (the callee). This allows for a fast, multithreading-enabled
+implementation, which may (obviously) be wrapped in a C++ object for ease of
+The base64 encoding and decoding functionality in this package is implemented
+in exactly this way, providing both a high-speed high-maintanence C interface,
+and a wrapped C++ which is low-maintanence and only slightly less performant.
--- /dev/null
+cdecode.h - c header for a base64 decoding algorithm
+This is part of the libb64 project, and has been placed in the public domain.
+For details, see
+#ifndef BASE64_CDECODE_H
+#define BASE64_CDECODE_H
+typedef enum
+ step_a, step_b, step_c, step_d
+} base64_decodestep;
+typedef struct
+ base64_decodestep step;
+ char plainchar;
+} base64_decodestate;
+void base64_init_decodestate(base64_decodestate* state_in);
+int base64_decode_value(char value_in);
+int base64_decode_block(const char* code_in, const int length_in, char* plaintext_out, base64_decodestate* state_in);
+#endif /* BASE64_CDECODE_H */
--- /dev/null
+cencode.h - c header for a base64 encoding algorithm
+This is part of the libb64 project, and has been placed in the public domain.
+For details, see
+#ifndef BASE64_CENCODE_H
+#define BASE64_CENCODE_H
+typedef enum
+ step_A, step_B, step_C
+} base64_encodestep;
+typedef struct
+ base64_encodestep step;
+ char result;
+ int stepcount;
+} base64_encodestate;
+void base64_init_encodestate(base64_encodestate* state_in);
+char base64_encode_value(char value_in);
+int base64_encode_block(const char* plaintext_in, int length_in, char* code_out, base64_encodestate* state_in);
+int base64_encode_blockend(char* code_out, base64_encodestate* state_in);
+#endif /* BASE64_CENCODE_H */
--- /dev/null
+cdecoder.c - c source to a base64 decoding algorithm implementation
+This is part of the libb64 project, and has been placed in the public domain.
+For details, see
+#include <b64/cdecode.h>
+int base64_decode_value(char value_in)
+ static const char decoding[] = {62,-1,-1,-1,63,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,-1,-1,-1,-2,-1,-1,-1,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51};
+ static const char decoding_size = sizeof(decoding);
+ value_in -= 43;
+ if (value_in < 0 || value_in >= decoding_size) return -1;
+ return decoding[(int)value_in];
+void base64_init_decodestate(base64_decodestate* state_in)
+ state_in->step = step_a;
+ state_in->plainchar = 0;
+int base64_decode_block(const char* code_in, const int length_in, char* plaintext_out, base64_decodestate* state_in)
+ const char* codechar = code_in;
+ char* plainchar = plaintext_out;
+ char fragment;
+ *plainchar = state_in->plainchar;
+ switch (state_in->step)
+ {
+ while (1)
+ {
+ case step_a:
+ do {
+ if (codechar == code_in+length_in)
+ {
+ state_in->step = step_a;
+ state_in->plainchar = *plainchar;
+ return plainchar - plaintext_out;
+ }
+ fragment = (char)base64_decode_value(*codechar++);
+ } while (fragment < 0);
+ *plainchar = (fragment & 0x03f) << 2;
+ case step_b:
+ do {
+ if (codechar == code_in+length_in)
+ {
+ state_in->step = step_b;
+ state_in->plainchar = *plainchar;
+ return plainchar - plaintext_out;
+ }
+ fragment = (char)base64_decode_value(*codechar++);
+ } while (fragment < 0);
+ *plainchar++ |= (fragment & 0x030) >> 4;
+ *plainchar = (fragment & 0x00f) << 4;
+ case step_c:
+ do {
+ if (codechar == code_in+length_in)
+ {
+ state_in->step = step_c;
+ state_in->plainchar = *plainchar;
+ return plainchar - plaintext_out;
+ }
+ fragment = (char)base64_decode_value(*codechar++);
+ } while (fragment < 0);
+ *plainchar++ |= (fragment & 0x03c) >> 2;
+ *plainchar = (fragment & 0x003) << 6;
+ case step_d:
+ do {
+ if (codechar == code_in+length_in)
+ {
+ state_in->step = step_d;
+ state_in->plainchar = *plainchar;
+ return plainchar - plaintext_out;
+ }
+ fragment = (char)base64_decode_value(*codechar++);
+ } while (fragment < 0);
+ *plainchar++ |= (fragment & 0x03f);
+ }
+ }
+ /* control should not reach here */
+ return plainchar - plaintext_out;
--- /dev/null
+cencoder.c - c source to a base64 encoding algorithm implementation
+This is part of the libb64 project, and has been placed in the public domain.
+For details, see
+#include <b64/cencode.h>
+const int CHARS_PER_LINE = 72;
+void base64_init_encodestate(base64_encodestate* state_in)
+ state_in->step = step_A;
+ state_in->result = 0;
+ state_in->stepcount = 0;
+char base64_encode_value(char value_in)
+ static const char* encoding = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/";
+ if (value_in > 63) return '=';
+ return encoding[(int)value_in];
+int base64_encode_block(const char* plaintext_in, int length_in, char* code_out, base64_encodestate* state_in)
+ const char* plainchar = plaintext_in;
+ const char* const plaintextend = plaintext_in + length_in;
+ char* codechar = code_out;
+ char result;
+ char fragment;
+ result = state_in->result;
+ switch (state_in->step)
+ {
+ while (1)
+ {
+ case step_A:
+ if (plainchar == plaintextend)
+ {
+ state_in->result = result;
+ state_in->step = step_A;
+ return codechar - code_out;
+ }
+ fragment = *plainchar++;
+ result = (fragment & 0x0fc) >> 2;
+ *codechar++ = base64_encode_value(result);
+ result = (fragment & 0x003) << 4;
+ case step_B:
+ if (plainchar == plaintextend)
+ {
+ state_in->result = result;
+ state_in->step = step_B;
+ return codechar - code_out;
+ }
+ fragment = *plainchar++;
+ result |= (fragment & 0x0f0) >> 4;
+ *codechar++ = base64_encode_value(result);
+ result = (fragment & 0x00f) << 2;
+ case step_C:
+ if (plainchar == plaintextend)
+ {
+ state_in->result = result;
+ state_in->step = step_C;
+ return codechar - code_out;
+ }
+ fragment = *plainchar++;
+ result |= (fragment & 0x0c0) >> 6;
+ *codechar++ = base64_encode_value(result);
+ result = (fragment & 0x03f) >> 0;
+ *codechar++ = base64_encode_value(result);
+ /* ++(state_in->stepcount);
+ if (state_in->stepcount == CHARS_PER_LINE/4)
+ {
+ *codechar++ = '\n';
+ state_in->stepcount = 0;
+ } */
+ }
+ }
+ /* control should not reach here */
+ return codechar - code_out;
+int base64_encode_blockend(char* code_out, base64_encodestate* state_in)
+ char* codechar = code_out;
+ switch (state_in->step)
+ {
+ case step_B:
+ *codechar++ = base64_encode_value(state_in->result);
+ *codechar++ = '=';
+ *codechar++ = '=';
+ break;
+ case step_C:
+ *codechar++ = base64_encode_value(state_in->result);
+ *codechar++ = '=';
+ break;
+ case step_A:
+ break;
+ }
+ /* *codechar++ = '\n'; */
+ return codechar - code_out;
+ @LIBB64_LIBS@ \