the application was invoked using I/O redirection
(jpegtran <input.jpg >output.jpg).
-[2] The inclusion of libjpeg v7 and v8 emulation as well as arithmetic coding
++[13] The inclusion of libjpeg v7 and v8 emulation as well as arithmetic coding
+ support in libjpeg-turbo v1.1.0 introduced several new error constants in
+ jerror.h, and these were mistakenly enabled for all emulation modes, causing
+ the error enum in libjpeg-turbo to have different values than the same enum in
+ libjpeg. This represents an ABI incompatibility, and it caused problems with
+ applications that took specific action based on libjpeg error values. The fix
+ was to include the new error constants conditionally based on whether libjpeg
+ v7 or v8 emulation or arithmetic coding support was enabled. Note that to
+ achieve full ABI compatibility with jpeg-6b, it is necessary to build
+ libjpeg-turbo without arithmetic coding support.