.op number_pad
option is on, some additional letter commands are available:
.lp h
-Help menu: display one of several help texts available, like ``?''.
.lp j
-Jump to another location. Same as ``#jump'' or ``M-j''.
.lp k
-Kick something (usually a door). Same as `^D'.
.lp l
-Loot a box or bag on the floor beneath you, or the saddle
-from a steed standing next to you. Same as ``#loot'' or ``M-l''.
.lp N
-Name a monster, an individual object, or a type of object. Same
-as ``#name'' (or ``M-n'') which is the same as the `C'
.lp u
-Untrap a trap, door, or chest. Same as ``#untrap'' or ``M-u''.
.hn 1
Rooms and corridors
-Help menu: display one of several help texts available, like ``{\tt ?}''.
-Jump to another location. Same as ``{\tt \#jump}'' or ``{\tt M-j}''.
-Kick something (usually a door). Same as `{\tt \^{}D}'.
-Loot a box or bag on the floor beneath you, or the saddle
-from a steed standing next to you. Same as ``{\tt \#loot}'' or ``{\tt M-l}''.
-Name an object or type of object. Same as ``{\tt \#name}'' or ``{\tt M-n}''.
-Name a monster, an individual object, or a type of object. Same
-as ``{\tt \#name}'' (or ``{\tt M-n}'') which is the same as the `{\tt C}'
-Untrap a trap, door, or chest. Same as ``{\tt \#untrap}'' or ``{\tt M-u}''.
%.hn 1