-.. function:: abstractproperty(fget[, fset[, fdel[, doc]]])
+.. function:: abstractproperty(fget=None, fset=None, fdel=None, doc=None)
A subclass of the built-in :func:`property`, indicating an abstract property.
Module :mod:`aifc` defines the following function:
-.. function:: open(file[, mode])
+.. function:: open(file, mode=None)
Open an AIFF or AIFF-C file and return an object instance with methods that are
described below. The argument *file* is either a string naming a file or a file
-.. class:: simple_producer(data[, buffer_size=512])
+.. class:: simple_producer(data, buffer_size=512)
A :class:`simple_producer` takes a chunk of data and an optional buffer
size. Repeated calls to its :meth:`more` method yield successive chunks of
empty string.
-.. class:: fifo([list=None])
+.. class:: fifo(list=None)
Each channel maintains a :class:`fifo` holding data which has been pushed
by the application but not yet popped for writing to the channel. A
:func:`os._exit` is called.
-.. function:: register(func[, *args[, **kargs]])
+.. function:: register(func, *args, **kargs)
Register *func* as a function to be executed at termination. Any optional
arguments that are to be passed to *func* must be passed as arguments to
.. seealso::
Module :mod:`readline`
- Useful example of :mod:`atexit` to read and write :mod:`readline` history files.
+ Useful example of :mod:`atexit` to read and write :mod:`readline` history
+ files.
.. _atexit-example:
The modern interface provides:
-.. function:: b64encode(s[, altchars])
+.. function:: b64encode(s, altchars=None)
Encode a string use Base64.
The encoded string is returned.
-.. function:: b64decode(s[, altchars])
+.. function:: b64decode(s, altchars=None)
Decode a Base64 encoded string.
is returned.
-.. function:: b32decode(s[, casefold[, map01]])
+.. function:: b32decode(s, casefold=False, map01=None)
Decode a Base32 encoded string.
*s* is the string to encode. The encoded string is returned.
-.. function:: b16decode(s[, casefold])
+.. function:: b16decode(s, casefold=False)
Decode a Base16 encoded string.
The :mod:`bdb` module also defines two classes:
-.. class:: Breakpoint(self, file, line[, temporary=0[, cond=None [, funcname=None]]])
+.. class:: Breakpoint(self, file, line, temporary=0, cond=None, funcname=None)
This class implements temporary breakpoints, ignore counts, disabling and
(re-)enabling, and conditionals.
Mark the breakpoint as disabled.
- .. method:: pprint([out])
+ .. method:: bpprint(out=None)
Print all the information about the breakpoint:
breakpoints. These methods return a string containing an error message if
something went wrong, or ``None`` if all is well.
- .. method:: set_break(filename, lineno[, temporary=0[, cond[, funcname]]])
+ .. method:: set_break(filename, lineno, temporary=0, cond, funcname)
Set a new breakpoint. If the *lineno* line doesn't exist for the
*filename* passed as argument, return an error message. The *filename*
Get a list of records for a frame and all higher (calling) and lower
frames, and the size of the higher part.
- .. method:: format_stack_entry(frame_lineno, [lprefix=': '])
+ .. method:: format_stack_entry(frame_lineno, lprefix=': ')
Return a string with information about a stack entry, identified by a
``(frame, lineno)`` tuple:
The following two methods can be called by clients to use a debugger to debug
a :term:`statement`, given as a string.
- .. method:: run(cmd, [globals, [locals]])
+ .. method:: run(cmd, globals=None, locals=None)
Debug a statement executed via the :func:`exec` function. *globals*
defaults to :attr:`__main__.__dict__`, *locals* defaults to *globals*.
- .. method:: runeval(expr, [globals, [locals]])
+ .. method:: runeval(expr, globals=None, locals=None)
Debug an expression executed via the :func:`eval` function. *globals* and
*locals* have the same meaning as in :meth:`run`.
should be at most 57 to adhere to the base64 standard.
-.. function:: a2b_qp(string[, header])
+.. function:: a2b_qp(string, header=False)
Convert a block of quoted-printable data back to binary and return the binary
data. More than one line may be passed at a time. If the optional argument
*header* is present and true, underscores will be decoded as spaces.
-.. function:: b2a_qp(data[, quotetabs, istext, header])
+.. function:: b2a_qp(data, quotetabs=False, istext=True, header=False)
Convert binary data to a line(s) of ASCII characters in quoted-printable
encoding. The return value is the converted line(s). If the optional argument