Run regression tests with PHP\'s regression testing script (run-tests.php).',
'package-dependencies' => array(
- 'summary' => 'Show package dependencies',
- 'function' => 'doPackageDependencies',
- 'shortcut' => 'pd',
- 'options' => array(),
- 'doc' => '
+ 'summary' => 'Show package dependencies',
+ 'function' => 'doPackageDependencies',
+ 'shortcut' => 'pd',
+ 'options' => array(),
+ 'doc' => '
List all depencies the package has.'
- ),
+ ),
+ 'sign' => array(
+ 'summary' => 'Sign a package distribution file',
+ 'function' => 'doSign',
+ 'shortcut' => 'si',
+ 'options' => array(),
+ 'doc' => '<package-file>
+Signs a package distribution (.tar or .tgz) file with GnuPG.',
+ ),
var $output;
$obj = new PEAR_Common();
if (PEAR::isError($info = $obj->infoFromAny($params[0]))) {
- return $info;
+ return $this->raiseError($info);
if (is_array($info['release_deps'])) {
// Fallback
$this->ui->outputData("This package does not have any dependencies.", $command);
+ function doSign($command, $options, $params)
+ {
+ // should move most of this code into PEAR_Packager
+ // so it'll be easy to implement "pear package --sign"
+ if (sizeof($params) != 1) {
+ return $this->raiseError("bad parameter(s), try \"help $command\"");
+ }
+ if (!file_exists($params[0])) {
+ return $this->raiseError("file does not exist: $params[0]");
+ }
+ $obj = new PEAR_Common;
+ $info = $obj->infoFromTgzFile($params[0]);
+ if (PEAR::isError($info)) {
+ return $this->raiseError($info);
+ }
+ include_once "Archive/Tar.php";
+ include_once "System.php";
+ $tar = new Archive_Tar($params[0]);
+ $tmpdir = System::mktemp('-d pearsign');
+ if (!$tar->extractList('package.xml package.sig', $tmpdir)) {
+ return $this->raiseError("failed to extract tar file");
+ }
+ if (file_exists("$tmpdir/package.sig")) {
+ return $this->raiseError("package already signed");
+ }
+ @unlink("$tmpdir/package.sig");
+ $input = $this->ui->userDialog($command,
+ array('GnuPG Passphrase'),
+ array('password'));
+ $gpg = popen("gpg --batch --passphrase-fd 0 --armor --detach-sign --output $tmpdir/package.sig $tmpdir/package.xml 2>/dev/null", "w");
+ if (!$gpg) {
+ return $this->raiseError("gpg command failed");
+ }
+ fwrite($gpg, "$input[0]\r");
+ if (pclose($gpg) || !file_exists("$tmpdir/package.sig")) {
+ return $this->raiseError("gpg sign failed");
+ }
+ $tar->addModify("$tmpdir/package.sig", '', $tmpdir);
+ return true;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file