(thanks to Denis Bradford for reporting the problem)
Whitespace is preserved in output for Refsection. Among other
things, this results in malformed groff output from the manpages
Refsection was not included in the master list of "strip space"
Added Refsection to master list of "strip space" elements.
This change affects all output formats.
msgmain msgrel msgset msgsub msgtext note objectinfo
orderedlist othercredit part partintro preface printhistory procedure
programlistingco publisher qandadiv qandaentry qandaset question
-refentry reference refmeta refnamediv refsect1 refsect1info refsect2
+refentry reference refmeta refnamediv refsection refsect1 refsect1info refsect2
refsect2info refsect3 refsect3info refsynopsisdiv refsynopsisdivinfo
revhistory revision row sbr screenco screenshot sect1 sect1info sect2
sect2info sect3 sect3info sect4 sect4info sect5 sect5info section