* `LICENSE' that comes with the fcron source distribution.
- /* $Id: global.h,v 1.22 2001-01-12 21:43:35 thib Exp $ */
+ /* $Id: global.h,v 1.23 2001-01-30 15:52:16 thib Exp $ */
#include "option.h"
-#define FILEVERSION "016" /* syntax's version of fcrontabs :
+#define FILEVERSION "017" /* syntax's version of fcrontabs :
* must have a length of 3 characters */
/* you should not change this (nor need to do it) */
unsigned char cl_lavg[3]; /* load averages needed (1, 5, 15 mins) */
time_t cl_until; /* timeout of the wait for a lavg value */
char cl_nice; /* nice value to control priority */
- uid_t cl_runas; /* determine permissions of the job */
- uid_t cl_mailto; /* mail output to cl_mailto */
+ char *cl_runas; /* determine permissions of the job */
+ char *cl_mailto; /* mail output to cl_mailto */
time_t cl_nextexe; /* time and date of the next execution */
unsigned short cl_remain; /* remaining until next execution */
time_t cl_timefreq; /* Run every n seconds */