--- /dev/null
+-- Make both a standalone composite type and a table rowtype
+create type complex as (r float8, i float8);
+create temp table fullname (first text, last text);
+-- Nested composite
+create type quad as (c1 complex, c2 complex);
+-- Some simple tests of I/O conversions and row construction
+select (1.1,2.2)::complex, row((3.3,4.4),(5.5,null))::quad;
+ row | row
+ (1.1,2.2) | ("(3.3,4.4)","(5.5,)")
+(1 row)
+select row('Joe', 'Blow')::fullname, '(Joe,Blow)'::fullname;
+ row | fullname
+ (Joe,Blow) | (Joe,Blow)
+(1 row)
+select '(Joe,von Blow)'::fullname, '(Joe,d''Blow)'::fullname;
+ fullname | fullname
+ (Joe,"von Blow") | (Joe,d'Blow)
+(1 row)
+select '(Joe,"von""Blow")'::fullname, '(Joe,d\\\\Blow)'::fullname;
+ fullname | fullname
+ (Joe,"von""Blow") | (Joe,"d\\Blow")
+(1 row)
+select '(Joe,"Blow,Jr")'::fullname;
+ fullname
+ (Joe,"Blow,Jr")
+(1 row)
+select '(Joe,)'::fullname; -- ok, null 2nd column
+ fullname
+ (Joe,)
+(1 row)
+select '(Joe)'::fullname; -- bad
+ERROR: malformed record literal: "(Joe)"
+DETAIL: Too few columns.
+select '(Joe,,)'::fullname; -- bad
+ERROR: malformed record literal: "(Joe,,)"
+DETAIL: Too many columns.
+create temp table quadtable(f1 int, q quad);
+insert into quadtable values (1, ((3.3,4.4),(5.5,6.6)));
+insert into quadtable values (2, ((null,4.4),(5.5,6.6)));
+select * from quadtable;
+ f1 | q
+ 1 | ("(3.3,4.4)","(5.5,6.6)")
+ 2 | ("(,4.4)","(5.5,6.6)")
+(2 rows)
+select f1, q.c1 from quadtable; -- fails, q is a table reference
+ERROR: relation "q" does not exist
+select f1, (q).c1, (qq.q).c1.i from quadtable qq;
+ f1 | c1 | i
+ 1 | (3.3,4.4) | 4.4
+ 2 | (,4.4) | 4.4
+(2 rows)
+create temp table people (fn fullname, bd date);
+insert into people values ('(Joe,Blow)', '1984-01-10');
+select * from people;
+ fn | bd
+ (Joe,Blow) | 01-10-1984
+(1 row)
+-- at the moment this will not work due to ALTER TABLE inadequacy:
+alter table fullname add column suffix text default '';
+ERROR: cannot alter table "fullname" because column "people"."fn" uses its rowtype
+-- but this should work:
+alter table fullname add column suffix text default null;
+select * from people;
+ fn | bd
+ (Joe,Blow,) | 01-10-1984
+(1 row)
+-- This fails at the moment, would like it to work though:
+update people set fn.suffix = 'Jr';
+ERROR: syntax error at or near "." at character 21
+LINE 1: update people set fn.suffix = 'Jr';
+ ^
+-- ugly workaround:
+update people set fn = ((fn).first, (fn).last, 'III');
+select * from people;
+ fn | bd
+ (Joe,Blow,III) | 01-10-1984
+(1 row)
+-- The object here is to ensure that toasted references inside
+-- composite values don't cause problems. The large f1 value will
+-- be toasted inside pp, it must still work after being copied to people.
+create temp table pp (f1 text);
+insert into pp values (repeat('abcdefghijkl', 100000));
+insert into people select ('Jim', f1, null)::fullname, current_date from pp;
+select (fn).first, substr((fn).last, 1, 20), length((fn).last) from people;
+ first | substr | length
+ Joe | Blow | 4
+ Jim | abcdefghijklabcdefgh | 1200000
+(2 rows)
--- /dev/null
+-- Make both a standalone composite type and a table rowtype
+create type complex as (r float8, i float8);
+create temp table fullname (first text, last text);
+-- Nested composite
+create type quad as (c1 complex, c2 complex);
+-- Some simple tests of I/O conversions and row construction
+select (1.1,2.2)::complex, row((3.3,4.4),(5.5,null))::quad;
+select row('Joe', 'Blow')::fullname, '(Joe,Blow)'::fullname;
+select '(Joe,von Blow)'::fullname, '(Joe,d''Blow)'::fullname;
+select '(Joe,"von""Blow")'::fullname, '(Joe,d\\\\Blow)'::fullname;
+select '(Joe,"Blow,Jr")'::fullname;
+select '(Joe,)'::fullname; -- ok, null 2nd column
+select '(Joe)'::fullname; -- bad
+select '(Joe,,)'::fullname; -- bad
+create temp table quadtable(f1 int, q quad);
+insert into quadtable values (1, ((3.3,4.4),(5.5,6.6)));
+insert into quadtable values (2, ((null,4.4),(5.5,6.6)));
+select * from quadtable;
+select f1, q.c1 from quadtable; -- fails, q is a table reference
+select f1, (q).c1, (qq.q).c1.i from quadtable qq;
+create temp table people (fn fullname, bd date);
+insert into people values ('(Joe,Blow)', '1984-01-10');
+select * from people;
+-- at the moment this will not work due to ALTER TABLE inadequacy:
+alter table fullname add column suffix text default '';
+-- but this should work:
+alter table fullname add column suffix text default null;
+select * from people;
+-- This fails at the moment, would like it to work though:
+update people set fn.suffix = 'Jr';
+-- ugly workaround:
+update people set fn = ((fn).first, (fn).last, 'III');
+select * from people;
+-- The object here is to ensure that toasted references inside
+-- composite values don't cause problems. The large f1 value will
+-- be toasted inside pp, it must still work after being copied to people.
+create temp table pp (f1 text);
+insert into pp values (repeat('abcdefghijkl', 100000));
+insert into people select ('Jim', f1, null)::fullname, current_date from pp;
+select (fn).first, substr((fn).last, 1, 20), length((fn).last) from people;