call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])
- " 19a: Setting string local-global (to buffer) option"
+ " 19a: Setting string global-local (to buffer) option"
let oldval = &tags
let g:options = [['tags', oldval, oldval, oldval, 'tagpath', 'global', 'set']]
set tags=tagpath
call assert_equal([], g:options)
call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])
- " 19b: Resetting string local-global (to buffer) option"
+ " 19b: Resetting string global-local (to buffer) option"
let g:options = [['tags', 'tagpath', 'tagpath', 'tagpath', oldval, 'global', 'set']]
set tags&
call assert_equal([], g:options)
call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])
- " 19c: Setting global string local-global (to buffer) option "
+ " 19c: Setting global string global-local (to buffer) option "
let g:options = [['tags', oldval, '', oldval, 'tagpath1', 'global', 'setglobal']]
setglobal tags=tagpath1
call assert_equal([], g:options)
call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])
- " 19d: Setting local string local-global (to buffer) option"
+ " 19d: Setting local string global-local (to buffer) option"
let g:options = [['tags', 'tagpath1', 'tagpath1', '', 'tagpath2', 'local', 'setlocal']]
setlocal tags=tagpath2
call assert_equal([], g:options)
call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])
- " 19e: Setting again string local-global (to buffer) option"
- " Note: v:option_old is the old global value for local-global string options
+ " 19e: Setting again string global-local (to buffer) option"
+ " Note: v:option_old is the old global value for global-local string options
" but the old local value for all other kinds of options.
noa setglobal tags=tag_global " Reset global and local value (without triggering autocmd)
noa setlocal tags=tag_local
call assert_equal([], g:options)
call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])
- " 19f: Setting string local-global (to buffer) option to an empty string"
- " Note: v:option_old is the old global value for local-global string options
+ " 19f: Setting string global-local (to buffer) option to an empty string"
+ " Note: v:option_old is the old global value for global-local string options
" but the old local value for all other kinds of options.
noa set tags=tag_global " Reset global and local value (without triggering autocmd)
noa setlocal tags= " empty string
call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])
" 20e: Setting again string local (to buffer) option"
- " Note: v:option_old is the old global value for local-global string options
+ " Note: v:option_old is the old global value for global-local string options
" but the old local value for all other kinds of options.
noa setglobal spelllang=spellglobal " Reset global and local value (without triggering autocmd)
noa setlocal spelllang=spelllocal
call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])
- " 21a: Setting string local-global (to window) option"
+ " 21a: Setting string global-local (to window) option"
let oldval = &statusline
let g:options = [['statusline', oldval, oldval, oldval, 'foo', 'global', 'set']]
set statusline=foo
call assert_equal([], g:options)
call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])
- " 21b: Resetting string local-global (to window) option"
- " Note: v:option_old is the old global value for local-global string options
+ " 21b: Resetting string global-local (to window) option"
+ " Note: v:option_old is the old global value for global-local string options
" but the old local value for all other kinds of options.
let g:options = [['statusline', 'foo', 'foo', 'foo', oldval, 'global', 'set']]
set statusline&
call assert_equal([], g:options)
call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])
- " 21c: Setting global string local-global (to window) option"
+ " 21c: Setting global string global-local (to window) option"
let g:options = [['statusline', oldval, '', oldval, 'bar', 'global', 'setglobal']]
setglobal statusline=bar
call assert_equal([], g:options)
call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])
- " 21d: Setting local string local-global (to window) option"
+ " 21d: Setting local string global-local (to window) option"
noa set statusline& " Reset global and local value (without triggering autocmd)
let g:options = [['statusline', oldval, oldval, '', 'baz', 'local', 'setlocal']]
setlocal statusline=baz
call assert_equal([], g:options)
call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])
- " 21e: Setting again string local-global (to window) option"
- " Note: v:option_old is the old global value for local-global string options
+ " 21e: Setting again string global-local (to window) option"
+ " Note: v:option_old is the old global value for global-local string options
" but the old local value for all other kinds of options.
noa setglobal statusline=bar " Reset global and local value (without triggering autocmd)
noa setlocal statusline=baz
call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])
- " 23a: Setting global number local option"
+ " 23a: Setting global number global option"
noa setglobal cmdheight=8 " Reset global and local value (without triggering autocmd)
noa setlocal cmdheight=1 " Sets the global(!) value!
let g:options = [['cmdheight', '1', '', '1', '2', 'global', 'setglobal']]
call assert_equal([], g:options)
call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])
- " 27d: Ssettin again global number local (to window) option"
+ " 27d: Setting again global number local (to window) option"
noa set foldcolumn=8 " Reset global and local value (without triggering autocmd)
let g:options = [['foldcolumn', '8', '8', '8', '2', 'global', 'set']]
set foldcolumn=2