/* Initialize libtransmission */
- h = tr_initFull( "cli",
+ h = tr_initFull( tr_getDefaultConfigDir(),
+ "cli", /* tag */
1, /* pex enabled */
natTraversal, /* nat enabled */
bindPort, /* public port */
confpath( char * buf, size_t len, const char * file, enum confpathtype type )
- strlcpy( buf, tr_getPrefsDirectory(), len );
+ strlcpy( buf, tr_getDefaultConfigDir(), len );
switch( type )
assert( NULL == gl_handle && NULL == gl_base );
gl_base = base;
- gl_handle = tr_init( "daemon" );
+ gl_handle = tr_init( tr_getDefaultConfigDir(), "daemon" );
confpath( gl_state, sizeof gl_state, CONF_FILE_STATE, 0 );
strlcpy( gl_newstate, gl_state, sizeof gl_state );
getCompat08PrefsFilename( void )
assert( gl_confdir != NULL );
- return g_build_filename( gl_confdir, "prefs", NULL );
+ return g_build_filename( g_get_home_dir(), ".transmission", "gtk", "prefs", NULL );
+static char*
+getCompat09PrefsFilename( void )
+ assert( gl_confdir != NULL );
+ return g_build_filename( g_get_home_dir(), ".transmission", "gtk", "prefs.ini", NULL );
static void
char * cfn = getPrefsFilename( );
char * cfn08 = getCompat08PrefsFilename( );
+ char * cfn09 = getCompat09PrefsFilename( );
+ if( !g_file_test( cfn, G_FILE_TEST_IS_REGULAR )
+ && g_file_test( cfn09, G_FILE_TEST_IS_REGULAR ) )
+ g_rename( cfn09, cfn );
if( !g_file_test( cfn, G_FILE_TEST_IS_REGULAR )
&& g_file_test( cfn08, G_FILE_TEST_IS_REGULAR ) )
translate_08_to_09( cfn08, cfn );
+ g_free( cfn09 );
g_free( cfn08 );
g_free( cfn );
gboolean startpaused = FALSE;
gboolean startminimized = FALSE;
char * domain = "transmission";
+ const char * configDir = tr_getDefaultConfigDir( );
GOptionEntry entries[] = {
{ "paused", 'p', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &startpaused,
_("Start with all torrents paused"), NULL },
tr_notify_init( );
- didinit = cf_init( tr_getPrefsDirectory(), NULL ); /* must come before actions_init */
+ didinit = cf_init( configDir, NULL ); /* must come before actions_init */
tr_prefs_init_global( );
myUIManager = gtk_ui_manager_new ();
actions_init ( myUIManager, cbdata );
didlock = didinit && sendremote( argfiles, sendquit );
setupsighandlers( ); /* set up handlers for fatal signals */
- if( ( didinit || cf_init( tr_getPrefsDirectory(), &err ) ) &&
+ if( ( didinit || cf_init( configDir, &err ) ) &&
( didlock || cf_lock( &err ) ) )
cbdata->core = tr_core_new( );
struct TrCorePrivate );
- h = tr_initFull( "gtk",
+ h = tr_initFull( tr_getDefaultConfigDir( ),
+ "gtk",
pref_flag_get( PREF_KEY_PEX ),
pref_flag_get( PREF_KEY_NAT ),
pref_int_get( PREF_KEY_PORT ),
static void
fastResumeFileName( char * buf, size_t buflen, const tr_torrent * tor, int tag )
- const char * cacheDir = tr_getCacheDirectory ();
+ const char * cacheDir = tr_getResumeDir( tor->handle );
const char * hash = tor->info.hashString;
if( !tag )
uint8_t * ret = NULL;
char path[MAX_PATH_LENGTH];
- const char * cacheDir = tr_getCacheDirectory ();
+ const char * cacheDir = tr_getResumeDir( tor->handle );
const char * hash = tor->info.hashString;
if( !ret && tor->handle->tag )
tr_fastResumeRemove( const tr_torrent * tor )
char path[MAX_PATH_LENGTH];
- const char * cacheDir = tr_getCacheDirectory ();
+ const char * cacheDir = tr_getResumeDir( tor->handle );
const char * hash = tor->info.hashString;
if( tor->handle->tag )
char * tag;
+ char * configDir;
+ char * torrentDir;
+ char * resumeDir;
struct tr_ratecontrol * upload;
struct tr_ratecontrol * download;
static void
-savedname( char * name, size_t len, const char * hash, const char * tag )
+savedname( const tr_handle * handle,
+ char * name,
+ size_t len,
+ const char * hash )
- const char * torDir = tr_getTorrentsDirectory ();
+ const char * torDir = tr_getTorrentDir( handle );
- if( tag == NULL )
+ if( !handle->tag )
tr_buildPath( name, len, torDir, hash, NULL );
char base[1024];
- snprintf( base, sizeof(base), "%s-%s", hash, tag );
+ snprintf( base, sizeof(base), "%s-%s", hash, handle->tag );
tr_buildPath( name, len, torDir, base, NULL );
-tr_metainfoParse( tr_info * inf, const tr_benc * meta_in, const char * tag )
+tr_metainfoParse( const tr_handle * handle,
+ tr_info * inf,
+ const tr_benc * meta_in )
tr_piece_index_t i;
tr_benc * beInfo, * val, * val2;
tr_sha1_to_hex( inf->hashString, inf->hash );
- savedname( buf, sizeof( buf ), inf->hashString, tag );
+ savedname( handle, buf, sizeof( buf ), inf->hashString );
tr_free( inf->torrent );
inf->torrent = tr_strdup( buf );
-tr_metainfoRemoveSaved( const char * hashString, const char * tag )
+tr_metainfoRemoveSaved( const tr_handle * handle,
+ const char * hashString )
char file[MAX_PATH_LENGTH];
- savedname( file, sizeof file, hashString, tag );
+ savedname( handle, file, sizeof file, hashString );
unlink( file );
/* Save a copy of the torrent file in the saved torrent directory */
-tr_metainfoSave( const char * hash, const char * tag,
- const uint8_t * buf, size_t buflen )
+tr_metainfoSave( const tr_handle * handle,
+ const char * hash,
+ const uint8_t * buf,
+ size_t buflen )
char path[MAX_PATH_LENGTH];
FILE * file;
- savedname( path, sizeof path, hash, tag );
+ savedname( handle, path, sizeof path, hash );
file = fopen( path, "wb+" );
if( !file )
struct tr_benc;
-int tr_metainfoParse( tr_info *, const struct tr_benc *, const char * tag );
+int tr_metainfoParse( const tr_handle * handle,
+ tr_info * info,
+ const struct tr_benc * benc );
void tr_metainfoFree( tr_info * inf );
-void tr_metainfoRemoveSaved( const char * hashString, const char * tag );
-int tr_metainfoSave( const char *hashString, const char * tag, const uint8_t * metainfo, size_t len );
+void tr_metainfoRemoveSaved( const tr_handle * handle,
+ const char * hashString );
+int tr_metainfoSave( const tr_handle * handle,
+ const char * hashString,
+ const uint8_t * metainfo,
+ size_t len );
static const char *
-tr_getHomeDirectory( void )
+getHomeDir( void )
- static char buf[MAX_PATH_LENGTH];
- static int init = 0;
- const char * envHome;
+ static char * home = NULL;
- if( init )
- return buf;
+ if( !home )
+ {
+ home = tr_strdup( getenv( "HOME" ) );
- envHome = getenv( "HOME" );
- if( envHome )
- snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "%s", envHome );
- else {
+ if( !home )
+ {
#ifdef WIN32
- SHGetFolderPath( NULL, CSIDL_PROFILE, NULL, 0, buf );
+ SHGetFolderPath( NULL, CSIDL_PROFILE, NULL, 0, buf );
#elif defined(__BEOS__) || defined(__AMIGAOS4__)
- *buf = '\0';
+ home = tr_strdup( "" );
- struct passwd * pw = getpwuid( getuid() );
- endpwent();
- if( pw != NULL )
- snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "%s", pw->pw_dir );
+ struct passwd * pw = getpwuid( getuid() );
+ endpwent( );
+ if( pw )
+ home = tr_strdup( pw->pw_dir );
- }
- init = 1;
- return buf;
-static void
-tr_migrateResume( const char *oldDirectory, const char *newDirectory )
- DIR * dirh = opendir( oldDirectory );
- if( dirh != NULL )
- {
- struct dirent * dirp;
- while( ( dirp = readdir( dirh ) ) )
- {
- if( !strncmp( "resume.", dirp->d_name, 7 ) )
- {
- char o[MAX_PATH_LENGTH];
- char n[MAX_PATH_LENGTH];
- tr_buildPath( o, sizeof(o), oldDirectory, dirp->d_name, NULL );
- tr_buildPath( n, sizeof(n), newDirectory, dirp->d_name, NULL );
- rename( o, n );
- }
- closedir( dirh );
+ if( !home )
+ home = tr_strdup( "" );
+ return home;
-const char *
-tr_getPrefsDirectory( void )
+static const char *
+getOldConfigDir( void )
- static char buf[MAX_PATH_LENGTH];
- static int init = 0;
- const char * trhome;
- if( init )
- return buf;
+ static char * path = NULL;
- trhome = getenv( "TRANSMISSION_HOME" );
- if( trhome != NULL )
- {
- strlcpy( buf, trhome, sizeof( buf ) );
- }
- else
+ if( !path )
+ char buf[MAX_PATH_LENGTH];
#ifdef __BEOS__
dev_for_path("/boot"), true,
buf, sizeof( buf ) );
strcat( buf, "/Transmission" );
#elif defined( SYS_DARWIN )
- tr_buildPath ( buf, sizeof( buf ),
- tr_getHomeDirectory( ),
- "Library",
- "Application Support",
- "Transmission",
- NULL );
+ tr_buildPath ( buf, sizeof( buf ), getHomeDir( ),
+ "Library", "Application Support",
+ "Transmission", NULL );
#elif defined(__AMIGAOS4__)
strlcpy( buf, "PROGDIR:.transmission", sizeof( buf ) );
#elif defined(WIN32)
char appdata[MAX_PATH_LENGTH];
SHGetFolderPath( NULL, CSIDL_APPDATA, NULL, 0, appdata );
tr_buildPath( buf, sizeof(buf),
- appdata,
- "Transmission",
- NULL );
+ appdata, "Transmission", NULL );
- tr_buildPath ( buf, sizeof(buf), tr_getHomeDirectory( ), ".transmission", NULL );
+ tr_buildPath ( buf, sizeof(buf),
+ getHomeDir( ), ".transmission", NULL );
+ path = tr_strdup( buf );
- tr_mkdirp( buf, 0777 );
- init = 1;
+ return path;
-#ifdef SYS_DARWIN
- char old[MAX_PATH_LENGTH];
- tr_buildPath ( old, sizeof(old),
- tr_getHomeDirectory(), ".transmission", NULL );
- tr_migrateResume( old, buf );
- rmdir( old );
+static const char *
+getOldTorrentsDir( void )
+ static char * path = NULL;
+ if( !path )
+ {
+ char buf[MAX_PATH_LENGTH];
+ const char * p = getOldConfigDir();
+#if defined(__BEOS__) || defined(WIN32) || defined(SYS_DARWIN)
+ tr_buildPath( buf, sizeof( buf ), p, "Torrents", NULL );
+ tr_buildPath( buf, sizeof( buf ), p, "torrents", NULL );
- return buf;
+ path = tr_strdup( buf );
+ }
-const char *
-tr_getCacheDirectory( void )
+ return path;
+static const char *
+getOldCacheDir( void )
- static char buf[MAX_PATH_LENGTH];
- static int init = 0;
- static const size_t buflen = sizeof(buf);
- const char * p;
- if( init )
- return buf;
+ static char * path = NULL;
- p = tr_getPrefsDirectory();
+ if( !path )
+ {
+ char buf[MAX_PATH_LENGTH];
+ const char * p = getOldConfigDir( );
#if defined(__BEOS__) || defined(WIN32)
- tr_buildPath( buf, buflen, p, "Cache", NULL );
+ tr_buildPath( buf, sizeof( buf ), p, "Cache", NULL );
#elif defined( SYS_DARWIN )
- tr_buildPath( buf, buflen, tr_getHomeDirectory(),
- "Library", "Caches", "Transmission", NULL );
+ tr_buildPath( buf, sizeof( buf ), getHomeDir(),
+ "Library", "Caches", "Transmission", NULL );
+ tr_buildPath( buf, sizeof( buf ), p, "cache", NULL );
+ path = tr_strdup( buf );
+ }
+ return path;
+static void
+moveFiles( const char * oldDir, const char * newDir )
+ if( oldDir && newDir && strcmp( oldDir, newDir ) )
+ {
+ DIR * dirh = opendir( oldDir );
+ if( dirh )
+ {
+ int count = 0;
+ struct dirent * dirp;
+ while(( dirp = readdir( dirh )))
+ {
+ if( strcmp( dirp->d_name, "." ) && strcmp( dirp->d_name, ".." ) )
+ {
+ char o[MAX_PATH_LENGTH];
+ char n[MAX_PATH_LENGTH];
+ tr_buildPath( o, sizeof(o), oldDir, dirp->d_name, NULL );
+ tr_buildPath( n, sizeof(n), newDir, dirp->d_name, NULL );
+ rename( o, n );
+ ++count;
+ }
+ }
+ tr_inf( _( "Migrated %1$d files from \"%2$s\" to \"%3$s\"" ),
+ count, oldDir, newDir );
+ closedir( dirh );
+ }
+ }
+static void
+migrateFiles( const tr_handle * handle )
+ static int migrated = FALSE;
+ if( !migrated )
+ {
+ const char * oldDir;
+ const char * newDir;
+ migrated = TRUE;
+ oldDir = getOldTorrentsDir( );
+ newDir = tr_getTorrentDir( handle );
+ moveFiles( oldDir, newDir );
+ oldDir = getOldCacheDir( );
+ newDir = tr_getResumeDir( handle );
+ moveFiles( oldDir, newDir );
+ }
+#ifdef SYS_DARWIN
+#define RESUME_SUBDIR "Resume"
+#define TORRENT_SUBDIR "Torrents"
- tr_buildPath( buf, buflen, p, "cache", NULL );
+#define RESUME_SUBDIR "resume"
+#define TORRENT_SUBDIR "torrents"
+tr_setConfigDir( tr_handle * handle, const char * configDir )
+ char buf[MAX_PATH_LENGTH];
+ handle->configDir = tr_strdup( configDir );
+ tr_buildPath( buf, sizeof( buf ), configDir, RESUME_SUBDIR, NULL );
+ tr_mkdirp( buf, 0777 );
+ handle->resumeDir = tr_strdup( buf );
+ tr_buildPath( buf, sizeof( buf ), configDir, TORRENT_SUBDIR, NULL );
tr_mkdirp( buf, 0777 );
- init = 1;
+ handle->torrentDir = tr_strdup( buf );
- if( strcmp( p, buf ) )
- tr_migrateResume( p, buf );
+ migrateFiles( handle );
- return buf;
+const char *
+tr_getConfigDir( const tr_handle * handle )
+ return handle->configDir;
const char *
-tr_getTorrentsDirectory( void )
+tr_getTorrentDir( const tr_handle * handle )
- static char buf[MAX_PATH_LENGTH];
- static int init = 0;
- static const size_t buflen = sizeof(buf);
- const char * p;
+ return handle->torrentDir;
- if( init )
- return buf;
+const char *
+tr_getResumeDir( const tr_handle * handle )
+ return handle->resumeDir;
- p = tr_getPrefsDirectory ();
+const char*
+tr_getDefaultConfigDir( void )
+ static char * s = NULL;
-#if defined(__BEOS__) || defined(WIN32)
- tr_buildPath( buf, buflen, p, "Torrents", NULL );
-#elif defined( SYS_DARWIN )
- tr_buildPath( buf, buflen, p, "Torrents", NULL );
+ if( !s )
+ {
+ char path[MAX_PATH_LENGTH];
+ if(( s = getenv( "TRANSMISSION_HOME" )))
+ {
+ snprintf( path, sizeof( path ), s );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+#ifdef DARWIN
+ tr_buildPath( path, sizeof( path ),
+ getHomeDir( ), "Library", "Application Support",
+ "Transmission", NULL );
+#elif defined(WIN32)
+ char appdata[MAX_PATH_LENGTH];
+ SHGetFolderPath( NULL, CSIDL_APPDATA, NULL, 0, appdata );
+ tr_buildPath( path, sizeof( path ),
+ appdata, "Transmission", NULL );
- tr_buildPath( buf, buflen, p, "torrents", NULL );
+ if(( s = getenv( "XDG_CONFIG_HOME" )))
+ tr_buildPath( path, sizeof( path ),
+ s, "transmission", NULL );
+ else
+ tr_buildPath( path, sizeof( path ),
+ getHomeDir(), ".config", "transmission", NULL );
+ }
- tr_mkdirp( buf, 0777 );
- init = 1;
- return buf;
+ s = tr_strdup( path );
+ }
+ return s;
typedef struct tr_lock tr_lock;
typedef struct tr_thread tr_thread;
-const char * tr_getCacheDirectory( void );
-const char * tr_getTorrentsDirectory( void );
+struct tr_handle;
+void tr_setConfigDir ( struct tr_handle * handle,
+ const char * configDir );
+const char * tr_getResumeDir ( const struct tr_handle * );
+const char * tr_getTorrentDir ( const struct tr_handle * );
tr_thread* tr_threadNew ( void (*func)(void *), void * arg, const char * name );
void tr_threadJoin ( tr_thread * );
#include "transmission.h"
#include "bencode.h"
-#include "platform.h" /* tr_getPrefsDirectory */
+#include "platform.h" /* tr_getConfigDir() */
#include "utils.h" /* tr_buildPath */
static char*
-getFilename( char * buf, size_t buflen )
+getFilename( const tr_handle * handle, char * buf, size_t buflen )
- tr_buildPath( buf, buflen, tr_getPrefsDirectory(), "stats.benc", NULL );
+ tr_buildPath( buf, buflen, tr_getConfigDir(handle), "stats.benc", NULL );
return buf;
static void
-loadCumulativeStats( tr_session_stats * setme )
+loadCumulativeStats( const tr_handle * handle, tr_session_stats * setme )
size_t len;
uint8_t * content;
char filename[MAX_PATH_LENGTH];
- getFilename( filename, sizeof(filename) );
+ getFilename( handle, filename, sizeof(filename) );
content = tr_loadFile( filename, &len );
if( content != NULL )
parseCumulativeStats( setme, content, len );
static void
-saveCumulativeStats( const tr_session_stats * stats )
+saveCumulativeStats( const tr_handle * handle, const tr_session_stats * stats )
FILE * fp;
char * str;
tr_bencInitInt( tr_bencDictAdd( &top, "seconds-active" ), stats->secondsActive );
str = tr_bencSave( &top, &len );
- getFilename( filename, sizeof(filename) );
+ getFilename( handle, filename, sizeof(filename) );
fp = fopen( filename, "wb+" );
fwrite( str, 1, len, fp );
fclose( fp );
tr_statsInit( tr_handle * handle )
struct tr_stats_handle * stats = tr_new0( struct tr_stats_handle, 1 );
- loadCumulativeStats( &stats->old );
+ loadCumulativeStats( handle, &stats->old );
stats->single.sessionCount = 1;
stats->startTime = time( NULL );
handle->sessionStats = stats;
tr_session_stats cumulative;
tr_getCumulativeSessionStats( handle, &cumulative );
- saveCumulativeStats( &cumulative );
+ saveCumulativeStats( handle, &cumulative );
tr_free( handle->sessionStats );
handle->sessionStats = NULL;
if( err && ( ctor->handle->tag != NULL ) ) {
snprintf( basename, sizeof(basename), "%s-%s", hashString, ctor->handle->tag );
- tr_buildPath( filename, sizeof(filename), tr_getTorrentsDirectory(), basename, NULL );
+ tr_buildPath( filename, sizeof(filename), tr_getTorrentDir( ctor->handle ), basename, NULL );
err = tr_ctorSetMetainfoFromFile( ctor, filename );
if( err ) {
- tr_buildPath( filename, sizeof(filename), tr_getTorrentsDirectory(), hashString, NULL );
+ tr_buildPath( filename, sizeof(filename), tr_getTorrentDir( ctor->handle ), hashString, NULL );
err = tr_ctorSetMetainfoFromFile( ctor, filename );
if( !tr_ctorGetMetainfo( ctor, &val ) ) {
int len;
uint8_t * text = (uint8_t*) tr_bencSave( val, &len );
- tr_metainfoSave( tor->info.hashString,
- tor->handle->tag,
+ tr_metainfoSave( tor->handle,
+ tor->info.hashString,
text, len );
tr_free( text );
if( !err && tr_ctorGetMetainfo( ctor, &metainfo ) )
- err = tr_metainfoParse( setmeInfo, metainfo, handle->tag );
+ err = tr_metainfoParse( handle, setmeInfo, metainfo );
doFree = !err && ( setmeInfo == &tmp );
if( !err && hashExists( handle, setmeInfo->hash ) )
tr_torrentRemoveSaved( tr_torrent * tor )
- tr_metainfoRemoveSaved( tor->info.hashString, tor->handle->tag );
+ tr_metainfoRemoveSaved( tor->handle, tor->info.hashString );
tr_fastResumeRemove( tor );
tr_handle *
-tr_initFull( const char * tag,
+tr_initFull( const char * configDir,
+ const char * tag,
int isPexEnabled,
int isNatEnabled,
int publicPort,
signal( SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN );
+ if( configDir == NULL )
+ configDir = tr_getDefaultConfigDir( );
tr_msgInit( );
tr_setMessageLevel( messageLevel );
tr_setMessageQueuing( isMessageQueueingEnabled );
h->lock = tr_lockNew( );
h->isPexEnabled = isPexEnabled ? 1 : 0;
h->encryptionMode = encryptionMode;
+ h->configDir = tr_strdup( configDir );
+ tr_setConfigDir( h, configDir );
tr_netInit(); /* must go before tr_eventInit */
tr_inf( "%s", buf );
/* initialize the blocklist */
- tr_buildPath( filename, sizeof( filename ), tr_getPrefsDirectory(), "blocklists", NULL );
+ tr_buildPath( filename, sizeof( filename ), h->configDir, "blocklists", NULL );
tr_mkdirp( filename, 0777 );
- tr_buildPath( filename, sizeof( filename ), tr_getPrefsDirectory(), "blocklists", "level1.bin", NULL );
+ tr_buildPath( filename, sizeof( filename ), h->configDir, "blocklists", "level1.bin", NULL );
h->blocklist = _tr_blocklistNew( filename, isBlocklistEnabled );
tr_statsInit( h );
return h;
-tr_handle * tr_init( const char * tag )
+tr_handle *
+tr_init( const char * configDir,
+ const char * tag )
- return tr_initFull( tag,
+ return tr_initFull( configDir,
+ tag,
TRUE, /* pex enabled */
FALSE, /* nat enabled */
-1, /* public port */
int i, n = 0;
struct stat sb;
DIR * odir = NULL;
- const char * dirname = tr_getTorrentsDirectory( );
+ const char * dirname = tr_getTorrentDir( h );
tr_torrent ** torrents;
tr_list *l=NULL, *list=NULL;
typedef struct tr_handle tr_handle;
-tr_handle * tr_initFull( const char * tag,
+const char* tr_getDefaultConfigDir( void );
+tr_handle * tr_initFull( const char * configDir,
+ const char * tag,
int isPexEnabled,
int isNatEnabled,
int publicPort,
* Like tr_initFull() but with default values supplied.
-tr_handle * tr_init( const char * tag );
+tr_handle * tr_init( const char * configDir,
+ const char * tag );
* Shut down a libtransmission instance created by tr_init*()
* Returns the full path to a directory which can be used to store
* preferences. The string belongs to libtransmission, do not free it.
-const char * tr_getPrefsDirectory( void );
+const char * tr_getConfigDir( const tr_handle * );
- * Load all the torrents in tr_getTorrentsDirectory().
+ * Load all the torrents in tr_getTorrentDir().
* This can be used at startup to kickstart all the torrents
* from the previous session.
* tr_torrentRemoveSaved
* delete's Transmission's copy of the torrent's metadata from
- * tr_getTorrentsDirectory().
+ * tr_getTorrentDir().
void tr_torrentRemoveSaved( tr_torrent * );