print "$fields[1]: Issued for: $fields[0] \"$fields[2]\" $keyflags{$fields[4]}\n";
- my $format = -B "$certificates_path/$fields[1]" ? 'DER' : 'PEM';
- my $cmd = "openssl x509 -subject -issuer -dates -noout -in $certificates_path/$fields[1] -inform $format";
- (my $subject_in, my $issuer_in, my $date1_in, my $date2_in) = `$cmd`;
- $? and die "'$cmd' returned $?";
+ my $certfile = "$certificates_path/$fields[1]";
+ my $cert;
+ {
+ open F, $certfile or
+ die "Couldn't open $certfile: $!";
+ local $/;
+ $cert = <F>;
+ }
+ my $subject_in;
+ my $issuer_in;
+ my $date1_in;
+ my $date2_in;
+ while (1) {
+ open(TMP_FILE, ">cert_tmp.list")
+ or die "Couldn't open cert_tmp.list: $!";
+ print TMP_FILE $cert;
+ close TMP_FILE;
+ my $format = -B $certfile ? 'DER' : 'PEM';
+ my $cmd = "openssl x509 -subject -issuer -dates -noout -in cert_tmp.list -inform $format";
+ ($subject_in, $issuer_in, $date1_in, $date2_in) = `$cmd`;
+ $? and die "'$cmd' returned $?";
+ last if $subject_in =~ /email\=/i;
+ last if $subject_in =~ /cn\=recipients/i;
+ my $index = index $cert, '-----END CERTIFICATE-----';
+ $index > 0
+ or die "Certificate $certfile cannot be parsed";
+ $index += length '-----END CERTIFICATE-----';
+ $cert = substr $cert, $index;
+ }
my @subject = split(/\//, $subject_in);
while(@subject) {
-e "$private_keys_path/$fields[1]" and
print "$tab - Matching private key installed -\n";
- $format = -B "$certificates_path/$fields[1]" ? 'DER' : 'PEM';
- $cmd = "openssl x509 -purpose -noout -in $certificates_path/$fields[1] -inform $format";
+ my $format = -B "$certificates_path/$fields[1]" ? 'DER' : 'PEM';
+ my $cmd = "openssl x509 -purpose -noout -in cert_tmp.list -inform $format";
my $purpose_in = `$cmd`;
$? and die "'$cmd' returned $?";
print "\n";
+ unlink 'cert_tmp.list';