-# IP address whitelisting
# Parts of the build process (notably building the new ICU data files in step 4)
# require http: access to files in the CLDR repository; for example, processing
# the files in icu4c/source/data/xml/ may require access to
# http://www.unicode.org/repos/cldr/trunk/common/dtd/ldml.dtd
-# Unless you cache the dtds locally by e.g. setting -DCLDR_DTD_CACHE=/tmp, the
-# builds will repeatedly make such requests, which will likely result in the
-# Unicode server blocking access and consequent timeout failures. You can
-# prevent such blockage by having the external IP address of your build system
-# whitelisted with Unicode; contact Rick McGowan or Steven Loomis.
+# Unless you cache the dtds locally by e.g. setting -DCLDR_DTD_CACHE=/tmp,
+# your system will make excessive network requests, which will result in the
+# Unicode server blocking access.