--- /dev/null
+Test fgetss() function : Basic functionality - read modes only
+ Prototype: string fgetss ( resource $handle [, int $length [, string $allowable_tags]] );
+ Description: Gets line from file pointer and strip HTML tags
+/* test fgetss with all read modes */
+// include the common file related test functions
+include ("file.inc");
+echo "*** Testing fgetss() : Basic operations ***\n";
+/* string with html and php tags */
+$string_with_tags = <<<EOT
+<test>Testing fgetss() functions</test>
+<?php echo "this string is within php tag"; ?> {;}<{> this
+is a heredoc string. <pg>ksklnm@@$$&$&^%&^%&^%&</pg>
+<html> html </html> <?php echo "php"; ?>
+/* try reading the file opened in different modes of reading */
+$file_modes = array("r","rb", "rt","r+", "r+b", "r+t");
+for($mode_counter = 0; $mode_counter < count($file_modes); $mode_counter++) {
+ echo "\n-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using $file_modes[$mode_counter] mode --\n";
+ /* create an empty file and write the strings with tags */
+ $filename = dirname(__FILE__)."/fgetss_basic1.tmp";
+ create_file ($filename); //create an empty file
+ file_put_contents($filename, $string_with_tags);
+ $file_handle = fopen($filename, $file_modes[$mode_counter]);
+ if(!$file_handle) {
+ echo "Error: failed to open file $filename!\n";
+ exit();
+ }
+ rewind($file_handle);
+ /* read entire file and strip tags */
+ echo "-- fgetss() with default length, file pointer at 0 --\n";
+ var_dump( fgetss($file_handle) ); // no length and allowable tags provided, reads entire file
+ var_dump( ftell($file_handle) );
+ var_dump( feof($file_handle) );
+ rewind($file_handle);
+ /* read entire file and strip tags tags */
+ echo "-- fgets() with length = 30, file pointer at 0 --\n";
+ var_dump( fgetss($file_handle ,30) ); // length parameter given,not reading entire file
+ var_dump( ftell($file_handle) ); // checking file pointer position initially
+ var_dump( feof($file_handle) ); // confirm file pointer is not at eof
+ // close the file
+ fclose($file_handle);
+ // delete the file
+ delete_file($filename);
+} // end of for - mode_counter
+echo "Done\n";
+*** Testing fgetss() : Basic operations ***
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using r mode --
+-- fgetss() with default length, file pointer at 0 --
+string(27) "Testing fgetss() functions
+-- fgets() with length = 30, file pointer at 0 --
+string(23) "Testing fgetss() functi"
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using rb mode --
+-- fgetss() with default length, file pointer at 0 --
+string(27) "Testing fgetss() functions
+-- fgets() with length = 30, file pointer at 0 --
+string(23) "Testing fgetss() functi"
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using rt mode --
+-- fgetss() with default length, file pointer at 0 --
+string(27) "Testing fgetss() functions
+-- fgets() with length = 30, file pointer at 0 --
+string(23) "Testing fgetss() functi"
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using r+ mode --
+-- fgetss() with default length, file pointer at 0 --
+string(27) "Testing fgetss() functions
+-- fgets() with length = 30, file pointer at 0 --
+string(23) "Testing fgetss() functi"
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using r+b mode --
+-- fgetss() with default length, file pointer at 0 --
+string(27) "Testing fgetss() functions
+-- fgets() with length = 30, file pointer at 0 --
+string(23) "Testing fgetss() functi"
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using r+t mode --
+-- fgetss() with default length, file pointer at 0 --
+string(27) "Testing fgetss() functions
+-- fgets() with length = 30, file pointer at 0 --
+string(23) "Testing fgetss() functi"
--- /dev/null
+Test fgetss() function : Basic functionality - read/write modes
+if (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) != 'WIN') {
+ die('skip.. only on Windows');
+ Prototype: string fgetss ( resource $handle [, int $length [, string $allowable_tags]] );
+ Description: Gets line from file pointer and strip HTML tags
+/* try fgetss on files which are opened in read/write modes
+ w+, w+b, w+t,
+ a+, a+b, a+t,
+ x+, x+b, x+t
+echo "*** Testing fgetss() : basic operations ***\n";
+/* string with html and php tags */
+$string_with_tags = <<<EOT
+<test>Testing fgetss() functions</test>
+<?php echo "this string is within php tag"; ?> {;}<{> this
+is a heredoc string. <pg>ksklnm@@$$&$&^%&^%&^%&</pg>
+<html> html </html> <?php echo "php"; ?>
+$filename = dirname(__FILE__)."/fgetss_basic2.tmp";
+/* try reading the file opened in different modes of reading */
+$file_modes = array("w+","w+b", "w+t","a+", "a+b", "a+t","x+","x+b","x+t");
+for($mode_counter = 0; $mode_counter < count($file_modes); $mode_counter++) {
+ echo "\n-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using $file_modes[$mode_counter] mode --\n";
+ /* create an empty file and write the strings with tags */
+ $file_handle = fopen($filename, $file_modes[$mode_counter]);
+ fwrite($file_handle,$string_with_tags); //writing data to the file
+ if(!$file_handle) {
+ echo "Error: failed to open file $filename!\n";
+ exit();
+ }
+ // rewind the file pointer to begining of the file
+ var_dump( filesize($filename) );
+ var_dump( rewind($file_handle) );
+ var_dump( ftell($file_handle) );
+ var_dump( feof($file_handle) );
+ /* read entire file and strip tags */
+ echo "-- fgetss() with default length, file pointer at 0 --\n";
+ var_dump( fgetss($file_handle) ); // no length and allowable tags provided, reads entire file
+ var_dump( ftell($file_handle) );
+ var_dump( feof($file_handle) );
+ rewind($file_handle);
+ /* read entire file and strip tags tags */
+ echo "-- fgets() with length = 30, file pointer at 0 --\n";
+ var_dump( fgetss($file_handle ,30) ); // length parameter given,not reading entire file
+ var_dump( ftell($file_handle) ); // checking file pointer position initially
+ var_dump( feof($file_handle) ); // confirm file pointer is not at eof
+ // close the file
+ fclose($file_handle);
+ // delete the file
+ unlink($filename);
+} // end of for - mode_counter
+echo "Done\n";
+*** Testing fgetss() : basic operations ***
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using w+ mode --
+-- fgetss() with default length, file pointer at 0 --
+string(27) "Testing fgetss() functions
+-- fgets() with length = 30, file pointer at 0 --
+string(23) "Testing fgetss() functi"
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using w+b mode --
+-- fgetss() with default length, file pointer at 0 --
+string(27) "Testing fgetss() functions
+-- fgets() with length = 30, file pointer at 0 --
+string(23) "Testing fgetss() functi"
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using w+t mode --
+-- fgetss() with default length, file pointer at 0 --
+string(27) "Testing fgetss() functions
+-- fgets() with length = 30, file pointer at 0 --
+string(23) "Testing fgetss() functi"
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using a+ mode --
+-- fgetss() with default length, file pointer at 0 --
+string(27) "Testing fgetss() functions
+-- fgets() with length = 30, file pointer at 0 --
+string(23) "Testing fgetss() functi"
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using a+b mode --
+-- fgetss() with default length, file pointer at 0 --
+string(27) "Testing fgetss() functions
+-- fgets() with length = 30, file pointer at 0 --
+string(23) "Testing fgetss() functi"
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using a+t mode --
+-- fgetss() with default length, file pointer at 0 --
+string(27) "Testing fgetss() functions
+-- fgets() with length = 30, file pointer at 0 --
+string(23) "Testing fgetss() functi"
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using x+ mode --
+-- fgetss() with default length, file pointer at 0 --
+string(27) "Testing fgetss() functions
+-- fgets() with length = 30, file pointer at 0 --
+string(23) "Testing fgetss() functi"
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using x+b mode --
+-- fgetss() with default length, file pointer at 0 --
+string(27) "Testing fgetss() functions
+-- fgets() with length = 30, file pointer at 0 --
+string(23) "Testing fgetss() functi"
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using x+t mode --
+-- fgetss() with default length, file pointer at 0 --
+string(27) "Testing fgetss() functions
+-- fgets() with length = 30, file pointer at 0 --
+string(23) "Testing fgetss() functi"
--- /dev/null
+Test fgetss() function : Basic functionality - read/write modes
+if (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == 'WIN') {
+ die('skip.. Not valid for Windows');
+ Prototype: string fgetss ( resource $handle [, int $length [, string $allowable_tags]] );
+ Description: Gets line from file pointer and strip HTML tags
+/* try fgetss on files which are opened in read/write modes
+ w+, w+b, w+t,
+ a+, a+b, a+t,
+ x+, x+b, x+t
+echo "*** Testing fgetss() : basic operations ***\n";
+/* string with html and php tags */
+$string_with_tags = <<<EOT
+<test>Testing fgetss() functions</test>
+<?php echo "this string is within php tag"; ?> {;}<{> this
+is a heredoc string. <pg>ksklnm@@$$&$&^%&^%&^%&</pg>
+<html> html </html> <?php echo "php"; ?>
+$filename = dirname(__FILE__)."/fgetss_basic2.tmp";
+/* try reading the file opened in different modes of reading */
+$file_modes = array("w+","w+b", "w+t","a+", "a+b", "a+t","x+","x+b","x+t");
+for($mode_counter = 0; $mode_counter < count($file_modes); $mode_counter++) {
+ echo "\n-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using $file_modes[$mode_counter] mode --\n";
+ /* create an empty file and write the strings with tags */
+ $file_handle = fopen($filename, $file_modes[$mode_counter]);
+ fwrite($file_handle,$string_with_tags); //writing data to the file
+ if(!$file_handle) {
+ echo "Error: failed to open file $filename!\n";
+ exit();
+ }
+ // rewind the file pointer to begining of the file
+ var_dump( filesize($filename) );
+ var_dump( rewind($file_handle) );
+ var_dump( ftell($file_handle) );
+ var_dump( feof($file_handle) );
+ /* read entire file and strip tags */
+ echo "-- fgetss() with default length, file pointer at 0 --\n";
+ var_dump( fgetss($file_handle) ); // no length and allowable tags provided, reads entire file
+ var_dump( ftell($file_handle) );
+ var_dump( feof($file_handle) );
+ rewind($file_handle);
+ /* read entire file and strip tags tags */
+ echo "-- fgets() with length = 30, file pointer at 0 --\n";
+ var_dump( fgetss($file_handle ,30) ); // length parameter given,not reading entire file
+ var_dump( ftell($file_handle) ); // checking file pointer position initially
+ var_dump( feof($file_handle) ); // confirm file pointer is not at eof
+ // close the file
+ fclose($file_handle);
+ // delete the file
+ unlink($filename);
+} // end of for - mode_counter
+echo "Done\n";
+*** Testing fgetss() : basic operations ***
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using w+ mode --
+-- fgetss() with default length, file pointer at 0 --
+string(27) "Testing fgetss() functions
+-- fgets() with length = 30, file pointer at 0 --
+string(23) "Testing fgetss() functi"
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using w+b mode --
+-- fgetss() with default length, file pointer at 0 --
+string(27) "Testing fgetss() functions
+-- fgets() with length = 30, file pointer at 0 --
+string(23) "Testing fgetss() functi"
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using w+t mode --
+-- fgetss() with default length, file pointer at 0 --
+string(27) "Testing fgetss() functions
+-- fgets() with length = 30, file pointer at 0 --
+string(23) "Testing fgetss() functi"
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using a+ mode --
+-- fgetss() with default length, file pointer at 0 --
+string(27) "Testing fgetss() functions
+-- fgets() with length = 30, file pointer at 0 --
+string(23) "Testing fgetss() functi"
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using a+b mode --
+-- fgetss() with default length, file pointer at 0 --
+string(27) "Testing fgetss() functions
+-- fgets() with length = 30, file pointer at 0 --
+string(23) "Testing fgetss() functi"
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using a+t mode --
+-- fgetss() with default length, file pointer at 0 --
+string(27) "Testing fgetss() functions
+-- fgets() with length = 30, file pointer at 0 --
+string(23) "Testing fgetss() functi"
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using x+ mode --
+-- fgetss() with default length, file pointer at 0 --
+string(27) "Testing fgetss() functions
+-- fgets() with length = 30, file pointer at 0 --
+string(23) "Testing fgetss() functi"
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using x+b mode --
+-- fgetss() with default length, file pointer at 0 --
+string(27) "Testing fgetss() functions
+-- fgets() with length = 30, file pointer at 0 --
+string(23) "Testing fgetss() functi"
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using x+t mode --
+-- fgetss() with default length, file pointer at 0 --
+string(27) "Testing fgetss() functions
+-- fgets() with length = 30, file pointer at 0 --
+string(23) "Testing fgetss() functi"
--- /dev/null
+Test fgetss() function : error conditions
+ Prototype: string fgetss ( resource $handle [, int $length [, string $allowable_tags]] );
+ Description: Gets line from file pointer and strip HTML tags
+echo "*** Testing error conditions ***\n";
+// zero argument
+echo "-- Testing fgetss() with zero argument --\n";
+var_dump( fgetss() );
+// more than expected no. of args
+echo "-- Testing fgetss() with more than expected number of arguments --\n";
+$fp = fopen(__FILE__, "r");
+var_dump( fgetss($fp, 100, '<p><a>', $fp) );
+// invalid length argument
+echo "-- Testing fgetss() with invalid length arguments --\n";
+$len = 0;
+$allowable_tags = '<p><a>';
+var_dump( fgetss($fp, $len, $allowable_tags) );
+$len = -10;
+var_dump( fgetss($fp, $len, $allowable_tags) );
+$len = 1;
+var_dump( fgetss($fp, $len, $allowable_tags) ); // return length - 1 always, expect false
+// test invalid arguments : non-resources
+echo "-- Testing fgetss() with invalid arguments --\n";
+$invalid_args = array (
+ "string",
+ 10,
+ 10.5,
+ true,
+ array(1,2,3),
+ new stdclass,
+/* loop to test fgetss() with different invalid type of args */
+for($loop_counter = 1; $loop_counter <= count($invalid_args); $loop_counter++) {
+ echo "-- Iteration $loop_counter --\n";
+ var_dump( fgetss($invalid_args[$loop_counter - 1], 10, $allowable_tags) );
+// fgetss() on a file handle which is already closed
+echo "-- Testing fgetss() with closed/unset file handle --";
+// fgetss() on a file handle which is unset
+$file_handle = fopen(__FILE__, "r");
+unset($file_handle); //unset file handle
+var_dump( fgetss(@$file_handle,10));
+echo "Done\n";
+*** Testing error conditions ***
+-- Testing fgetss() with zero argument --
+Warning: Wrong parameter count for fgetss() in %s on line %d
+-- Testing fgetss() with more than expected number of arguments --
+Warning: Wrong parameter count for fgetss() in %s on line %d
+-- Testing fgetss() with invalid length arguments --
+Warning: fgetss(): Length parameter must be greater than 0 in %s on line %d
+Warning: fgetss(): Length parameter must be greater than 0 in %s on line %d
+-- Testing fgetss() with invalid arguments --
+-- Iteration 1 --
+Warning: fgetss(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+-- Iteration 2 --
+Warning: fgetss(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+-- Iteration 3 --
+Warning: fgetss(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+-- Iteration 4 --
+Warning: fgetss(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+-- Iteration 5 --
+Warning: fgetss(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+-- Iteration 6 --
+Warning: fgetss(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+-- Testing fgetss() with closed/unset file handle --
+Warning: fgetss(): 5 is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+Warning: fgetss(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
--- /dev/null
+Test fgetss() function : usage variations - write only modes
+if (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) != 'WIN') {
+ die('skip.. only on Windows');
+ Prototype: string fgetss ( resource $handle [, int $length [, string $allowable_tags]] );
+ Description: Gets line from file pointer and strip HTML tags
+/* try fgets on files which are opened in non readable modes
+ w, wb, wt,
+ a, ab, at,
+ x, xb, xt
+// include the common file related test functions
+include ("file.inc");
+echo "*** Testing fgetss() : usage variations ***\n";
+/* string with html and php tags */
+$string_with_tags = <<<EOT
+<test>Testing fgetss() functions</test>
+<?php echo "this string is within php tag"; ?> {;}<{> this
+is a heredoc string. <pg>ksklnm@@$$&$&^%&^%&^%&</pg>
+<html> html </html> <?php echo "php"; ?>
+this line is without any html and php tags
+this is a line with more than eighty character,want to check line splitting correctly after 80 characters
+this text contains some html tags <body> body </body> <br> br </br>
+this is the line with \n character.
+$filename = dirname(__FILE__)."/fgetss_variation1.tmp";
+/* try reading the file opened in different modes of reading */
+$file_modes = array("w","wb", "wt","a", "ab", "at","x","xb","xt");
+for($mode_counter = 0; $mode_counter < count($file_modes); $mode_counter++) {
+ echo "\n-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using $file_modes[$mode_counter] mode --\n";
+ /* create an empty file and write the strings with tags */
+ $file_handle = fopen($filename, $file_modes[$mode_counter]);
+ fwrite($file_handle,$string_with_tags);
+ if(!$file_handle) {
+ echo "Error: failed to open file $filename!\n";
+ exit();
+ }
+ // rewind the file pointer to begining of the file
+ var_dump( filesize($filename) );
+ var_dump( rewind($file_handle) );
+ var_dump( ftell($file_handle) );
+ var_dump( feof($file_handle) );
+ /* read entire file and strip tags */
+ echo "-- fgetss() with default length, file pointer at 0 , expected : no character should be read --\n";
+ var_dump( fgetss($file_handle) ); // expected : no character should be read
+ var_dump( ftell($file_handle) ); //ensure that file pointer position is not changed
+ var_dump( feof($file_handle) ); // check if end of file pointer is set
+ // close the file
+ fclose($file_handle);
+ // delete the file
+ delete_file($filename);
+} // end of for - mode_counter
+echo "Done\n";
+*** Testing fgetss() : usage variations ***
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using w mode --
+-- fgetss() with default length, file pointer at 0 , expected : no character should be read --
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using wb mode --
+-- fgetss() with default length, file pointer at 0 , expected : no character should be read --
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using wt mode --
+-- fgetss() with default length, file pointer at 0 , expected : no character should be read --
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using a mode --
+-- fgetss() with default length, file pointer at 0 , expected : no character should be read --
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using ab mode --
+-- fgetss() with default length, file pointer at 0 , expected : no character should be read --
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using at mode --
+-- fgetss() with default length, file pointer at 0 , expected : no character should be read --
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using x mode --
+-- fgetss() with default length, file pointer at 0 , expected : no character should be read --
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using xb mode --
+-- fgetss() with default length, file pointer at 0 , expected : no character should be read --
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using xt mode --
+-- fgetss() with default length, file pointer at 0 , expected : no character should be read --
--- /dev/null
+Test fgetss() function : usage variations - write only modes
+if (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == 'WIN') {
+ die('skip.. Not valid for Windows');
+ Prototype: string fgetss ( resource $handle [, int $length [, string $allowable_tags]] );
+ Description: Gets line from file pointer and strip HTML tags
+/* try fgets on files which are opened in non readable modes
+ w, wb, wt,
+ a, ab, at,
+ x, xb, xt
+// include the common file related test functions
+include ("file.inc");
+echo "*** Testing fgetss() : usage variations ***\n";
+/* string with html and php tags */
+$string_with_tags = <<<EOT
+<test>Testing fgetss() functions</test>
+<?php echo "this string is within php tag"; ?> {;}<{> this
+is a heredoc string. <pg>ksklnm@@$$&$&^%&^%&^%&</pg>
+<html> html </html> <?php echo "php"; ?>
+this line is without any html and php tags
+this is a line with more than eighty character,want to check line splitting correctly after 80 characters
+this text contains some html tags <body> body </body> <br> br </br>
+this is the line with \n character.
+$filename = dirname(__FILE__)."/fgetss_variation1.tmp";
+/* try reading the file opened in different modes of reading */
+$file_modes = array("w","wb", "wt","a", "ab", "at","x","xb","xt");
+for($mode_counter = 0; $mode_counter < count($file_modes); $mode_counter++) {
+ echo "\n-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using $file_modes[$mode_counter] mode --\n";
+ /* create an empty file and write the strings with tags */
+ $file_handle = fopen($filename, $file_modes[$mode_counter]);
+ fwrite($file_handle,$string_with_tags);
+ if(!$file_handle) {
+ echo "Error: failed to open file $filename!\n";
+ exit();
+ }
+ // rewind the file pointer to begining of the file
+ var_dump( filesize($filename) );
+ var_dump( rewind($file_handle) );
+ var_dump( ftell($file_handle) );
+ var_dump( feof($file_handle) );
+ /* read entire file and strip tags */
+ echo "-- fgetss() with default length, file pointer at 0 , expected : no character should be read --\n";
+ var_dump( fgetss($file_handle) ); // expected : no character should be read
+ var_dump( ftell($file_handle) ); //ensure that file pointer position is not changed
+ var_dump( feof($file_handle) ); // check if end of file pointer is set
+ // close the file
+ fclose($file_handle);
+ // delete the file
+ delete_file($filename);
+} // end of for - mode_counter
+echo "Done\n";
+*** Testing fgetss() : usage variations ***
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using w mode --
+-- fgetss() with default length, file pointer at 0 , expected : no character should be read --
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using wb mode --
+-- fgetss() with default length, file pointer at 0 , expected : no character should be read --
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using wt mode --
+-- fgetss() with default length, file pointer at 0 , expected : no character should be read --
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using a mode --
+-- fgetss() with default length, file pointer at 0 , expected : no character should be read --
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using ab mode --
+-- fgetss() with default length, file pointer at 0 , expected : no character should be read --
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using at mode --
+-- fgetss() with default length, file pointer at 0 , expected : no character should be read --
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using x mode --
+-- fgetss() with default length, file pointer at 0 , expected : no character should be read --
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using xb mode --
+-- fgetss() with default length, file pointer at 0 , expected : no character should be read --
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using xt mode --
+-- fgetss() with default length, file pointer at 0 , expected : no character should be read --
--- /dev/null
+Test fgetss() function : usage variations - read modes
+ Prototype: string fgetss ( resource $handle [, int $length [, string $allowable_tags]] );
+ Description: Gets line from file pointer and strip HTML tags
+// include the common file related test functions
+include ("file.inc");
+/*Test fgetss() with all read modes , reading line by line with allowable tags: <test>, <html>, <?> */
+echo "*** Testing fgetss() : usage variations ***\n";
+/* string with html and php tags */
+$string_with_tags = <<<EOT
+<test>Testing fgetss() functions</test>
+<?php echo "this string is within php tag"; ?> {;}<{> this
+is a heredoc string. <pg>ksklnm@@$$&$&^%&^%&^%&</pg>
+<html> html </html> <?php echo "php"; ?>
+this line is without any html and php tags
+this is a line with more than eighty character,want to check line splitting correctly after 80 characters
+this is the text containing \r character
+this text contains some html tags <body> body </body> <br> br </br>
+this is the line with \n character.
+$filename = dirname(__FILE__)."/fgetss_variation2.tmp";
+/* try reading the file opened in different modes of reading */
+$file_modes = array("r","rb", "rt","r+", "r+b", "r+t");
+for($mode_counter = 0; $mode_counter < count($file_modes); $mode_counter++) {
+ echo "\n-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using $file_modes[$mode_counter] mode --\n";
+ /* create an empty file and write the strings with tags */
+ create_file ($filename); //create an empty file
+ file_put_contents($filename, $string_with_tags);
+ $file_handle = fopen($filename, $file_modes[$mode_counter]);
+ if(!$file_handle) {
+ echo "Error: failed to open file $filename!\n";
+ exit();
+ }
+ // rewind the file pointer to begining of the file
+ var_dump( filesize($filename) );
+ var_dump( rewind($file_handle) );
+ var_dump( ftell($file_handle) );
+ var_dump( feof($file_handle) );
+ /* rewind the file and read the file line by line with allowable tags */
+ echo "-- Reading line by line with allowable tags: <test>, <html>, <?> --\n";
+ rewind($file_handle);
+ $line = 1;
+ while( !feof($file_handle) ) {
+ echo "-- Line $line --\n"; $line++;
+ var_dump( fgetss($file_handle, 80, "<test>, <html>, <?>") );
+ var_dump( ftell($file_handle) ); // check the file pointer position
+ var_dump( feof($file_handle) ); // check if eof reached
+ }
+ // close the file
+ fclose($file_handle);
+ // delete the file
+ delete_file($filename);
+} // end of for - mode_counter
+echo "Done\n";
+*** Testing fgetss() : usage variations ***
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using r mode --
+-- Reading line by line with allowable tags: <test>, <html>, <?> --
+-- Line 1 --
+string(40) "<test>Testing fgetss() functions</test>
+-- Line 2 --
+string(10) " {;} this
+-- Line 3 --
+string(44) "is a heredoc string. ksklnm@@$$&$&^%&^%&^%&
+-- Line 4 --
+string(21) "<html> html </html>
+-- Line 5 --
+string(43) "this line is without any html and php tags
+-- Line 6 --
+string(79) "this is a line with more than eighty character,want to check line splitting cor"
+-- Line 7 --
+string(27) "rectly after 80 characters
+-- Line 8 --
+string(41) "this is the text containing
+ character
+-- Line 9 --
+string(46) "this text contains some html tags body br
+-- Line 10 --
+string(23) "this is the line with
+-- Line 11 --
+string(12) " character. "
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using rb mode --
+-- Reading line by line with allowable tags: <test>, <html>, <?> --
+-- Line 1 --
+string(40) "<test>Testing fgetss() functions</test>
+-- Line 2 --
+string(10) " {;} this
+-- Line 3 --
+string(44) "is a heredoc string. ksklnm@@$$&$&^%&^%&^%&
+-- Line 4 --
+string(21) "<html> html </html>
+-- Line 5 --
+string(43) "this line is without any html and php tags
+-- Line 6 --
+string(79) "this is a line with more than eighty character,want to check line splitting cor"
+-- Line 7 --
+string(27) "rectly after 80 characters
+-- Line 8 --
+string(41) "this is the text containing
+ character
+-- Line 9 --
+string(46) "this text contains some html tags body br
+-- Line 10 --
+string(23) "this is the line with
+-- Line 11 --
+string(12) " character. "
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using rt mode --
+-- Reading line by line with allowable tags: <test>, <html>, <?> --
+-- Line 1 --
+string(40) "<test>Testing fgetss() functions</test>
+-- Line 2 --
+string(10) " {;} this
+-- Line 3 --
+string(44) "is a heredoc string. ksklnm@@$$&$&^%&^%&^%&
+-- Line 4 --
+string(21) "<html> html </html>
+-- Line 5 --
+string(43) "this line is without any html and php tags
+-- Line 6 --
+string(79) "this is a line with more than eighty character,want to check line splitting cor"
+-- Line 7 --
+string(27) "rectly after 80 characters
+-- Line 8 --
+string(41) "this is the text containing
+ character
+-- Line 9 --
+string(46) "this text contains some html tags body br
+-- Line 10 --
+string(23) "this is the line with
+-- Line 11 --
+string(12) " character. "
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using r+ mode --
+-- Reading line by line with allowable tags: <test>, <html>, <?> --
+-- Line 1 --
+string(40) "<test>Testing fgetss() functions</test>
+-- Line 2 --
+string(10) " {;} this
+-- Line 3 --
+string(44) "is a heredoc string. ksklnm@@$$&$&^%&^%&^%&
+-- Line 4 --
+string(21) "<html> html </html>
+-- Line 5 --
+string(43) "this line is without any html and php tags
+-- Line 6 --
+string(79) "this is a line with more than eighty character,want to check line splitting cor"
+-- Line 7 --
+string(27) "rectly after 80 characters
+-- Line 8 --
+string(41) "this is the text containing
+ character
+-- Line 9 --
+string(46) "this text contains some html tags body br
+-- Line 10 --
+string(23) "this is the line with
+-- Line 11 --
+string(12) " character. "
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using r+b mode --
+-- Reading line by line with allowable tags: <test>, <html>, <?> --
+-- Line 1 --
+string(40) "<test>Testing fgetss() functions</test>
+-- Line 2 --
+string(10) " {;} this
+-- Line 3 --
+string(44) "is a heredoc string. ksklnm@@$$&$&^%&^%&^%&
+-- Line 4 --
+string(21) "<html> html </html>
+-- Line 5 --
+string(43) "this line is without any html and php tags
+-- Line 6 --
+string(79) "this is a line with more than eighty character,want to check line splitting cor"
+-- Line 7 --
+string(27) "rectly after 80 characters
+-- Line 8 --
+string(41) "this is the text containing
+ character
+-- Line 9 --
+string(46) "this text contains some html tags body br
+-- Line 10 --
+string(23) "this is the line with
+-- Line 11 --
+string(12) " character. "
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using r+t mode --
+-- Reading line by line with allowable tags: <test>, <html>, <?> --
+-- Line 1 --
+string(40) "<test>Testing fgetss() functions</test>
+-- Line 2 --
+string(10) " {;} this
+-- Line 3 --
+string(44) "is a heredoc string. ksklnm@@$$&$&^%&^%&^%&
+-- Line 4 --
+string(21) "<html> html </html>
+-- Line 5 --
+string(43) "this line is without any html and php tags
+-- Line 6 --
+string(79) "this is a line with more than eighty character,want to check line splitting cor"
+-- Line 7 --
+string(27) "rectly after 80 characters
+-- Line 8 --
+string(41) "this is the text containing
+ character
+-- Line 9 --
+string(46) "this text contains some html tags body br
+-- Line 10 --
+string(23) "this is the line with
+-- Line 11 --
+string(12) " character. "
--- /dev/null
+Test fgetss() function : usage variations - read/write modes
+if (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) != 'WIN') {
+ die('skip.. only valid for Windows');
+ Prototype: string fgetss ( resource $handle [, int $length [, string $allowable_tags]] );
+ Description: Gets line from file pointer and strip HTML tags
+/* try fgetss on files which are opened in read/write modes
+ w+, w+b, w+t,
+ a+, a+b, a+t,
+ x+, x+b, x+t
+ reading line by line with allowable tags: <test>, <html>, <?>
+echo "*** Testing fgetss() : usage variations ***\n";
+/* string with html and php tags */
+$string_with_tags = <<<EOT
+<test>Testing fgetss() functions</test>
+<?php echo "this string is within php tag"; ?> {;}<{> this
+is a heredoc string. <pg>ksklnm@@$$&$&^%&^%&^%&</pg>
+<html> html </html> <?php echo "php"; ?>
+this line is without any html and php tags
+this is a line with more than eighty character,want to check line splitting correctly after 80 characters
+this text contains some html tags <body> body </body> <br> br </br>
+this is the line with \n character.
+$filename = dirname(__FILE__)."/fgetss_variation3.tmp";
+/* try reading the file opened in different modes of reading */
+$file_modes = array("w+","w+b", "w+t","a+", "a+b", "a+t","x+","x+b","x+t");
+for($mode_counter = 0; $mode_counter < count($file_modes); $mode_counter++) {
+ echo "\n-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using $file_modes[$mode_counter] mode --\n";
+ /* create an empty file and write the strings with tags */
+ $file_handle = fopen($filename, $file_modes[$mode_counter]);
+ fwrite($file_handle,$string_with_tags); //writing data to the file
+ if(!$file_handle) {
+ echo "Error: failed to open file $filename!\n";
+ exit();
+ }
+ // rewind the file pointer to begining of the file
+ rewind($file_handle);
+ var_dump( ftell($file_handle) );
+ var_dump( filesize($filename) );
+ var_dump( feof($file_handle) );
+ /* rewind the file and read the file line by line with allowable tags */
+ echo "-- Reading line by line with allowable tags: <test>, <html>, <?> --\n";
+ $line = 1;
+ while( !feof($file_handle) ) {
+ echo "-- Line $line --\n"; $line++;
+ var_dump( fgetss($file_handle, 80, "<test>, <html>, <?>") );
+ var_dump( ftell($file_handle) ); // check the file pointer position
+ var_dump( feof($file_handle) ); // check if eof reached
+ }
+ // close the file
+ fclose($file_handle);
+ // delete the file
+ unlink($filename);
+} // end of for - mode_counter
+echo "Done\n";
+*** Testing fgetss() : usage variations ***
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using w+ mode --
+-- Reading line by line with allowable tags: <test>, <html>, <?> --
+-- Line 1 --
+string(40) "<test>Testing fgetss() functions</test>
+-- Line 2 --
+string(10) " {;} this
+-- Line 3 --
+string(44) "is a heredoc string. ksklnm@@$$&$&^%&^%&^%&
+-- Line 4 --
+string(21) "<html> html </html>
+-- Line 5 --
+string(43) "this line is without any html and php tags
+-- Line 6 --
+string(79) "this is a line with more than eighty character,want to check line splitting cor"
+-- Line 7 --
+string(27) "rectly after 80 characters
+-- Line 8 --
+string(46) "this text contains some html tags body br
+-- Line 9 --
+string(23) "this is the line with
+-- Line 10 --
+string(12) " character. "
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using w+b mode --
+-- Reading line by line with allowable tags: <test>, <html>, <?> --
+-- Line 1 --
+string(40) "<test>Testing fgetss() functions</test>
+-- Line 2 --
+string(10) " {;} this
+-- Line 3 --
+string(44) "is a heredoc string. ksklnm@@$$&$&^%&^%&^%&
+-- Line 4 --
+string(21) "<html> html </html>
+-- Line 5 --
+string(43) "this line is without any html and php tags
+-- Line 6 --
+string(79) "this is a line with more than eighty character,want to check line splitting cor"
+-- Line 7 --
+string(27) "rectly after 80 characters
+-- Line 8 --
+string(46) "this text contains some html tags body br
+-- Line 9 --
+string(23) "this is the line with
+-- Line 10 --
+string(12) " character. "
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using w+t mode --
+-- Reading line by line with allowable tags: <test>, <html>, <?> --
+-- Line 1 --
+string(40) "<test>Testing fgetss() functions</test>
+-- Line 2 --
+string(10) " {;} this
+-- Line 3 --
+string(44) "is a heredoc string. ksklnm@@$$&$&^%&^%&^%&
+-- Line 4 --
+string(21) "<html> html </html>
+-- Line 5 --
+string(43) "this line is without any html and php tags
+-- Line 6 --
+string(79) "this is a line with more than eighty character,want to check line splitting cor"
+-- Line 7 --
+string(27) "rectly after 80 characters
+-- Line 8 --
+string(46) "this text contains some html tags body br
+-- Line 9 --
+string(23) "this is the line with
+-- Line 10 --
+string(12) " character. "
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using a+ mode --
+-- Reading line by line with allowable tags: <test>, <html>, <?> --
+-- Line 1 --
+string(40) "<test>Testing fgetss() functions</test>
+-- Line 2 --
+string(10) " {;} this
+-- Line 3 --
+string(44) "is a heredoc string. ksklnm@@$$&$&^%&^%&^%&
+-- Line 4 --
+string(21) "<html> html </html>
+-- Line 5 --
+string(43) "this line is without any html and php tags
+-- Line 6 --
+string(79) "this is a line with more than eighty character,want to check line splitting cor"
+-- Line 7 --
+string(27) "rectly after 80 characters
+-- Line 8 --
+string(46) "this text contains some html tags body br
+-- Line 9 --
+string(23) "this is the line with
+-- Line 10 --
+string(12) " character. "
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using a+b mode --
+-- Reading line by line with allowable tags: <test>, <html>, <?> --
+-- Line 1 --
+string(40) "<test>Testing fgetss() functions</test>
+-- Line 2 --
+string(10) " {;} this
+-- Line 3 --
+string(44) "is a heredoc string. ksklnm@@$$&$&^%&^%&^%&
+-- Line 4 --
+string(21) "<html> html </html>
+-- Line 5 --
+string(43) "this line is without any html and php tags
+-- Line 6 --
+string(79) "this is a line with more than eighty character,want to check line splitting cor"
+-- Line 7 --
+string(27) "rectly after 80 characters
+-- Line 8 --
+string(46) "this text contains some html tags body br
+-- Line 9 --
+string(23) "this is the line with
+-- Line 10 --
+string(12) " character. "
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using a+t mode --
+-- Reading line by line with allowable tags: <test>, <html>, <?> --
+-- Line 1 --
+string(40) "<test>Testing fgetss() functions</test>
+-- Line 2 --
+string(10) " {;} this
+-- Line 3 --
+string(44) "is a heredoc string. ksklnm@@$$&$&^%&^%&^%&
+-- Line 4 --
+string(21) "<html> html </html>
+-- Line 5 --
+string(43) "this line is without any html and php tags
+-- Line 6 --
+string(79) "this is a line with more than eighty character,want to check line splitting cor"
+-- Line 7 --
+string(27) "rectly after 80 characters
+-- Line 8 --
+string(46) "this text contains some html tags body br
+-- Line 9 --
+string(23) "this is the line with
+-- Line 10 --
+string(12) " character. "
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using x+ mode --
+-- Reading line by line with allowable tags: <test>, <html>, <?> --
+-- Line 1 --
+string(40) "<test>Testing fgetss() functions</test>
+-- Line 2 --
+string(10) " {;} this
+-- Line 3 --
+string(44) "is a heredoc string. ksklnm@@$$&$&^%&^%&^%&
+-- Line 4 --
+string(21) "<html> html </html>
+-- Line 5 --
+string(43) "this line is without any html and php tags
+-- Line 6 --
+string(79) "this is a line with more than eighty character,want to check line splitting cor"
+-- Line 7 --
+string(27) "rectly after 80 characters
+-- Line 8 --
+string(46) "this text contains some html tags body br
+-- Line 9 --
+string(23) "this is the line with
+-- Line 10 --
+string(12) " character. "
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using x+b mode --
+-- Reading line by line with allowable tags: <test>, <html>, <?> --
+-- Line 1 --
+string(40) "<test>Testing fgetss() functions</test>
+-- Line 2 --
+string(10) " {;} this
+-- Line 3 --
+string(44) "is a heredoc string. ksklnm@@$$&$&^%&^%&^%&
+-- Line 4 --
+string(21) "<html> html </html>
+-- Line 5 --
+string(43) "this line is without any html and php tags
+-- Line 6 --
+string(79) "this is a line with more than eighty character,want to check line splitting cor"
+-- Line 7 --
+string(27) "rectly after 80 characters
+-- Line 8 --
+string(46) "this text contains some html tags body br
+-- Line 9 --
+string(23) "this is the line with
+-- Line 10 --
+string(12) " character. "
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using x+t mode --
+-- Reading line by line with allowable tags: <test>, <html>, <?> --
+-- Line 1 --
+string(40) "<test>Testing fgetss() functions</test>
+-- Line 2 --
+string(10) " {;} this
+-- Line 3 --
+string(44) "is a heredoc string. ksklnm@@$$&$&^%&^%&^%&
+-- Line 4 --
+string(21) "<html> html </html>
+-- Line 5 --
+string(43) "this line is without any html and php tags
+-- Line 6 --
+string(79) "this is a line with more than eighty character,want to check line splitting cor"
+-- Line 7 --
+string(27) "rectly after 80 characters
+-- Line 8 --
+string(46) "this text contains some html tags body br
+-- Line 9 --
+string(23) "this is the line with
+-- Line 10 --
+string(12) " character. "
--- /dev/null
+Test fgetss() function : usage variations - read/write modes
+if (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == 'WIN') {
+ die('skip.. Not valid for Windows');
+ Prototype: string fgetss ( resource $handle [, int $length [, string $allowable_tags]] );
+ Description: Gets line from file pointer and strip HTML tags
+/* try fgetss on files which are opened in read/write modes
+ w+, w+b, w+t,
+ a+, a+b, a+t,
+ x+, x+b, x+t
+ reading line by line with allowable tags: <test>, <html>, <?>
+echo "*** Testing fgetss() : usage variations ***\n";
+/* string with html and php tags */
+$string_with_tags = <<<EOT
+<test>Testing fgetss() functions</test>
+<?php echo "this string is within php tag"; ?> {;}<{> this
+is a heredoc string. <pg>ksklnm@@$$&$&^%&^%&^%&</pg>
+<html> html </html> <?php echo "php"; ?>
+this line is without any html and php tags
+this is a line with more than eighty character,want to check line splitting correctly after 80 characters
+this text contains some html tags <body> body </body> <br> br </br>
+this is the line with \n character.
+$filename = dirname(__FILE__)."/fgetss_variation3.tmp";
+/* try reading the file opened in different modes of reading */
+$file_modes = array("w+","w+b", "w+t","a+", "a+b", "a+t","x+","x+b","x+t");
+for($mode_counter = 0; $mode_counter < count($file_modes); $mode_counter++) {
+ echo "\n-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using $file_modes[$mode_counter] mode --\n";
+ /* create an empty file and write the strings with tags */
+ $file_handle = fopen($filename, $file_modes[$mode_counter]);
+ fwrite($file_handle,$string_with_tags); //writing data to the file
+ if(!$file_handle) {
+ echo "Error: failed to open file $filename!\n";
+ exit();
+ }
+ // rewind the file pointer to begining of the file
+ rewind($file_handle);
+ var_dump( ftell($file_handle) );
+ var_dump( filesize($filename) );
+ var_dump( feof($file_handle) );
+ /* rewind the file and read the file line by line with allowable tags */
+ echo "-- Reading line by line with allowable tags: <test>, <html>, <?> --\n";
+ $line = 1;
+ while( !feof($file_handle) ) {
+ echo "-- Line $line --\n"; $line++;
+ var_dump( fgetss($file_handle, 80, "<test>, <html>, <?>") );
+ var_dump( ftell($file_handle) ); // check the file pointer position
+ var_dump( feof($file_handle) ); // check if eof reached
+ }
+ // close the file
+ fclose($file_handle);
+ // delete the file
+ unlink($filename);
+} // end of for - mode_counter
+echo "Done\n";
+*** Testing fgetss() : usage variations ***
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using w+ mode --
+-- Reading line by line with allowable tags: <test>, <html>, <?> --
+-- Line 1 --
+string(40) "<test>Testing fgetss() functions</test>
+-- Line 2 --
+string(10) " {;} this
+-- Line 3 --
+string(44) "is a heredoc string. ksklnm@@$$&$&^%&^%&^%&
+-- Line 4 --
+string(21) "<html> html </html>
+-- Line 5 --
+string(43) "this line is without any html and php tags
+-- Line 6 --
+string(79) "this is a line with more than eighty character,want to check line splitting cor"
+-- Line 7 --
+string(27) "rectly after 80 characters
+-- Line 8 --
+string(46) "this text contains some html tags body br
+-- Line 9 --
+string(23) "this is the line with
+-- Line 10 --
+string(12) " character. "
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using w+b mode --
+-- Reading line by line with allowable tags: <test>, <html>, <?> --
+-- Line 1 --
+string(40) "<test>Testing fgetss() functions</test>
+-- Line 2 --
+string(10) " {;} this
+-- Line 3 --
+string(44) "is a heredoc string. ksklnm@@$$&$&^%&^%&^%&
+-- Line 4 --
+string(21) "<html> html </html>
+-- Line 5 --
+string(43) "this line is without any html and php tags
+-- Line 6 --
+string(79) "this is a line with more than eighty character,want to check line splitting cor"
+-- Line 7 --
+string(27) "rectly after 80 characters
+-- Line 8 --
+string(46) "this text contains some html tags body br
+-- Line 9 --
+string(23) "this is the line with
+-- Line 10 --
+string(12) " character. "
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using w+t mode --
+-- Reading line by line with allowable tags: <test>, <html>, <?> --
+-- Line 1 --
+string(40) "<test>Testing fgetss() functions</test>
+-- Line 2 --
+string(10) " {;} this
+-- Line 3 --
+string(44) "is a heredoc string. ksklnm@@$$&$&^%&^%&^%&
+-- Line 4 --
+string(21) "<html> html </html>
+-- Line 5 --
+string(43) "this line is without any html and php tags
+-- Line 6 --
+string(79) "this is a line with more than eighty character,want to check line splitting cor"
+-- Line 7 --
+string(27) "rectly after 80 characters
+-- Line 8 --
+string(46) "this text contains some html tags body br
+-- Line 9 --
+string(23) "this is the line with
+-- Line 10 --
+string(12) " character. "
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using a+ mode --
+-- Reading line by line with allowable tags: <test>, <html>, <?> --
+-- Line 1 --
+string(40) "<test>Testing fgetss() functions</test>
+-- Line 2 --
+string(10) " {;} this
+-- Line 3 --
+string(44) "is a heredoc string. ksklnm@@$$&$&^%&^%&^%&
+-- Line 4 --
+string(21) "<html> html </html>
+-- Line 5 --
+string(43) "this line is without any html and php tags
+-- Line 6 --
+string(79) "this is a line with more than eighty character,want to check line splitting cor"
+-- Line 7 --
+string(27) "rectly after 80 characters
+-- Line 8 --
+string(46) "this text contains some html tags body br
+-- Line 9 --
+string(23) "this is the line with
+-- Line 10 --
+string(12) " character. "
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using a+b mode --
+-- Reading line by line with allowable tags: <test>, <html>, <?> --
+-- Line 1 --
+string(40) "<test>Testing fgetss() functions</test>
+-- Line 2 --
+string(10) " {;} this
+-- Line 3 --
+string(44) "is a heredoc string. ksklnm@@$$&$&^%&^%&^%&
+-- Line 4 --
+string(21) "<html> html </html>
+-- Line 5 --
+string(43) "this line is without any html and php tags
+-- Line 6 --
+string(79) "this is a line with more than eighty character,want to check line splitting cor"
+-- Line 7 --
+string(27) "rectly after 80 characters
+-- Line 8 --
+string(46) "this text contains some html tags body br
+-- Line 9 --
+string(23) "this is the line with
+-- Line 10 --
+string(12) " character. "
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using a+t mode --
+-- Reading line by line with allowable tags: <test>, <html>, <?> --
+-- Line 1 --
+string(40) "<test>Testing fgetss() functions</test>
+-- Line 2 --
+string(10) " {;} this
+-- Line 3 --
+string(44) "is a heredoc string. ksklnm@@$$&$&^%&^%&^%&
+-- Line 4 --
+string(21) "<html> html </html>
+-- Line 5 --
+string(43) "this line is without any html and php tags
+-- Line 6 --
+string(79) "this is a line with more than eighty character,want to check line splitting cor"
+-- Line 7 --
+string(27) "rectly after 80 characters
+-- Line 8 --
+string(46) "this text contains some html tags body br
+-- Line 9 --
+string(23) "this is the line with
+-- Line 10 --
+string(12) " character. "
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using x+ mode --
+-- Reading line by line with allowable tags: <test>, <html>, <?> --
+-- Line 1 --
+string(40) "<test>Testing fgetss() functions</test>
+-- Line 2 --
+string(10) " {;} this
+-- Line 3 --
+string(44) "is a heredoc string. ksklnm@@$$&$&^%&^%&^%&
+-- Line 4 --
+string(21) "<html> html </html>
+-- Line 5 --
+string(43) "this line is without any html and php tags
+-- Line 6 --
+string(79) "this is a line with more than eighty character,want to check line splitting cor"
+-- Line 7 --
+string(27) "rectly after 80 characters
+-- Line 8 --
+string(46) "this text contains some html tags body br
+-- Line 9 --
+string(23) "this is the line with
+-- Line 10 --
+string(12) " character. "
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using x+b mode --
+-- Reading line by line with allowable tags: <test>, <html>, <?> --
+-- Line 1 --
+string(40) "<test>Testing fgetss() functions</test>
+-- Line 2 --
+string(10) " {;} this
+-- Line 3 --
+string(44) "is a heredoc string. ksklnm@@$$&$&^%&^%&^%&
+-- Line 4 --
+string(21) "<html> html </html>
+-- Line 5 --
+string(43) "this line is without any html and php tags
+-- Line 6 --
+string(79) "this is a line with more than eighty character,want to check line splitting cor"
+-- Line 7 --
+string(27) "rectly after 80 characters
+-- Line 8 --
+string(46) "this text contains some html tags body br
+-- Line 9 --
+string(23) "this is the line with
+-- Line 10 --
+string(12) " character. "
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using x+t mode --
+-- Reading line by line with allowable tags: <test>, <html>, <?> --
+-- Line 1 --
+string(40) "<test>Testing fgetss() functions</test>
+-- Line 2 --
+string(10) " {;} this
+-- Line 3 --
+string(44) "is a heredoc string. ksklnm@@$$&$&^%&^%&^%&
+-- Line 4 --
+string(21) "<html> html </html>
+-- Line 5 --
+string(43) "this line is without any html and php tags
+-- Line 6 --
+string(79) "this is a line with more than eighty character,want to check line splitting cor"
+-- Line 7 --
+string(27) "rectly after 80 characters
+-- Line 8 --
+string(46) "this text contains some html tags body br
+-- Line 9 --
+string(23) "this is the line with
+-- Line 10 --
+string(12) " character. "
--- /dev/null
+Test fgetss() function : usage variations - read modes, file pointer at EOF
+ Prototype: string fgetss ( resource $handle [, int $length [, string $allowable_tags]] );
+ Description: Gets line from file pointer and strip HTML tags
+// include the common file related test functions
+include ("file.inc");
+echo "*** Testing fgetss() : usage variations ***\n";
+/* string with html and php tags */
+$string_with_tags = <<<EOT
+<test>Testing fgetss() functions</test>
+<?php echo "this string is within php tag"; ?> {;}<{> this
+is a heredoc string. <pg>ksklnm@@$$&$&^%&^%&^%&</pg>
+<html> html </html> <?php echo "php"; ?>
+this line is without any html and php tags
+this is a line with more than eighty character,want to check line splitting correctly after 80 characters
+this is the text containing \r character
+this text contains some html tags <body> body </body> <br> br </br>
+this is the line with \n character.
+$filename = dirname(__FILE__)."/fgetss_variation4.tmp";
+/* try reading the file opened in different modes of reading */
+$file_modes = array("r","rb", "rt","r+", "r+b", "r+t");
+for($mode_counter = 0; $mode_counter < count($file_modes); $mode_counter++) {
+ echo "\n-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using $file_modes[$mode_counter] mode --\n";
+ /* create an empty file and write the strings with tags */
+ create_file ($filename); //create an empty file
+ file_put_contents($filename, $string_with_tags);
+ $file_handle = fopen($filename, $file_modes[$mode_counter]);
+ if(!$file_handle) {
+ echo "Error: failed to open file $filename!\n";
+ exit();
+ }
+ // rewind the file pointer to begining of the file
+ var_dump( filesize($filename) );
+ var_dump( rewind($file_handle) );
+ var_dump( ftell($file_handle) );
+ var_dump( feof($file_handle) );
+ echo "-- Reading when file pointer points to EOF --\n";
+ var_dump( fseek($file_handle,0,SEEK_END) ); // now file pointer at end
+ var_dump( ftell($file_handle) ); //ensure file pointer at end
+ var_dump( fgetss($file_handle) ); // try to read
+ var_dump( ftell($file_handle) ); // find out file position
+ var_dump( feof($file_handle) ); // ensure that file pointer is at eof
+ // now file is at the end try reading with length and allowable tags,expecting false
+ var_dump( fgetss($file_handle, 80, "<test>, <html>, <?>") );
+ var_dump( ftell($file_handle) ); // find out file position
+ var_dump( feof($file_handle) ); // ensure that file pointer is at eof
+ // close the file
+ fclose($file_handle);
+ // delete the file
+ delete_file($filename);
+} // end of for - mode_counter
+echo "Done\n";
+*** Testing fgetss() : usage variations ***
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using r mode --
+-- Reading when file pointer points to EOF --
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using rb mode --
+-- Reading when file pointer points to EOF --
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using rt mode --
+-- Reading when file pointer points to EOF --
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using r+ mode --
+-- Reading when file pointer points to EOF --
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using r+b mode --
+-- Reading when file pointer points to EOF --
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using r+t mode --
+-- Reading when file pointer points to EOF --
--- /dev/null
+Test fgetss() function : usage variations - read/write modes, file pointer at EOF
+if (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) != 'WIN') {
+ die('skip.. only valid for Windows');
+ Prototype: string fgetss ( resource $handle [, int $length [, string $allowable_tags]] );
+ Description: Gets line from file pointer and strip HTML tags
+/* try fgetss on files which are opened in read/write modes
+ w+, w+b, w+t,
+ a+, a+b, a+t,
+ x+, x+b, x+t
+echo "*** Testing fgetss() : usage variations ***\n";
+/* string with html and php tags */
+$string_with_tags = <<<EOT
+<test>Testing fgetss() functions</test>
+<?php echo "this string is within php tag"; ?> {;}<{> this
+is a heredoc string. <pg>ksklnm@@$$&$&^%&^%&^%&</pg>
+<html> html </html> <?php echo "php"; ?>
+this line is without any html and php tags
+this is a line with more than eighty character,want to check line splitting correctly after 80 characters
+this text contains some html tags <body> body </body> <br> br </br>
+this is the line with \n character.
+$filename = dirname(__FILE__)."/fgetss_variation5.tmp";
+/* try reading the file opened in different modes of reading */
+$file_modes = array("w+","w+b", "w+t","a+", "a+b", "a+t","x+","x+b","x+t");
+for($mode_counter = 0; $mode_counter < count($file_modes); $mode_counter++) {
+ echo "\n-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using $file_modes[$mode_counter] mode --\n";
+ /* create an empty file and write the strings with tags */
+ $file_handle = fopen($filename, $file_modes[$mode_counter]);
+ fwrite($file_handle,$string_with_tags); //writing data to the file
+ if(!$file_handle) {
+ echo "Error: failed to open file $filename!\n";
+ exit();
+ }
+ // rewind the file pointer to begining of the file
+ var_dump( filesize($filename) );
+ var_dump( rewind($file_handle) );
+ var_dump( ftell($file_handle) );
+ var_dump( feof($file_handle) );
+ echo "-- Reading when file pointer points to EOF --\n";
+ var_dump( fseek($file_handle,0,SEEK_END) ); // now file pointer at end
+ var_dump( ftell($file_handle) ); //ensure file pointer at end
+ var_dump( fgetss($file_handle) ); // try to read
+ var_dump( ftell($file_handle) ); // find out file position
+ var_dump( feof($file_handle) ); // ensure that file pointer is at eof
+ // now file is at the end try reading with length and allowable tags,expecting false
+ var_dump( fgetss($file_handle, 80, "<test>, <html>, <?>") );
+ var_dump( ftell($file_handle) ); // find out file position
+ var_dump( feof($file_handle) ); // ensure that file pointer is at eof
+ // close the file
+ fclose($file_handle);
+ // delete the file
+ unlink($filename);
+} // end of for - mode_counter
+echo "Done\n";
+*** Testing fgetss() : usage variations ***
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using w+ mode --
+-- Reading when file pointer points to EOF --
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using w+b mode --
+-- Reading when file pointer points to EOF --
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using w+t mode --
+-- Reading when file pointer points to EOF --
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using a+ mode --
+-- Reading when file pointer points to EOF --
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using a+b mode --
+-- Reading when file pointer points to EOF --
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using a+t mode --
+-- Reading when file pointer points to EOF --
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using x+ mode --
+-- Reading when file pointer points to EOF --
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using x+b mode --
+-- Reading when file pointer points to EOF --
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using x+t mode --
+-- Reading when file pointer points to EOF --
--- /dev/null
+Test fgetss() function : usage variations - read/write modes, file pointer at EOF
+if (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == 'WIN') {
+ die('skip.. Not valid for Windows');
+ Prototype: string fgetss ( resource $handle [, int $length [, string $allowable_tags]] );
+ Description: Gets line from file pointer and strip HTML tags
+/* try fgetss on files which are opened in read/write modes
+ w+, w+b, w+t,
+ a+, a+b, a+t,
+ x+, x+b, x+t
+echo "*** Testing fgetss() : usage variations ***\n";
+/* string with html and php tags */
+$string_with_tags = <<<EOT
+<test>Testing fgetss() functions</test>
+<?php echo "this string is within php tag"; ?> {;}<{> this
+is a heredoc string. <pg>ksklnm@@$$&$&^%&^%&^%&</pg>
+<html> html </html> <?php echo "php"; ?>
+this line is without any html and php tags
+this is a line with more than eighty character,want to check line splitting correctly after 80 characters
+this text contains some html tags <body> body </body> <br> br </br>
+this is the line with \n character.
+$filename = dirname(__FILE__)."/fgetss_variation5.tmp";
+/* try reading the file opened in different modes of reading */
+$file_modes = array("w+","w+b", "w+t","a+", "a+b", "a+t","x+","x+b","x+t");
+for($mode_counter = 0; $mode_counter < count($file_modes); $mode_counter++) {
+ echo "\n-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using $file_modes[$mode_counter] mode --\n";
+ /* create an empty file and write the strings with tags */
+ $file_handle = fopen($filename, $file_modes[$mode_counter]);
+ fwrite($file_handle,$string_with_tags); //writing data to the file
+ if(!$file_handle) {
+ echo "Error: failed to open file $filename!\n";
+ exit();
+ }
+ // rewind the file pointer to begining of the file
+ var_dump( filesize($filename) );
+ var_dump( rewind($file_handle) );
+ var_dump( ftell($file_handle) );
+ var_dump( feof($file_handle) );
+ echo "-- Reading when file pointer points to EOF --\n";
+ var_dump( fseek($file_handle,0,SEEK_END) ); // now file pointer at end
+ var_dump( ftell($file_handle) ); //ensure file pointer at end
+ var_dump( fgetss($file_handle) ); // try to read
+ var_dump( ftell($file_handle) ); // find out file position
+ var_dump( feof($file_handle) ); // ensure that file pointer is at eof
+ // now file is at the end try reading with length and allowable tags,expecting false
+ var_dump( fgetss($file_handle, 80, "<test>, <html>, <?>") );
+ var_dump( ftell($file_handle) ); // find out file position
+ var_dump( feof($file_handle) ); // ensure that file pointer is at eof
+ // close the file
+ fclose($file_handle);
+ // delete the file
+ unlink($filename);
+} // end of for - mode_counter
+echo "Done\n";
+*** Testing fgetss() : usage variations ***
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using w+ mode --
+-- Reading when file pointer points to EOF --
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using w+b mode --
+-- Reading when file pointer points to EOF --
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using w+t mode --
+-- Reading when file pointer points to EOF --
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using a+ mode --
+-- Reading when file pointer points to EOF --
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using a+b mode --
+-- Reading when file pointer points to EOF --
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using a+t mode --
+-- Reading when file pointer points to EOF --
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using x+ mode --
+-- Reading when file pointer points to EOF --
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using x+b mode --
+-- Reading when file pointer points to EOF --
+-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using x+t mode --
+-- Reading when file pointer points to EOF --